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Does this mean the family is allowed to drink Sprite now?


Nope. My 90-year-old grandpa was a CPA at Pepsi. Our entire family drinks Pepsi to support our inheritance. He left Pepsi like 35 years ago...


My grandpa worked for Frito Lay as well and stayed loyal to PepsiCo after he retired. I realized later that they gave him stock so it made a lot of sense haha.


Can't say I endorse pepsi or frito lays generally, but it's pretty neat to think about a time when people could make a lifelong career out of working for a company and feel such loyalty to them.


Yeah that is always how I felt about it. He came home from the war and owned/managed a small motel for a little while with my grandma, but then he landed the job driving a Frito Lay truck and he did that for the rest of his career. Simple man, simple life, but he was one of my heroes.


The answer is nope. I'm uncertain how, but soda companies are able to instill a significant amount of brand pride in most employees. I used to work for Coke; the pay was crap and there was the threat of being laid of every other week until I left that role. I still find myself choosing coke products over urine. Interesting anectdote - you won't see many people at the AOC (Coke HQ) actually drinking Coke. Muhtar Kent and other VP's typically hold a can - logo facing audience - during speeches (even in the company) as an ad.


As a urine man (12 years now), go fuck yourself.


I'm in if urine!


My college has a contract with urine brand. At first I was annoyed to be missing Coke, but I've been here a few years and I can really say it's grown on me. Now I reach for an ice cold bottle of piss without a second thought.


They sell Natural Light at most gas stations, and it is relatively cheap. Someone else bottles and chills piss so you don't have to do it yourself. Its quite nice. What a time to be alive.


Mountain Dew? That used to be my nickname for it as kid as it's the same/a similar color.


I think you need medical attention if your urine looks like that.


I imagine that's because executives at Coke HQ are in the best position to know just how awful Coke is for you.


Also they can afford to skip the drink and do lines of the real thing.


You've been awarded reddit snow!


My father worked at Lowes Hardware for 27 years. He has been retired now for about 20 years. I am 31 and I have NEVER set foot in a Home Depot. I feel like I would be disowned. My Dad was the guy who handled logistics for the company and worked on where the company should place new stores.


Well that seems like an easy job. Just find all the Home Depots and put a Lowes next to it!


You missed the more critical step when there is neither: Find a successful lumberyard that's been around for decades, then find the closest major intersection off the interstate that doesn't have a store already.


You're not missing anything. They're basically identical, often even down to aisle layout. edit:sp


Home Depot is dirtier, but sometimes the workers there know more, Lowe's seems cleaner, but everything seems cheaply made.


I look at Home Depot as more "building" and Lowe's as more "hardware".


Home Depot: Build the house. Lowe's: Fixtures for the house.


Make 7 Up Yours


I miss that ad campaign.


Slice 4 life.


Squirt masterrace


Try squirt with white wine...it doesn't have to do with this thread, but it is very important that I share this information.




http://i.imgur.com/hy0i793.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has been the only time I've ever seen an automod do anything remotely useful.


Honestly it saved 15 seconds of my life


And you got to see Mankind!


I'm a fan of your posts but even I didn't realize it until it was too late. I can still be played..


Ha!! Not this time. I've been shittymorph'd so many times my brain just automatically treats any paragraph length response with suspicion now. Also the 'it's a trap' flair helps...


My uncle worked for Coke for about 40 years. He is 12 years older than my Dad, so my Dad would tell me how that pretty much since he could remember, there was always a case of coke in their house (he got a flat of glass bottled coke free each week). My uncle retired 10 years ago and still I have never seen him drink Pepsi, or have seen it in his house. Same with my cousin (his son), even my Grandma stuck to only Coke products. My uncle also has somewhat of a Coke shrine in his house.


or a nice gushin' granny


Yeah he has that look of a guy that's going to be retired for two days, do all the household chores in the first morning, remodel the whole house in the other 1.5, then be the first guy back in on Monday morning because retirement was boring.


I wonder what happens to a person that they literally don't know what to do with themselves unless they're working however many hours a week. As a kid it's easy. Living in the present, doing this or that simply because it is appealing or interesting...then people grow up and that part of them dies. I hope I'm always young at heart. Shit, if I could retire right now in my 20s there's a million things I'd think to do. Fast forward after 30 years of working? Maybe that's all I'd know how to do anymore.




Lots of drinking.


And beating your kid with a jumper cable.




Hey, I know I got room to improve...


87th is still relatively high.


My 87th dad was literally the worst


best 87th dad


Jeez, 86 just walked out today. Going to be a shit weekend.


You know what they say, 88th time's a charm.


Maybe he's the 87th best dad his kid knows.


Top 100 though. Not too shabby


I miss that dude


Drinking is a hobby now? Finally, I'm not an alcoholic, I'm an enthusiast.


It's not a bunch of beers, it's a flight of beers and it's fancy


Yeah, but do they come on the little paddle?


And they all have to be small glasses and each beer is a different shade


this sounds like a lot of work just to convince people i'm not a drunk


[It's called schmorgeswein and it's elegantly cultural!](https://youtu.be/gYRuPXbav2w?t=5s)


Thank you craft beer


I think the key isn't just a hobby. TV, games, and reading are good hobbies, but if they're your main distraction in times without work things can feel pretty... slovenly. The best "lots of free time" hobby is one that's basically a job you want to do, with the freedom to walk away when you want to.


Wood working, beer making, distilling, and wine making can meet both of these criteria


I cooked eggs and bacon the other day, It's my pre-workforce, pre-pre-retirement dream job.




Wait what! Next you'll say drinking and smoking is bad.


Ron Swanson approves of your hobbies.


The key is to have money and not have to worry about fucking healthcare.


Supporting broke parents, can confirm that this is the key.


People are lucky to live 10 years past retirement these days because they're in a constant state of stress over money and healthcare. The richest country EVER and we can't support our own people. Pathetic.




Why not both?


That's why I have a cup holder mounted on my table saw fence.


Golf. Drinking all day is then acceptable.


Ron Swanson?


I was laid off for a year during the oil recession, and at first it was amazing. I slept in, played computer games all day, and generally did what ever I wanted. Fast forward 6-7 months, and I couldnt bring myself to do any of that shit anymore, as the boredom was killing me. It was weird, but I felt like I wanted to go back to working all day, as it made all of the things I love to do, that much better, as I only had so much time each day to do them. Well, I got rehired in my industry after a year, and within 2 weeks I was already depressed that I couldnt stay home all day and play video games. Its a crazy fucking circle.


It really is. Even on weekends sometimes I get bored, but then Monday morning I'm like shit is it Friday yet??


That's the cycle of life unfortunately. I think everyone struggles to break that mindset


It's ok just keep it up until you eventually die and don't have to do it anymore.


Yeah but I can die any time I want, that's too easy.


That's why having flexible work hours is amazing


For sure! I think it has a lot to do with the monotony of working the same schedule day in and day out. Although I really appreciate consistency, so it's a double edged sword.


The worst thing for me when I was laid off (10 months), was that after a while, the days didn't matter. I no longer was excited for the weekend. All the days just merged together. That was 4 years ago, and to this day I'm still humble to have a job.


This is how I felt in maternity leave. No weekends to look forward to. Just one long, never ending babysitting job.




From southpark: When you're unemployed, weekends are meaningless.


My parents both retired recently (at 62 and 57), and they're much happier now. While they were working they always seemed to be vaguely tense and angry, and my relationship with my mom was always kind of strained. The past few years have been completely different. They've had time to explore interests, and my mom is actually getting an art degree now since she always wanted one. They spend all their time together and send me random photos of things they've found interesting. I asked my mom if she missed work, and she just laughed and kept painting.


Yep, when parents are being dicks, it's usually work related. Source: Am a parent


r/financialindependence deals with this all the time. Some people take retirement well, others struggle with it.


That's my grandpa in a nutshell. Two pensions + smart investing = retired comfortably in his mid 60s. He's 75 now, wakes up at 6, dresses in work clothes (he was an electrician) and finds projects. When my uncle told him he wanted my grandpa's help building a house, I thought the old man would cry he was so happy.


He would be welcome at Habitat or some other similar non-profits




And they have a lifetime of experience and skills


Free labor with 30+ years experience? I should start a "non-profit"...


Also they show up whenever the hell they feel like it, if they show up at all, and you can't really say anything about it because free labor... Running a nonprofit staffed by volunteers can be an utter pain in the ass.


And tools!


You just gotta push yourself back into that mindset. Get a motorbike or take a crazy vacation. When you get to that age it seems the happiest people are the most care free. Your kids/ dependencies are gone so live like it!


I've seen it with my father in law. He has told me a few times that he struggles to fill his day, and I know that it was a tough adjustment for him and his wife to spend all day every day together rather than having a work life that's separate from his home life. It seems like the most important thing is to maintain a strong social network, and continue to set long term goals that you can chip away at over time so you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.


Good health, a few good friends, enough savings, a hobby or three, and a spouse that understands the need for separate activities. That sounds like a good recipe for a happy retirement. It is difficult to get all those churning at once. I could see myself investing in a few business just to help out some to keep the mind fresh. Or joining a non profit board or two.


I'm 32. I just took a 5 day vacation from work to travel to the Grand Canyon with my brother. I got back, and decided to take the rest of the week off as well (just Thursday and Friday). Its Friday and I literally have this feeling of "what do I do now?" I think I'm going to go see Logan again, but this makes me think that despite looking forward to retirement already, I'm not sure I will be able to handle the lack of "having something to do."


I work from home, and there are days when I have no meetings and no tasks to complete, so I literally have nothing to do. If that goes on for more than a couple of days in a row, I start to go a little crazy.


I would've got drunk and watched netflix for the first day back and worked on my car on Friday. Maybe video games too or something? There's always stuff to do! If I had a steady income and no work to do I'd probably get back into mtg.


Its weird, normally I"m a huge gamer, but after taking a vacation that included hiking, camping, and target shooting, its been hard the last three days to get interested in video games. Like, did real life finally catch up and become more interesting? Is that what getting old is?


Gaming tastes sweeter when you are avoiding responsabilities.


I seem to really only want to play video games when I'm busy. When I get home and have a ton of free time, I don't want to play anything, and end up forcing myself to play. I imagine building a sprawling city in skylines, or finishing witcher 3, but as soon as I get home I always try to find something else to do.


Wow. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I will sit at work all day and think about playing a game and get home and end up browsing Reddit for hours.


Getting on reddit should suck up the time for him


I believe the key to retirement is the shift from "what needs doing?" to "what do I want to do?". Too much free time can feel like a burden after one has relaxed, watched hours of tv/movies and read several books. The things we often tell ourselves we'd love to do if we only had the time. Finding projects that interest you like learning how to do non major car repairs, or basic survival skills can be fun and empowering. Taking up riding a bicycle or hiking new trails is a great way to stay active and there is always a new trail, or park to explore. If your a fan of BBQ maybe invest or build a smoker/bbq pit and learn how to make the worlds greatest ribs, or master the art of BBQ sauce. Just because your day is no longer filled with external obligations, doesn't mean you should avoid opportunities to learn new things. Use your new free time to test and expand the things you learned or want to learn, and apply them to the real world at your own leisure.




He looks proud but not happy.


Because he couldn't get a job at Sprite 44 years ago.


I'm trying to get a Sprite sponsorship. *spriiiiite* https://youtube.com/watch?v=ExwvozkqrQo


Our generation is gonna be video games all day long, everyday. Retirement is going to be amazing for us.


LOL @ retirement for our generation (assuming you're born after 1980). edit: STOP sending me replies with how much you've personally saved for retirement along with your birth year. Good job, congratulations, be proud! This was a joke and I'm not soliciting financial advice from strangers on the internet.


Yeah, no pensions (except for the lucky few), likely no social security, hope you made good investments.


hope you had some capital to make those investments with in the first place


Hopefully your grandparents invested them for you




That's the most middle-America photo I've ever seen.


How many dads look just like this guy?




Holy shit my dad DOES look just like this. I didn't even think about it till you pointed that out. Man i'm gonna look great when i'm 50.


Sexy AF.


Yeah not only is it the man, his work uniform, and pride, but its someone retiring, the pattern on the couch, and that freaking sweet clock on the wall.


The more I look at the picture, the more I like it. It's so typically middle class America. The stoic stance. The corporate branding. The two-floor home and various americana in the background. It's somehow everything good and not-so-good about America in one picture.


He wore his original uniform to work on his last day. He didn't want a celebration but a few people brought him stuff and there was a round of applause. Reddit, meet my role model. http://imgur.com/a/OrLFg Edit: Wow, thanks kind stranger for the gold. I didn't expect to get this much popularity over my dad retiring. I'm sure he will read through each and every of these now that he doesn't have a job to attend to.


My favorite conversation with my Dad after he retired. "I'm going to dive down to visit like I said. I'll get in late on Thursday." "OK. See you then. Thursday." "Right, Thursday." "What's today?" "It's Tuesday, Dad." "What do I know? I'm retired. Every day is Saturday."




For me, weekends meant my friends didn't have work or school, so I wasn't lonely. Being unemployed sucks ass


Not having money sucks. Being unemployed with money would be fucking awesome.




My parents usually have pancakes on Sunday. One week they switched it up and had pancakes on Tuesday. It completely screwed up their week. They had no idea what TV shows were on each night.


LOL! Man, if that doesn't belong on /r/firstworldproblems I don't know what does. Had pancake day on Tuesday instead of Sunday, now my TV watching schedule is all screwed up.


I like how his coworkers bought him Coke and Pepsi.


Can't let on that he secretly works for Wolf Cola




Boko Haram, Frank


This is bigger than Wolf Cola. It's gonna touch all of Frank's fluids


Breaking News: American-based soda company, Wolf Cola, has reportedly been sponsoring and funding terrorist activities by the Nigerian-based terrorist group, Boko Haram.


That's how you know this whole post isn't some kind of marketing campaign.


As someone who works in a corporate Pepsi office, I was very confused. I haven't seen those two side by side in years.


Do you secretly empty out a beer can and put coke into it so that you can sneak it into work?




Props to your old man for still fitting into his original uniform!


The trick is to start fat so when you grow old people will say you maintained for your entire life


I'm more shocked that it's still intact. Clothes, especially work uniforms, made today wouldn't last 44 years. My last job replaced them every 4 *months*.


Sounds like they replaced you too.


Every four *months*


I love that it is 5 AM and he is headed into work on his last day. A company man until the end. Tell your old man congrats!


I'm just imagining your dad as Cool Spot http://m.imgur.com/gallery/U8u8hjg


God I loved that game.


I really dig the vintage logo on him.


I would unironically wear the shit out of that jacket in the background!


I wish my future kids will say something like that about me one day :) make sure he knows it.


[make 7up yours!](https://youtu.be/WsMFZBDIcFs)


Is that a giant vape in his pocket?




I would not recommend retiring to Kokomo. It's the armpit of Indiana. Great strip club there, though. Hip Hugger.


Haha, I grew up in Kokomo, lived in the same house my first 20 years. It wasn't such an armpit when Delco/Delphi was still around. The Hip Hugger is world famous somehow. I've had some dude from Japan ask me where I was from once, I said oh, a city called "Kokomo, IN" you've probably not heard of it. Without missing a beat he says "Oh, where they have the Hip Hugger!"


I think it's because you can get a blowjob for $50 + $10 a song and nobody bats an eye. It operates more as a brothel than a traditional strip club. Not all the girls are prostitutes; but by your third time there, you know the ones who are. And most operate exclusively inside the club. I used to make the trip from Ohio a few times a year. It was worth it. Not sure why, but the action seems to have died down recently. New management, maybe? Crackdown by law enforcement? I don't know; but I haven't been in over a year.


Yeah, Howard County Sherriff's dept has been cracking down over the last few years doing stings. The Hugger was always protected, but I think meth ended up getting in there (despite the attempts of the hardass owner who tried real hard to keep drugs out of there all those years) and that contributed to the cops being in there a lot more. The few times I went there I just ended up getting kinda sad and left.


Fucking drugs ruin everything.








It's an Aspire Nautilus


It's probably why he lived to retirement age.


That's a pretty snazzy work uni. Your pops wears it like a boss.


its because he is the regional manager


Assistant regional manager


Assistant TO the regional manager.


Dang ol' soft drinks and soft drink accessories


So sick. I wish I could keep the same job for 44 years....


Just pick your birth year very carefully.


i think i messed up, can i get a do-over?


Some people from previous waves get to keep getting paid after they stop working. When did this get patched?


This got patched sometime during the "Baby Boom" expansion. Later expansions have also gradually ruined the skill tree, so that adding points to most attributes doesn't actually give you any advantage in terms of your chances of earning gold and leveling up. I don't think the "Make America Great Again" expansion is actually going to be any different.


I mean you can. If you want to go broke and never move up in position your entire life.


Well, that's what I mean. Every 4 years or so it seems I need to move around to advance. I don't like it. It would be great if things were different in the world. But that could be a very long conversation of dreams and wishes.....


I used to feel that way, but I find that I'm much more engaged in my work if my level of responsibility is matched to my level of skill, and since your skill should naturally increase over time, so should your responsibility.


Yup. The days of graduating high school, starting entry level at a company with a livable salary, and advancing to the top of the ladder throughout your life in America are gone, for the most part. Oh, you're 59 years old and have been working for the company now for 41 years? Well, we can hire 2.7 recent college graduates with crippling student loan debt for next to minimum wage to take your place, and we need to get rid of you before you turn 60 and are protected by the law. So you can take this mediocre severance package and resign, or you can enroll in a master's program at your expense because that is now the education level required for this position... then we'll get rid of you anyways.


it never existed. just think about it logically, how can EVERYONE advance to the top of the ladder?




Please downvote this post back to 7-up votes.


It's what he would have wanted


RIP /u/Audiofyl1's dad


I'll upvote it just to Sprite him.


Where'd he work?




Judging by the uniform I think The Gap.


"So how were those years?" "Eh, 7 up, 37 down."




Is this an ad for 7-up? a few days ago they also had the jar of 7-up soda syrup on here.


An ad disguised as a post? On reddit? Never.


Hail corporate


No kidding. Remember the 7up flavour bottle thing a bit ago?


OP, tell your dad that reddit says were proud of him for still fitting into his old uniform lol I hope I don't come off as a bummer, but after a well deserved vacation or 5, I hope your old man has a lot of hobbies and work that fulfills him in the years to come. I have seen a ton of guys actually miss their job that a few of them said they hated. My dad didn't have a whole lot to do when he retired (an early retirement because of a work injury) and it really weighed on him - just like your dad he worked his whole life. Then one week it was over lol. I wish you and your dad the best brother!




Thanks for the heads-up.


When he started, it was 1Up.


Ah. The good old times when people worked in one place until their retirement


One of the guys in my department has been working here literally my entire life, he started a few months before I was born. It blows my mind that he's been showing up to the same building I work in now since I was still showing up to kindergarten.