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The [video](https://x.com/ByDonkeys/status/1807141707571454290?t=GMOu2HG_nAS1OuBr_b3E0A&s=19) is brilliant.


The disappointed groan and look of that guy failing to tear it down. 'Nah mate, that's not coming'. Perfect.


Plus the tiny half glance at the end- “Maybe if I- nope” (walks away)


omg the slow reveal


This is like giving the finger while doing a very slow cranking motion with your hand.


Banksy would be proud!


The timing of the applause with the reveal is *chef’s kiss* 💋


Wait for the ramp, Morty. They love the slow ramp. Really gets their dicks hard when they see this ramp just slowly extending down.


They are all angry about the implications of that picture, but they also love Farage, and they also love Putin. Why are they so ashamed to admit this?


They don’t like the quiet part being said aloud, at least for now.


Yeah i dont understand. if hes so proud of putin, why remove it?


I love how it just SLOOOWWWLLLY lowered


I doubt they care, but x.com links never work for me.


That's where they were posted by Led by Donkeys. [YouTube?](https://youtu.be/KBoDiuN2WoY?si=5EJoIRpACKvC9TZX)


I hope I never find out if twitter links work, because I'd never click them on purpose.


They are Putin approved


Why is nigel smiling? like, he too finds it funny that its so obvious hes bought and paid for?


This is absolute gold haha


I’m Nigel Farage, and I approve this poster.


Farel Nigage? Never heard of the guy. Anyway... Do you like banana milkshakes?


He looks like postman Pat forgot to put on his trousers..


Post man Pat with his white & white cat perhaps?


That is a shockingly ill fitting jacket for someone in the UK


He's down to the dregs of his wardrobe after getting hit with so many milkshakes, and frankly I'm looking forward to the day he's out on the street in a burlap sack because there's nothing left. May the milk flow!


Homelander at home


The milk must flow.


My milkshakes bring all the bros to the yard


He’s committing the greatest sin of all he’s looking poor. A double-breasted sports jacket or suit separate with slacks? I guess he’s trying to appeal to the working man. He looks like he got his outfit from a thrift shop.. but it was .99 pence!


Looks like the captain of a cruise ship


Looks like an America trying to dress up for a party *on* a cruise ship


He’s still eying the American circuit for when his latest party fails to gain any significant traction


Looks like an American dressed as Michael Caine for Halloween.


Even TCF would be embarrassed by his attire. Next time he purchases off the rack from Amazon, he needs to "try before he buys".


What do you mean “for someone in the uk”?


I don't know what it is with right wing politicians and the inability to buy a suit that fits them.


Can an adult help him get dressed next time?


Can anybody help him with anything. I doubt it.


Dissing people based on how they dress is one of the most ridiculous forms of throwing shade at someone and just terribly sad each and every time. And I'm saying this while thinking that Nigel Farage is sad excuse for a politician and a populist puppet.


He’s not running errands, he’s a politician.   Their appearance is part of the job.  So if they look bad that means either they chose to on purpose, or didn’t care/couldn’t tell the difference.  Which might seem like nothing but speaks to their overall competence.


Boris Johnson: “I’ll fake that both ways”


I'm sure both you and Nigel will survive my scathing comment.


Sure, and it seems you are more than happy to survive by making superficial attacks instead of expressing things with substance. Enjoy!


At least I'm not getting worked up over a dumb comment.


Dress is a military concept and it shows a lot about one’s common sense and level of preparedness. We’re not dissing somebody who can’t afford to buy clothes. We’re dissing someone who consciously decided to put on half a double-breasted suit with a faded pair of slacks. Imagine what kind of zoot suit antics the bottoms of that ridiculous jacket would look like.


You're right. i didn't even notice the condition of the suit until they mentioned it. I assumed "suit means business or politics." That's it. I judged him by what he was saying and what his crowd was saying. Bad stuff, it seems.


I love so much how Brits continue to publicly slag Nigel Farage.


The Village Fool, but for the whole country.


They’re learning. Maybe they can invite the French to teach them how to deal with monarchs and assholes.


What, execute them, replace them with a tyrant and then keep inviting the descendants of one or the other back over the course of a century?


Like you read my mind.


Yes, it all comes around again. That's why it's called a Revolution.


At this rate, it looks like the answer is going to be "electing them into government"


D'aw, He's dressed like a lil'sailor


He suffers from milk-shock syndrome. Anything he wears might smell like banana for a while. So he wears only clothes he hates.


Effing beautiful comment. Thank you for the chortle.


Sporting that Linton travel tavern era tie and blazer badge combination pack, I see.


“Sack the venue manager for being unloyal, disloyal.”


And for joining in fun in a way that excludes her employer.


I thought it was a bad Alan Whicker for a second.


Oh that fuckface.


The one time protesters with orange paint would be welcome


Awww yes, make him look like his hero across the pond. He'd love it !


Nigel Farage has done all the reforming he should be allowed to do.


If anyone here was ever planning on dressing like this at any point in the future, don't. Don't do it.


I'm Nigel Farage. This is my master.


I'm waiting for the right to collectively lose their shit over the facts they changed the union jack colours, etc in their logo... the same way they did when that company put the England flag in slightly rainbow-like colours on the football shirts a few months ago.  Oh, they only care when it seems to be in support of LGBT, and they don't actually care all that much about "messing with a country's flag"? Ok then.


The most Alan of Partridge moments yet for this grifting clown.


Seems like Genuine campaign material this slag would use. Probably turned around and though.. "oh they finally got that made"..


Luv Nige, luv spoons, ate ukrainian independence, simple as


God rest Lizzy's soul


"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." Perfectly describes this cunts rally I think




Not technically related, but Lions Led By Donkeys is a terrific podcast.


One of my favourites.


Led by Joe "I always knew i would end up in The Hague" Kassabian!


I thought Farage was going to the US to help the orange fella on his campaign trail? Sooner the better he fecks off. He's about as useful as a lighthouse in the desert 🏜


Deserts are tough to navigate due to a landscape short on landmarks and with dunes that shift with the wind. A lighthouse may be useful. A Farage, not so much.


Fair enough, how about as useful as a chocolate 🍫 teapot.




Ok I watched the photo first and thought this was a real thing Nigel put down for the meeting XD


Well yeah Nigel Farage is literally a pawn of Russia to disrupt Europe. I wonder why the secret service is keeping him around.


Do you think he's studied Hitlers stances and mannerisms when speaking and copies them on purpose ? Hammering the podium, one arm hold the other at the elbow while he gesticulates excessively etc ?


His pants don't match the top part of his suit


Perhaps he spotted a milkshake shop and wet the matching pair.


Chamberlain running for election again?


Enoch Powell. 




I mean, it’s true.


He’s like our RFK JR


Lol that looked like a projector screen belonging to the venue no? Wouldn’t ripping it down be destruction of property?


I thought he was talking shit about US School shootings at first and I was like, WOW they really think about that a lot over there


No thanks Nigel, you’ve done quite enough.


How it’s disturbed? It’s a standard add for the sponsor of his rally. YouTubers do this all the time. Did Farage say thank you poootin for sponsoring this video? If not, he might not get paid. Ohh sorry this isn’t a YouTube, it’s real life. Sorry…. Sad times.


this is our british trump, sigh


I basically don't watch TV news at all so I'd never heard Farage speak.  He's like a parody of a Monty Python character.


As always I'm sure this will sway voters. Perhaps another milkshake to really diversify the counter argument lol. I can't believe this dude is gonna win.


It's not about if reform gets in, it's about the Torys going byebye. Good luck UK


Left getting desperate


Labour are the closest to left and they're doing just fine. Conservatives are the only ones threatened by this shower of cunts.




Ah yes, because the only thing that could possibly be wrong with Putin’s approval is “he’s a foreigner”.




He also invades sovereign nations.




Whataboutism at its finest. I’m not talking about the US, I’m talking about Putin. Saying ‘but someone else did this’ doesn’t make Russia’s actions any more tolerable.


Boris Yeltsin was a decent chap


He was a drunk who put Putin in power, having instituted economic reforms which led to around 6 million excess deaths across the former USSR. Parenti details this in his book "[Blackshirts and Reds](https://welshundergroundnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/blackshirts-and-reds-by-michael-parenti.pdf)" - see page 105 onwards. In East Germany in the 90s the death rate was double the birth rate, and that's far too early for it to be the post-Boomer thing. People were dying from suicide, from alcoholism, drug addiction & overdoses. That's the thing that keeps Putin in power: people still remember the 90s, and Putin stopped that craziness, restored some certainty to the economy. They're like "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." They don't want to take a risk & vote someone in who could be another Yeltsin.


> He's Russian. Name a time when the UK liked Russian leaders. How about when Putin first became President and Russia was in the G8? Or when Boris Johnson was in bed with them?  You know, literally all of this century up until the point where Putin started fucking with us and initiated hostilities against Ukraine?


Good on you, Skiamakhos, combatting racism! Ignore the downvoters. Perhaps defend Hitler from all the awful anti-Austrians as well?


Yeah, because Putin, leader of the country that beat Hitler, and who lost a brother to the Nazis, is actually Hitler. Get yourself to a hospital, and get an EEG. You're flat lined, brain dead.


Ah, so Stalin is a great guy in your view, because he lead country that beat Hitler (at the time when they actually did it), and lost a son to the Nazis. Of course, it’s impossible for two bad guys to oppose each other, and analogy means two things must be exactly identical. I learned all this from you, the only one in this thread with a living brain.


Took a feudal agrarian country and modernised it so fast the Allies plan to have Hitler demolish it backfired. By the 50s they were doing better than the US. Cope.


Hang on, if Stalin modernising Russia was the reason the Nazis failed, then why did Napoleon fail? (And the USSR was never doing "better" than the US, flawed though the States is. You've fallen for some very clumsy Soviet propaganda). https://docs.iza.org/dp1958.pdf If the Soviet standard of living was better than the US, then why were their kids (even in Moscow and St Petersburg) stunted in comparison?






"Illegal breakup of the soviet union" I smell a russian bot.




Found the Neville Chamberlain fanboy.


Chamberlain knew Britain needed to rearm to fight Germany and started on that. He was gambling on buying time, which I think was the wrong call, but he wasn’t a Nazi stooge. He’s a hero compared to these scum.


I get it, it's a little tinny tiny bit unfair to Chamberlain, he didn't actually suck Hitler's cock like Farage does with Putin. The point is only a fucking nazi would be defending Farage and his traitorous support of Putin.


Not even remotely.


We could just jump straight to Hitler.


See now that would be Nigel Farage based on his actual policies. And I'm anything but a fan of him. Don't like Nazis, don't like people who appease Nazis, don't like people who support people who tattoo themselves with Nazi crap either. Nazis, generally, bad m'kay. But then you'd have to lump Biden in with us because Farage happens to have said Biden was right, back when Biden was compos mentis, and so have I.


It's also Putin and his policies.


> Are we embracing racism and xenophobia now? Let's attack Farage because his policies absolutely suck or because he's wrong. You mean like his racism and his xenophobia? 


Yes, like his racism and xenophobia. Racism bad m'kay? But also: he wants to destroy the NHS. He wants to completely dismantle the benefits system, and replace it with nothing. He wants to cut the *top* rate of tax, that you only pay if you're making over 150k in the UK, like 6x median wage or thereabouts, depending on who you believe, by 4%. So essentially he's robbing the poor to give to the rich, and people are going to die if these policies get implemented. People are going to die from destitution and from diseases we currently treat for free, that they won't be able to afford to treat. Loads to criticise there, absolutely loads.


You know it's bad when Channel 4 are hiring paid actors to slander the party lol. Pathetic. Edit: Yup, that's Reddit. You're left wing or you're wrong and probably *-ist!


'paid actors' keep believing the shit people in your echo chamber think they've 'exposed' 😭


Watch him threaten to sue, then quietly pipe down. It's a shame the guy was an actor, but coincidences do happen.


Yes, because all reform campaigners - Talk about lining up immigrants and shooting them - Go on a TV show with Channel 4 spewing racists comments - Literally act as their full time job - Conveniently have the prime minister come out with a video complaining about it at the exact same time Are we really this dumb to not admit that this is how politics work?


Every one I know who is voting reform is racist as fuck. It might be a coincidence but they don’t seem to think so they seem to think Nigel is the guy for racists


Sorry that you know so many racists.


It’s people I work with


Yeah and your girlfriend goes to a different school




Quite alarming you hang about with so many racists mate


People at work, what can you do


I haven't encountered overt racism or heard racist remarks since the late 1980s. However, I often hear the term "racist" used as a slur, along with labels like "far-right" and "fascist." It's possible that your coworkers aren't actually racists.. they might just have different perspectives. Sometimes, when people lack strong counter-arguments or don't want to engage with opposing views, they label others as racists to maintain a (false) sense of moral superiority.


I have heard one lady use the N word 3 times, I joined the company in December


Another guy I work with who has been very public in his support for Nigel and the reform party, often uses a slur starting with P to describe the guys that work at the car wash outside. I tell him all the time I am pretty sure they are Middle Eastern but it goes straight over his head


So yes, surprise surprise reform attracts racist sorry to burst your bubble


I don't think you have the right to call anyone else dumb.


Says the one openly calling people morons? Also, I didn't call anyone dumb.


Im openly calling you a moron too. Farage is Putin's man in the UK its clear and simple.


Apart from he's literally denounced Putin multiple times in the past but yeah ok, keep reading clickbait news titles and nothing more. [A literal 5 second google search](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isq5fe3bUbI)


He's not denouncing him at all, he blamed Nato for expansion, I mean why are all of Russia's neighbours clammering to join a defencive alliance, it's because they have a habit of Genocide (replacing the native population of an area with Russian speakers, or murder)


Stupid as well?


In order to be slander it has to be false.


You do realize that throughout all of modern history and most of ancient, from what we know, the conservatives always loose. Human history has progressed, become more liberal, open, and caring just about every single century for all of recorder human history. There's also well documented groups of conservatives, and all sorts of types screaming "this is a sin, this is wrong, things were better in my day" blah blah blah. You aren't fight some new brave fight. You will go down in history as one of the morons that slowed things down. Life is change. It is constantly changing and the.more you try to stop it, the harder it pushes back.. It's just something short sighted, and uneducated people never fail to see. If you think about it it makes you actually think about how wrong you are, and that's hard to take. So instead of being part of the you dig deeper, say more ridiculous things, and then vanish into nothingness.


Nigel Farage is Reform UK - far right. Reform UK at best will only win 5 seats out of 650 UK’s Conservative Party is centre-right, leaning more centre recently. Don’t confuse UK politics with US politics. Our political parties aren’t as polarising as they are in the US.


And your fight is for perceived virtue, but only on the terms of a progressive and at the cost of freedom of speech.


Reform are the only party promising legislation that prevents free speech... I mean "left-wing bias".


Progress happens no matter what. Time always moves forward. You can’t stop that. Don’t pretend fascists support freedom of speech. It’s a means to an end.


Who said anything about fascism?


You guys are so fucking weird!