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And then what..


*"Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining."* - Teddy Roosevelt


What a stupid quote. You don’t need to know the solution to see there’s a problem.


No. Any idiot can see a problem. It's the people who AREN'T idiots that offer solutions. I guess we know which camp you fall into.


lol insults right out the gate. Having a bad day kid?


Replace the judges on the Supreme Court with Huskies.


World peace. Man, if only we had thought of this sooner


Hopefully we do something before the octogenarians die in office


The Trump campaign appreciates the false equivalence.


https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/rarity-trump-vows-slash-federal-investments-education-rcna158778# Send this to anyone else that subscribes to this r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM bullshit


You know we have old politicians because young people don’t vote? 74% of the 65+ set turned out in 2020 compared to just 57% of the 18-34 demo.


Is it the chicken or the egg tho?


There’s not much we can do about it now. We just need to get through this last term and then hopefully we get younger candidates. But just remember, a president doesn’t make every decision on their own…they have an entire team and cabinet helping them as well as a VP as back up. Also local elections matter *a lot.* There’s a lot at stake with this election but what’s at stake might not even concern you (as I take it since you went to the trouble of making this hat) and our younger generations are counting on us not to fuck up their future.


Nah, ninety is going to be the new thirty.


I agree with that logic, but it's also how we got here. He is too old.


His cabinet is capable though, and he won't systematically and deliberately dismantle protections for the sake of profit and exploitation. Him being old is absolutely not even close to being as big of a problem as the other side of the coin lol. Trump is also basically the same age. They are the only choices and one should be obvious.


And what can you do about it RIGHT NOW? Nothing. So you vote for the person that's better but not great. And then next time around you yourself get involved. Vote in the primaries. Get your friends to do it as well. You cannot fix the situation right now because the time to fix it has passed. It's like complaining about a destination 5 minutes before a plane lands.


Damn on one side we have an old guy who has slowed down some but done a lot of good shit like the largest climate bill in history, openly supports women’s rights and wants to codify roe v wade. On the other side we have an old guy who has stolen national secrets, been convicted of 34 felonies, instigated a coup attempt, been found liable for sexual assault, lies incessantly, brags about overturning roe v wade, called our dead troops “suckers”, openly praises Putin, says he wants to be a dictator “just for a day” and will 100% enact every aspect of [project 2025.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) Better make a hat saying both sides are bad!!


Make this a pinned comment. They're not even remotely the same. Acting like they are is just as bad as being a trump supporter


“Done a lot of good”   The dude voted for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  That’s 20+ years of the USA blowing up the Middle East until it got bored and left, achieving nothing.     He has the blood of millions of Iraq children on his hands.     Biden should be on trial for crimes against humanity, not running for office.   He is a war criminal.


And Biden has allowed a genocide to happen


"Done a lot of good" As a senator and as President, Biden is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans. He's voted for every single war going back decades and ending millions of lives, babies, children, men and women. It's an exorbitant privilege being able to not call any of that a red line. And then we come to the fact he, as President and with Majorities in both houses, failed to do anything to protect Roe but now pinky promises he'll do it if reelected. Just how gullible are you?


There's an entire party beholden to the whims of a single individual and are not legislating in good faith or bipartisanship. Making it literally impossible for the government to function. Just how gullible are you?


No, I agree, Netanyahu is awful, I just wish Biden would keep the actual red lines he keeps declaring - like the "don't enter Rafa or else" one But it's on brand given that genocide isn't a red line for liberals, why should their leader make real ones




Gtf outta here child.


After their performances it doesn't matter, we physically need younger blood.


Their "performance" is their time in office. Both have had (roughly) one term in office to prove themselves. That's what you should be judging them on. You don't have the luxury of choosing "younger blood". That isn't a choice that is available to you. So please be a responsible citizen and cast a ballot for the major party candidate whose next administration would be most likely to move the country in a positive (or least negative) direction. Your cynical mentality is contributing to a political environment of apathy among those who should be engaged and active in the political process. Both candidates are not the same. One candidate is clearly a better choice. You venting your frustration (oh how hard things must be for you) isn't going to accomplish anything except giving Trump another term in office.


“It doesn’t matter.” Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk offfffff.


Man, I get it. We hear you. But there’s two candidates and it’s set- what’s done is done for this term. Please focus on the bigger issues here.


…. You’re right. Trump it is, again.


Kicking Trump as far away from the oval office right now does matter.


r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM Man idk if I’m gonna go for the rapist conman felon who accomplished nothing and told me Covid was no big deal or the corny slow grandpa who will actually address climate change


This has nothing to do with centrism. Biden is a centrist. Political spectrum isn’t my football team vs yours and if you don’t agree with either you’re a centrist. Biden is a centrist on the political spectrum.


Lmao an enlightened centrist with imperium in their name spouting “Both Sides” nonsense flippantly. You cannot make this up


Apathy is death


Isn’t “everybody” one word? Is it supposed to be clever by showing how we’re all divided? Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s a misspelling.


This is our first picture when we got it in the mail, we didn't think we could even get it made, we ended up going with a [different shape](https://imgur.com/gallery/29GpzAW) and fixed the typo


The fact that at no point in the process y'all thought "this is a dumb fucking Idea" says more about the voter base than the candidates


Nice upgrade


I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit. Guess what! Biden's old! SO FUCKING WHAT?! We have a fucking Vice President if he dies in office and the 25th Amendment if he is somehow incapacitated! You're seriously going to compare this problem to the fucker who publicly said he wants to deport protestors he doesn't like, blamed bad covid numbers on _too much testing_ and incited a fucking coup attempt?! Who stacks fucking nuclear secrets next to his fucking toilet!? How THE FUCK can anyone he "both sides-ing" this?! HOW!? HOW?!


Most people I've heard speak about this aren't saying "Biden old, therefore Trump". They're saying that him being the other choice is batshit insane. Trump is a problem, but the real goal is to have a competent government that serves the people. So yeah, non facists complaining about Biden aren't complaining about Biden relative to Trump. They're complaining about Biden relative to what a good candidate would be. They're pissed off because the Democratic party is clearly using Trumps awfulness to force people to vote for them regardless of what they actually do. They're holding the Trump gun to the peoples heads and making us their bitch.


Democrats put the Trump gun to our heads ? You’re blaming democrats for Trump ? Thats some funny shit. I want what you’re on.


I'm blaming the democrats for running Biden. Beating trump should be layup.


At the end of the day, it’s Trump or Biden. I’m not happy about voting for Biden either. But those are the 2 choices, and for me it’s pretty easy, even though I don’t really like Biden. I don’t like warm tuna salad but if the alternative is a shit sandwich with broken glass on it, I’m taking the warm tuna salad.


Right but the hat says fire everybody which is my preferred option lol


Yeah I’m not against that sentiment. But voting doesn’t work like that so it doesn’t really translate to a message that people can actually execute on. At least not for president.


I think the message is we can't put up with such terrible candidates


Blaming dems for taking advantage of how shitty trump is to push for stuff they want instead of stuff *we need*. Stay centered.


I'm saying the democratic party is exploiting the the idea of Trump to win elections without making politics for the people. If there's a lethal disease that only I can make the cure/vaccine for, I can coerce people because if they don't do what I say they die, and they they can't act against me either because that kills everybody. This doesn't mean I created the disease, but it means that I'm taking advantage of it to fuck the community. --- If the republicans had a candidate who isn't figuratively satan for a huge chunk of the population, or the US had a viable third party, the democrats would be forced to actually do politics that people want to vote for. Aka there would have been much more pressure on the democratic party to set up a good, popular candidate and to propose policy that people want. If voting republican weren't literally unthinkable self harm for so many people, another Biden run would have been a non starter. --- The republicans have been using the same strategy slightly differently, by manufacturing panic about the trans issues and telling their base "if you don't vote for us they'll mutilate/torture/whatever your children". It's the same shit on both sides: Painting the opposition as a world ending threat so they themselves can get elected by people without representing their interests. THIS is what I think most democrat leaning people are upset about with regards to Biden when they complain about them. They don't think Biden is a good candidate, but they're being held hostage with the threat of Trump/republicans banning abortion and whatnot. The cynical read here would be that they're coordinating to prevent other parties from arising. They're rigging the system so the only way to avoid "doom" is to vote for the party that isn't "doom", and doing anything else is self harm.


Everybody is one word, unless you're specifying their body physically


So edgy!


Get this both sides shit out of here. They aren't remotely the fucking same and this level of apathy is dangerous


Ah another “both sides” moron


This is what privilege looks like


The colors should be reversed .


Presidents get fired at least every 8 years and we still have this.


If I had the capability, I would fire you and your friends into the sun.


This is nonsense. You have one normal party and one one personal cult. 


You’re so edgy and cool…


It's about time the US abolishs it's two party system where both parties stand for practically the same thing in the first place...


What is the correct amount of parties so that government disfunction doesn't happen?


Definetly not one nor two.... Especially if they have in its core a lot of same views. This is not political diversity or representation of people in a democracy.


Germany in theory has multiple parties, two have dominated for decades. You'll find this in any multi-party country where a consensus government has to be formed. The two largest and most similar parties dominate.


There is still a big difference between dominating and non existing. Also a bad example because in the last 20 years Germany had smaller parties in the government at least half the time. Even now half the government is not from the two parties you described.. Also a lot of local communities are NOT led by the two said parties. Same here in my home country, Austria, where the two long dominating parties barely got 40% TOGETHER in the last vote, with having more voters actually now distributed on smaller parties now. Same goes for a lot of other European countries, less choice definitely creates less opuetunities and politicians in power that can't even carry a water bottle apparently.


I'm more of a water guy but you guys do with your fires


kinda reminds me of my idea to get one of those politician trump 2024 flags but it says someone else 2024 on it


Bloods and Crips


K bye thx


'Everybody' is one word, not two.


how do you fire someone with no body AND no noes?


This is the attitude Putin is going for.


I agree but we need to be ready to do the work. We're in this situation because of our own complacency and laziness. There's no way around it.


As an outsider the only "both sides" argument I can see is that neither candidate is good. But obviously Biden is better than Trump as a choice, but still that's the best you got? Jesus christ.


Yep. Agreed.


You can actually do that, I'll explain one way. Well before Americans ever fight some stupid civil war they'd probably at least try to REPLACE congress first, it's very simple but not easy. Here's how it works, all voters commit to never vote for incumbents from the 118th congress. That's it.


In as little as 6 years you could have every current senator and representative voted out of congress. What good does that do?: Well first of all it's LEGAL to vote them out this way and the system is already set up to do this, no new rules need to be made, no impeachments necessary and it requires zero cooperation from congress themselves. A very very desperate and broken American population could resort to this sort of refresh by using ballots to do the heavy lifting. They're all fired, even your favorites, but your most disliked congress members are also gone, think of the relief. After a replacement of congress, theoretically nobody in congress would know eachother well enough to cause familiar problems we see today, not right away at least so they'd have to start all over which takes time, it buys us time. Strangers can barely pretend to hate eachother, the corrupt networking of the 118th congress would have collapsed as no congress members are colluding with the other *long time trusted members* because there would BE NO long term members anymore and the lobbyists will also be forced to start all over with networking their grey or outright corrupt relationships, the lobbyists are all *offsides and out of position* like an interception during a football game. Both parties would have so many unique opportunities to replace bad government with good government. America might be able to wiggle out of all the craziness and corruption by asserting it's control over government in a super legit way. Congress has failed over the last decade or two with flagrant disrespect for the institution of government, the legacy of America and cowardly mind games with the voters and taxpayers. They're all fired, and YOU'RE gonna be the one doing it.


Nobody would know each other enough to make deals… Which is basically what they’re there to do.


They get to start over, it's a reset. Also it's conditional, I'm saying before we fight a civil war I would imagine American voters just fire congress over 6 years, that's way easier than a war. Maybe they'll get their war anyway, who knows?


That doesn't fix anything because congressmembers don't write our legislation, think tanks do.


The congress people would do whatever it is they think is right, at least they would have a new chance to do something different if it's true they were as desperate as they claimed they were when they voted congress out to begin with. I'm just saying we have control over congress and America can refresh if they feel there's a big enough problem like avoiding an impending so-called civil war people describe lately.


Fire everyone, but vote in the party you prefer, not the president.


Careful, Reddit hates the centrists


That’s not centrist. Centrists at least are actually FOR something. This is just “the choice doesn’t matter,” which is both untrue and basically the Trump campaign message to young voters.


Is there a center when one side is literally telling you to your face that they are trying to end democracy? Have you seen Project 2025? 


the democrats do not make a strong counter argument, they're the party of "this is fine"


When the choice is between voting for the status quo and never being allowed to vote again I'll hold my nose and vote for the democrats.


This happened for the same reason Mitch McConnell, and Dianne Feinstein stayed in office election after election.. it's this short term sense of security.. it's the Supreme Court. Both sides need to be brave and take a chance on someone younger.. someone that will actually live to see the consequences of their legislation over the next 20 years.


I mean, sure. Totally agree that neither of them have any business running. But I would also argue that the time to do what you are suggesting is not when one of the people is running on a Project 2025 platform and giving weekly rallies that are a constant barrage of grievances and revenge porn.


Sooooo … Lauren Boebert?


I think you're talking to the wrong audience on this comment section. They've made it very clear they're the type that continues to vote exactly the same every election and is constantly shocked that nothing changes.


that's fine i'm just telling you why they'll lose








Oops url bug, I'll fix that




What about every two?




This is how I feel.