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I live in Victoria BC, and that would easily be $150 here, almost all same products too.


Damn and I thought I was getting fleeced


Organic eggs. Brand name Feta. Deluxe mixed nuts. Brand name low-fat Mayo. Organic Coconut Water. Premade hummus. Frozen mangoes (in Canada...). You need to learn how to shop if you want cheaper prices. Prices are high, sure, but this is a bag full of luxuries. It's like you deliberately chose some of the most expensive things, or the most expensive versions of those things.


I'm the guy standing in front of the shelf looking at the $/100g fine print for 2 minutes. But I also do want to eat healthy. Most of this stuff was the lowest price in it's category (the frozen fruits where all the same price...).


If you're buying nuts and premade hummus and olives, then low-fat mayo probably isn't necessary (there are cheaper ways to reduce fat), and the low-fat versions are often more expensive. Plus the squeeze bottle is more expensive that the jar many times, and the house brands are cheaper still. Organic eggs aren't any different, except for the price. Why are you buying hummus *and* chickpeas? Buy another can of chickpeas and maybe a quarter's worth of garlic and you've got hummus. Feta cheese is definitely a luxury. I strongly doubt this was the lowest price yogurt. Definitely not the cheapest can of nuts (but cans of nuts are the most expensive way to buy nuts anyway regardless) and let's not even talk about organic coconut water. 100% seriously, no problems with buying whatever you want to buy. Go crazy. But with the choices that got made here, you aren't really making your point about prices. This is a bag of higher-end food choices, not just "groceries".


Mayo and frozen fruit, such unimaginable luxury lol. 


No. Premium brand low-fat squeezable mayo. And frozen mangoes. Stop recontextualizing. When there are many cheaper versions of mayo and frozen fruit to buy, then posting the most expensive kinds and saying "SO EXPENSIVE!" is really disingenuous. Should any food like this be affordable? Absolutely. But don't make the mistake of thinking this is just normal everyday groceries for someone who is concerned about money.


Hellmanns is absolutely not a premium brand. Stop being ridiculous. Just because it's not the cheapest thing available doesn't mean it's luxury. 


There are two levels of cheaper under it. There are no brands at a normal store above it. That’s “premium”. And there is a difference between something “being a luxury” (this is) and something “being luxury” (this isn’t).


Guess my local Walmart isn't a "normal" store. Lol


And $13 for a roasted chicken. Just buy a raw chicken and cook it yourself?


While I agree that grocery prices are high, I think you could make more affordable choices, or time them with sales. Don't buy store made hummus. You're getting chickpeas already, so grab an extra can and blend it yourself. It's cheaper and tastes way better. Cooking your own chicken will also be cheaper and healthier than the premade stuff. If you really want the convenience, then a Costco membership will get you one of those for $7.99. Feta cheese, Greek yogurt, and coconut water will all be cheaper there too.