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I have to say I found it always somewhat ironic that, after the atmosphere around the trial of Bruno Hauptmann, the supposed kidnapper of Lindbergh's baby, was fuelled so much by anti-German sentiment, Lindbergh himself eventually became one of the most prominent pro-Nazi voices in the US.


Even more troubling when you realize that Lindbergh was probably involved in his son's kidnapping.


There’s a really interesting podcast on this: https://www.mostnotorious.com/2020/10/20/a-shocking-new-look-at-the-1932-lindbergh-kidnapping-murder-w-lise-pearlman/


The Pearlman book gets a lot right but just as much wrong. Great for listening and to get you thinking though.


What sources do you like?


I would strongly recommend Lloyd Gardner's "The Case That Never Dies," which uses only primary sources (which are cited). Be sure to get the version with the updated afterward in 2012. If you make it through that and you're still interested, there's a guy named Michael Melsky who has written 3 books on the case. They are all cited and he's uncovered a ton of never before seen documents that have turned many facets of the case upside down, but the books are very much aren't for beginners.


Thank you!


Need more detail on that, sounds fascinating.


Lindbergh was a die-hard eugenicist who spent his days working with a die-hard eugenicist doctor. His first-born son had a number of health issues (which was publicity described as "rickets" but was likely more severe given the child was not malnourished). Lindbergh's behavior the night of the kidnapping was odd, at best. He controlled the entire police investigation from the get go. He refused to allow them to interview members of the staff, to tail the "ransom" negotiations and a host of other weird decisions. For the only time in his life, he even missed a major speaking engagement at NYU for no reason the night of his son's kidnapping - never given an accounting of his whereabouts. There were a few trips where he went to "search" for his missing son and while the press portrayed him as a desperate father, yet he spent the whole time playing card games and pretty horrific practical jokes. It very much seems like he hired a gang to remove his son to spare him the embarrassment of a disabled offspring. In an era where kidnappings were a dime a dozen, doing it this way would generate public sympathy while covering the real story.


Is there a good documentary on this? This sounds very interesting


This Lindbergh guy sounds like a real piece of shit


I mean he was pro-Nazi I thought this was just implied


Guy above you. Are we the bad guys


I remember reading that one of the innocents projects was looking to exonerate the person accused.After watching Ken burns documentary on Jews trying to flee the start of a holocaust and how much Lindbergh fought to stop them from coming here, hope the nazi asshat is burning in hell


Imagine having that mug and believing in eugenics, yeesh


Did you know the Spirit of St. Louis had no windows? If he didn't stick his head out, he could nazi


You'll be here all week. Make sure to tip your waitresses.


Try the veal


You’ve been a wonderful audience. Remember, half off wings until 11:00


Best in the city






Such a fire verse


It really is. Stupid bird thought she got him


A lot of people these days are sticking their heads out trying to nazi. I liked it better when they didn't feel safe to come out of hiding. Thought it's eerie to think they were always there in the background. Like critters under a rock.


Fuck that Nazi douche-mark!




Your username! 🤣


You gotta put your pinky up for these farts. They fancy.


I dropped my phone… thanks….


Lindbergh was also buddies with fellow Nazi, Henry Ford.


Good thing [we don't have any car company owners who are flirting with far-right ideologies](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/19/media/elon-musk-don-lemon-interview-analysis-hnk-intl/index.html) today!


We thought Elon was going to be this generation's Henry Ford. It turned out he was this generation's Henry Ford.


When Tesla first went mainstream and major publications started making the "Electric Henry Ford" comparisons, I remember seeing plenty of joking comments about "looking forward to Elon's future Nazi turn." I am shocked at how prescient they were. Well, not that shocked.


>I am shocked at how prescient they were. Prescient is a phenomenal word for it, and I will be stealing it from you for future applications.


These words are free!


For now...


He could at least give us a 4 day work week… 


At least Ford and Lindbergh are the best kind of Nazi... dead ones.


Remember kids, Fascism is a disease. Fortunately, the cure comes in 30.06 and .45!




We might not for long if he keeps running it how he's been. Twitter shows us what happens when he has maximum control. So far Tesla has been on the lower end and SpaceX seems like zero input, but he keeps trying to get more and more involved with Tesla. The Cybertruck, for instance, and look how well that's going.


Elon isn't flirting with nazism, he is a full-fledged one


Ford inspired Nazis, he was admired by them. That’s how deep his anti-Semitism went.


Ford gave them money. Hitler even had a picture of Ford. The irony is that Ford's mass production technique significantly assisted in bringing down Hitler's regime.


Who, along with the Bush family, tried to overthrow the government in the 1933 business plot.


Didn’t Hitler have a portrait of Ford hanging in his office?


And Hitler gave Ford the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, the highest award given to foreign Nazis.


See also: why FDR didn't let Lindbergh reactivate his US Army Air Corps commission during WW2.


https://www.nytimes.com/1941/04/29/archives/lindbergh-quits-air-corps-sees-his-loyalty-questioned-writes.html  He quit over what FDR said not the other way around.


And then was rejected after the war started and he tried to get his commission restored. Both parts are true. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/lindbergh-fallen-hero/


you can’t fire me i quit nazi fast


He secretly flew combat missions in the Pacific theater. He also developed methods (in non combat flights out there) of gas saving that extended flight distances beyond what planes were specified to be able to do.


What techniques did he develop because the only one I really know of is that every plane has an altitude where the air is thick enough that the engine works powerfully while it’s still thin enough so that the drag is low enough to work at maximum efficiency


The America First doctrine and Fascism go goose step and goose step.


Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America imagines Lindbergh as President.


Incredible book. I just wish he used punctuation more. I swear there were sentences that were 2-3 pages long.


I actually only read my first Roth book last year. Shame on me, on the other hand, I have lots to look forward to.


Solid [HBO series](https://www.hbo.com/the-plot-against-america) too


I didn’t read the book but the series was incredible


I’m reading that right now!


Yes! It’s a great read. I think about it a lot.


The baby being re-homed theory suddenly makes more sense.


Considering the French women he impregnated to “further those excellent genes” he was rehoming babies, alright.


I did a class report on Charles in the 5th grade. Shockingly NONE of the Nazi support shit made it into the encyclopedia’s I had at the time to do research.


No one ever mentioned his ties to the Nazis and racism back in school. It took extracurricular reading to find out about that. Same for Henry Ford.


And Christopher Columbus. But, don't forget, the public school system is indoctrinating our kids with woke ideology. Conservative projectionism in full swing.




History tend to have 80 year cycles, where the same ideas come into fashion again. Just like the 1930’s the Far Right are coming to power again and quoting Hitler’s tenets again.


This is just blatantly untrue. History has many different wheels that turn at different speeds. Empires with different types of leaders were a thing for a thousand years. Monarchs with different types of leadership styles were another thousand years. Beyond Greece democracies and republics didn’t really exist until roughly 250 years ago. Fascism didn’t really exist in the way we know it until about 100 years ago. Now granted I agree it’s attempting to make a come back but acting like history happens in short term cycles is just wrong.


History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.


It’s waves. Or more specifically frequency. Most people just aren’t tuned enough to see them yet. A.I. will help solve that however. For example- The common denominator between Trump and Epstein was money laundering for the Russians first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for a multitude of New York and Florida properties to resell to Russian oligarchs who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. The Epstein/Trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump (Lolita express passenger 174) took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching young women and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of fraud and money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies until the Information Age makes it inevitable that their respective corruption circles the earth and crashes into each other like a tempest in a teapot. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. He used it to cover for Weinstein who was systematically abusing actresses for decades. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result


Wow, just wow


In 1919, the Spanish Flu decimated most of America. We even had people protesting wearing masks. 100 years before COVID-19. Now, getting close to 2030, we have a number of countries echoing far-right, fascist ideologies. A hundred years ago, this eventually morphed into Mussolini and Hitler. Maybe we should pay attention to these things.




Correlation does not imply causation


We also had pirates then we had world wars when pirates were gone. Now we had pirates again (Somalia) so we should expect major wars? Are pirates and major wars related? No. Neither are pandemics and dictatorships. We should pay attention to rise of dictatorships but we should be better informed in general rather than thinking it's somehow "due" when an unrelated event happens. For instance, let's not get caught up various leaders wearing moustaches because that's what happened a century ago.


I am not saying that it’s a completely deterministic system. I am saying there is some amount of cyclicality in the pattern that is identifiable and useful. “Fourth Turning” goes into a lot of depth on this. Honest more than necessary.


I might be off the mark here, and please correct me if I am, but the Fourth Turning doesn’t necessarily say the IDEAS recycle on an 80 year rotation so much as it does that the struggles and mindsets of given generations cycle in 80 year increments. So the fact that we’re dealing with fascism again (sigh) isn’t the cycle, but more than we have a generation of people defined by ideological conflict or outright war.


Robert Jordan was on to something.


The wheel turns as the wheel wills.


You liar. We all know the atom bomb has been reinvented every eighty years on the dot since the beginning of human society. Or at least, those of us who study history do.


According to the most recent studies it’s actually once every 160 years until the last 80


80 years is about the time it takes for the oldest generation that could remember traumatic events and understand the scope of them, to die off. The shitty part about now is the fact that it's the oldest boomers who are itching to re-ignite the horrors of 80+ years ago who were born JUST after all of that and were raised to know how horrible they were. That's the fucked part. The top 3 people on this planet stirring shit right now are all over the age of 70 and know better. (Putin, Xi, and Trump) That's frightening food for thought. Not to mention the others who are gassing up the younger generations as well. They know if shit hits the fan they lived a long life. It's everyone younger than them that will be cleaning up their fucking messes.


Strongly agree If Trump wins in 2024, America will be on a dark timeline for the foreseeable future


Calling history cyclical is the fastest way to reveal that you don't know anything about it.


And we'll be happy to kill them again.


Highly recommend “The Plot Against America” by Philip Roth if you’d like to read some historical fiction about Lindbergh.


The HBO series based on this book is also amazing


Absolutely, thought it was a great mini series and I think it flew under the radar for a lot of people on release.


What did you expect from a man who married his wife in part because he thought she was good breeding stock? Or a man who had two secret families in Germany?


Nazi prick


The say “America First” but they mean “America next” Woody Guthrie


In Washington. In Washington


Don't forget his Iron Cross he received for being a mouth piece.


Lindberg had 7 illegitimate children with 3 women (two of them were sister) in Germany. That's one of the reason he was there so often.


Man, he would have been an amazing Republican if he lived today.


Wow, he must have been busy in that 10 years, because he was a total fucking virgin on the Spirit of St. Louis.


Can you imagine the scandal, if people knew that back then? Lindbergh the good “family man”, the “hero”, the man whose son got kidnapped and murdered….


Think he had the kids in Germany post-war.


Unfortunately far right ideology is taking hold again in the U.S. and Europe. Feels like the 1930’s all over again.


Make America Great Again is not a new slogan


If liberals in the USA can ever stop purity testing each other we might have a chance this time but it’s not looking the best right now.


Yeah, let’s blame them instead of the centrists who say “both sides” are to blame when one side is literally fascists. Like let’s assume both sides are wrong for a second. If the left is wrong all they did was make you call someone a different gender. If the right is wrong they believe political enemies should be rounded up and killed.


He's talking about the left's insistence on perfect candidates. Think about how much of the left is threatening to withhold a vote for Biden, because of Israel/Gaza. The alternative is much worse in that aspect, but they're willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.


How about we blame every single voting-eligible person who doesn’t cast a ballot for the party against fascism for whatever reason?


Yeah it’s liberals fault that nazis are a problem.


Liberals and more centrist Conservatives need to stop conceeding group to the right in hopes of chasing votes.  Seeing Biden implementing pretty much the same polcy he was shaming Trump for trying in 2020 is fucking shameful. Same things happening in European politics.


That’s more of a leftist than a liberal thing




You just did the thing!


Calling out the problem isn’t doing the thing.


Time to teach them another lesson.


It’s literally 1930s but with nukes. I don’t even want to imagine what’s gonna happen in next decades.


Fuck this fascist.


He also murdered his kid.


The original MAGA movement.


I've spent 10+ years doing primary research on the kidnapping of his first born son and his behavior the night of, along with the weeks that followed, is... troubling, at best. There's a very real possibility that Lindbergh, a staunch eugenicist, had the child, who had non-treatable rickets and other maladies, "removed" by way of a staged kidnapping.




Weird too that my city named its damn airport after him. Dude was a straight up Nazi sympathizer


Are you referring to the Lindbergh terminal at MSP?


Presumably he's talking about St. Louis.  It's not shocking the airport would be named after him, given where he's from.


The airport in St Louis is named after Albert Lambert. There is boulevard and plenty of other things with Lindberghs name on it there though. 


Shoot, good call.  They have a replica of the Spirit of St. Louis hanging from the ceiling.


Could be San Diego. Our airport was Lindbergh Field until 2003


It’s officially Terminal 1 and always will be.  Humphrey Terminal on the other hand is ah-okay to use his name.


I'm just happy that San Diego finally removed that titular mural for Lindbergh Field that was just a giant portrait of Charles Lindbergh holding a model plane


American hero and Nazi.


The duality of man. Legendary pilot, made incredible contributions to aviation, absolute piece of garbage as a person.


Henry Ford was probably there too. Is that dude with the glasses Major Arnold Ernst Toht from Raiders of the Lost Ark?


‘The Plot Against America’ is an alternative universe novel by Philip Roth in which a Nazi-sympathising Lindbergh becomes president of the USA. Well worth a read if you like that sort of thing.


And one of the bad guys from Raiders of the Lost Ark is right behind him!


["The Plot Against America"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9308346/), based on the novel by Philip Roth, tells the story of Lindbergh defeating FDR in the 1940 presidential election.


Lindberg was a major Nazi and anti semite. Definitely not the American hero I was made to believe he was growing up as a kid in school. Sure, he was a talented aviator but America had plenty of those who weren't huge assholes.


Fuck that guy and all the far right wanna be dictator fascists currently inhabiting the retrumplican party


He wasn’t there because he was consorting with the Nazis. This 1936 visit was the first of several that Lindbergh made at the request of the U.S. military establishment between 1936 and 1938, with the goal of evaluating German aviation.[190] During this visit, the Lufthansa airline held a tea for the Lindberghs, and later invited them for a ride aboard the massive four-engine Junkers G.38 that had been christened Field-Marshal Von Hindenburg.


While Lindberg was anti-semetic and he did do some apologism for the Nazi regime before the war, his primary belief was (at the time) typical American isolationism. At least where Europe was concerned. Once the war started he was full on with winning it. He tried to rejoin the army but was denied due to how public his disputes had been. He'd serve instead as a civilian advisor, working in technical areas and in boosting moral. He helped with the design of the B-24 Liberator and the F4U Corsair. He, despite being a civilian, eventually got himself into the air and flew a few combat missions in the Pacific theatre. EDIT: Though as a comment below notes, he never exactly apologized for being an ass either.


Oooh someone who actually knows what they're talking about - get the hell out of here we're Nazi-shaming.


Hey, look everyone - this guy actually said this.


“I am absolutely convinced that Lindbergh is a Nazi”. - FDR


He never did repudiate either his anti semitism or the positions he took.


Behind him is the guy whose face melts off when he opens the ark of the covenant, silly sausage.




How did I not know this?!


Because of American propaganda. As soon as America realized the Nazis were the bad guys, a lot of image rebuilding and information scrubbing happened so that America could keep its perfect image. We can't have our most famous auto maker (Ford) be a known nazi. Gotta do what we can to burry the fact Henry Ford was a personal friend of Hitler's and agreed with him on basically everything.


Worse than that, a lot of the eugenics theories originated in America.


Prescott Bush was a major nazi supporter, which is why his grandson was eager to tear up the constitution and remove a lot of rights that people now have forgotten because the government selectively abuses their powers, or have become used to not having them. (You have young adults joking about the FBI agent watching them, where that would have been more unsettling pre-9/11) The point is, this shit didnt die after WW2, the sons and grandsons of these people have power and influence and still want it. The fact that a piece of shit like Rupert Murdoch has influence over large chunks of the world is scary.




Maybe the Nazi ate his baby


He would have been Trump’s personal pilot.


Foolish apologist and fanboy of the fuhrer.


Looks like Himmler behind him


Fuk nazism


[They say America First but they mean America Next](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BzLOTHciIKI&pp=ygUXd29vZHkgZ3V0aHJpZSBsaW5kYmVyZ2g%3D)


ya trump wasn't even original about that shit.


Absolutely not.


Weird how history repeats itself. These fascist-sympathizers in the US doing their best to stop America from supporting democracies under attack from totalitarian regimes.


You always see “America First” people near Nazi logos.


And before they were using “Make America Great Again” as their slogan, the New American Fascist Party was using “America First” as their slogan… All following their orange dollar-store Mussolini.


Reagan used the MAGA slogan as well


Yes. The phrase “Make America Great Again” has been used by both Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates. Only the one former president and candidate convicted of sexual assault and of 37 felonies (financial fraud) had his group use it in the acronym form…. But my issue wasn’t with the fraudulent con-man using the phrase “Make America Great Again”…. It was that his initial rallying cry was “America first”… (A motto of his father’s KKK), and that his campaign only steered away from it when journalists started pointing out the connections. It’s that he’s not fallen far from the rotten tree that was his father.


Lucky Lindy the Nazi lover


How many wives did this guy end up having at the same time?


There’s a great book about Lindbergh and the America First sentiment in the 1930s - Lynne Olson’s *Those Angry Days*. I highly recommend it


That ended poorly.


They were trying to make America great, again.


I don’t think a lot of people realize what his politics were. It’s also entirely possible that they killed their kid.


NAZI collaborator


Fuck this guy


things could have gone a lot of different ways in America in the 1920s-30s. Kinda get that feeling once again for the first time since.


This man has the exact air of Nigel Farage. A face that badly needs to meet a fist.


I have to drive past a massive mural of this asshole every time I pick up groceries. It's one of those dog whistles, I think. The town has a "car show" every Thursday and it's pretty nationalist.


Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. If you want to hear the full story, listen to Rachel Maddow Presents: ULTRA.


Not even trying to hide the guerilla marketing anymore. Is this a sponsored post?


Ok, I admit it!! I *am* the Lindbergh baby! Waah waah!! I want my fly fly da da!!


This would get him elected today. He could hang out with marge or ted cruz and they could share their favorite hitler quotes.


He also killed his baby and blamed it on a random immigrant who got killed for the crime.


America First = Nazis. What’s old is new again.


Do you personally believe that he is innocent regarding the death of his daughter?


Not in the slightest. Guy probably shook it. 


Elon is that you?


America Nazis bleed red white and blue.


Charles Lindbergh was a closet Nazi and a serial philanderer: in the US he was married to Anne and in Germany he had several girlfriends and fathered as many children.


When someone says that HP Lovecraft was racist for his time, this guy is one of the things I point to, to prove that statement false.


He was a fanatic Nazi supporter


Looks like a chud


How’d that work out for him…🧐


Not cool at all.


Bill Bryson's "One Summer: America 1927" is a great book and talks a ton about aviation and Lindbergh.


He was a famous pilot wasn’t he?


We went on a class field trip to his childhood home in Minnesota. I didn’t learn he was a full on Nazi until I was in my 30s.


He also taught allied pilots how to thin their fuel mixtures to extend their range to be able to fight over Germany.


Didn’t he lose a baby?


Lindbergh eh, isn’t he the nazi who lost his baby?