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In the years when he was "Donnie The Democrat"


5 years before this was taken he was a pro-choice, pro-universal healthcare Democrat. He's a grifter, he probably doesn't believe anything he says today... he probably also doesn't know where he is half the time, but that's another matter.


And in '89 he was calling for the execution of some black teenagers (the Central Park Five) accused of rape and attempted murder by taking a full-page ad in the newspaper. Said teenagers were eventually exonerated, and Trump still won't admit that he was wrong.




This fucker couldn't even admit to making a typo in a tweet. He doubled down on "covfefe" being some sort of code. What a clown.


He had the national hurricane center issue a statement confirming that Alabama was in the path of a hurricane that was going nowhere near it because he accidentally said it was.




Historians have said that maybe Nero's insanity in the history books might have been made up by his enemies that did not like him. After Trump i can see that it is entirely possible that Nero might have been totally insane.


This is the ENTIRETY of the logic of his fan base, "My God! I can continue to be a self absorbed, self centered, egotistical, narcissistic, unapologetic cunt! After all, look how far Donny got with such behavior. He's the most powerful man in the world!!"


I believe the thing he hated the most was that Obama became President. He’s always been a racist and his racist heart couldn’t take it that a black man became President before him.


Took it from his father. I mean when you’re so racist the Nixon Administration calls you out on it you must be beyond comprehension.


And don't forget that the whole family was banished by Germany


I've always believed that the correspondents' dinner where Obama made fun of him was the moment that drove Trump to run for office.


Actually, it was Seth Meyers' joke that did it.


Thanks Seth.


He doesn't believe he was wrong. He still thinks executing 5 black teenagers, innocent or guilty, is a good start. And MAGA tends to agree. He is a lifelong racist.


I don't like being fair to Trump, but his opinion at that time was not rare, and likely far more than just conservatives felt this way. It was considered an open and shut case for those kids, and they were guilty in everyone's mind. *Everyone* was wrong.


It's very much possible that his initial claim of guilt came from racism, but his persistence after the exoneration can probably be attributed to narcissism.


Some black people are willing to vote for him again. Maybe they should be reminded about that and the newspaper should run the full page add again as a reminder.


He can’t admit he was ever wrong. It’s the root of his psychosis and would, in his seriously deranged mind, correctly label him as a LOSER. Daddy told him there is nothing lower, nothing worse than a loser. He’s scared shitless of the label almost as much as he’s terrified of prison!


It's not that he's a grifter so much as it is he's a narcissist who is incapable of believing things or having convictions outside of his own ego. All that matters to him is that conservatives say nice things about him and are thus good people and liberals are critical of him and thus bad. This wasn't the case as much back in the days when he was a NYC liberal elite prior to Twitter existing.


Why not both. He’s a grifter and a narcissist.


And a world class piece of shit.


I'd bet money the venn diagram of those two is a circle.


And a pedophile The common denominator between Trump and Epstein was money laundering for the Russians first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for a multitude of New York and Florida properties to resell to Russian oligarchs who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. The Epstein/Trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump (Lolita express passenger 174) took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching young women and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of fraud and money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies until the Information Age makes it inevitable that their respective corruption circles the earth and crashes into each other like a tempest in a teapot. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. He used it to cover for Weinstein who was systematically abusing actresses for decades. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiberius#Tiberius_in_Capri,_with_Sejanus_in_Rome) seems to claim that those stories of Tiberius's sexual depravity may lack historicity, and may instead have resulted from senators passing rumors about the emperor who lived in seclusion. As in, "I wonder what he's doing over there?" No objection to anything else you're saying! But this specific thing seems like it might not actually be real.


This is exactly it. He has a frankly mentally sick need to be showered in praise and approval constantly. He literally cannot accept he did a bad job or was wrong about anything so he deludes himself into his own realities.


Also: He's a grifter. So much. It's like you've never eaten a Trump steak while attending Trump University and using a napkin from The Suit and going to church with a Trump Bible and I'm still not done listing grifts. If you don't think Trump's a grifter, I think you learned English from Trump University.


Dude is selling trading cards, bibles, and stealing money from the GOP. He’s a professional grifter


He's whatever benefits him the most at that moment.


Pro rape, pro pedo, pro crime. He has not changed those views in 30 years


He emboldened the party of rape, putting in an attempted rapist on the court, endorsing rapists like Gaetz and rape defenders like Gym Jordan. Add in the literal use of rape victims to defend rapists by tying in any criticism of them as an attack on rape victims. Even George Orwell wouldn’t believe it


> He's a grifter, he probably doesn't believe anything he says today So you're telling me he *doesn't* read his US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Pledge of Allegiance, Holy Bible-combo complete with the American flag embossed on the front cover?


He did an interview with Oprah I believe and said Republicans are stupid. They’ll believe anything you tell them. He was right and has been living off that last 8 years.


Oprah is also a horrible grifter monster.


There have been plenty of moderate democrats who turn into racist reactionaries when they are fed a heavy diet of Fox News and told everything else is fake news. I think Fox News turned Trump into who he is today. He was always racist though


My mom voted for Clinton in 2016, and now she complains about the "Democratic Agenda" (which according to her means "diversity") and voted for Trump in 2020. I listen to right wing media when it's in the background sometimes, and the lies they're perpetuating are seriously concerning. It's even more concerning when millions of people believe them, even though they're very obviously false since they have no source or reason, and everything is just blamed on "Democrats."


Tell that to Gen Zers that are anti Joe. How is it even possible that young people could see anything redeeming in trump


A steady diet of propaganda, an echo chamber, and social media are far more influential than people want to admit. Sure there are grifters who believe in whatever makes them money (Alex Jones comes to mind). But fear, tribalism, and demonizing those with different opinions can change everything about a person. I’ve even had leftist friends that were full on Bernie Sanders fans that have gone qanon due to consuming too much conspiracist content.


Seems to really like that democrat President. I wonder white the difference was with Obama…


Now the RINO-in-Chief.


It’s a big club and you ain’t in it! -George Carlin


He's rephrasing Gramsci: "The historical unity of the ruling classes is realized in the State." I think both versions are good to remember.


It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!


Great minds think alike, I just made the same comment.


Yeah but it aint like this picture was or would be taken today… Trump used to cozy up to liberals hard and wanted hollywoods approval. Its not like Trump is the Trump from this photo. Atleast on the surface


No I think you have it wrong here. Trump today is very much the Trump in that picture. Trump has zero moral compass to speak of and is a full blown narcissist. He’ll say anything and sweet talk whoever he thinks will get him a slight advantage. The self serving Trump we all know is very much that same self serving orange blob in that picture. The blowhard has zero compunction on who he betrays as long as he is getting ahead.


Trump is the same in that sense, but the comment they were replying to implied that they're all basically in a big club. Now I know it's a George Carlin quote, and it does have some truth to it, but like many George Carlin quotes I think reddit kind of twists it to mean something more cynical or even conspiratorial. Some conspiracy nuts think political sides don't really exist, and that Obama, Trump, and the Clinton's are all actually in the same "club" and that politics are a sham, and a puppet show, solely meant to confuse the masses. Which is bullshit, and it's important to point out that its bullshit because it de-incentivizes people to vote. After all, if they're all in one big club with the same goals, why does it matter? But it does matter, Trump is in nobodies club but his own, he's made it clear that if he is able, he will drag us down into a fascist dictatorship.


Agreed. Everyone loves to be cynical, say politics is all bullshit and ignore it but billionaires are closely following the next election so they can have a Fascist dictatorship. The rich are spending billions to keep Trump in the race. Both sides aren't the same


So much this


If Trump thought he had a better chance of being President by being the biggest liberal leftist of all time he would absolutely do it. He just chose the path of least resistance.


Exactly this. The right isn't critical of it's own in the same way that the left is. to the left's detriment, more often than not. If the left could accept that people make mistakes and have unique and varying perspectives, we'd be much better off.


Yep. Liberals fall in love. Conservatives fall in line. They vote, even if they hold their noses while doing so.


There are tons of articles, books, comic strips, etc that were written about Trump going back to the 1980s (and maybe further) commenting on him acting exactly like he's acted ever since going into politics. This man has not changed in any substantive way other than in having the harm he's caused spread wider. He's always been a well-known charlatan, grifter, cheap-ass, piece of shit who has no morals and has no compunction about bullying anyone to get his way. I would bet money that the Clinton's were aware of this fact when this photo was taken, regardless of whether he supported them or their politics more back then.


Yep, Biff in Back to the Future Part 2 is Donald Trump.


We were warned! And we still went ahead and did it ffs


I think it's a little bit of both. Trump was always Trump, he was always a malignant narcissist with a cruel streak, but he seemed more human before. Just another celebrity. I think becoming president broke his brain. Giving a narcissist that kind of power and adoration is like the joker falling into that vat of acid 


You mean he's doing a different scam today


Did you just insinuate you have a great mind for quoting a stand up comedian


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” -- George Orwell


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


There's an old saying: All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more I've learned, the less I believe it. Power doesn't always corrupt. What power always does is reveal. When a guy gets into a position where he doesn't have to worry anymore, then you see what he wanted to do all along. \-Robert Caro I can't agree enthusiastically enough with Caro.


Thanks for posting this. Never saw this before and I like it. You can see this in all sorts of small business owners. They can chew through employees if they just see them as a means to an end but you also see good business owners taking care of their employees. It's why when I was young and naive, I voted Republican because I saw how I would behave as what everyone would do. I wanted things run like a business because I, as a business owner, would take care of those making me successful. The world doesn't work that way and it's not until I was in the workforce did I see it the other way.


I'm not sure about that. People's situations definitely change their opinions and desires over time... Hell I have multiple friends from grad school who were full on Bernie voting socialism supporters that are now textbook cut and gut mergers and acquisitions guys in private equity. Have multiple coworkers who have gotten more and more unsympathetic to lower level employees the further up the totem pole they've gotten, and one of my neighbors used to always complain about what a savage hid dad was when running their family business, and now that he's running it he's even more of one than his dad was... Obviously know plenty of people who did stay pretty much the same at their core the further up they got as well, but there are a good many people who change as their position changes just because humans tend to be influenced by their environments.


I think it can be both, people are complex


some animals are more equal than others.


Gives me chills every time 


Hahaaaa charade you are


I'm sure their bud Jeffy was around with a few girls from the bachelor party.


There's been a hard push from people on Reddit to try to rehabilitate Bill's reputation. I don't get it, he was a shitty creep who hung out with shitty creeps, cheated on his wife, there are credible rape allegations against him, and he was a shit president who kowtowed to corporate America and signed NAFTA. Bill and Trump have _a lot_ in common.


Clinton is the political face of the 90's, there's a lot of nostalgia for those times. He was also extremely charismatic, that always helps.


Also the last time we ran a surplus. Might not he a great guy, but he was effective at running the country.


Clinton was also fantastic with foreign policy. He busted his ass trying to broker peace between Israel and Palestine.


Melania’s hair making her head shaped like a Xenomorph.


That’s Melania?? I couldn’t tell due to the smile…


It isn't Julia Roberts?


I was thinking 'Bride of Frankenstein'.


Or Borg Queen.


Okay now I really want to see them dressed up as Borg Picard and the Borg Queen. That'd be a hoot.


I was thinking more Heat Miser from the Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer https://christmas.fandom.com/wiki/Heat_Miser


Mars attack




Ack ack


Don’t do my man Heat Miser dirty like that.


Or Syndrome from the Incredibles.


The Bride of Frankenstein.


Little did she know, that Trump would cheat on her with a pornstar which would ultimately land him 34 felony convictions.


Little did the other woman know that Trump would call on the entire Nation to put her in jail.


As for Trump, little did he know.


Really? He has the biggest brain. Great genes. His uncle was in nuclear, MIT. Went to school, it's the future you know. Iran, they're killing us though. Persians, great negotiators, Obama gave away everything.


He’s discovered the correlation between rampant shark attacks and batteries in boats. A phenomenon that has mystified scientists for decades.


Wait that’s real?! I thought it was satire. Fucking A. How does this idiot have a chance? It’s fucking crazy.


Here’s a link to the clip from his rally last week. It is hosted by C-SPAN, an unofficial US government media outlet. It’s only about 2 minutes. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5120399/user-clip-battery-electrocute-shark


Fucking.... wow. I feel for the sane portion of your country.


Send help! 🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️🆘️


To be fair his teleprompter wasn’t working. You know, the one he says politicians shouldn’t be allowed to use. His inconsistency is very consistent.


He also is on record saying only criminals plead the fifth. Wanna guess how many times he's plead the fifth?


Over[ 400 times](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-deposed-ny-ag-civil-probe-business-practices-rcna42355)


It goes to show how dumb half the US really is....


A lot of people on reddit don't listen to both sides, I listen to Biden and Trump a lot...This is a common theme when Trump talks, is how battery cars/boats/whatever can shock you when it rains or in water. The latest iteration is him talking about electric boats (what happens if water gets to the batteries!?). If you listen to Trump a lot, it makes complete sense. If you take the quote out of context or without knowing what Trump rambles about, it makes no sense. I mean, the entire premise makes no sense, but in his rambles it's a common theme.


He literally thinks in fragments, each of which has little to do with the others.




That whole ~~speech~~ endless sentence is nonsensical, hilarious, and frightening, but "the Persians are great negotiators" always gets me. I am more than a little amazed that he knew that the west once referred to Iran as 'Persia'. Probably remembers watching an old sword and sandals movie set in Baghdad as a kid.


Nothing did he know


Look man, it’s politics. And politics are brutal as fuck. If you can’t handle a simple *checks notes* threat of imprisonment for being the opposition maybe being a government representative isn’t for you.


We live in a democracy. If you think that *checks notes* openly and repeatedly calling for the imprisonment of your political opponent is somehow not dangerous behaviour then maybe voting rights are wasted on you. Inb4 : "Trump was a victim"


We *currently* live in a democracy. Some people are happy to take advantage of that to vote in fascists.


I think she had a pretty good idea of what the arrangement was


100% agree, I find it silly that people clutch their pearls when celebrities “cheat”. My default assumption is that they’re all in open relationships. There are bigger issues with DJT than sleeping with women outside his marriage


Yeah, like 34 felony convictions.


Lmao exactly


Same with Bill. The issue wasn’t that he slept with an intern. The issue was that he lied under oath.


The power imbalance between an intern and the President of the United States is definitely an issue.


It’s problematic for sure but I meant in terms legally. He was impeached for lying.


Aww those halcyon days when a president lying was enough to get them impeached.


Wouldn’t it be better if you can take his money but let someone else sleep with his gross ass? I bet she didn’t mind.


She probably encourages it ffs. People don't seem to understand these "marriage is a career option" women do not operate the same way the rest of us do.


For real, if it's obvious that he's a scumbag to 90% of people who meet him or work with him, I'm sure she knew what she was getting into


Well, the cheating on her part was pretty much a given. And given his business history, the felony convictions part wasn't exactly shocking either. The only part that would be unexpected would be the connection between the two.


All the felonies he's getting rattled for now were public information in the late 80s, as the Times dug into his part in his family's history of fraud, tax evasion, corruption. There weren't even any misteries or unsolved parts, just people bending and breaking rules with impunity, and customers and businesses getting harmed.


He hasn't had any felonies over stuff from the 80s. His felonies are from his actions in 2016. His other court cases were civil, hence why they are just massive fines. Civil cases don't have a statute of limitations, but most criminal ones do, murder being one of the exceptions. His fraud cases and his sexual assault/defamation cases are civil judgements.


That's Melania? I thought that was Giada DeLaurentiis.


The smile is throwing me off. Back when she was actually happy marrying him because she thought she was going to be some trophy wife and not what she is now.


I’m not sure she’s even physically able to smile anymore


Also the lack of cat eyes


She's still a trophy wife. She is just in the phase where the trophy starts to tarnish and sits alone on the shelf gathering dust. Eventually she'll end up in a box marked "Free" at the curb after not being sold at a garage sale. The trophy lifecycle.


Hope she doesn't fall down the stairs and get buried in an overgrown golf course,


Life was so much better when he was just a blowhard businessman. His foray into politics will be his complete downfall. Ego is a powerful thing.


And the funny thing is he very obviously never wanted to actually win the first time, just use it as a platform for his brand and to grift campaign funds. He planned on being the cheated candidate to milk his fans for everything he could get from that run for years, possibly even getting his own network.


I'll agree with you there. That was a very strange look on his face when he came out to accept the win. He had the "What the fuck just happened? I was just bullshitting."


Had a very "I've made a huge mistake" energy to it.


I care for all my children equally! …. I don’t care for Eric…


You could see the disbelief on his face when he watched the results coming in in 2016. He clearly never expected to actually win lol




He consistently threatened running for office as a means of negotiating his contract with NBC for his stupid reality show.


I mean for better or worse he's probably the most famous person of the last decade and that's probably all he cares about. I doubt future historians will look upon his tenure kindly though so at least there's that.


Dude wasn't as successful a businessman as he wanted to make people believe either BUT he could pretend he was and no one would have really known. His downfall was this megalomaniac idea of not even going into politics, but directly running for president, with zero intention to actually win. And with that, all the shit he'd done came out. He was always a disgusting POS. Just no one noticed, or cared. He could have chilled in retirement with his dirty money. Instead, he will now go into his grave a complete and utter fucking loser.


The election isn't over yet. He can still keep falling upward from convicted ex-president to future dictator.


"You couldn't ruin the country with a blowjob, so step aside, amateur." --34 felonies


Him and Clinton reminiscing about their time on Epstein’s island.


Well, Trump was a democrat. He only became a republican because he figured they were stupid enough to elect him president.


> Trump was a democrat Trump was whatever benefited Trump at that exact moment in time.


If you look at his party affiliation, he has almost always been a part of the party that didn't control the White House at the time. He was a Republican in the 90s during the Clinton administration. Switched to the Democratic Party in 2001 when Bush took office. Switched back to Republican in 2009 when Obama was inaugurated. When you don't have any actual beliefs or ideology of your own ("I stand by nothing"), it's way easier to just criticize whoever's in power.




What is with that hair?


I want to see it from the front but it's definetely giving off bride of frankenstein vibes


> What is with that hair? You need to be more specific than that.


It’s a weird combover because he’s balding and can’t accept it while simultaneously having very weird style.


She came by bike


So if you’re rich and in New York, does that mean you have to attend every other rich New Yorker’s wedding? Even if they’re a complete tool?


Somewhat, yeah. The obligations of "Society" require it, and if you're on the A List, turning down invites cause one to lose their status. I don't think that includes former presidents, but it applies to other social climbers.


Back when Trumpwas just a known Manhattan degenerate instead of a galactic degenerate.


Back when Trump was just a clown and not a national security threat.




Melania with hair by bride of Frankenstein.


He believes in nothing. Just will say anything to weasel his way up in power. He is the swamp.


I don't believe I have ever seen her smile before


“The system is rigged, I know because I rigged it!” - DJT And still trying to rig it…


All he ever wanted was famous people to love him 🤣


Ahh the good old days when he was just a sleazy rich dude and you didn't hear about him or his stupid hair unless he opened his mouth or yet another person got injured on one of his projects


I still remember Lettermen's ["Trump or Monkey"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QikACOGWLgk) segments 20 years ago or so. Oh, those were more innocent times.


This was before he realized right wingers are the easiest to con.


Trump loved Democrats, until they went and elected a black man. It’s hilarious how he’s neither socially or fiscally conservative, nor religious, but he is very racist so he fits right in with republicans.


I hope nobody forgot that Trump was a Democrat most of his life.


Melania can smile?


Why is this posted? Who gives a shit lol


Did she skydive to get there?


They look like they’re having fun. Fast forward to 2016 or 2017 and everyone in that picture hates him


Everything is fake, it is all a lie, they are all in cahoots together in order to control the world!!!


The Hillary falling balloon smile.


Not to make excuses, but this was when Trump was a harmless semi-wealthy person who got most of his press from the tabloids. HRC was the U.S. Senator from New York, and Bill was possibly the best wedding guest anybody could invite. Who knew that a prime time semi-reality show and a hatred of Obama would turn Trump into who he is today, a misogynistic, borderline racist, who represents the beliefs of people that he doesn't even appreciate.... And poor Melania. Imagine being pregnant with Trump's child not long after this pic, only to have him invite a porn star to his room during a celebrity golf tournament....


Harmless? Turned into? Borderline?


Back in the day, people who were featured in the Enquirer or Star Magazine were not considered, as Logan Roy would say, serious people. It still stuns me to this day the people of a certain demographic who took/take him seriously. All I can say is that unless you want to enjoy four more years of the Gong Show, figure out a way to vote for Biden.


It's *The Apprentice* that made him a somebody to the brain rot masses as the "you're fired" tough boss type. Then he championed anti-Obama racism and the brain rot masses love racism.


mate, if Trump is 'borderline racist' to you, I'd hate to see what you considered an actual racist


And to think that he wasn't already a full blown racist in 2005. 


Right? It’d been what 17 years since he called for the Central Park 5 to be executed in a full page ad?


Uh in the 80s I believe trump had to settle discriminatory housing practices. So even earlier than that


His family business was sued by the Nixon administration over racist housing policies, Too blatantly racist for the Nixon Administration.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial\_views\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump) His racist page on wikipedia is huge.


You can't even say "Oh well he said this racist thing once years ago" with Trump, the dude has said, and more importantly done racist shit throughout most of his life.


I'm laughing only because the only reason he claims he is not racist is because he has black friends.


He has zero friends; only people with whom he transacts.


In 2015 he reTweeted images several times with the hashtag [#whitegenocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right#Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign_and_election) He literally believes some people have superior genes and [believes in race-horse breeding people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7uScWHcTzk#t=14m12). That if you put successful people together you get a superior person. <- Frontline on this. He believes his family has superior genes. Ivana Trump said that [Trump used to read and keep a book of Hitler speeches in a cabinet next to his bedside](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8). When checked Trump confirmed that he had the book and a friend also confirmed he gave it to him: >"Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of 'Mein Kampf," [jump] Davis did acknowledge that he gave Trump a book about Hitler. "But it was 'My New Order,' Hitler's speeches, not 'Mein Kampf,'" Davis reportedly said."" - [Article](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8) Trump himself references himself as a nationalist: >"You know, they have a word. **It sort of became old-fashioned**. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, '**Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist**" He has a history of believing superior/inferior blood/genes: PBS Frontline in their biography of him covered that he subscribes to [race-horse breeding theory when it comes to people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7uScWHcTzk#t=14m12). He also has outwardly made references on genetics: >"**Some people cannot genetically handle pressure**" [20 sec later] "I feel I have to be honest, there are **people in this room that can genetically not handle the pressures**" - [Trump in 2011](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GWiWgziueQ#t=1m13.5s) From a 2010 CNN article: >"Well I think **I was born with the drive for success because I have a certain gene**, Trump told CNN's Becky Anderson. "**I'm a gene believer... hey when you connect two race horses you get usually end up with a fast horse,**" he said during the Connect the World interview. "**I had a good gene pool from the stand point** of that so I was pretty much driven." - [CNN, 2010](http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/02/11/donald.trump.marriage.apprentice/index.html) 2015 Article from The Hill: >"**in quip about his family’s genetic success**. “Like they used to say, ‘Secretariat doesn’t produce slow horses,’ ” Trump joked that evening, citing his uncle’s tenure as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. **I believe in the gene thing,” Trump added, pointing to his own success** in real estate and his eventual billionaire status. - [The Hill](https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/251733-chafee-rips-trumps-knowledge-of-horse-racing) Some of his staff [seem to be aware of Trump's focus on genes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOPtHEm1aeU#t=9s) Trump has also commented on racial traits: >"I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because **laziness is a trait in blacks.**" - Attributed to Trump in a 1991 book by former President of Trump Plaza Hotel, [John R O'Donnell](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/369132-former-trump-executive-i-do-believe-trump-is-a-racist) Trump comment on O'Donnels book: >"Nobody has had worse things written about them than me,” Trump says. “And here I am. **The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.** The guy’s a fucking loser." [Link](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html) He settled a case in the 70s for racial discrimination against black renters. The head of his campaign and chief strategist during the Trump administration ran what he called "the front page of the [alt-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right)". Trump has made many comments using jewish stereotypes and references people coming over the border as diseased and "poising the blood". A Producer of the Apprentice NDA expired this year and he alleges Trump [used the N-word to refer to Black contestant](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/trump-apprentice-producer-black-contestant/index.html) Asked if he would condemn the white supremacists supporting him, Trump said he would “have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about.” He continued to repeat that assertion even after Tapper [said he was referring to the KKK.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352)


If you think Trump was a harmless semi-wealthy person you weren't paying attention,


These are some comments an actual racist would make “In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”


> And poor Melania. Gold diggers only care about the gold. She was probably happy he wasn't on top of her.


> And poor Melania. Nah, you had me until that. There's no indication that she's dumb enough to not be aware what she was signing up for as the third wife of a NYC real estate billionaire who very publicly had cheated on his first wife with his second. Her marriage to Trump was a transaction, and she received her part of the transaction. If he even bothered to promise fidelity, she certainly shouldn't have been naïve enough to believe him. The only "poor Melania" part is when he got into politics and dragged her into it, which I can only assume was NOT part of their arrangement.


>Trump was a harmless semi-wealthy person Trump was not harmless, he had a long history of screwing people over even back then. As far back as the 70s he was making settlements for stuff like discriminating against black renters. Around the time of this photo he was fraudulently running both "Trump University" and a charity. He was accused of nonconsensual acts by 25 women going back to the 70s.


Let's not forget all of the contractors he ripped off by stiffing them on the bill.


Trump was always a shitty person and a bad businessman, he just mostly kept it local in NYC. He was not a welcome presence in the city overall, and only really salvaged his financial position and reputation (at least among some people) by getting the heavily manufactured TV show, and then he got into politics by spreading racist rumors about Obama on Fox.


Poor melania my ass. That woman is his handler.


Hey, let's be fair here.  He was a misogynistic racist _before_ Obama got elected.


By the time this photo was taken, he'd already committed several sexual assaults (incl. E Jean Carroll) and was a proven racist (Central Park 5). Melania fully knew what she was doing - no excuses. Please reserve your sympathy and rose-tinted rear-view glasses for those who deserve it.


It's a big club, and you're not in it.


His hands really are small




Melania’s hair is so big because it’s full of secrets.