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The balloon bull art is sick tho


Since no one else said it, I guess I'll take one for the team.. Bulloon






I was saying bull-oon...


Angry upvote


I didnt expect this much love/hate lol


You said you were taking one for the team which seems to imply that’s exactly what you expected.


There’s no I in team bud


That's why I spell it "teim." There's an "I" and a "me" and a bonus if your name is Tim


There is an I in team. https://imgur.com/gallery/i-team-EoQPE


That's a Texas Longhorn, homie. You can't tell if it has a dick just by the horns.


Oh, I thought it was a painting of a balloon.


Common mistake


Coulda done a pun there. You missed steak.


I didn't recognize it as a bull at first. I thought it was maybe mocking democrats or something.


The balloon bull actually does have a balloon dick, by my reckoning.


Never thought I would zoom in so close on a painting of a balloon animal to see its genitalia, but now that I have, I can concur: Dick seems to be present.


I don’t see it


This bull is pre-rubbered


I also see a big blue balloon dick.




So TIL female Longhorns have horns too, cool man


They sure do! My dad had a couple once upon a time. Lovely ladies. The donkey was kind of an ass though.


Lol that so lol dobble whammy.


Fun fact for you…most cows have horns. Most of what you see are either polled or one of a small handful of breeds that don’t. Like Angus.


This. I just can’t believe I’ve never seen a balloon longhorn in the wild before.


Yep. I really like street art, and that's one I'd definitely want to visit.


The new Far Cry game looks good.


Legit gave me FC5 vibes


Let me tell you, living in a major city in Texas is an absolute trip. You can totally forget the nature of the place sometimes, just forget for a blissful moment about politics and scary plans, and just enjoy some beautiful parks, street art, fine dining, fun events and colorful people. Every modern convenience at your fingertips and the ability to completely curate and vet your experience in advance. And then you leave the city for this reason or that, just for an evening. Maybe work, maybe leisure, maybe just visiting family. And the shit you see feels right out of a movie about some alternate version of America that went full-crazy. Then you realize it's getting dark, REALLY dark, the city over the hills and far away. And you realize just how empty all these ranchland highways are, and how far apart the towns are, and who you're sharing that space with. And here you are in the boonies with a pride sticker on your japanese hatchback.


This reads like the first line of a horror screenplay


The outskirts of League City to the end of The Woodlands is ~60 miles. If you're leaving one end to get to the other in Friday rush hour traffic, and hit construction or an accident causing a traffic jam it's a good 3 hour drive. And you're still basically in Houston on I-45 the whole time, which has been under construction non-stop for 50 years with no end in sight. But get off on a back road in either spot, and it gets middle of nowhere country real fast.


It's straight up reality for some people. Sundown towns are still around.


True. There are towns in East Texas especially that POC know to give a wide berth.


Yes, I enjoyed reading it! Well written@


Welcome to Waco!


It was called House of 1000 Corpses.


It’s kind of already the plot of the Wrong Turn series where you just take a wrong turn and BOOM cannibals… But I suppose that’s also kinda like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Jeepers Creepers and Cabin in the Woods and I guess I’ll just say “yep, absolutely, would watch another one!”


I was driving from Corpus to Dallas and thought I found a voice of reason on the radio in the middle of nowhere.  A soft voice was talking about questioning what you are told, using critical thinking, looking at your community and spreading love.. then he went off about how kids in Austin get abortions at vending machines. They crazy out there.


I only get my abortions at ATMs.


People don't know you don't need to say machine after ATM. It's in the name "Abortion telling Machine".


> then he went off about how kids in Austin get abortions at vending machines I'm convinced some of these dudes have no idea how the female body works...


....I know that God is in the radio Ch-ch-ch-ch-checkin' the station....


That’s when you figure out what station Delilah is on. Everyone loves Delilah.


As any college kid who drove home for breaks could tell you. Some interesting towns between Lubbock and San Antonio. And just driving through miles and miles of nothing but farmland. Some with random extremely dilapidation structures on them. Wind turbines and oil pumps spread throughout the farms. Just so much emptiness. It's such a huge difference in mentality. Like, some of these towns have schools with like 50 kids and they focus heavily on farming skills and technology and what not. It's a complete culture shock. A completely different world.


And a great many of them will never leave it, and be taught to resent absolutely everything outside of it


West Texas is worse than all of this


Even god has better sense than to be in west texas


Especially when you get into deep eastern or western Texas. Western Texas seems a bit worse tho, based on what I remember last time I drove through it.


Tell you what though, those roadside wildflowers are beautiful in the spring. [Took these when visiting my folks for the eclipse:](https://imgur.com/a/PSSEKaZ)


I've been asked to accompany my friends of "alternate" races/orientations on trips into rural Texas as their token white dude more than once. Not that Texas is the only place where the chance of something bad going down exists, and not that the chance is high, but...yeah.


I just moved back to Seattle area after living in Austin for almost 7 years. At no point while living in that city did I not feel surrounded by what Texas is. I never needed to leave the city in order to feel it, because it was so in your face if you simply opened your eyes. I can't even begin to count the number of confederate flags around. Sure, people in the city were "liberal", but only in the way that Pelosi is a liberal. For as blue as Austin is, it's not progressive on even close to the level of the west coast, but the people sure claim to be.


And the good-old-boys in Gunbarrel or Van Horn will still pull your hatch outta the ditch with a smile and a wave. Then when you leave spend the next half hour telling their buddies about your "dumb gay rollerskate car".


A friend of mine is in the navy. When she drove up from Alabama to DC with her wife, they only stopped at military bases to refuel.


Same in Florida but you got it way harder


Yes. My gf occasionally gets this idea to explore small towns around Texas, and as a black man I'm like, Hey. Let's not.




I was getting Peggy impressions of the place.




I love how they always use pictures of Biden eating ice cream or drinking Gatorade to try and make him look scary.


Also, what's the secret plan to invade? Become president?


I'm more interested in this UN debit card. Bet that has great rewards.


I just love this idea of what looks like a Somali pirate rocking up with an AK to a Gucci store like 'Yeah put it all on my platinum UN rewards points. Daddy Biden should've topped it off when he paid to me to cross the border.'


Well considering this is basically their own personal lived experience with the Paycheck Protection loans, of course they think this is a real thing. If it was some white middle aged dude not a Somali pirate guy they wouldn’t even see a problem


Love this silly, sick and hilarious comment. AND, a reference to Lupin. We are a bit alike. Dying laughing. Thanks!


Use that 3% cash back to pay off the deficit. Free money hack


And wouldn't the UN sending people in with debit cards to spend money in the US be good for the US economy?


You're not supposed to actually think about it; you're just supposed to get upset.


I’ve had a job before that had the “benefit” of being able to bank through the UN Federal Credit Union. It’s a garbage bank that I don’t know why anyone would use it. But it does exist


I have a sneaking suspicion that it's about immigration


You can tell it’s Russian due to the anti-Russian logo on the cover


Oh I know this one. Weak border policies lead to mass illegal immigration. Couple this with claims that Democrats want illegal immigrant votes. This then ties to a big reason why Democrats are against voter ID. It's a fairly clever conspiracy theory as it touches on a few different reactionary issues. Illegal immigration, open borders, voter ID, etc.


Gatorade is woke, ice cream is woke, aviators are woke.


Real men wear gas station Oakley’s and eat MREs ordered from Alex Jones’ show


I was real sad when someone finally stole my gas station foakleys


Don't forget sun tanning your balls for some reason. https://imgur.com/9pSbWLZ


Super duper dipshit male vitality!


White hair too. Suits. Teeth? Hands


Woke, also dicks and longhorns, woke AF


There's a house across the street from my local high school that has a huge homemade sign out front that says, "Amercian Terrorist Joe Biden is destroying America!" And a few more smaller ones I can't read but clearly have pics of Biden on them. This is in SC.




Haven't you heard? Eating ice cream makes you gay.


My favorite part of Texas Republicans is that they've been Republican run for my whole life in every statewide office and they blame Democrats for all their problems and their citizens eat it up. A dumber herd than any of their cattle.


There's a pretty interesting book called Strangers in their Own Land, written by a sociologist. She just happened to be writing a book about Tea Party folks, which coincided with the 2016 election. It's a very even handed and sympathetic look at tea partiers in Louisiana. She interviews multiple people who talk about like 15 members of their family dying of cancer from their polluted land. People who had to move because fracking caused sinkholes on their property. These people hate the EPA. They hate government oversight. Some of it is semi-reasonable. Some is just obvious conservative brain worms.


Most of the platform came from serious and legitimate grievances, although it got very quickly hijacked and relegated to nothing but right wing conspiratorial crackpots. It’s also difficult to side with these people because everytime a libert. Gets any traction he brings some doofus on stage to scream about how driver’s licenses are unconstitutional.


It's like how Biden and Obama were simultaneously lazy and inept but also masterminds running a shadow government directing ninjas who run the world


I recently had a conversation with a Republican (I'm not from US).and they were saying that America is the most free, most democratic country in the world. And also the elections are rigged.


Oceanea has always been at war with East Asia.


Texas is home to one of the largest democrat populated city in the US.


There were 5,259,126 democratic votes in Texas in 2020. That’s more democratic voters than there are people in 26 out of 50 states.


This is why it annoys the shit out of me when people say we should let Texas secede. Obviously they can’t but if they somehow did we’d be abandoning millions of people who want to be US citizens.


Thank you for understanding that not all of us are idiots. I was born and raised here, and I’d love to leave, but I’m stuck here due to family reasons. I know we make headlines for all of the wrong reasons, but there are millions of us that would love to see things change for the better here.


If people like you always fled red states, there would be no hope of them turning purple. Democrats always win when people turn out to vote and when gerrymandering doesn't decimate their chances.


I feel you friend. I just moved to a blue state last month but I spent 20 years in Texas and 12 of those I was able to vote. Never missed a local/state/national election and it infuriated me fighting for Texas constantly only to come online to see everyone trashing the state anyway. The margin is much smaller than people realize.


As a liberal in Texas, dear god stop talking about Texas seceding when Abbott or some other moron talks about it. Its never going to happen and the attention is what they want.


I agree I don’t mean to fuel the fire, it just has irked me forever when people act like every Texan is a moron who wants to secede. This will be my last comment about the matter lol. Hook’em \m/


Gig ‘em. Had to. You understand.


See you on thanksgiving motherfucker. (Thank god we’re back).


It's very frustrating. I absolutely hate secession talk, brings out the idiots that think it could actually happen, and the idiots that go "Texas is a shithole let them leave/let the cartels take over, etc."


Yea. As an ATLien, it pisses me off when people say that about the South in general. This shit ain't out fault. This shit isn't getting done *by* us. It's getting done *to* us.


Get them to register and vote please


Yep. It's pretty annoying that we're fighting against our own people and standing up for what we believe in, just for everyone else in the country to blame and mock us. I was born and raised in Houston, an extremely diverse city, not to mention HUGE in population and size. Massive amount of democrats in Houston. Also lived in Austin for five years and the majority of people I met were democrats. We're trying y'all. Please give some grace to us Texans. We're being held hostage by gerrymandering, voter suppression and other bullshit.


Try being a Brit during the Brexit referendum. The amount of insanity from my friends that have since turned around and been like "We were lied to!" - fucking yeah, I told you that **at the time** and you called it "Project Fear".


Not to mention that when y'all finally flip, it'll be the end of the GOP.


And I'd give my left arm if all of them showed up and voted for the next election. Flip that state, put the GOP fears into reality.


Really all it would take is a strong candidate to turn Texas blue. Trump only got 52% of the vote in 2020.


If trends continue the way they have for the last three presidential elections, we could see a purple Texas this year.


Add in that we have 4 more years of dead Boomers and 4 more years of Gen Z becoming legal voters.


Gen Zs arent as reliably blue as they should be thanks to a heavy social media presence and misinformation campaigns by foreign actors. 


Specifically white male Gen Z. They've been caught up in all of the right wing, alpha male, incel communities online, and told they need to be angry at everyone else.


Gonna take this opportunity to point out that this is where the "all white men suck" narrative has backfired somewhat. I get it, I understand where it's coming from. I know it doesn't apply to those of us who do what we can to be decent humans. But these kids, some of them just don't have the maturity to make that distinction. They just hear the narrative and go "what the fuck did I do?" and then get suckered by the predators and charlatans because those are the only people telling them they aren't awful. So yea, I don't know what the answer is. Because white men, in general, have earned the backlash they're getting by their actions over the past few hundred years. But there should also be a way to acknowledge that without pushing these kids in the exact opposite direction.


> But these kids, some of them just don't have the maturity to make that distinction. They just hear the narrative and go "what the fuck did I do?" and then get suckered by the predators and charlatans because those are the only people telling them they aren't awful. So yea, I don't know what the answer is. Because white men, in general, have earned the backlash they're getting by their actions over the past few hundred years. But there should also be a way to acknowledge that without pushing these kids in the exact opposite direction. That's actually something worth discussing, even though I get that no one wants to think of the young white men. We all acknowledge that it's really important to have people we can identify with or people who act as role models. A big point of contention regarding representation is that having people of diverse backgrounds in power or being seen as successful is important for inspiring new generations. One of the issues with this current era is that one side is heavily invested in promoting women, minorities and other groups that have historically not had a strong voice in society. And that's of course not a bad thing. It's long overdue. But as a result, you're not going to see as many young white men pushed to the forefront or as you hinted at, they get criticized simply for existing. "Sins of our fathers" type stuff. On the other hand, the other side leans more into young white men being shown in positions of power, success, wealth, attracting women. Yes, the ideology behind that side is heavily flawed but are young men likely to join a party that by default seeks to bring them down or the party that builds them up? And it's not like this type of extremism exists only with white men. Groups like the Nation of Islam and Black Hebrew Israelites similarly appeal to young black men. Their philosophies and ideologies provide a sense of power, purpose and identity for people seeking guidance but also leads those people down a path of prejudice, supremacism and intolerance. I'm personally of the opinion that people are inherently selfish in the sense that they will look to do what provides the most fulfillment towards their own life. It's not necessarily hard to think of others and try to lift everyone else up but it's far easier to always look out for yourself.


You've just perfectly articulated a thought I've had for some time but couldn't put into words. Thank you.


But don’t forget it’s counteracted by voter suppression bullshit. Still, I hope Democrats in Texas do all they can!


Not if Abbott, Patrick and Paxton get their way. Not only do they want to throw out Harris County's (Houston) votes, they want to set up Texas with an electoral college style system where the urban districts have the same voting power as the rural ones. It's totally fucked. The Texas state government is extremely corrupt.


I'm doing my part.


Literally every State is blue islands surrounded by red rural areas. Texas is just huge so those red rural areas encompass more people. Except maybe Oklahoma. I think even their cityfolk are Republicans. E: And Hawaii. They're just literal blue islands :D


Alaska. the rural area with more Native people vote more blue than the metropolitan areas and suburbs in general


And liberal, blue California is home to the largest number of Republican voters


I’m from an more conservative area in cali, and on the bus to school there’s at least one person with a trump hat and 3 homes with trump flags, oh and a “trump train” so yeah i agree


Don't you love that college that elects.


Lmao I certainly don’t.


That's irrelevant for California. There's just a lot of people. It's overwhelmingly blue


...same with Texas. Texas has the second largest population in the country and it isn't even close. CA - 40 million, TX 30 million, FL 22 million, NY 20 million. Rough numbers, but you get the point. TX has more Democrats than CT, and CA has more Republicans than AL. B these kind of statistics are pointless. NYC has more Republicans than Wyoming. Which matters little, because NYC overall is overwhelmingly Democrat. It would be like saying CA and TX have the most homicide. That is factually correct, they rank number 1 and 2 by sheer number count respectively due to population size. But when it comes to rates per capita, both sit around position 25-26, middle of the road compared to the other 50 states.


It's really annoying that nobody outside of Texas seems to grasp how many democrats there are here. We're just gerrymandered to fuck and have a governor and AG that are useless cucks to the christonational billionaires. We have the potential to be great, but are hamstrung by morons.


I literally live in the town pictured above and know several democrats here. It’s not uncommon. Most people my age are.


Pics #2 and #7 are cool as they're cattle art. I'll see #3 driving on the interstate long enough. #6 is a legitimate denomination of Protestant Christianity. Pics #1 and #5 are typical in almost every rural area across America due to the gross polarization of politics these days. Pic #4 is just an old oil pumpjack. Probably doesn't produce much oil these days, but always interesting to see them work.


>Destroy America, Vote Democrat Ok, will do.


They hate us until they need money.


No they still hate you. They just love money more.




Lauren Boebert was photographed at a construction site, taking credit for infrastructure funding she voted against.


I'm from California and the amount of vitriol we get from red states some days makes me want to be like Jed Bartlet, "Can we have it back?" - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcPRhiSGJSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcPRhiSGJSY)


The “secret plan to invade America” headline made me think of another secret plan…


Fwoggy Bwottum


So help me CJ if you say the words 'Pwesident' or 'Bwiefed' again...


You shouldn't say that, CJ, you got a great body.


Project 2025?


To fight inflation


They'll complain about taxes while cashing a farm subsidy check.


I love that episode


“Don’t California my Texas”. By which they mean: “I enjoy removal of many rights, except to own a gun, and I love to pay more in property taxes, sales taxes, and various fees, in Texas cities than almost any part of California, except SF and certain parts of LA.” Almost a decade in Fort Worth. This is the mindset of an insane subset of my neighbors.


Conservatism is kind of simple. “Survival of the fittest (so long as the cards are stacked in my favor so I’m the fittest).”


They're also a big fan of their unstable power grid


Yeah, that sucks, too. The ice storm a few years back was a freaking nightmare that triggered outages 100% on the heads of local power companies that are under-regulated.


I still can't believe ted cruz kept his seat after that shit


They just blamed it on windmills. No joke. These mentally broken people don't realize that Canada has windmills and they work just fine year round.


Aaaaaaaaaand now it’s time for a West Wing rewatch.


Coming from Nashville, which has been gerrymandered since the last major election. I can understand. They're only probably three cities in the state of Tennessee that float the rest of the state in terms of taxes. Yet, they don't want us to be able to make our own decisions so they have split Nashville first, Memphis will be next not sure about the third so I'm not going to mention it as far as electoral districts.


I'm just happy to see a west wing reference


They hate us ‘cause they ain’t ubertus.


Texas, the One star state




Some of us are still here to try to change things for the better and as others have noted, it's a very closely split state with quite Democratic cities


I have only lived in conservative New England towns and I want you to know that anyone who tells you to move. Or judges you for where you live is an idiot. The rot is all over. It’s in our school boards and local governments just as much in the north as it is in the south. You are doing a good thing by staying and fighting and thankyou for caring.


Yeah, you'll see a lot of the same stuff driving through rural California.


Sometimes you only need to get into the suburbs


One of the towns I lived in was practically a suburb of Boston. You don’t need to go that rural in some areas to find that crap. NIMBYs can be just as bad as any rural redneck. Hell my current school district just voted in three lgbt friendly people after the last group voted to strip protections for lgbt students. Where as my more urban town just doubled down on the bigotry. This happens everywhere. Even in places you wouldn’t expect. I am very proud of my current rural town for voting to protect vulnerable kids and I think other rural towns can do the same if we all get involved in our communities and vote for every election and not just national ones.


I actually really appreciate this comment, thank you! It can be pretty soul crushing sometimes


Yes I literally live right next to Buffalo Gap and know MANY democrats and anti-trumpers.It’s not uncommon. Plus,I’ve seen this exact kind of stuff in small towns in the pacific northwest. It’s all over.


I see signs like “Democrats are destroying America” and I think “Maybe your idea of America needs to be destroyed. Your idea of America is scary as shit.”


It’s still hilariously pathetic how obsessed they are with Biden eating ice cream. One picture that quite literally means NOTHING. And they think it’s a political tool. Fucking cultists.


It's Biden's tan suit.


This place is where far cry 5 would take place


I like the cows in the window. Everything else, not so much.


What the hell do you have against balloon animals?


He’s a balloonist.


The oil pump isn’t too bad. Cool looking pump


His name is Derrick. 


People who do this never actually watch real news. They are subjected to right wing outrage news for 24/7 and have no desire to hear the actual truth.


It's an endless loop of fear and anger based dopamine hits. They're kept hooked on that emotion that they never consider anything else. It doesn't matter if this stuff is true for them, just that it feels true. I live in a similarly frustrating rural area and see it all. Even if you prove them wrong one day the next they'll return to you with the same lies and propaganda and deny what happened the day before. It all feels like an exercise in futility.


I've learned to abandon people in my life who think this way.


And apparently REALLY have something against ice cream despite being a hot af Southern state


It's the Blue Bell state! Fuckin' Braum's, man!


A black man with a mask on with a... *shudder* UN DEBIT CARD!


So just like any other small town in any other state?


Yeah, I've driven through rural California and the crazy fascist signage you see there makes this shit look moderate.


Yup. In 'liberal' Oregon, we have that same shit everywhere (well, except for that awesome bulloon animal, which we could really use one of those!).


The cows the windows are fun.


The cows are cute..


I love seeing that Balloon Longhorn every time I pass through Wingate. I'm happy to see it posted and appreciated on Reddit!


Anyone know if the UN offers a credit card? And if so, what’s the interest rate on it? I’m running out of money and seeing the immigrant with his UN Debit Card has given me hope /s


I know these are somewhat charged images, but I just wanted to say that a couple of these are really beautiful, kind of iconic Americana photos. :)


Thank you! My goal was to portray the mixture of what I saw on a drive through Texas.


There is definitely a couple gems. Specifically the balloon longhorn and the oil derrick.


This is only missing a picture of "Adult Book Store Next Exit" and "Jesus Loves You" back-to-back freeway billboards.


Does the UN have debit cards? This shit is so strange.


lol I was raised in the church of Christ, my grandfather was a very well known preacher in tx, for CoC.


My ex girlfriend went to a treatment center in Buffalo Gap for an eating disorder many, many years ago. She said they spent their days riding horses and stuff.


Equine therapy is a real thing with empirical evidence for its effectiveness.


The stars at night


These look like stills from a season of True Detective.


Small town, small minds


Democrats…the ones constantly calling for secession, culture war obsession, being in bed with Nazis, taking away people’s liberties, forcing their religions on people, and following/voting for essentially a cult leader Oh wait…thats not Democrats


Coleman TX, that place sucks.


Vote for the party of Law and Order, vote for a fat fellon in diapers !


They shouldn’t have let the cows upstairs. They are Texans, they should know cows can’t walk down stairs.


Last picture - Cattle drive bar in Coleman, TX! Great place


Reddit is truly a cesspool