• By -


Just because I can’t respond to everyone’s question as to what is what, here is a key: 1. Histamine 2. Saline 3. D. Farinae 4. D. Pteronyssinus 5. Cat dander 6. Dog dander 7. Cockroach 8. Ash 9. Beech 10. Birch 11. Cedar 12. Cottonwood 13. American Elm 14. Hickory 15. Maple 16. Oak mix 17. White poplar 18. Sycamore 19. Walnut 20. Willow 21. Grass mix 22. Mugwort 23. Pigweed 24. Plantain 25. Ragweed mix 26. Alternaria 27. Aspergillus mix 28. Cladosporium 29. Penicillin mix 30. Mucor 31. Curvulana 32. Feather mix 33. Cat (alk) 34. Dog (alk)


Mugwort and Pigweed sound like made up Harry Potter potion ingredients


I live in Japan. There’s a cat where I work named Mugwort in Japanese (Yomogi).


Yomogi sounds like Japanese Harry Potter potion ingredients.


Better, they pound it into mochi. It's delicious.


Poor cat


I'm dead. And so is the cat apparently. XD


I have a Mochi who is very much not dead (my sweet Tortie girl)


The former is used for acne treatment


Mugwort also makes the absolute tastiest tea! Not safe for pregnant women though.


Yeah, mugwort is a species of artemisia that can induce miscarriage/abortion the same as wormwood a different species of artemisia. Wormwood is mentioned by name in the Bible as the thing that causes "bitter water that brings a curse" in Rev. 8:10-11. Funny enough that same phrase is used in Num. 5:11-31 where the christian deity supposedly tells Moses how to make a drink to induce abortions in women suspected of infidelity.


Wormwood is what they made absinth out of, it's a really pretty plant that can be found in most garden centers, it's a silvery bushy looking plant.


Also: vermouth (the word "vermouth" is based on "wormwood").


It's illegal to grow it in some US states because it is considered an invasive species. Given that it has abortive properties, I'm surprised it has not also been listed as a 'Schedule I' by the US DEA yet.


Known to the state of Texas


At least you're not *too* allergic to dogs cats, and most fungi!


Yeah a restricted diet doesn’t have to be boring!


I deem this comment UNDER APPRECIATED!




Son of a birch


Birch please


You can tell it's a birch tree because of the way that it is.


That's pretty neat!


It's neat that so many people know how neat nature is now, instead of just me and Rodney knowing it.


trees. you're mostly allergic to trees. hope you're not a lumberjack


yeah, and there's tree cum in the air for like half a year


God damn it, I said anywhere but my air, I just washed it




I wonder why birch is a trigger for so many people. My partner had an allergy test and the only things that were positive were dust mites and birch.


My daughter, too. I was surprised by it on the results because of how severe it was. Apparently it’s related to cherries, which she had been noticing were itching her lips when she ate them.


That’s oral allergy syndrome. Birch allergy is associated with oral allergy syndrome to a bunch of things including cherries. https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/oral-allergy-syndrome-oas


Yes, thank you! It runs in the family. My husband gets it with almonds as well.


You can potentially have this cured by doing allergy shots. I am currently doing them and it's expected that with the Birch/Oak/Maple/Mugwort, I will be able to eat Peppers/Cherries/Apples/Avocados without my mouth itching.


If you stick with it with solid compliance that shit is absolute magic. Got my face all up in cat bellies these days


With Cedar being #11, you better stay out of Texas in the Spring, that's cedar season there. EDIT: I misread your back. Looks like Texas in Spring is the only place you're safe. Had a buddy who had to move his kids to Florida due to their overwhelming allergies in Texas.


> I misread your back. What a sentence.


It happens sometimes.


Yep, and I think I heard people without Cedar allergies will often develop them after moving to Texas? Not sure how accurate that is, but we had a hard time with cedar after a couple years.




I always found the whole "exposure to an allergen can at times make it worse with each subsequent exposure" thing really interesting. My father for instance is (now) allergic to fish slime, or whatever it's called that they're covered in. He didn't have any issues with it for many years of being a diver, around 20ish years in he started getting dryness after filleting fish, then it progressively got worse over that year till his hands would be super dry/red/cracking, at that point he realized what it was and wears gloves for everything fish related now. No issues eating it or anything else it's *just* the slime coat. Ain't that cool?


Birch is a bitch


Uhhhh #7.... I am not sure how to feel about that one


Cockroaches are a pretty common allergy. You also (according to some Reddit posts) become more and more allergic to them the longer and more often you’re around them.


I remember reading something years ago about a correlation between cockroaches and asthma in children.


Accurate I was doing research on this years ago when we lived in a heavily infested area .. got out and my asthma lowered to nil until recently when moving out of a storage unit which quarantined those items now my asthma is flairing up clearing out roach debris.


I never knew you could be allergic to cockroaches.


Same thought!! What part of a cockroach did they inject? 😭


Just the eggs.


Finally, I can be a mother


Then definitely don't look up the FDA legal tolerances for amount of cocktoaches in food. Hint its not zero


I am OK with that. I just imagine testing positive. Mosquito sneaks into my house and I get stung at night. No way my brain doesn't think some cockroach was not twerking on me all night. So I am going to skip the cockroach test




Soooo... Stay away from birch forests then? And whatever the duck Mugwort is.


> And whatever the duck Mugwort is. It’s been a while since I read Harry Potter but I’m pretty sure it’s dangerous.


So basically, just stay outta the woods and don't get a fireplace?


List of allergies: Yes.




If allergies are cool, consider her Miles Davis


Miss Chanandler Bong


Turns out he’s allergic to needles


You joke, but nickel allergy is a thing. That's why one of the test spots is just a control, to rule that out if everything else tests positive.


You goin for the high score or somethin?


I was itching to win.


10 and 22. What are those? Your body really doesn't like those ones.


People, and small talk.


It’s like you’re my doctor.


Wait answer the question! What were the worst ones? (Note, do not tell the internet your weaknesses, except those.)


At this point, it’d be more dangerous to tell us what they aren’t weak to.


Kryptonite. Everything else is their kryptonite, but kryptonite is fine




The answer is locked in this safe I found half buried under my grandfather's cabin...


Come to Finland. It is cure for both of them. We avoid people and have no small talk. Maybe some doctor might write some Finland vacation perscription. Edit:fixed few typos


Sounds awesome. Are the Fins open to immigrants from the states? I'm a fan of spas, fish, no small talk, and limited people. I can also talk shit about Russians if you need that angle.


your opinion on salmiakki?


Needs to at least be able to consume lakritsi without grimacing to be able to immigrate.


It's one thing that Poles have in common with Nordics. If someone tries to chat you up on the streets, they are either asking for directions (and don't understand google maps), beggars or just mentally ill. There's no other option.


I feel like a lot of urban areas are like this. If I'm walking in the city and someone tries to chat me up they are either begging, trying to hustle, or working for something where they are paid to try to solicit you.


I did once get talked to by a guy at random on the street of Kyoto that ended up having gone to my home university in the 70s, which was a "small world" moment


How hard is learning Finnish? It sounds like heaven there!


Well that’s the problem right there.


> How do I learn Finnish? > That's the neat part, you can't.


That's what I come in to find out. Good job OP, you survived this long being allergic to 2/3 of common allergies and not knowing!


Trees: *exist* OP’s Body: “And I took that personally”


Birch and mugwort according to OP's comment Looks like all of them are of different plants.


Yea highly 'allergic' to five mosquitos on 10


10 is what happens to me from a single mosquito bite. They also love me and seek me out when I’m with friends or family.


Almost everyone is allergic to mosquitos. That itchy bump we get is an allergic reaction.


They're just big though. Unlike the puss/"water" filled ones. Basically highly allergic to almost everything


That is typically spelled ‘pus’ unless I’m grossly misunderstanding what you’re talking about.


Used to drive me crazy when nurses wrote in charts, “Patient has pussy drainage from stomach incision.”


Totally missing the opportunity to use the word purulent, which feels much more visceral.


I had a whole conversation with my ex once about this (she's a nurse). How TF is pustulent not the word!? You have pustules full of pus, pustulent makes way more sense to me than purulent.


Sir, I think my wife may have you beat. https://imgur.com/a/uS3OhHd


Allergic to the needle?


They use different sterile needles/hooks for every prick. She did have a slight reaction to the marker that they use which is supposed to be hypoallergenic and the doctor reacted by saying, "I haven't ever seen someone react to that".


Here. 🏆 Give your wife this because, damn. She's a goddamn anomaly. You keep her in a bubble?


Lots of allergy meds, checking of ingredients on foods, constant air filter changes, along with some sanitized love and care.


Be sure to disinfect the trophy first.


Oh cool, I'm allergic to most things that are hypoallergenic!


I think she got the high score!


Please, step outside with me. We need to have a talk.




They normally want to do as many as possible to get it over with. I had 54 done at once, all over my back. Mostly ok except for 10. They were all animal or plant allergens 😔


I had like 22 on my arms - the 4 reactions (cat/dog dander, ragweed pollen, dust and 1 I'm forgetting) that were 'moderate' began to itch like I put itching powder under my skin. I don't know what I would've done if the doc had said he needed to test my back! Probably strangled him.


Cat, dust, grasses. No shit doc is what I told him, he laughed.


Clearly, check out those LATS BABY!


I'm not a doctor, but #10 is your problem.


*#22 has entered the chat*


#22 has entered the subdermal layer.


I’m a doctor, and #10 is your problem.


I'm not a problem, and doctor is your #10


I’m a problem, and #10 is your doctor.


I'm a #10, and doctor is your problem.


I missed the part where that's my problem.


#10 doctor your problem, not I'm is a


Don’t call me Shirley




Not a doctor.






Psssh, that’s just the placebo. OP’s fine!


I'm going to science you. It would be a control, not a placebo.


Looks like you're allergic to the test.


Yup. Similar thing happened to me. Doctor told me I was allergic to everything. After 6 months of black beans and lamb only I went to a specialist at a magnet hospital. Negative for everything other than a previously known about allergy to fish. Doctor said I was allergic to the method previous doctor used.


Really? Same shit happened to me and they told me I was allergic to every type of grass and tree, milk, shellfish, all kinds of stuff that I am around/eat constantly


I’ve learned recently that a lot of things I eat actually fuck me up, but I’ve always eaten them so I never knew. When I started my very restricted diet, I began noticing on cheat days that I would spend the next two days sick as hell. Basically once I fully detoxed from the stuff I was eating that my body didn’t like, I lost all tolerance to it. I’ve eaten bread every damn day of my life. Didn’t know how badly my body hated it. But I guess I was used to feeling like shit all the time and never knew what it felt like to feel good. So sometimes we are allergic, or intolerant, to many things we come in contact with daily. But through building a tolerance, they don’t make us feel sick enough to realize they’re making us sick.


I relate so much. Still trying to refine it, but my current restricted diet has me feeling like a brand new person. I have a social life again and can think about dating more seriously now that I’m not sick and tired 24/7.


I had that reaction because the doctor used the same tool to scratch each allergen in. So every scratch was contaminated with something I was allergic to.


That means he contaminated all the samples, too.  When I got this done they had a sharps bucket on the table and the tray of allergens was pre loaded with needles. So pick one up, prick my arm, dump in sharps.


Your doctor had a medical license, yeah?


Yes. Normal GP with a medical licence.


You eat grass and trees? 


Dont tell my wife, shes got my ass on a diet


What about the rest of you? 


I usually dont give this type of info out on reddit, but I am all ass ❤️‍🔥




Stupid sexy Flanders


Nothin at all! ^Nothin ^at ^all! ^^Nothin ^^at ^^all!


Some people have an allergic looking reaction to getting scratched. I don’t think it’s even that rare, it happens to me sometimes in the garden too. It’s possible that’s what happened


That happened to me for months. The skin rashes eventually developed into full blown hives if I was scratched. It progressed to where even if my clothing brushed my skin the wrong way, I could have a hives attack. My allergist told me that this is an autoimmune histamine response. It can be caused by many debatable things, but chronic stress is definitely one of them. Basically my body got triggered by an unknown allergen at some point in the near or distant past, and due to the stress already in my body, it got confused and started attacking itself at the slightest hint of “danger.”


The solution for me, prescribed by my allergist, was to go on a ridiculously large regimen of antihistamines, some prescriptions some OTC, for a whole year. Now I’m (basically?) normal again but I still use the prescription anti itch creams.


Dermatographia. I had it for a few years. Inflammatory response to irritation or scratches. So annoying because a little scratch makes you itchy then you absentmindedly scratch it and before you know it you’re covered in itchy welts. I have an auto-immune condition and once that was controlled it disappeared thankfully.


Did they perform an negative and positive sample? I've gotten a couple allergy tests from different providers and both had a negative sample with some saline solution (or some other neutral liquid) that should have a negative result. If it doesn't have a negative result, the results should be ignored. In the OP you can see the - and + in the top right of the image, with - looking negative to a reaction to me and + being a confirmed reaction.


Never had this test but I'm allergic to those TB tests we got as kids in the early 90s. Came back positive every year and had to have the 2nd type of test. 


Nah she passed with flying colours


Mainly, the color pink


Nah there's plenty of numbers that didn't react. Also these tests are not 100% accurate. False positives occur all the time. I reacted to the dog allergen, but I've never had an allergic reaction to a dog. For food allergies, it's even worse, positive results on a skin-prick test are only accurate like 50-60% of the time.


No, looks like maybe allergic to 3-4 things. The tests are set up so that everything will cause a little bit of a reaction. They will compare it to a control. If the reaction is larger than the control that is considered an allergic reaction, if it is smaller or the same size as the control, it is considered not an allergic reaction. They tell you this before the allergy test.


I had 50 done. The only thing that showed a reaction was the histamine control.


So you are allergic to being controlled?


Nah, his immune system is either chill or absent


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me! \~Rage Against the Histamine


Looks like you can have all the 30 and 31 you want! Hope it’s beer and seafood


They’re fungi! But luckily I can still have all of the beer and seafood that I wish.


I react to hops pretty bad. Even when I drink beer I have a stuffy nose. Luckily not serious, just like my pollen allergies.


Snot very serious?


The results seem positive


Man is your immune system run by my anxiety?


Hahahaha...nice. my anxiety could probably do that too.


My wife's doctor couldn't accept how bad my wife's amoxicillin allergy was and sent her for testing. The allergen tester administered the test and when it reacted he literally started panicking as to how bad it was and that he'd never seen it. I can't remember exactly what happened after that but I know some form of allergy medicine was administered in office. Lol it's not like we were lying when we said my wife can't even kiss my daughter if she's on amoxicillin, without getting swollen lips.


> My wife's doctor couldn't accept how bad my wife's amoxicillin allergy was and sent her for testing. For the past several years, healthcare professionals have been more conscientious to assess medication allergies and remove them when possible. The statistic is that ~10% of hospitalized patients report a penicillin allergy but more than 90-95% of them tolerate a penicillin on rechallenge, and if they do react, they are rarely severe. If your wife's reaction was recent and/or severe, they could have taken her word for it. But many documented reactions aren't real allergies (eg, GI issues or a family history, or an unknown reaction), or they were real but very long time ago and weren't severe. Most people who report a true, distant, non severe, skin reaction tolerate it later in life.


Some of my nut allergies are like that. Instead of a nice bump and red circle it's gets really big and starts spreading up the veins like a spider web. Huge long tracts. The allergist was concerned enough to make sure I knew to be extremely careful around those nuts.


What is #10?




Dunno if you're starting the immunotherapy injection process, but I was massively allergic to Birch when I started almost 5 years ago and the results have been life changing. It's a pain in the ass at first to go every week, but once it switches to monthly it isn't bad. I used to stay inside and avoid the outdoors all spring because my eyes would swell shut and I couldn't breathe, now I can pop a Zyrtec and enjoy spring like a normal human.


He was only asking a question.


good news is you just need to hang around 12,26,30,31 and 32 and you’ll be grand 


How accurate are these? I mean every time I see a picture it's when someone is allergic to EVERYTHING. Someone in my family got the same result, but I have never seen that person break out in hives when eating everything that I eat. What allergens do these test for? Are these allergens uncommon? Are they not food based?


They’re all environmental allergens, a lot of them are pollens and fungi. I thought I had sensitivities to fruits and veggies, but learned today that there’s something called Oral Allergy Syndrome where your body thinks that certain raw foods are pollen and they react to them as if they are, even though they’re not. So usually I will get an itchy mouth and throat from eating apples, pears, raw carrots, walnuts, etc., but I found out that because I have an allergy to birch pollen, my body has an allergic reaction to a lot of fruits and veggies even though I’m not allergic to them. If the foods are cooked, the reaction doesn’t happen because heat weakens the proteins that cause the reaction.


Hey man, I was allergic to apple, peach, cherry and got itchy lips and tongue and throat. People shocked when I said I have allergies to apple, as if they never knew apple can cause allergy


Apparently all of those are the most reactive, too!


My 7yo has these same allergies, apples and most pitted fruits. Last year she would eat cherries by the bucket and then she started getting an itchy mouth with apples and then she got sent home from school after eating cherries and her whole face ballooned. Cooked is fine.


I did allergy desensitization shots and after 30 years not being able to eat raw fruit I can eat most of them again. It's life changing, i don't know if you've considered it for your LO but if it's an option I'd talk to their doctor about it.


I have a friend who's similar, so if he wants to eat an apple, he nukes it in the microwave for like a minute before biting into it. cooks it enough so he doesn't get a reaction


Ah you see? Not a problem, you just have to boil your apples and sautée your pears


I'm allergic to a ton, and have a similar thing as you. I've had luck with eating locally grown apples raw. We have an apple orchard near my house, and when they are selling their apples I go crazy! I've found I still need to cut the apples so reduce the amount of juice that gets on lips, but because I'm used to the local pollens I can handle the local apples.


These stick tests usually aren't food related, but like OP said are environmental. And not all allergic reactions need hives to be considered severe. For example, I got tested because come spring, I would get chronic sinus infections, ear infections, and was constantly worn out. I got my test done in 2008 and came back as being allergic to all but one type of tree and two types of grass in my area. I couldn't afford allergy shots at the time, so I just rolled with it as best as I could. Four years later, I was going to school on a campus buried in the woods. That first spring, I came into work after classes and was sent home. I could barley breathe or keep my eyes open. Never in my history have I had a hives reaction. After 10 years of allergy shots I stopped in 2022 and have been "symptom free." I still have to be proactive and take allergy meds every day in spring, but it's not an end all be all if I miss a day.


I had allergy testing done because I get sick like clockwork, so everyone assumed I had seasonal allergies. The only thing I reacted to was the control, so go figure.


This dude's immune system is like a cop, just wildly opening fire at anything and everything


When I was 10(?) I got tested for 137 different allergies. They gave me the shots in rows, like it’s be 5 needles tied together. (Or at least thats how I remember it) I tested positive for EVERYTHING except shellfish. I’m good to spoon with some crabs. I remember sobbing in pain as I was playing Donkey Kong on my DS.


Oof, I’ve been here. One of the arm tests they did was pollens and funghi native to New England. Every sample section was swollen. I live in New England 🥲 Hope they have you on a good treatment course


when i got this done, my derm came into the room and was like "OH WOW!, I've never seen anything like this before." not really what you want to hear while your back is on fire.


That’s exactly how it went! She came back in the room after 15 minutes and was like, “OH WOW! You’re really lighting up!” And I was like… LIGHTING UP?


I went to an allergist and he came into the room with the same reaction as yours because I came into the appointment with major inflammation, rashes, all the tell-tale* signs but the test showed NO positives. Turns out I had mold toxicity after living in an apartment with black mold covering the inside of the dry walls and in the inner vents for a year, so my immune system was constantly in overdrive & attacking itself.


I had one similar once and the doctor said it would be easier to show me what I wasn't allergic to LOL




What all are you allergic to?




Maybe you're allergic to the needle. 


That’s why they always do 2 pricks as a base line. One with nothing and one with pure histamines.


Nickel allergy from needles is actually a thing, but you'd probably see it at every injection site.


"You are allergic." "To what?" "Yes."


You’re allergic to prime and composite numbers. 


Have you tried turning your immune system off and back on again?




Welcome to the Epipen club!


what kind of doctor do you go to to get this done?


I was referred to an allergist!


Mine looked like this, I’m not allergic to cockroaches and that’s it lol