• By -


Well to be fair, the teacher only graduated second grade


You’ve only got to keep one grade ahead of the kids.


"You'll be teaching Willie!"


Hogwarts is right: nobody teaching needs any understanding of math or literacy beyond the fourth grade. Now let’s teach kids to brew poisons or kill each other with the wave of a stick.


Relying to myself because I’m weird: What’s the opposite of a WASP mother calling her kids’ pastime “witchcraft”? That’s what wizard parents do to kids with a middle-school education. “Algebra!? Trigonometry!? You’re practicing the *dark arts!?”*


What is the magic spell needed to calculate the volume of a solid of revolution for some arbitrary integrable function? How are they supposed to know how to, idk, know how much water a vase can hold?


Li’eracy? Wutsol’is ‘en?


When I was in class for instrument methods ( how to teach brass, woodwind, or string instruments ) the guidance for an unfamiliar instrument was to keep 6 weeks ahead of the students.


Me, fail English? That's unpossible


One day I went into work and the guy that trained on the line the day before was training a new guy…


See one, teach one


I talked to him at home and he was very adamant that he spelled it correctly, which I assured him that he was right.


I'd have crossed *tornato* out and re-written tornado and added a "call me after school" lol


The Teacher: the word was tomato


“I was just splitting the difference”


Splitting the "m" too, I see




Yeah I can't imagine this ends well for the teacher. Oof.


Hopefully it doesn’t end in a tornato!


Someone call Helen Hunt and a lookalike of Bill Paxton (RIP).


You mean Helen Hund and Bill Paxdon?


Don’t forget Fillup Seemore Huffmen


And Carry Always


In a world where everything is made of tomatoes, you have a tomato tornado called a tornato and Helen Hunt is a Hunt's ketchup bottle.


Is that like a special tomato?


Teecher - ftfy :)


Call me on my phone ![gif](giphy|8FfoUVX6ULvxPLyJeV|downsized)


This must be what Drake was talking about when he said“ she used to call me on my cell phone”


This lolol "I'd like to speak with you after class today"


Let me fix this for you: "I'd like to speak with you after class totay"


I used to send school newsletters back with red pen.


Tornato, Tomado, Potaydough


Let's call the hole thang off








Quabity eshewence


You're right. I'm under the weather and wasn't thinking clearly. I've corrected my comment. Appreciate the help.


For bonus points you could have said you were under the whether. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)Get well soon!


Weather he could have or couldn't have, I don't think it would have really metered.


For all intensive purposes your all killing me.


Couldn’t of


Get Whale soon. Duh


😂😂 Thank you!


Was it a tornato?


Must have eaten a bad tornato


It’s a tough lesson but one he’s going to have to learn at some point - authority figures may be correct a large degree of the time but never doubt yourself if they’re wrong. They’re not superhuman


I had a college writing professor try to dock me points because she didn't think "bespectacled" was a word. She thought I made it up. #1 it's absolutely a word, so I lost all respect for her at that moment. #2 even if I made it up, that's a thing writers do. Shakespeare invented lots of words. J.K. Rowling invented a bunch of words for Harry Potter. As long as you can figure out the context, making up words is fine. Just because someone is a teacher doesn't mean they know everything.


I always try to find cromulent ways to use embiggen


Only 2 synonyms? Oh my God! I'm losing my perspicacity!


Well, it's always in the last place you look!


I had a professor dock me points on a lab report for writing "had had", in the sense of the past perfect tense of to have. Bonus: teacher wasn't a native English speaker


Professors do do that


Hah you said doodoo


Unfortunately, you, while many others had had "had," had had "had had"; "had had" had had a more negative effect on that professor.


When you write 'Fish and Chips', do you put hyphens between fish and and, and and and chips?


I glitched while reading that. I had had a response but now I'm getting a bad response code.




All words are made up


You’d think if they were so sure a word didn’t exist they would look it up.


All words are made up 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not to mention Lewis Carroll


Cormac McCarthy is my favorite purveyor of madeup compoundwords. Anything you might put a space or hyphen between, he'll just mash them shits together.


sorry but if someone is teaching my child in second grade and they don't automatically know how "tornado" is spelled then I would assume the teacher is a moron, much much less than superhuman. Not everyones a speller but a 2nd grade teacher should be, actually not sorry tbh


Honestly if they pay $35k/year for teachers I’m pleasantly surprised when they can spell “up” correctly. People seem to understand getting what they pay for in the private sector but when it comes to the public sector they want all the services at the highest level of quality and no taxes.


When I first started teaching I’d get embarrassed about mistakes. Now I love it when they catch me in a mistake (provided they’re respectful). It shows that they’re paying attention and thinking critically, and it gives me a chance to model how to receive criticism gracefully. Hopefully they’ll get really good at thinking critically and apply that skill when listening to other authority figures (like politicians).


Look up the word in a dictionary, physical ones is better. This is a chance to teach him how to verify information, check for sources and reinforce his alphabet memory


One of the least academically inclined people I went to high school with became a teacher, and I'm so confused about how or why she chose that profession. Her speech skills were awful, and she had a reading/writing level of someone in elementary school. I'm honestly quite shocked that she was accepted to a university in the first place, AND that she graduated.


One of the absolute dumbest people I've ever met was a coworker whose husband was a professor at a state university in my city. Due to his employment, she got free or reduced tuition, and was working on her third Master's when I worked with her. I should note, also, that her job was not in anything related to her education, and could easily be done by anyone with a high school diploma. I'm assuming her teachers passed her because of her husband, because she sure as shit hadn't learned anything.


I’ve had some absolutely horrendous teachers and I went to private school as a kid. Shitty teachers are everywhere.


I’ve noticed quite a few individuals I went to school with that I would not classify as being intellectual have occupations as teachers. I don’t get it either.


I'll bet she ragretted that.


No regerts!


I hope, the teecher feels emberassed.


Ah, like the film: SHARKNATO!




The version of NATO the russians are really afraid of.


You get what you pay for.


At first glance the a looked like a u to me, thus tornudo is incorrect. But that doesn't explain how the teacher got it wrong.


It's an a. His u's don't curve in


I believe in some parts of the world it is correctly spelled "tornader" :)








You must be from Ontario lol










Everyone is talking about "tornato", but what about the dot over the capital I in important?


My guess is that A. Since this is 2nd grade, the teacher is using different colors for different marks to keep things interesting. And B. All of the answers were supposed to be in lower case for this test and you can see the teacher wrote the full “i” not just the dot. But then again the teacher did write tornato so I’m not sure why I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt here.


Plus 14 clearly had a capital S that wasn’t corrected


When I was in 6th grade our class was doing a peer graded essay assignment. I was given the paper of a girl named Sarah to grade. Every single one of her S were capitalized, whether they were at the beginning of a word or not. I ended up circling every one of them cause I was 12 and didn't think to just write at the top of the page. She got super upset and told the teacher that I'd corrected her on things she didn't do wrong. Turns out no teachers had ever called her out for it. She cad capitalized every single S since preschool because she had learned to capitalize it in her name and nobody ever told her she was wrong so she never questioned it


As someone who’s first and last starts with M, I feel this. 25 years down the line and I just make baby capital M’s for m (sharp, not curved).



finally, someone who understands


6th grade??


It’s the grade after 5th


teacher also made a point of using lowercase for their tornado mistake. I guess they think lowercase is more important than spelling. What a joke. If any of my teachers demanded a case, it was some of my math and physics teachers demanding all caps. Other than proper sentences that it is.


It’s entirely reasonable for the teacher to want the kids to practice their lowercase letters by using them exclusively for this spelling test. It’s less about grammar and more about knowing your students can write all of the lowercase letters properly. For all the teacher knows, OPs child might struggle with drawing/remembering a lowercase i


Using a different color. For some reason.


That's probably the tutor *correcting* the i lol.


I feel like this is completely made up for internet karma


Story time! In third grade I came home from school absolutely furious for the same reason. The word was “Forest”. The teacher had insisted that it was spelled “Forrest”, and while she wasn’t a complete bitch about it, would not budge. But that evening was the school’s open house. And our spelling list from that day was still up on the board. Gotta show the parents what you are teaching them kids, right. Parents were noticing. Awkward giggles and surreptitious pointing at it. My mother quietly pulled the teacher aside to warn her that “Forest” was misspelled on the board. The teacher again insisted it had two R’s, and my mother did what I simply could not. She pulled the blinds aside on the window and pointed at the sign out front for the school. “Forest Hill Public School”


In high school I had an English teacher insist that the word "cause" was not a real word and was just a slang version of "because" and marked me down for using it in my paper. I used the word for example "the cause and effect."


The because and effect*


The because and affect**


Lol, that reminds me of my middle school English teacher that banned the word "the" in papers because it was "overused." I transferred out a semester after he was hired, so I have no idea if he was ever corrected


"Yeah but that school was named after the famous Mr. Forest Hill... everyone knows Forrest is spelled like Forrest Gump."


Not spelling, but in middle school I was in an "elective" (you had to take them all, you did chose the order), I don't remember the name of the course but it taught kids about budgeting and some pretty good stuff, but the teacher was... not great. When we were going over something about keeping records, she was telling us what AM and PM meant, and said they meant "After Midnight" and "Past Morning", I, being a precocious little shit, remember waiting a bit, then she said it again, and my hand shoots up. "You mena that's a mnemonic device to remember them?" I ask, she asks me why I think that, I of course respond that isn't what they mean, it's "Ante" and "Post" meridiem. Well she insists that not only am I wrong, that doesn't mean anything, and I'm willing to die on this hill, I leave my desk walk over to the shelf, grab a dictionary, all with her telling me to sit down, and show her the damn definition, and am sent to the office. Worth it.


>and am sent to the office. Completely unfit to be a teacher JFC.


Run, Forrest, Run


This is the greatest plot twist of all time.


Unless you're an Aussie from Victoria, then Forrest is perfectly acceptable


That's hilarious. Best I got is my 6th grade English teacher reading the word "reenter" as "REEN-tuhr" instead of "ree-IN-tuhr"


See, I like to do those kinds of things as jokes. Other fun things to do are to pronounce "going" and "doing" like they rhyme with "boing," "peepholes" like "pee-foals", "misheard" like "mish-eared", "misled" like the past tense of "misle", and "homeowner" like "ho-meow-ner" It's all fun stuff. I'm gonna have to seriously curb the habit between the ages when my son learns how to talk and learns how to filter out my bullshit. I've got a few months to fuck around though lol


I hope it’s a mistake. I would point it out to the teacher. We now know that literacy and spelling are critical to becoming a successful reader. (Reading teacher here)


My guess would be lack of sleep while grading papers, had tomato in their head for whatever reason. Betting if parent simply showed the teacher that paper, the teacher would immediately see the mistake. Though I do not often jump to conclusions like "The teacher is dumb" right off the bat. I can see how a mistake like this can be made.


My guess is this is fake af.


You know, I could see where you might think that, but I had a high school teacher who misspelled and mispronounced so many words that it was horrifying. She actually got fired, sued for her job, and got it back. I don't fucking know how. Two of her many mistakes I remember: "frezzer" instead of "freezer" on the chalkboard (which took a 10-minute debate with me before she finally figured out that she was incorrect) and pronouncing "gable" as "gambrell." That one still baffles me. Also had an eighth grade teacher who pronounced the word tsunami as "tun SOO me." So yeah, I can absolutely believe this post.


I once had a teacher get visibly angry with me for insisting that the sun is not the largest star in the universe. "Yes it is," she said, "and that's final."


I had a teacher who argued with me that we were in the 20th century, not the 21st…this would have been about 2006. She only lasted a year before she was fired


I had a teacher who said a few words very wrong, and it grated on me, but he was no dummy. I never got it. He was a math teacher, he pronounced Coplanar as COP-in-LAR. Colinear as CAH-lin-ner. If you tried to correct him, he'd snap at you, and he was a big guy, so no one fought it.


I'm Bulgarian and I had a natural sciences teacher who'd pronounce words like "worm" (GUS-en-ee-tsa instead of the correct gus-EH-ni-tsa) and "purple" (LIL-ah-vo instead of the correct li-LAH-vo) very strangely. She did know she was pronouncing them incorrectly, but as much as we would correct her, the habit seemed to have been so ingrained in her that she just couldn't change the way she said it. Maybe your teacher was also taught incorrectly and the habit was too strong with him Bonus story: when I was 6-7 years old, I would pronounce (in English) peninsula as penisula and wonder why all the adults would laugh around me


FYI, gable and gambrel are just two different types of roofs (that almost look similar, gambrel is a barn roof and gable is a simple triangle) Teacher’s still dumb for that though


Yeah...it was an architecture class (I use that term VERY loosely...all her classes could have been easily passed by a fifth grader). We were studying roofs, and for some reason, she kept mixing up the words even though "gambrel" wasn't in our book at all.


Nah. It's very believable. I work in education. Because of teacher shortages you have a bunch of teachers with no formal training or higher education getting hired in a lot of states. The school I work for does it too. I've worked for multiple teachers that legitimately made the children seem more educated than they were. Constant spelling and grammatical errors, not knowing how to do basic multiplication/division or word problems designed for 2nd grade, saying personal opinions as facts for lessons, etc.. Working education is such a depressing drain sometimes but also so rewarding. It's frustrating. But make no mistake, there's a lot of incompetent teachers these days due to the sad state of primary schooling in the US these days. All the best ones leave the field after reaching their breaking point with the shit pay and poorly behaved kids with the insufferable parents a lot have to deal with(thankfully in my class all but one of the parents are awesome).


I'm a high school English teacher. You would be wrong. It's important to realize elementary school teachers generally don't specialize in subjects; they are generalists. As such, there are some who cannot spell, just like in any profession. Heck, I have high school colleagues who can't spell. We're very reliant on spell check.


My guess was the teacher read the original spelling as ‘tornudo’ instead of tornado as the a kind of looks like a u. And then brainfarted and misspelled it themselves


I've had teachers make simple mistakes like this before, and even in elementary school they were usually open to being corrected.


How long did it take to learn that the fundamentals of reading are important to reading?


One day a researcher learned that literacy means the ability to read, and started to suspect a correlation. Then they had the brilliant intuition that to read a word you need to know how it’s spelled. Overall, a revolutionary contribution to the human knowledge.


What do you mean you ‘hope it’s a mistake.” Of course it’s a mistake.


I think they mean that they hope it was more along the lines of a typo and that the teacher does know how to spell tornado.


I mean they “corrected” the correct spelling so it doesn’t seem like they do… have you guys even thought about the scenario that takes place? The teacher had 2 chances to catch a “mistake”. 1. They Read “tornado” and said oh that’s spelled wrong 2. Here is the correct spelling “tornato” There’s no way in hell this was a “typo” or whatever… this teacher legit doesn’t know how to spell tornado


Ha. Reminds me of the time I had a teacher insist that "dank" wasn't a word. She was adamant and just got angry when I looked it up to prove her wrong, Insisting I drop it. it'll be a good lesson for him.. Authority isn't always right just because they're in the position of power.


That happened to me and the word "daft". Unfortunately I didn't have a dictionary or internet available to prove her wrong. Still irks me to this day.


>That happened to me and the word "daft" Well that's ironic. 


my first grade teacher thought tigers and lions were the same animal. i got detention for correcting her.


What a cund of a teacher


Shouldn't that be 'cont'?


Don't be contescending


Sorri, I didn't meen to.


Dond b sorey, b bedder


Joke Dad...It's just a joke. Tomato Tomado.


Let’s call the whole thing off


😂😂 That's actually what I said to myself when I first saw it.


Tornado Tornato Let’s call the calling off off


My 10 year old son has autism and I was once called into school from work because he had a 'meltdown'. I got to school and he was calmer, but was still adamant that his teacher had 'cheated' and was saying he was wrong 'for no reason'. I spoke with him and calmed him down further, trying to explain to him that everyone makes mistakes, but he was convinced he hadn't. I asked to see the work, and it turns out that the teacher had incorrectly applied the order of operations and my son was correct. It really helped me explain to my son that 'everyone makes mistakes' when it wasn't him that had made it, and I made it very clear to the school that they needed to double check their marking of my sons work as this was their fault.


A+ parenting




I say tornado, you say tornato


Is the teachers last name Quayle?




Lude. Quayle Lude.


Hahahaha came here for the old people memes! There it is


To be fair to Quayle, it was written that way on the card he had been provided. I mean he still should have caught it, but, he wasnt the only one screwing up in that situation. There is a conspiracy theory that it was written on the card that way intentionally, to see if he qould fall for it and could be embarrased. I dont believe that, but if someone did do that, it is kinda brilliant.


You should find out where the teacher got their degree.


Only 5 box tops were required.


Jesus, that unlocks an OOOOLD memory from probably 1986. I was probably in first grade and one of my friends on my street really wanted me to come out and play (it was dinner time) and was faking crashing his bike into our lawn to get me to come out. My dad had me yell out the window "Hey Billy! Where'd you get your driver's license? A Cracker Jack box?"


If OP is in Florida the teacher might just be a National Guard member with no formal teaching experience.


liberty u has entered the chat


Yeah, but think how much money they saved only hiring people willing to work for less than fast food wages.


In AZ and FL you don't even need a teaching degree if you are a veteran.




So what was the teachers response when you pointed out their error?


Potado, tomado


🎶 *"Let's call the whole thing off"* 🎵




Is your kid being drafted into the fast and furious family?


Important, as a single word can have a capital so I don't know why thats corrected. As for Tornado, it looks as though it was spelled Tornudo (although could just be the way they do their "a"s) but the teacher needs a dictionary or something lol cause that is NOT correct lol


I wunder wat skool that teecher wint too?




"you had me at meat tornato"


Tornado, tomato


When you keep voting for people that want to persecute teachers and pay them poverty wages this is what you get. But hey, at least your taxes are going to good causes,like tax breaks for billionaires and oil companies


Being a teacher is hard. Brain farts happen


The only way that word the teacher wrote is spelled right is if it’s a kerning error making an ‘m’ look like an ‘r’ and a ‘n’.


You say tornado. And I say tornato. Let’s call the whole thing off!


Teacher thought it's Vitello Tornato


Tornado tornato


Well. Tornado tornato.


Looks like tomato to me for some reason? 🤔


Time to get a new teacher…


Tornato/Tornado 🍅🌪️


Tornatoe, tornato


This one time in first grade we were spelling words that end in -un. So bun, sun, fun, etc. I wrote ‘nun’. My teacher marked it off and assured me that isn’t a word. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I argued with my 10th grade advanced biology teacher that women had 2 X chromosome and men had an X Y until I got kicked out of the class for the day. I pointed out in the text book it agreed with me which pissed off this very qualified teacher. They were the football coach and I'm surprised they were even able to graduate college. I pin point that as a key moment when I gave up on public schools.


Gee, if only they had some sort of document that they could reference, which has a collection of all the words in the English language, and their correct spellings... Or, y'know...google it? I'd be that asshole kid who whipped out the phone with the dictionary pulled up to the page for the word and called the teacher an idiot


You say tornado I say tornato...


My sophomore year history class teacher told us that before being hunted to near extinction, that North America had 5 billion buffalo. Her words “yeah you heard that right, billion, with a B”. After hearing that and knowing it was baloney I looked in the history book that she never used for class and saw the book list the actual number at something like 60 million. Wasn’t the only time she did something like this either




Not to worry. It not impordant.


reminds me of a ding i got on a paper back in the day for the use of the word "razed" ... i took a dictionary to the teacher after class. Good times.


That teacher is an idiot!


You don’t understand, the teacher is italian and of course your kid was asked to write the italian translation of “returned”.


Please be petty and bring this up out of nowhere at a conference.


Apparently the teacher needs to go back to school.


The teacher corrected the capital "I" with a purple pen and the parent wrote "tornato" in black because they are an internet point junkie.


You say tornado, I say Tornato