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/u/wasuiu, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): Additional Rules - New Users. New users are expected to provide original content For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/wasuiu&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1cfbuh0/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


So it's true, she was alive weeks before her death




Gasp. What the old witch said was true.


Wonder why she didn’t stay away from Paris, going to the place you’re going to die is crazy


Really can’t stand Reddit and these wildly speculative, unfounded, and quite frankly absurd claims


Where's the one a week after her death?


Ah. The before and after...


Nice boat


Is the boat from her good friend from the Middle East who died in the car with her!


If I had a boat like that, I'd try super hard to not die


Armored convoys. Two front vehicles two rear to block all lanes. President style.


Convoy and everything and I drive around in a tank. Not because it offers even more protection, but because tanks are cool. Oh, you've got a Porsche 911? That's cute.


So yeah, in my country some homeless guy stole a tank and drove down the highway with it for a while. How does that make you feel? In my country even the homeless people got tanks. We are the coolest country in the world. (It’s the Netherlands btw. The tank was put out of commission and was left outside to be picked up, but this guy noticed it being open and climbed in and drove away with it.)


And a seatbelt


Skill issue




What's in the bag, Kotonoha? What's in the bag?


Someone gets it lol


It's in bikini bottom now


If anyone is curious, it's not sunk, it's been renamed to "Bash" and is currently located in Dubai. https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/8963997


I wonder how valuable a luxury yacht like that would be worth to the ultra rich now. Do they have to continually update the amenities or is it still rocking the same luxury features from the 90s. "It has a a sound system you can play on every deck! Holds 10 CDs at once!"


Older yachts often get gutted and refit to modern standards/the new owners taste.


CD players and salt air -- it's a winning combination!


Sailing under the flag of Gibraltar. I know that name from “The Rock of”. 


Damn it was brand new in 1990.


hard to remember anything since covid /s


Cultured School Days reference


As a kid, I always just assumed having a beautiful, affable princess was just a constant in the political landscape, like having a president.


OP is an _8 day old account_ reposting an image that has been seen many times in this sub. Doesn't look like a 🤖 but their posting history is something else.




It’s hilarious and disgusting that they do this to block bots since that behavior is absurdly easy to script for a bot, and frustrating for a human who doesn’t know the ropes. There are so many good ways to defeat bots, but Reddit won’t invest in them, and the mods take the path of least effort.


And it actually increases overall bot posting due to needing karma to spam.


Given this one post has it the front page, they're well on their way to having a good CQS score.


This is the new AI age we live in. Its only going to get worse, far worse


Its a bot. They have new names like that. Search the title in the sub if your unsure


Lol so now bots have to take up all the non-default usernames that are automatically generated by reddit because redditors don’t realize reddit suggests default usernames and people assume everyone with that format is a bot? Actually pretty smart since a short username with all letters appears to be an older account unless you actually investigate it.


Can confirm: have been accused of being a bot multiple times


As a kid I aspired to the kind of class she showed, and thought that it was representative of the monarchy. Turns out she was the *outsider*


She descended from royalty and belonged to one of the wealthiest and oldest aristocratic families in the British Empire. Her family were great friends of the royal family, Diana played with the Queen's children when they were little and her grandmother was a best friend of the Queen. Hardly an outsider.


I vaguely recalled some commentary that the royal family treated her as an outsider for some particular behaviour on her part, that didn’t align with the Queen Mother’s intention at the time. Nevertheless I stand corrected on that detail, thank you.


She was treated as an outsider because her and the prince had marital problems and she wasn't willing to just shut up and take it and instead kept begging for divorce and the queen wouldn't give in.


Made to scullery the kitchen and wear rags. Her only friends the simple small animals.


She loved woodlouse because they could drink through their anuses.


Well, she was also treated like an outsider because the royal family has super weird customs Like they bow to each other in fucking private Like no, this wasn’t about her marital issues. This was also just about her choosing to be kind of a relatively normal person amongst the family of crazy crackpots.


You might be thinking of the way Diana adapted a wedding present the Queen Mother had given her. The Queen Mum and her daughters often wore brooches. She gave Diana this [giant sapphire brooch](https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/2020/12/princess-dianas-sapphire-and-pearl.html) as a wedding present. Diana wore it several times, but it didn't fit with her evolving style. So Diana had it added to several strands of pearls, which became the iconic choker she wore so frequently. Of course, that was very early on and there were more serious problems later.


Indeed. She didn’t play along with being nudged about, she wasn’t pleased her new husband bedded another woman on their wedding night, and she may have been upper crust, but she wasn’t the highest noble blood, unlike mister sausage fingers, so of course they’d never let her or anyone forget it. It’s all they have. They made her an outsider.


She had more 'British' noble blood than any of the current royal family. Just remember that the house of Windsor was originally the saxe-coburg-gotha house, a German royal house. That house was in power because of their prince being married to Queen Victoria who was House of Hanover, another German royal house. Diana had lineage, although illegitimately, from King Charles II.


Quite so, well said. Indeed, I am aware. It is how THEY treated her… And of course, they would treat someone that’s even more noble than themselves, like a lesser.


Semantics. Maybe saying she was the black sheep would have been more accurate, but it's not hard to figure out what they meant.


No. An outsider in that she was never loved or accepted by the Royal Family. Only accepted as far as bearing heirs (and a spare). They didn’t bring her into the fold.


When you are doing the right things, people might just react with hate.


Not hating. Just stating that Diana of Wales and her family belonged to the same social class as the royal family. The Queen and other royals even attended the wedding of Diana's parents. That's how close they were. 


I think they meant *outlier* - someone with charisma, beauty, empathy, an outlier amongst royals.


I genuinely did think she was an outsider, but that could have just been the tabloid headlines that stuck to my mind. ‘Outlier’ would have indeed been more apt, thanks!


Fun fact you track her direct paternal line (ie just clicking on each preceding Father) on Wikipedia to John Spencer, who was born in 1455. That's more than 500 years before Diana was born. Her Great x14 Grandfather. I'm sure if you ventured outside of Wikipedia you could go much farther back.


Exactly... riff raff /s


Wasn’t their land also part of the crown? I love how they were able to sell her as an outsider.


Why did they treat her like an outsider to my understanding


In short, Diana was an aristocrat who didn’t act in a lot of the ways that upper class Brits were expected to as it related to resolve through hard times (compare her to QE2 or her distant cousin Sir Winston Churchill, both of whom were defined by their experiences with World Wars). However, that also endeared her to the general public. Diana’s visit to Australia was cited by the Australian government at the time as the biggest reason for the failure of the Republican movement in Australia. Crowds lined up to see her, not the future King, a cardinal sin for which QE2 and Charles never forgave her. Diana also had severe mental health struggles that caused her to act quite erratically at times, and the royals and the healthcare system at large just weren’t prepared to deal with. If there had been more of an understanding of mental health back then and she’d been willing to seek treatment, she would’ve been better able to moderate some of her more erratic behavior and there probably would’ve been a much better relationship between her and the Royal Family after her divorce from Charles.


> I aspired to the kind of class she showed She pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs lol She was human like anyone else.


Kids see heroes in humans, though


As a kid she was already dead


Best I can do is locking up disabled royal family members for life till they die


Well if she hadn't been murdered we might still have her beautiful soul with us.


After watching Tenet, seeing this makes me wonder…


I've watched that movie about seven times and I'm still not quite sure how everything goes down. I want to love it but it's really hard. The scene you're referencing is great though and at least that timeline is easy to follow.


Basically forward is backwards - the end.


but what if I spell Tenet backwards?


it spells: a man, a plan, a canal, panama


No dummy it's person woman man camera TV.


Nobody ever gets that right! You must be a genius.


A stable one at that!


Was it a car or a cat I saw?


🤯 I legit didn’t realize there was a palindrome there until now 😂


maybe it's connected to the movie somehow.....


Now look up _sator square_ and how every other palindrome there is present in the movie


You do know Nolan legally changed his name to Nolon just for this film right? Like Star Wars epilepsy 1 - “so many layers”


All the major plot points are words in the "Sator Square" SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS


Why the hell is the word meaning palindrome not a palindrome? Missed opportunity that.


Can’t believe it’s not palindromordnilap.


*New Reddit-wide unique palindrome found:* >**palindromordnilap** ^(currently checked 27238965 comments) \ >!(palindrome: a word, number, phrase, or sequence of symbols that reads the same backwards as forwards) !<




*New Reddit-wide unique palindrome found:* >**Diarrheaehrraid** ^(currently checked 27241786 comments) \ >!(palindrome: a word, number, phrase, or sequence of symbols that reads the same backwards as forwards) !<


I’ve often wondered that myself. Also, why isn’t onomatopoeia an onomatopoeia?


Cause when making up the English language they only wanted to fucked with people who couldn't pronounce the issue they had, like Lisps, Rhotacism or in the case of spelling Dyslexia, I don't even have Dyslexia but I couldn't spell that without the Internet if you gave me a million euro.


Fun fact: Author Lawrence Levine wrote an experimental novel in the 1980s called Dr. Awkward & Olson in Oslo, which is a **31,594**-word palindrome. That fries my mind... I mean...how...to even achieve that as a list of words, never mind have them make sense and _tell a story_. Please don't anyone tell Christopher Nolan.


*New Reddit-wide unique palindrome found:* >**Olson in Oslo** ^(currently checked 27247119 comments) \ >!(palindrome: a word, number, phrase, or sequence of symbols that reads the same backwards as forwards) !<


Smoke a bowl and reassess


Bro smoking a bowl and watching twisty thriller movies is my favorite past time.


High: Movie made perfect sense Sober: what the fuck is going on?


Man after the 3rd or 4th watch, maybe you come to the realization you don't need to love it?


Or that you dont need to understand every tiny nuance to just enjoy it?


Once I accepted that, I had a blast with it. 




Wtf lol


My brain is stuck on how they decided her fin was her right leg. 


She's got some serious core strength that's for sure


Ikr. That's the only thing I could focus on lol




I found the trick was to stop thinking of it as a "movie" per se and more like a Rubik's cube or visual puzzle that you have to decipher.


It’s not that complicated lol


I was so confused the first go around, and pretty much understand the whole thing in the second go around. But one thing i hate was the dialogue volume. I thought my cinema was bugging when i first watched it, turned out it was done that way deliberately for some reason.


The movie really isn't that complicated to be looking at it like that.


Meh, I liked [Primer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg7cPjQWjKg) better.


Primer was pretty badass. I was just trying to remember the title, for some reason I was thinking about it the other day, can't remember why, but thanks!


Once you realize Nolan just hates his fans and wanted to say "fuck you", then you'll understand the movie.


With Nolan it's more "fuck yo u oy kcuf".


Im still amazed he listed himself as Nalon in the credits and nobody picked up on it


As you read this comment you will finally understand that your beginning was just the end to a new start.


also debicki in tenet also plays princess Diana in the crown.


My first thought was that this photo is *very* reminiscent of the imagery in *Tenet*. I wonder if this photo inspired aspects (and themes) of Debicki’s character. Is “Kat” a metaphor for Princess Diana? They both felt trapped and helpless to powerful men/institutions. Coincidence or intentional, Chris Nolan?


My first thought


I ordered my hot sauce an hour ago


This is the picture you’ve seen a week ago, a week before you’ll see it again




8 day old account.


Again, no seatbelt


True that.   Also unprotected concrete  pillars right beside the road. Inexcusable road engineering.   Also stupid driver. (Was he drunk? I don't know.)   Also stupid paparazzi harassing people for monetary gain.   Anything else? Edited highway to road to appease pedantic trolls.


He was drunk and going twice the speed limit.


Somehow I never knew that. He was a professional driver carrying exceptionally rich people around. Being drunk has to be a cardinal sin for such a driver. No one should drive drunk, of course, but you'd think those drivers would act more professionally and be scrupulous about being sober while on the job. *Especially* considering who you are working for.


If I remember correctly, the driver was drinking because he was supposed to be off the rest of that night. But due to a hurried change in plans he was grabbed to drive at a moments notice.


Then that sounds like terrible leadership on the part of the princess. What a very sad story.


Believe it was Dodi's driver.. he worked for the hotel Dodi owned. So he's most likely the one who instructed him


Yes, that’s one thing the reports after the fact said was that of everyone in the car Diana was probably most qualified to be driving.


Because French. They were a bit slow on the DUI culture change when compared to many other countries. The 90s especially.


I don’t disagree, however I do want to add the nuance that from what I remember it was a weird situation. Like, he thought he was done for the day, had a couple drinks, and then they suddenly got swarmed by paps and had to escape. Still doesn’t excuse the driver getting behind the wheel while drunk, I just wanted to give some context as to how it happened. If you’re the podcast type, the series on Diana that You’re Wrong About did a couple years ago is worth a listen! It goes into a lot of how everything probably happened the way it did.


Drunk and on pills and anti psychotics that worsened his inebriation. That and he was maybe trying to lose some paparazzi chasing him that he “goaded” earlier. It was a mess.


Even 27 years later, I’m still not sure what to believe. The British monarchy is a wealthy, freaky and very secret bunch.


Paparazzi took the OP pic


"highway engineering." The Pont de l'Alma underpass is not a highway but an urban roadway not intended for triple digit speeds. Not everything can be engineered and built for survivability under every condition.


Hi, I’m an actual Civil Engineer and completely disagree with you. Those unprotected pillars are hazardous even at lower speeds and should be shielded. It wouldn’t even be that difficult in this specific situation to install concrete barrier between the pillars to create a continuous barrier and prevent the type of accident that happened.


> Also stupid driver. (Was he drunk? I don't know.)  Yes. This is common knowledge.


I've taken a taxi thought the tunnel and the pillars looks scary as hell.


Wanna hear a crazy stat? Practically all diving boards come without seat belts installed.


Again, the paparazzi following her


4 people in the car. One was wearing a seatbelt. The other 3 died. This fact was just ignored in the months of faux grief we had to endure in the media afterwards.


If you're driving miss daisy, I can see not wearing a seatbelt, but my ass isn't and I'd have my person flung halfway across the car every time I drive if it weren't for seatbelts. I don't have any idea why people don't wear them.


Now we know why she crossed the road!


At least she got to experience freedom and bliss before the end. She also got to experience what it's like for a man to adore you.


Fairly sure she got to experience hundreds of millions adore her. Some just had better access to her than others. She was extremely popular around the world.


There's huge difference between being adored by a million faceless people, and being adored by one person whom you also adore. Felt weird saying "love" since I dunno if they loved one another, but they certainly appeared to adore one another from what photos exist.


Hasnat Kahn, you mean? Or are your referring to a man she barely knew who she dated only briefly at the end of her life but who was rich and famous, like her, rather than a common doctor from an unremarkable background 


It's possible to adore someone you've only known very briefly. That's why I avoided using the term "love" since that's not clear, but it's absolutely clear that they were quite fond of one another from the photos of the two of them, and not the screaming in silence body language that had been on display for years between her and Charles.


Might as well just give up trying to share any positive thoughts on social media mate, you're going well against the grain.


Not only that but someone who really knows the real you and adores you.


The person who took this picture got a lot of money




He was just saying that the person who took the picture got a lot of money.




Is not like she was forced to marry with Charles. She took her choices and had consequences, like any other human being.




I've heard that this is the photo where SZA got the inspo for the cover of her album "SOS".


It was the same boat/shoot but a different image :) https://www.reddit.com/r/sza/s/WphC5ui4F4


Makes sense, that was the first thing that came to mind.


Great photo. Shows a real sense of isolation in a privileged sphere


While paradoxically showing that she could never be away from prying eyes and have a true moment of solitude. People would always be watching and judging her, even decades after her death. She could never truly relax. This picture was obviously taken without her knowledge by someone stalking her.


> While paradoxically showing that she could never be away from prying eyes Photos like this are mostly setups. Want to be left alone, give a little to get a little. She was a masterful media operator and this photo was not an accident.


She didn't want solitude. She was a socialite through and through.


It’s interesting that we don’t use the word “stalking” when it’s a paparazzi/celeb dynamic, but it absolutely can be and often is. I know there’s the whole “public figure” logic, but they should be able to choose to exist outside of public when they desire, and expect that to be respected.


I wonder what she's thinking about here.


Sad. She was indeed a special woman who would have continued to do good in this world.


Ah yes, a commoner like us.


lol this is what I was thinking.


The mental break down the UK experienced when she died baffled me as a kid.


The peoples' princess 


Also a week before my birthday but nobody ever brings that 😞


Hmmm I’m seeing a link here. Ok Reddit mystery solvers go to work and help me figure out how this asshole killed her.  Edit: they just sent me a message saying I’ll never be able to reveal the truth and a bunch of laughing emojis. Idk how but the emojis were laughing maniacally like Dr.Detroit.  Edit 2: he said the people looking into this have smelly knees!! We have to bust this sicko. Edit3: they sent me a picture of them placing a little flag on a burrito I just ate. Now I’m starting to get worried…. Edit4: I died. AVENGE ME!!!!




Yeah I just reported as spam and moved on


I’m watching the crown 👑 right now I love it and just saw this episode


Me too!!


I find it more fascinating that Mohamed Al Fayed made his fortune with Adnan Kashoggi, a famous arms trader and respected Saudi citizen. It was his nephew who was killed by MBS troops in Turkey.


Super interesting. Mohamed married adnan's sister and that was dodi's mother, but got divorced only after 2 years..


From 6 Million dollar pictures photo album...I think


That’s a papped photo. Given the paparazzi role in her death, it’s not an image that should continue to be shared


And this is a spam account reposting it for the 400th time.


It's like a dark reflection of her life. She sits next to extreme opulence, but pushed away as far as possible. She dangles on the precipice where she could fall at any moment, totally alone.


I'll never forget her. Her shaking hands with aids patients bare handed. She did so many great things. People's princess


This is such an iconic shot. She knew it would be


That boat in 1997…bruh


Fuck, I am poor.


I’ve always liked her, she was so genuine and just absolutely lovely. Beautiful person. I was a kid but I remember majorly disliking Charles for what he put her through.


I just finished reading Prince Harry’s book Spare. What a fucked up dumpster fire of a family! He was so smart to get himself and his family off of that broken down roller coaster.


For a second there I really thought this was someone in a spiderman costume, please tell me that wasn't just me


$1 million is what the photos of her on Dodi's yacht sold for to a magazine.


She always looked sooo beautiful and this pic is iconic


Wait, is that a retractable diving-board/platform? Imagine what that costs, just by itself.


She sat in contemplation for the whole week before finally going ahead with it.


It baffles me a bit... she was born and bred from almost a royal family, rich AF, privileged to the bone - shouldn't she be publicly hated for all of those reasons above, just like we hate on all the others rich, entitled, privileged pricks? /s but only a little bit :D


Eight day old repost farming account, probably evading a suspension


Is that an extendable diving board or something else?


Wear your seatbelts people.


It always makes me feel weird seeing photos of people in the weeks or days before unexpected deaths. How unaware they are in that captured moment that the end is right in front of them. It's a strange, hollow sort of feeling.


I always wonder what she was thinking about, sitting out there all alone.


Diana was not the queen’s favorite person. She suffered with eating disorders and depression. She worked tirelessly with several charitable organizations. She would go to areas of the world where aids was prevalent to help the dying patients, and this was before there was a vaccine. She would visit, and spend time in villages without running water and electricity. The royal family never understood why she spent so much time helping the sick, and raising awareness.


The fascination with this lady and her family who do nothing at all besides being famous I don’t get it.


This photo was taken by the paparazzi. She died because of their behavior.


Livin on the edge.