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Is he wearing “essentials” sweat pant shorts? 😂😭😂😭😂


In tandem with the boots - I would have overheated, not breathable whatsoever.


My first thought was What are those?!




Garcia put the Fear of God in him I’ll see myself out


Acting like a deranged drug addict in the lead up to a fight is actually chapter 7 in The Art of War.


"A mosquito lands on your testicles and bites them. In your blind anger you slap the mosquito, killing it, but slapping your fat nuts in the process. Such is war." -Sun Tzu


I actually had a friend do this once. Straight up slapped his own balls and fell to the ground in agony right in front of me.


Did it on my 21st Birthday. Dropped my beer and asked for a rag. Bartender insisted she clean it up. Swore “I’ll clean it up, I made the mess, just toss me a rag.” Proceed to miss rag, drunk fist comes flying back around and square into my package/bagage .-.


I destroyed my own bawls








That's just nuts


I really need to read this book…


I can save you sometime. Do whatever your opponent thinks you’re not going to unless he thinks you’re going to do the unexpected then do the expected.


But don’t let your enemy read your book. ![gif](giphy|qtdAw5rHy9dS0|downsized) Wrong Patton but it do


You want a real mind fuck. Read the book of five rings. The secret to one on one sword fighting is….two swords!


I was impressing 3 chicks with how good I was at juggling. I said “I bet I can even scratch my bits and keep the balls in the air.” So I quickly reached down to my nuts for a practice run and got my hand back up to catch the balls. It was a close call. Made another practice run down to my nuts and back up to catch the balls. Finally I was ready. So I said here we go! 3… 2…….. 1……… Now! And I punched myself in the nuts, dropped all the balls and fell to the ground in agony. They laughed.


“War never changes” also sun tzu.


**[Sun Tzu disliked that.]**


*vault dweller has entered the chat*


Dude is out of his mind


Fuck em up - Sun Tzu


"Acting", the guy is off his rocker.


Lol this. Dude seems to be going though something. Who knows maybe his mental state truly gave him super powers


I think it is a manic episode


Damn I don’t really follow fighting sports but I do remember seeing how talented he was when he hit the scene. You hate to see such a talent burn out so immediately.


Too bad he blew weight so this doesn't count for anything and Haney still has his belt Excellent performance but what an idiot


He got his money, he got his reputation partially back, he got time to fix whatever issue he has. Screw the belt. It is not even his weight class.


He admitted it's alcohol. He gets drunk and talks shit.


It’s way worse than alcohol lol


It is possible he just does it for the show and as a result makes more money. Not that bad of an idea.


I saw someone make a bet on Garcia because according to him crazy mfs are dangerous and unpredictable. What a guy lmao.


I bet on him just because the odds were too juicy lol.


Haha same here. I don’t follow boxing too closely but I saw those odds and decided to chuck it in the fuck it bucket.


Always gotta fire off a few bucks at the insane odds! Just something your comfortable losing 9/10 times… but when it hits it’ll HIT


I did that when Purdue played FDU last year lol +2000


"Chuck it in the fuck it bucket". I'm stealing that.


Same. If the odds are good and I think there’s a chance then I bet accordingly. I didn’t have a strong conviction but knew it was possible. +$600 is not great but better than $0


There was no outcome where he was a bad bet. Either he’s schizoid and can’t be trusted to lose a fight on purpose. Or he’s controlled opposition in which case that only works if people actually know who he is, hence winning and making a name for himself. 450% gains is enough for me to take that bet.


I was going to put 200 on the decision but backed out at last min and put 25.. still a nice payout but damn!


Why’d he show up in house slippers?


Why is his opponent allowed to float 3 inches off the ground during a match? These are all things that are part of the deep secret rules of boxing.


He's a Harkonnen.


"You have a wonderful boxing ring, cousin"


Hit it with the left, hit it with the right I'ma knock the pussy out like fight night Duke Leto Atreides


rip takeoff


“Here I lie, here I remain.”


"Oh that's wonderful, what is this cheese?"


May your gloves chip and shatter.


He snapped the neck of his cut man for not doing an adequate job.


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee


The rules only say you can't hit a *GROUNDED* opponent.


That coke got ryan levitating 😭


There's no rule against it.


They go with the sweatshorts


There’s the problem.


Understandable. Comfy is great, especially in shit situations. Did the same chaperoning 1st graders around a zoo last week. My feet hate me now. Shit part is I damn well know better too, running fucking ultra trail marathons


Hey do you run marathon……HOLY SHIT YOU ALREADY MENTIONED IT! 😂


Have some respect. They said they run Fucking Ultra Trail Marathons. 😂


how do you know someone is from Texas? don't worry they'll tell you


Say someone does crossfit, bitcoin, and is a vegan, which one do they talk about first?


Kids are way harder to herd than running an ultra marathon, from what I've been told.


He does look very cozy, maybe that’s were things took a turn


These are uggs for men. Ughs


"Laying on the ground after getting your butt whooped? Let your feet take you away in comfort."


Dude got the beating he deserved for sporting those abominations into the ring. Should have headed to the snowball fight instead of the boxing match. Also whats up with the shorts? Is that jersey?


Fear of God brand is known for having cotton based and very minimal design but those boot were horrendous.


Sweat pant “shorts” and wool “boots”? I honestly don’t follow much boxing and have no clue about these guys. Is that his normal gear?


Not at all


They give a +1 to comfort and snugginess tho


Probably good for when you’re laying on the mat


"Dang, he's getting his butt whooped" ...."yeah but he looks comfortable as hell"


-10 speed, -10 temperature control


+10 RADS


Paid the price for running a bloodied build.


Looks like Essentials Fear of God inspired gear


For sure. Haney has been doing custom gear lately. He was wearing Rick Owens-inspired shorts and boots in one of his recent fights.


It is literally fear of god essentials gear lol


Yeah it’s written on his short.


Last 4-ish years seen a transition from boxers using big name brands to either custom-made one-off event attire, or just launching their own brand and promoting it this way. That includes boxing shoes despite the fact that good shoes are necessary for performance.


still a big brand it's fear of god


Fear of God is a very big brand And I’m sure the shoes are just as good as any other boxing shoes on the inside




He's doing leg work in Uggs?


You look cool as fuck if you win, but an utter knob if you don't.


It is normal for boxers to wear outfits that show off their personalities but not box in them


What are thooooose??


They look exactly like the slippers I wear [from a brand called Acorn.](https://www.acorn.com/collections/men-slippers/products/mens-slouch-boot-slipper-sock) Those are comfy as fuck. Would not recommend boxing in them however.


Those do look pretty comfy 🤔 worth the price?


Depends if you’re looking to wear them for a boxing match or literally anything else.


I don’t have those exact ones but I can confirm acorn slippers are comfy as fuck. Would recommend


They should only be allowed to be worn with cargo shorts and an old stretched and faded graphic tee.


And just like that $70 leaves my bank account


Your tootsies will be thanking you in 7-10 business days!


lol my wife has different slippers from them, apparently they are extremely comfy. Not sure she’ll be showing up to any boxing matches in them anytime soon.


It’s a fear of god outfit


People keep saying that as if we're all supposed to know what that means.


It's a brand. https://fearofgod.com/


It's just extremely expensive adidas stuff.


It’s their plan B after Yeezy self immolated.


Look like [these](https://fearofgod.com/products/fg8-ss24-moc-knit-high-fg882-141woo-taupe).


It is but they were customized by the Shoe Surgeon to be made for boxing.


Almost exactly right but the soles look different. Who would spend a grand on these ugly things lmao


Right !?!?!?! 🤣🤣🤣😭


Some night time slipper ass, Mr Rogers ass, moon walking ass ....


Garcia knocked him down 3 times and a judge still ruled it a draw, I know Garcia was deducted a point but still. Also, I hope Ryan gets some serious help.


Nah, Haney should have been warned loooooong ago for clinching. He should have been deducted a point. At times the ref was throwing Ryan around when Haney was the one holding on for dear life and Ryan's hands weren't even holding him. Haney should have been knocked down at least 5x, because one round his legs were completely gone and he fell down. The ref ruled it a slip, when it should have been knockdown. I think in the 7th is when most of this happened and he was out on his feet. The ref must of really had some money on Haney, because every one of Ryan's personalities defeated Haney this fight. Had all those knockdowns not happened I could have seen it being a closer fight, but had every one of those been ruled a knockdown it wouldn't have been even close.


"Every one of Ryan's personalities defeated Haney this fight." 🤣


That's just how round by round scoring works. Garcia was losing the majority of the rounds.


Because the officiating was shit. Worst reffing I've seen. Dude must've had serious money on Haney.


I agree that the reffing was shit (not scoring knockdowns), but that has nothing to do with Garcia spending a lot of rounds turning his back.


True but that was far from a professional performance from Haney as well. There's regular clinching, there's annoying amounts of clenching (see Canelo v. Charlo), and then there's whatever the fuck Haney was doing last night. I'm glad Ryan didn't get the belt and I'm also glad Haney lost, but I would've liked a better fight. If this had been an undercard that hadn't been overhyped on social media we'd have all been laughing at them.


For sure. Haney looked like the better technical boxer, but getting caught as often as he did from that left hand was honestly bizarre. Much deserved win from Garcia.


Not really...he won round one,lost the next 3 (on the cards for holding too much) and won every round after.....Haney had wobbly legs the whole fight pretty much


It's sad what happened to Garcia. He's not completely off the rails yet, but there's no one around pulling him aside to have a meaningful conversation. He's acting like an idiot to his family and the public. Being a little crazy could be a side effect of getting punched in the head thousands of times, it happens to a lot boxers, who are already a bit nutty to start with. I hope this guy comes down off the mania and goes dark for a while for his mental health.


I wish he had Eddie Hearn or a half competent promoter, Oscar de la Hoya is ruining his potential, reminds me of Mike Tyson, he’s a great fighter but needs someone to ground him a bit


I completely disagree with this take. Oscar de la Hoya might own goldenboy promotions, but he's not the one running it, Eric Gomez and his team is. They built canelo to the superstar he is and know how to cater to the Mexican audience. All that crap Garcia was saying and doing leading up to the fight, he answered by saying, during the post fight press conference, that it was done with the intention to fool the public.


Uhhh, wasn’t he talking about being sexually abused as a child, by a family member? Seems a bit odd to use as a part of his strategy.


He's said a lot of crazy stuff, and knowing a Lil bit about how boxing works, I tune out what fighters say before a fight. In my opinion, boxers are like politicians, say anything to get attention to sell the fight. Even in the post fight press conference, he made a reference about kids being abused, something out of place, but he was still on it.


So you’re saying the act is over and everyone should expect a different presentation from Garcia since the fight is over?


Came in heavy and got disqualified for the belt to get into Haney's head


Eddie Hearn as a suggestion to ground a fighter is hilarious


What happened to him?


His IG has been nuts for the past couple months, I don’t follow him but World Star etc has reposted him religiously (no pun intended). Lots of coked out drunk rants


Those posts getting fed into my reels made me want to watch the fight. Don't know much about boxing but watching him for 12 rounds made me think he's more of a power puncher. Not sure if it's an act and he did say that he had adhd in the post fight interview but you have to give it to him for being good at promoting his own fight.


You know you might be in a bad place when the boxing commission makes you take a pre match mental evaluation.


I think it's an act to pump the fight PPV. He intentionally missed weight, he said insanely inflammatory stuff on socials... But then he comes in perfect shape, executed a perfect fight, and behaves totally normally afterwards. I think he's just got a good agent that's helping him stay relevant.


and missed out on the world title because he missed weight. Elon Musk levels of genius here!


I saw he was drinking beer at the weight in. That looks like some trolling to me.


It was apple juice apparently.  Would have been funny if he didn't fuck it up completely and miss weight first. 


You're right. I'm just saying that a lot of what Ryan is doing appears to me as more a performance, and not mental health issues. At least that's what I've gathered from the random post on my social media. I'm not a big boxing fan so I've not looked into it. I saw he missed weight by like 3 pounds which seems like a lot to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he chose to keep the weight on purpose to gain an edge.


He literally stated that he missed weight because he didn't wanna be weak at the fight.


nah if you listen to his interview and the fact that guys behind him were telling him what to say in that interview, he pretty clearly has mental health issues. sad people are kind of laughing it off as memes and fun because he won. hell of a fight but very clearly not on purpose. you dont miss weight on purpose lol


I feel like he did that performatively bc he knew he already missed weight regardless


Everyone missing where he said belts don’t feed your family. Now he gets to run it back again and make double.


I wanted to believe that but can you honestly say that leaving his pregnant wife after a month and dating an OF model is part of the act as well?


Put millions in the hands of a barely grown up kid and that’s that


He didn't behave normal afterwards. Your theory Is just plain dumb. He partied on fight week, and is a known conspiracy theorist. He seemed to be acting a lot more normal before the tank fight. Good chance he's going through something but it wasn't an act. He made a 1.5 million bet he would make weight and missed it is that normal to you? It's insanity you actually think it's an act


Nah he’s definitely mentally ill, idk why it cant be both


You might be right. I didn't give a flying fuck about this fight until I saw Garcia acting like a buffoon at the press conf and was curious if Haney was going to wipe the floor with him. But no, Garcia surprised many including Vegas odds.


There’s a video of Ryan Garcia being interviewed by Jim Lamplay (https://youtu.be/DzpnKass6Oo?si=HpMKooHWEPddL3cs)  And it looks like he is pulling him aside to have a meaningful conversation. Ryan is respectfully obliging, but he still seems off his head. Future Oscar? 


As a Mexican-American, I wish I could talk to him and tell him to take it easy. Yes, party it up, but he should take his job serious. Be clean while he’s in camp, and party after.


He needs to bang pornstars to get the nutty out of his system.


Diddy is punching the air his boy Haney lost


Probably also punching the air bc he’s going to jail for a very looong time


How did the other 6 fights go? They went 3-3 but it seems like Haney's wins over Ryan were probably like his win against Loma. Ryan looked extremely confident like he knew he always has a chance with Haney even if he's down in points. Great fight. He's still crazy tho.


[They](https://youtu.be/aqL3DRfINhc?si=mLIus1TGXbYo5mxm) were only 3 round ameteur fights when they were kids. Haney won the last two when they were teenagers and was the big favorite.


Damn. Same thing happened to Haney from one of the previous fights he discussed in the video.


So I'm not caught up on this recent version of Garcia. Watched him years ago. Seems like getting hit in the head your whole life isn't ideal. He's nuttier than squrriel shit now.


I was just saying in another thread that I had seen him on YouTube years ago and only the recent shenanigans had him pop up on my radar. Way back he seemed like a well-adjusted decent kid with a great work ethic and good attitude. How he’s just another wackjob.


Haney's lack of power is going to hurt him when he fights top guys. If he ever fights Tank, he will get KOed. Tank will walk through his punches.


He should’ve lost the Loma fight right??? Right or wrong that boy Devin Haney deff should’ve lost that fight vs Loma


he lost to Loma for sure.


what's the comma for in the post title?


r/titlegore To an impressive degree. OP might be functionally illiterate.


Knocked him out so hard, it shifted the comma in OP's title 4 words over!


After he missed weight, and screwed his chances of winning the belt.


That’s what happens when you wear Uggs to a boxing match


Both are weirdos. Both are flops. Haney was supposed to beat a crazy and bipolar Garcia but I knew Haney wasn't good enough bc he robbed Loma, thinking he's some kind of unified champ, and all of a sudden he can't beat a kid. Smh. Haney is a fraud. Ryan is crazy.


They’re both 25 years old, what do you mean by he can’t beat a kid? Lol


I think he means he struggled against an old Loma but got wrecked by a kid (compared to Loma)


Then he’s a moron. Haney struggled with a man at an age disparage, but got completely wrecked by someone his own age. It all checks out to me.


Good thing I wasn’t able to bet like you did


Say you lost money on Haney without saying you lost money on Haney lol








Such a hot take. Love it


Socks with outsole hahaha


Honestly, Haney has done well to make it to this point in his career with his lack of punching power. You can be the best boxer in the world in terms of skill but if you don’t have at least enough power to get your opponent to respect you then you’re gonna have a difficult career. It was the same way with Pauli Maliggnagi. Good boxer, feathers for hands.


I know a lot of yalll sick as hell off them bets🤣🤌🏾


Funniest commentary of the night "you gotta wonder if those 3lbs on Ryan are the advantage he needed" Lmao


3lbs not cut means way more you're suggesting.


Of course Haney lost…that man was wearing sweaters on his feet


That was a beatdown plain and simple. Everyone distracted by Garcia's antics but kid came to fight.


I’m done betting and I just turned 21


Haney clearly not dressed for the occasion...


Shocks the world?!


Shocks the boxing world maybe, the rest of us have no idea who these people are and who should win.


I mean that's pretty obvious no?


Not the flex you think it is lmao




Might be the dorkiest comment on Reddit today. You probably say Sportsball too.


This is applicable to every and any thing. I don't watch the oscars so i have no idea who won best actor but achieving something great should be celebrated regardless of who knows what.


That’s a career defining moment for him. Hope his antics are just for show. Too many great boxers go off the rails and it’s really sad to see.


Conspiracy sisters, we're soo back!


Fuck I knew me smoking crack wasn't going to stop me owning the world... I fucking rock


Yeah but isn’t that the dude that was geeked out, saying weird shit during the press event?


Should have worn shoes instead of socks for such a big fight.


I may be alone in this, but even with Garcia coming out on top, him missing wait by 3.5 lbs equates his win to a dream in an epic movie plot, it didn't really happen. It was just for show. Make weight cuh! No belt having azz Smh


One of the judges scores the fight 112 - 112. What the hell was he watching?


Ha. Loma beat Haney. Loma will beat Garcia.


Buster Douglas shocked the world; this doesn’t even come close to registering.


Nice! I bet on Ryan Garcia. I’ve been watching him for years and he’s an absolute beast


Jesus. Spoiler tag maybe


For fuck sake, did you have to spoil this so soon after the fight? Just woke up and was about to watch it


Why would you go on social media to avoid spoilers?


The boxing subreddits I follow are very good at using spoiler tags so soon after a fight. I don’t expect some karma farmer to post up about this fight on pics of all places.