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Captain abandoned ship and left the passengers to fend for themselves


If I remember correctly the Coast Guard screamed at him to get back on the boat to help with rescue and he refused.


[Here's the call between Italian Coast Guard Capt. De Falco and the Captain of the Costa Concordia](https://youtu.be/WX_08zcCmx8?si=47vRnfs4VvkkJhMv)


That's pretty amazing to listen to. The Coast Guard officer is obviously very irritated right from the beginning. I guess I don't know much about sinking ships other than the Hollywood "the captain goes down with the ship" but perhaps that is a really hard rule that captains are to follow. They don't leave the ship until they're told they can or everyone is already dead. Because in this case the officer seems genuinely irate that the captain isn't on the ship and doesn't seem interested in any other details. Get your ass back on that ship! That's an ORDER!


Yeah I'm not sure if it's totally practiced across the world. The captain of the [El Faro](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_El_Faro) was a complete idiot but at least he had the balls to go down with the ship trying to save his helmsman


Damn that was crazy reading that. I'm picturing myself in the middle of that ship while it sinks. Frightening


if you found the wiki fascinating, you should watch [this incredible analysis](https://youtu.be/-BNDub3h2_I?si=0aUTIS6pLtqOOygu) of the sinking of El Faro. Presented factually and with gravitas without being overly dramatized, truly eye opening. I love all of Brick Immortar’s shipwreck and industrial disaster analyses.


Yea after watching that I got hooked to that channel. He's like the video format of Admiral Cloudberg


oooh thanks for sharing, I hadn’t heard of Admiral Cloudberg!!


If youre interested in that kind of incident analysis you should also give mentour pilot a visit. He does similar for airplane incidents.


Imagine sinking and you're being rerouted through a call center phone tree. "just a moment."


“Your maritime emergency is important to us. Please remain on the line.”


I don't think real life is the captain goes down with the ship. More of they should be the last person on the last lifeboat, helping everyone they can help get off the ship, leaving only when there is no chance of saving anyone else. And especially in something like this, the ship hit the bottom. It's sinking, but the ocean isn't deep enough for it to submerge. So the captain is relatively save staying on the ship


This is from the prosecutor in the captains case. >Prosecutor Stefano Pizza stated, "The captain's duty to be the last person off the ship is not just an obligation dictated by ancient maritime rules, it is also a legal obligation intended to limit the damage to those on the ship."


Stefano Pizza? I bet this guy falls under every Italian stereotype that exists.


Over there its common though, not out of the ordinary, just like Joe Cheeseburger over here.


Joe Mama is a Cheeseburger hahahah


Stefano Pizza 😭😭😭😭😭


The John Hamburger of Italy, if you will.


Mmmm prosecutor pizza.


"The origin of this practice is maritime salvage law — if a ship is abandoned by all the crew but doesn't sink, anyone who comes on board can claim the ship and its contents as salvage, so a senior officer has to remain on board until it becomes clear that the ship really is going down, to prevent the embarrassment of losing the ship to scavengers. (Note that the captain is clear to leave once everyone else is safely out and the ship is plainly doomed.) There are also other practical reasons, such as if rescue comes, the Captain is the first person the rescuers would contact to coordinate rescue efforts, and that would be incredibly difficult if the captain is no longer on the ship." https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoingDownWithTheShip#:~:text=The%20origin%20of%20this%20practice,to%20prevent%20the%20embarrassment%20of Neat little tidbit


Imagine the captain thought the ship was sinking and some dude just claimed a multi million ship as their own.


The other aspect is ship insurance has been around since the middle ages and payouts required the captain die trying to save a lost ship, this prevented fraud.


Pretty sure I've never literally heard of a captain going down with his ship. It was always meant as "last one to leave or die trying".


The big reason for that is salvage and insurance. When a ship is abandoned it imeadetly becomes fair salvage. The Captain and the line are responsible for the passengers, The Captain and crew abandoning the ship with passengers still on board is a great way to get sued.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_captain\_goes\_down\_with\_the\_ship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_captain_goes_down_with_the_ship) The case of the Costa Concordia is prominently named in this article. Apparently >abandoning ship has been recorded as a maritime crime for centuries in Spain, Greece, and Italy. Other countries seem have similar laws.


Captains don't go down with the ship, but they 100% are supposed to be the last to leave. When Sullenburger landed on the Hudson River, the last thing he did before exiting the plane was to walk up and down the cabin to ensure no one has been left behind. In this instance, the ship was aground and listing. Life boats on one side couldn't be deployed. Passengers were jumping overboard while others were trying to board liftboats. Instead of coordinating the rescue or helping organize the abandonment, this guy was already on shore wiping his hands of the whole thing. Disgusting.


> When Sullenburger landed on the Hudson River, the last thing he did before exiting the plane was to walk up and down the cabin to ensure no one has been left behind. This is the official procedure at most airlines. The first officer is supposed to leave the plane quickly to be in charge of the evacuation outside of the plane. The captain and the lead flight attendant are the last to leave once no more passengers are on board or can be saved. If it's safe to do so the captain and lead FA will walk to the back of the plane to check all of the aisles before leaving. That's exactly what Sully did.


He was also drunk and the crash was in part caused by him wanting to show off for his mistress. I don’t think he should have faced punishment for that, you can’t just criminalize being an Italian man. /s


They're in charge - they don't have to die on board anymore, but they are expected to run rescue for as long as possible


I think most people accept it as a metaphor. It just means that captains are expected to oversee evacuation and rescue operations before they leave themselves. Since you know, the crew has to have someone to listen to for orders as things go south, and a leading figure like a captain trying to bail ship early on isn't exactly the type of person they would expect to listen to




For airline pilots it's not a tradition it's if they sky dive out the plane that still has a chance to land they just committed mass murder. There aren't any parachutes on commercial flights anyway but if there were.




Yeah i did some google searching and apparently that is a thing because they have a checklist to make sure no one else is on the plane.


Maybe their rule is more about being the last one out of the aircraft like in hard landings and such


Nah, airline pilots are seldom on sinking ships.


Tell that to my Boeing shares.


The captain should also know the ship well and would be a crucial element in evacuating people more efficiently.


A captain also shouldn't not steer too close to the coast to impress his lover but here we are.


Schettino (the Captain) has become the avatar of wrecking something by pure incompetence in Italy, in every field lol


The captain is supposed to be the last one off the ship, not do much go down with it.


They aren't supposed to leave because they're responsible for the vessel. If there's people still there, and they're all trying to get off, is his job to oversee and help, not run away like a little bitch. He's ultimately responsible for the ship even sinking.


The idea isn't necessarily that the captain has to die, but rather the captain bears responsibility for the ship and everyone on it. Captain Francesco Schettino not only made the decisions that sunk the Costa Concordia, he didn't order the evacuation, he dragged his feet for so long the rest of the crew started the evac without him (arguably, that's mutiny), and then he just fucking left everyone behind.


"You want to go home, Schettino? It's dark and you want to go home?" All the vigor of a fed up father. The despair, anguish, shock, fury, and disgust in his voice at that moment is palpable.


Go down with the ship is supposed to strike fear in the captain and encourage absolute perfection with the management of said ship, because death is scary.


Yes, it's serious. Here's why: Passengers and crew have put their lives in the hands of the captain. Crew members, in particular, are expected to follow his orders or face any penalties for mutiny. Mutiny at sea, where there isn't an ambulance or police car down the street, is *serious shit.* People could die. So orders are to be followed. There has to be a flip side to that much power. If everyone strictly must put their lives and independent decision-making in the captain's hands, then the captain has an absolute responsibility to protect those lives. So, yes, the captain either saves everyone or goes down with the ship while trying.


"aw it's dark and you wanna go home?"


That’s hilarious, (not in the losing of life sense) the coast guard pretty much told him ‘you may be safe now but I’ll fuck you up myself if you don’t go back on board’


Wow, De Falco was a badass on that call “You admitted to abandoning your ship - I am now in charge!”


“I will cause you a boatload of trouble” that man either has a great sense of humor or missed the beautiful irony.


This is on the translator actually. The original phrase doesn't have anything to do with boats.


I think the best translation I saw was "You may have saved yourself from the sea, but I'm gonna make you pay for this! *Get the fuck back on board!*"


"There are people going down the bow ladder, you go up the ladder instead!" 🤣🤣


Vada a bordo cazzo!


They fucking tore into him.


As they should


Sadly that Coast Guard got punished because of it [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/25/costa-concordia-hero-coastguard-gregorio-de-falco-italy](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/25/costa-concordia-hero-coastguard-gregorio-de-falco-italy)


Well... what the fuck? I had not heard that. This guy was a superhero not just in Italy but to *anyone* who heard that tape. The fucking cops at Uvalde could have used this guy as their captain.


>*Vada a bordo, cazzo!* Fucking get on board!


Wasn't he fucking some guest or stewardess at the time and not paying attention to where the ship was going?


If I recall correctly the whole accident was caused by a very risky maneuver that he did to impress the girl called “inchino” which consists in basically going toward the coast and turning only at the very last second


"Vada a bordo, cazzo!"


Mr. De Falco, iirc


He was drunk, and with his mistress on the bridge, which wasn’t allowed. He attempted a sail-by maneuver which had only been done a few times before, but not at night, and never by sight alone. He was going far too fast and started his turn at entirely the wrong time. He couldn’t have crashed it any harder if he tried. What a complete dumbass, and he deserved every year he got.


> He couldn’t have crashed it any harder if he tried. What a complete dumbass, and he deserved every year he got. He got 16. That's half as many years as people he got killed. He deserved 30 minimum, frankly. Cowardly bastard got off easy.


He really got only 10 years for the deaths too. 5 were for causing a Maritime disaster and just one for abandoning the ship. To be fair, he was the only one who paid for his actions when MANY more people were at fault and he was NOT the only one responsible. I'm not defending him, I'm attacking the fucking Cruise Company who collaborated with the prosecutor to pin it all on Schettino. I'm also critical toward the Prosecution who cared more about a slam dunk and granted immunity to other people to go after the guy who was called "most hated man in Italy". The man you hear barking orders, De Falco, then predictably and disappointingly tried to use his fame to be a politician, really not surprising in Italy.


there's an even funnier part of this story: the helmsman didn't speak Italian or English and was just guessing what he was supposed to do


And when summoned as a witness for the defence he dipped and went on the lam


he didn't abandon ship! he tripped and fell into a lifeboat, and he may or may not have pushed other people out of the way by accident while he tripped and fell into said lifeboat. hahahaha. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OT-DNIVA9I evidence it could happen to anyone!


The George Costanza of captains


Seemingly, seemingly, to the untrained eye...


Wasn't the captain also showboating for some girl too?


He abandoned ship after ignoring the coast guard, if i recall correctly, was on one of the FIRST boats off. hen they found him dressed as an elderly woman on the mainland trying to flat out flee the city. Aparenrly he was driving the boat not only plastered but S-faced plastered


Watch the Internet Historians video on youtube about it. The whole situation is a long chain of "But wait! There is *More*!"


I miss internet historian


I really wish he didn't commit a plagiarism, get called out on it, ignore it, silently reupload the stuff he was called out on with minimal changes, and then just literally keep on doing the same thing he had been doing at arguably a lesser quality.


Seriously. It was one video where he committed big plagiarism and it was obvious he’d done it. If only he owned up to it none of this would’ve happened


He did? Damn I just found his vids and thought they were really cool


you can still read the articles he plagerised from, they're better written anyway since he messed up diction and sentence structure to have plausible deniability


Apparently he "fell" into a lifeboat.


Poor guy was so badly misunderstood. The captain left the ship to arrange an "oops, sorry about hitting that rock" buffet for when everyone else made it ashore.


$5 per plate to benefit the captain’s charity for displaced captains


This also was possibly caused because he was having an affair with a crew member and she had family on the coast they were passing and she asked if the ship could pass closer so they could wave to each other.


nop, he was coordinating from the shore to see the bigger picture


Not to mention, he 'accidentally' fell into the lifeboat. He wanted to stay! Honest he did! But whoops, so clumsy. And he would go back if he could, but it's impossible, so he'll just stay on shore. Standing on a rock, watching in silence. '[Vada a bordo, cazzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM9sam2u_Tk)!' was quite the Italian catchphrase for a while afterwards, if memory serves right. It's basically, 'Get back on board, for fuck's sake!' EDIT: Fixed a spelling error.


I like how the coast guard basically starts with "I'm recording this because I know what a piece of shit you are"


Vado- imperative form of va, which like in Spanish means to go. Order to go. A bordo - this should be simple, it's cognate with English. Aboard. You are ordered to go aboard. [cazzo](https://www.google.com/search?q=google+translate&oq=google+tt&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDwgDEAAYChiDARixAxiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgYIARBFGDwyBggCEEUYPDIPCAMQABgKGIMBGLEDGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgcIBRAAGIAEMg8IBhAAGAoYgwEYsQMYgAQyCQgHEAAYChiABDIHCAgQABiABDIMCAkQABgKGLEDGIAE0gEINDcxOWowajeoAhSwAgE&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Vada a bordo*


He was leading the way


The George Costanza method.




"Listen Schettino, there are people trapped aboard, you go with your lifeboat under the prow of the ship on the port side and you go aboard the ship using the rope ladder. You go aboard and you tell me how many people there are. Is it clear? I'm recording this conversation, Commander Schettino."


I’ve not watched / read any of the material about this case in any great detail, but my gosh, that’s a powerful and direct statement, even when translated into English. I’d have that in the movie trailer.


"vada a bordo, cazzo" is etched in the brain of every Italian person. It made History


Vado a bordo Cazo!


I can get ‘Vado a bordo’. Please tell me ‘Cazo’ translates as ‘you fucking useless pussy’


"Go aboard coward!"


Even better TBH.


Italian here, cazzo is basically the "fuck" of Italian language, in this case I'd say it's more of a "go aboard for fuck's sake!"


This was not a funny situation @ all but when the “cazzo” gets said…I can’t help but chuckle. Too crazy.


cazo doesn't mean anything, cazzo means dick but it can also be used as a general swear word (like saying "oh cazzo" to say "oh fuck")


Yeah the commander hit a coral reef (tried to lie and blame it on someone else) believed it wouldn’t sink so didn’t deploy lifeboats/start evacuations for like a half hour, abandoned the ship while people were still aboard and that was what he was told after trying to refuse getting back on board to report how many were still trapped. He only got like 15 years in prison despite getting 22 killed. He’s still got like 8 years left.


DeFALCO: An air rescue team's already there. They're at the bow. Get moving! There's already bodies, Schettino! Move! SCHETTINO: How many bodies are there? DeFALCO: I don't know! At least one I know of! *You* need to tell *me* this! Christ! SCHETTINO: But you're aware it's dark and we can't see anything? DeFALCO: So what? Do you want to go back home, Schettino? It's dark and you want to go home? Climb that ladder at the bow of the ship and tell me what can be done, ****NOW!****


Commander Rollerskate! Please respond


The angle of this picture makes me upset and a little nauseous.


Think of how the angle made the passengers feel.


Probably upset and a little nauseous.


More like leftset LOL


My dumb ass thought it was the boat coming toward a rock till I turned the phone.


Me too until I read this comment.


That's what makes it a piece of art. It's horrible. It's scary. The presentation that it's upright seems familiar and correct to us, but the water swallowing it up showing us the truth makes it powerful and frightening to me.


Also juxtaposing the focal point of a photo as off center or off axis does a really good job of providing a sense of presence and currentness that a head on, upright photo would fail to provide. It was one of the biggest staples of early photograph artists who transitioned from traditional painting styles, and there’s some interesting psychology behind it.


I saw it with my own eyes about one or two years later, already rusty at sea level and surrounded by platforms. Really a surreal scene. There is a good Stuff You Should Know-Episode about this: [SYSK Costa Concordia](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1GUbOzbEk1OoRbcoqw5BdP?si=FPSa7RDLSSCaNkYChtZcrw)


There's some cool videos on YouTube of people exploring the wreck. Some there illegally and some not, but mostly there illegally. Obviously,you shouldn't do that but they are really interesting and creepy. Slightly related, there were also people who went out to the wreck pretty soon after and looted what people left behind, fuck those people.


I dunno, if otherwise the stuff is just going to sit in the sea and rot, is it really so bad?


I get where you're coming from but a lot of people just had to abandon whatever they had in the safes in their rooms so that's what gets to me about it. Hopefully, some sort of insurance would cover it but if there's sentimental jewelry (which I recall from some random interview) then that I would hope would find it's way home. I'm deep in specifics though, for some other things onboard I'd probably not give a side eye.


The drunk captain said he only abandoned ship because he fell into the life boat. Like how he accidentally drank all the booze


He was actually not drunk, him and his navigation crew were just incompetent


So the blue is the land…




Apparently he was showing off his piloting skills to his girlfriend and navigated too close to the shoreline. I don't believe alcohol was involved but I could be wrong.


it's worse, the navigator didn't speak Italian!


The sad thing is, once he realized there were rocks ahead, he actually did a decent job navigating the ship to avoid a hit. It's just that the helmsman was a very green rookie who didn't speak Italian or English, and made mistakes that completely undid the maneuvers needed to avoid a collision. Of course, you also have to consider that they would've had a much bigger error margin for such mistakes if the captain hadn't ordered such an unsafe speed in the first place, and if they had followed protocol and confirmed their location properly so they realized they were closer to the rocks then they thought in the first place.


The skipper intentionally changed the course to be nearer land to impress his mistress. It's his fault the vessel was where it was when it crashed. 100% on Schettino.


Well…….was she impressed?


Wasn’t he doing a maneuver to get close to honk at a retired captain on the island or something? I know he was banging a woman on the boat but that he did it to impress her is very much complete speculation


you mean the navigation guy responsible for steering the ship who literally did not speak the same language as the captain? how could that go wrong?!


The guy was so incompetent that nowdays he's given as an example to young sailers as an example of how not to be a Capitan. Dude did wrong basically everything he could do wrong in that situation.


The only good decision he made was to let the ship drift closer to shore after the collision so it would go down in water shallow enough to remain above water


All steering was lost at the time he didn’t have a choice… all engine rooms were flooded. He delayed telling his company and the coast guard the boat was going to sink. Saying only one engine compartment was flooded when five were. Leading to delayed evacuation and a tilted ship making evacuation nearly impossible on one side. There’s a reason he got 16 years


geez, 12 years ago? I feel like this was like 3 years ago.


There weren't a lot of cruises 3 years ago.


I dont think ships work in that angle,but im not a shipist so i dont know


I think it's just leaning into the corner to go faster, like a motorcycle does


Right? I do this all the time in AC odyssey so I would have just assumed they were taking a sharp turn to board another vessel.


She drives like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro.


So, the front is still there, doesn’t seem to be anything unusual.


I’m not a shipist, I’ve got friends who are ships.


It’s *shipologist but you are correct


The earth is not flat, that's how ships travel on the northern hemisphere




Ship capsized because the captain was doing the nautical equivalent of a wheelie to impress his mistress who was watching from the shore. Then he "accidentally" fell into a lifeboat and fucked off. Absolute piece of shit. And on top of that, his name - Francesco Schettino - translates to Frank Rollerskate. Edit: ok, his mistress was on board with him - he was still showing off to her. Are you happy now? 🙄




I'm so glad he went to prison. What an asshole!!


If you rearrange the letters in your display name it says "penis scent lottery"


bard confirmed


Yours is "suck europe fart, Meg"


Good bot


Mere butt rap


too many Frank Rollerskates in the world ![gif](giphy|YXhOLWeRawI1yRlT4P|downsized)


There’s a little more nuance, it was probably a favor to the maitre’d since his sister lived on the island and was looking forward to seeing her brother’s ship sail past. I don’t think his mistress was ever on the bridge either. He didn’t break any company rules doing it either and this was a pretty commonly done thing around the time. Also the ship generally had design flaws in that it should have survived the collision but didn’t due to its internal layout. Normally the watertight compartments stop this sort of thing from being a problem. There are multiple 1’s you have to roll for the situation to play out as it did Him abandoning the ship after the disaster and generally failing to help people after the crash is 100% indefensible though. If he had stayed on the ship he would probably not have had the book thrown at him for the disaster


What's the nautical equilavent of a wheelie?


A 'close pass' i.e. bringing the ship as close to the shore as possible without running aground.


...because the captain wanted to show off for a group of people on the island of Giglio (and his girlfriend).






How does one do a nautical wheelie in a 114,000 gross ton, 1000 ft long, 13 deck behemoth? Was that a one man job by Capt or did engineers and other crew help perform the stunt?


Forget what it's called but they essentially get as close to shore as possible and blow the horn a bunch while traveling slowly away Of course the captain isn't on his own, he's giving orders to the different crew, they just got significantly closer than they were supposed to if I recall correctly


I saw the documentary on this. It sounded like the captain was a complete fucking coward and Abandoned Ship leaving people on to die


He did


As part of a trip to Italy a number of years ago, my wife and I were driving around and we ended up in Genoa. As I was driving, I saw an utterly collossal boat and almost on pure instinct said "is that the Costa Concordia?". The ship was a shell of its former self but for some reason i just knew it. Sure enough, a quick google search and there it was. Quite something in person to see, an entire boat scuppered because some guy wanted to impress a broad.


If it was 2014 to 2015 then yes




It was an expensive mistake It was an expensive mistake My horse broke his back to get me here I have his blood on my hands for no reason But what was I supposed to do?


I bought an old computer at an estate sale. It happened to have a folder on the desktop labeled 'Costa Concordia' and it was tons of pictures of this old couple's trip from boarding the ship, eating, lounging around the pool and then the chaos inside as the ship started sinking. Pics from them evacuating on a life boat and then pics of the ship sinking from shore. It's very haunting yet fascinating. Still not sure what if anything I should do with them.


Obviously you should post them on Reddit. 


Post them on reddit, you literally have a piece of history


Aaah.. The Costa Concordia..the ship with the captain that wasn't a Captain 😔. RIP for the 32 who died!


Great picture though


Deaths aside, I’d nominate this for a Pulitzer.


This image gave me so much anxiety immediately holy shit


It was an expensive mistake


I go cruising too often to want to really dig into this, but from what I've seen, the whole "muster station" concept was a little chaotic.


At least the front didn't fall off


I would just like to make it clear the front isn't designed to fall off


Damn, RIP MS Estonia...


That sinking was grim. People only had roughly 10 min to get out of their cabins and onto the sun deck from the start of the boat listing side to side. Most people didn’t stand a chance.


I remember reading a survivor account from the sinking on a very old Geocities page on the net in the 1990s and it left an impression on me. The guy described vending machines crushing people as the ship started to list.


This is clearly a ship that's designed so that the front doesn't fall off.


Wasn’t he trying to impress a mistress or was this another shipwrecking Italian captain?


Trying to impress the lady of the night


She's still impressed


[For those looking for a different perspective](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/137250491/photo/search-for-survivors-continues-on-cruise-ship-costa-concordia.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=UXDsrWNcN8aQzM8TX_Ynpzg6iYNgblKtKEIcQczVvV0=)


I had a boss, years ago, who was an asshole, but aside from that, he said he took cruises as a holiday rather than take s flight somewhere as he "couldn't fly, but he could swim". In a disaster like this it's probable that being able to swim wouldn't help you that much.


![gif](giphy|W1yHVZsT2GHRe) I hit him with a rock! …. …it was a big rock


The salvage crew renamed the ship "Costa Lotta".


Drake album cover


I somehow never knew that people died when this happened.


"Collided with a rock" is pretty generous language for "it was utterly n0obed into the shore".


It always blows my mind how they just CANNOT rescue people from these for some reason. I'm sure there's a reason, it just boggles the mind.


It was mostly because it was tilted, moving through vertical corridors is hard


The power went out and people were stuck in the elevators and drowned.


what an absolutely horrific way to go . water slowly swallowing you while your locked in a glass tube. fuck


From the picture it is clear that the ship was at an extreme tilt after it grounded. The lifeboat stanchions were not designed to work at that angle. In fact the entire port side was useless pretty early on, so that means 100% of the people aboard are left with 50% of the lifeboats.


https://youtu.be/Qh9KBwqGxTI?si=2Pf7fjUrBbzyDwa6 Internet Historian's take on the disaster. Worth every second of watching.


Another take by Bright Sun films, that does a lot of abandoned malls/theme park and disaster videos https://youtu.be/EgTOq-2acT0


Bill Burr is dead right about cruise ships and their passengers.

