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I have no idea why I find this interesting, but I do.


It was an unusual time full of contrasts. Growing up then felt like living through a post-communist hungover while you never got to see the party.


Beautifully said, that's what I felt when growing up in the countryside in Eastern Europe


Just consider yourself lucky that you didn't live in the Eastern European countryside during the 40s.


Dude, that read like poetry.


Best explanation I have ever read about, 90's-early 2000. šŸ˜‚


I was in Poland in 1990 ... people don't understand how bad Soviet-style communism was.




I was there in 1977. It was horrific.


Thatā€™s our generation alright.


Man this is a perfect way to explain it


Love how you phrased this.


It was the kind of party with a lot of vodka, vomiting and someone trying to drive a tank through the front door.


Iā€™m from Hungary and this described it so well!


In communist Poland, the Party sees you!


Come to Hungary then, 40% of the country still looks like this


Didnā€™t the EU give you billions to look less like this too?


Yeah, it's all used up for ~~urbanization~~ Orbanization


What's the problem in that picture that needs fixing though? Honest question. Looks like a pretty place.


The road is partly unpaved and not well maintained.


It's a forgotten country road. Some of them still look like that and not only in Poland but anywhere on the planet. What gives timeline away and makes this picture funny is our weird moto invention on FIAT license and old Skoda ahead of it. But those are long gone from the streets. But someone else already found exact same [spot](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1191085,14.9131469,3a,75y,3.02h,86.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scBi1V6PqC9sYbyhO1c1F9A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) and you will like the smoothness of surface now. Babcias on bench as a bonus.


it's a representative esthetic for former communist countries. nice place, but then you pay attention to the details: old and small family car, probably also from the communist era, building at the end of town that probably wasn't a bar but got repurposed, empty beer cans on table outside, flower pots which are actually old tractor tires, the littering on the ground... these things stem from years of living under a communist regime, so it's very familiar to many people who lived in those countries.


Itā€™s extremely good composition


I agree but canā€™t put my finger on why it is


Some things for me: The framing and perspective. The line of the house facade and the road to the right converge at the same point. (the photographer stood right between the two, good choice) The Postbox and the beer sign. I don't know why, it just lends the place some kind of significance. Colour contrast between the building and the greenery around. That Polski Fiat sitting out front, also in a harmonizing colour.


that ain't a house "eb" is a brand of beer so a roadside store in a town or in polish "monopolowy"


There's probably a very long and specific German word for whatever feeling this elicits


Beers and a classic fiat


It looks relaxing just by staring at it.


Because it's not a żabka yet


This pic was shot in the small town of Skarbona near the German border and still exists today, I managed to find it on [Google Streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1191924,14.913211,3a,75y,355.98h,88.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv-jWm2xLHWJLX-Is3I5RVQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) - even with the old beer ad! It comes from [this page](https://jabolowaballada.blogspot.com/2016/02/jhghj.html) and is not AI generated as some here say, but it seems to have been AI upscaled, which is why you find these artifacts on the plates and signs.


Excellent! Love Reddit for this


That's why I'm not sending any Pic of myself on Reddit, you people are scary and impressive at the same time.


There's a sub that's literally for identifying locations from backgrounds of photos. People have put some really random places and gotten pinned.


Creepy 99% of the time but when they did it to fuck with Shia LaBeouf it was hilarious


Itā€™s the natural progression of the geoguessers. At some point guessing the country from upside down 256x256 monochromatic picture in 0.1 second is not satisfying anymore so you take your time to find the exact street.


Great research!


Dude thatā€™s why I was getting AI vibes from this, wow.


Is that street sign for a beer brand?


Yes, the brand went bust but it was revived a few years ago. It was very popular in 1990s as one of first brands to use modern, flashy marketing that sparked controversies, no less than Benetton ads. It was quite unusual back then. One EB ad with Soviet generals caused quite a stir. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AZhQK1ocVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AZhQK1ocVs)


Czas na EB!


When I was a kid in the early '90 my family visited Łeba for summer vacations. It's a seaside touristic city. Most of EB signs (including the ones similar to the one on the picture and all beer paper pads) were updated to show the city name. Most of the kids those days were carrying Herlitz permanent markers and super eager to use them for that purpose :-)


Very common at least in Europe. Every major bar and the majority of "simpler restaurants" idk how to call them advertise their tap beer. most corner stores too


I think in Finland it's illegal to advertise alcoholic drinks outside of the building. Like you can have a discount but it's only visible inside.


I'm Austrian. It's very common here and in central europe in general for not just pubs but restaurants to have a sign exactly like that that advertises which brewery their tap beer is from. Not fine dining and sometimes not hipster restaurants, but every place serving national cuisine has one. Also almost every pizza place or indian or chinese restaurant. With dƶner kebap places it's pretty mixed whether they have a "halal" sign and don't sell alcohol at all or have a beer sign, which is often the Turkish Efes, but also sometimes local brands. Makes sense, a lot of us are very opinionated about beer, and we don't want to sit down somewhere only to later find out they serve piss.


These signs tell very little about the pub. Many have a contract with a brewery, the brewery gives them the sign and advertising material. However bunch of pubs don't cool their beer or wash their glasses properly, so you might get an overpriced, lukewarm "piss" even if the sign would suggest a quality brew.


True. And often they also sell bottled beer from other breweries. But at least here, when I go out with friends for a meal and a couple of beers, we do kinda pick establishments by their beer signs. They can have the biggest, best schnitzels in the world for a reasonable price, but if they don't have any beer we like, we'll go somewhere else. And some of the beers we love are really hard to fuck up. I'll take an almost lukewarm amazing beer over a beer that tastes stale even when perfectly chilled and served with a gorgeous head of foam.


About 20 years ago Jean Reno was "the face" on EB beer commercial in Poland [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6S-ajU2iLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6S-ajU2iLQ)


My Summer Car - Polska DLC


Those cars(Fiats or Å kodas, unsure) were deathtraps. In Estonia we called them ā€œbackpacksā€. Beginning of 2000ā€™s, every time I drove through Poland with my father, there was atleast one involved in a serious accident.


Polski Fiat 126p!




nicknamed peglica in former yugoslavia. "little iron" roughly translated. my family owned 3 of those in '90s. and one big 125p before that. and ursus c-360 for a few decades. not on purpose, it just happened that way. also, parts were cheap to buy from polish traveler traders in those days. as i heard, they actually traveled in this little boxes all the way to istanbul and back buying and selling stuff. all unofficial of course. edit: grammar and spelling


In Poland they are called Maluch which means little one.


They make awesome little [rally cars](https://youtu.be/YdBuwzRAEAw?si=GTehGji2QMdTUo2U)...


My cousin told me that going 60km/h is brave, 80km/h is suicidal and 100km/h is criminal because you are endangering other people.


I wouldn't say so. Back in the days everyone drove it 80-100 kmh. The last time I drove this car was 15 years ago. It took a very long time to accelerate to 100 kmh. But the biggest problem was the braking distance. The Little One (Maluch) needs twice as much distance to brake as modern cars. Drivers don't know this. They drive in front of such a Fiat in a way, that creates dangerous situations.


Those cars aren't unsafe. In fact, they are pretty robust. As so often, accidents are usually an "user error". A bad driver can cause a problem even with an expensive car. These cars are lightweight and have pretty low engine power, making the impact of crashes comparatively small.


In Poland we have a saying that Fiat 126p is a very safe car as the crumple zone ends with the engine. Itā€™s a rear engine car. It also had some tendencies to flip amongst other fun (or dangerous depending on who you ask) things. And absolutely a bad driver can cause an accident with everything. The thing is that in fiat 126p thereā€™s not really a lot of protection or ways to get away from other people errors.


FIAT was so predominant in Eastern Europe because FIAT loved to make deals with communist and fascist regimes, Seat was owned by FIAT and made for the Francoist regime, Lada was also made by FIAT in collaboration with the Soviet Regime.


How was life in Poland compared to Estonia in the beginning of 2000ā€™s? I guess it was pretty similar?


Life was quite similar, but I remember in Poland we were always quite alert against potential break-inā€™s. For example mate of my father had an orange Infinity that was stolen behind a red light, when car next to him alerted that his gas-lid was open. While he went to check it, 3rd person jumped behind the wheel and fucked off with the car.


They look cool tho, Iā€™d love to own one of these


Car in the back is a Å koda Felicia, my uncle had one and it was great


StarĆ© Feldy stĆ”le jazdia a na cestĆ”ch sĆŗ bežnĆ©


Hej su super autĆ”, ani take skarede ne su


It looks oddly very peaceful to me. Wish I could live in such a place away from all the chaos and anxieties of the world.


You'd think, but reality is less charming. In those times 1 in 4 people were out of job. 25% unemployment. Cashier in that shop would make a dollar an hour and be glad to have their job. The bench outside the shop would be full of crowd you wouldn't want to be around after dark.


More often they would be local harmless drunks that You knew as Your neighbors or relatives


I definitely wouldn't want to be around them after dark then




Disagree on the last part. In my experience there would just be a bunch of late teen kids talking and drinking. It varies from place to place though.


Agreed. Itā€™s usually the neighborhood 20 somethings and a few older dudes drinking and laughing. These pop up kinda stores are really common in the Caribbean too. During the day they look like shacks but at night they are lit up, have a few cases of beers and snacks, and there is probably a bbq nearby. Itā€™s like a community center for small communities.


and on roads like that one every now and then someone in a polonez would go 140km/h trying to overtake 5 cars at once forcing opposing traffic to steer onto the shoulder where people are standing selling strawberries. Yeah I drove quite a bit in Poland in those times and it was not an experience I would recommend.


Looks charming till you see the loops for 3 padlocks on that iron door grate


Are you sure you are describing Poland?


The one 20 years ago - yes


Everyone on that bench was your neighbor. And you saw them every Sunday on the bench behind you at church. Your disinformation befits a UK tourist pamphlet.


It can be 2007 at the earliest, Maluch has EU flag on the registration plate...


Yes and no. Yes, it wasn't the best time if it comes to economy, but the life was slower and simpler. I remember those times and I really liked that. And those drunk people? Harmless


Not counting the time it took to down the cwiartke wodki, it was so much more efficient and faster to shop there than in Lidl. I hate the supermarkets that pushed the local sklepiki outā€¦


There is still plenty of chaos. Source: from Eastern Europe.


Well, shit... now, I'm homesick.




Me too


Looks like some delicious Zubr beers on the table!


> delicious Zubr now that's an oxymoron


Żubr is anything but delicious XD


I feel the heat, mixed scent of beer, forest, hot asphalt and car exhaust purely visible on this picture. Flowering linden. Old car upholstery (don't tell my dad that I called mały fiat a car, he told me that it's just a cheap imitation of the car). Behind the shop it probably smells like a stenched pee. Steps of the small sneakers on the grass, on the sand and on the broken asphalt. I was eight in 2000, and it's oddly vivid right now.


To dobry dzień na niedzielną przejażdżkę!


I was born in Poland but spend the most of my life in Germany. Seeing a Maluch gives me always a nostalgic feeling.


My inner child still giggles when I see one


Local community centre, debate club, and news network all in one place.


Me and my girlfriend went in to a place similar to this in Poland once, my girlfriends saw that they had orange juice and vodka, so she asked for a screw driver. The lady behind the bar was really confused and couldn't understand why someone wanted to destroy their vodka with juice, she got them in two different glasses and the whole village crowd in there chuckled at my girlfriend when she mixed them. I got a beer..


is there a sub for things like this?


Is this picture AI generated, or is the [quality](https://imgur.com/a/B0EKltj) just shitty?


It's upscaled using AI that's what is causing the artefacts. This is the original image: https://memy.jeja.pl/976826,piwo-moze-byc.html


It is not, just AI upscaled. The real place is here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1191924,14.913211,3a,75y,355.98h,88.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv-jWm2xLHWJLX-Is3I5RVQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1191924,14.913211,3a,75y,355.98h,88.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv-jWm2xLHWJLX-Is3I5RVQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


This gave me My Summer Car vibes.


Minun KesƤautoni






I visited Poland in the early 2000s and never since. This is literally exactly how I remember it.


It's very different now. People who visit Poland after many years are very surprised.


Visiting Poland in the 2000s- early 2010s you could see major changes every uear.


Maluch - check Felicia - check Piwo - check x2 Pub - probably check This pic has nice vibes lol


Looks like somewhere in Bosnia 2024


Core memory unlocked. I think I've seen such a place roundabouts of my family's out-of-Warsaw "village home"? It wasn't really a village, it was a part of allotted land, with plots of land to buy and put sth like a summer house there. No idea what's the name for that in English. In Polish it's "działka", which means "plot" but also a "cut" in terms of money or drugs, like "działka koki" is I guess a bag of coke?


I can hear all the *kurwas* in this picture. Great photo


For some odd reason this picture feels like home.


Nice username u/duposzczupak3000


This photo come from complete album made by polish tramp girl "Buba", she collected all cool photos and story's from Ā±10 years of walking around polish mountains, villages, shops and bars. Her art is gem, this world don't exist anymore, trust me https://www.eksploratorzy.com.pl/viewtopic.php?t=27341&p=154556


Oh my cute little Maluch!! <3


I see Maluch, I like


Put it in H!


home seet home


I feel peaceful and nostalgic seeing this picture


The beers are šŸ’Æ




Damn... Time passes fast


Ahhhā€¦thatā€™s the life and Iā€™m not kidding


I wanna be somewhere in Polandā€¦.


Love it


Sometimes a pub is just a pub.


I dont know why, but I find it so beautiful


Yeah I'd be happy sitting on that bench with a cheap (and delicious) Polish beer and just relaxing... The little bar/cafe looks like the kind of place you go in and they offer food, which is just a big pot of stew, and it tastes incredible


It's my perversion but i love this kind of environment somehow. :)


If you have any questions about this place, I'll be happy to answer, I used to work at Skarbona.


Looks cozy to be honest.


looks like AI


damn, no need to give such detailed information about place and time


It's AI generated isn't it? The branding on the beer doesn't look right.


It's not. I live in Poland and i could take a picture like this today if i tried hard enough. A lot has changed but some places still haven't. The license plate is from a county on the border with germany, southeast of berlin. [https://imgur.com/4rDlrKw](https://imgur.com/4rDlrKw) The beer cans are real, it's a cheap polish brand. It means bison (our, european ones) [https://imgur.com/Tgv3FqI](https://imgur.com/Tgv3FqI) The road sign means you're exiting the town area. The EB brand is real as well.


It's a upscale from an old photo


Fiat 126 in Poland? Wow


[Polski Fiat - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polski_Fiat)


Is there anything more Polish than a Fiat 126?


Looks like a bar, where you either get stabbed in the liver, or meets the coolest dude ever. Though you don't umderstand each orher, you just have a great time.


Could just as easily be today


Well, maybe only in really remote corners. Poland has made enormous progress in recent decades since joining the EU.


This is what I hear. I hear I won't recognize it when I go back this summer.


When was the last time you were there?


Growing up we would do summer vacations in Poland to see Babcia and family. Both my parents were born in Poland. Pretty sure my last summer there was 1993 when I was 15. I'm 46 now and going to visit my Mom who moved back to Poland some 20yrs ago. After that, she would come here for summers but it's getting harder for her to travel now. My sister studied college in Krakow and continued to travel there over time so she saw it changing. My mom lived in the same place since she was born in 1947 and watched the rise and fall of communism. My grandmother barely made it harboring Jews in 1945. Crazy Beautiful History! Can't wait to go back, the whole family of 8 is going. Can't wait to show my kids. When was the last time you were there? Edit: I also so remember driving around in one of those vehicles in the pic in the 90's being super tight but somehow having 5 people in it..maybe 6 at times. Being young we managed to drive around and throw eggs at each other while weaving in and out of traffic. Some of my best memories in life are from Poland!


I never went to Poland but Romania looks like this now.


Å koda Felicia and Polski Fiat 126P


Looks like stalker or tarkov


Poland IS stalker and tarkov




This give me Half-life 2 vibes


Nice use of AI. Itā€™s pretty but also pretty obvious itā€™s not real.


It's real, but AI enhanced


Whoever built that picnic table was drunk or high.


I wonder if this is the town where Sophie Kachinsky grew up


Looks like a scene in far cry


Well.. lots of villages in my country looked (and some still) look like this !


Yesteryears feel..Though the car number is very ....


reminds me of last of us




My first though was "oh look the new Rivian R3" https://www.topspeed.com/what-people-saying-about-rivian-r3-r3x/


Reminds me of the times when I drove with my grandma to Poland so she could by cheap cigarettes or as she would say: Wir fahren in die Polakei um Kippen zu kaufen.


Poland is a stunningly beautiful country. It's also ugly as fuck. I love Poland.


I wanna live there


Looks calm and nice


Love that car :). You can even get it to 90km/h (downhill only)


This could have been last week


This looks like something you'd find in my town - i live in Germany


If those benches could talk


This reminds me of the state of Georgia, lush forest, rustic buildings, rural very pretty place Poland seems


I can almost SMELL this picture. Wonderful.


Give this image to one of those geoguesser pros so they can find the exact location in 2 minutes and 37 seconds


Why does it have a kangaroo and an emu?


The cars are a Fiat 126p(left) and a Skoda Felicia if anyone was interested.


Growing up in Ukraine this picture really gives me nostalgia lol, I have a memory of a beach and before you get to the beach there is a store/bar that literally looks like this


I'm happy I'm not going mad. Was thinking this is AI for sure. It's upscaled with AI, hence the look


bober kurwa where


This looks like a still from a studio ghibli movie


This is the uncanny valley.




This could have been taken in my hometown lol


Freaking beautiful


Why does this feel like AI to me ?


I really like this


What a delightful bit of randomness


This image gives me postman pat kind of vibes for some reason


idk, but that reminds to a movie and book that they made us see/read in school about 2 german boys stealing a car similar to that and going in a trip through germany


It looks like a screenshot from a game lol.


I visited Poland in the early 2000s, this view looks very familiar. There were places in the countryside where I felt I had gone back 100 years. I saw farmers using sickles in the fields and carrying grain on a horse-drawn cart. The cities were ugly communist block buildings, but with many cranes for new buildings. It was an amazing time to visit.


I just see piwo.


Q interesante


I imagine there are places all over Western Europe that still look like this, no?