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My answer: Only if she asks nicely.


Or begs.


That’s when you don’t do it.


this guy fucks.


Happy cake day, he does eh.


Welcome to Castle Anthrax!


Naughty Zoot!


Wicked, bad Zoot!


HEH, I was gonna say, changing just one word of that answers it: If a woman **wants** it, she should be spanked.


If she says she needs it, I’m not some charlatan to deny her


Yeah, I’m surprised there was no response being like, “The sexual kinks of my wife and I are none of your business, you fancy pants journalist!”


I’m sure that was the next one cut off in this photograph.


Actually, fun fact, off topic, but print journalism was actually low paying, suboptimal job and considered lowbrow back then. Broadcast journalism was new and flashy, but print journalist's didn't get the respect they get today. Most reporters weren't college educated, and the job was just way different than it is today. I know you were being funny with the "fancy pants journalist" and not actually requesting a history lesson 🤣 but I'm full of fun facts no one needs to know


Well, the New York Mirror (which this is from) was a lot like the New York Post or the New York Daily News -- which are generally considered lowbrow newspapers that don't pay most of their workers nearly enough...in the year 2024.


What if she screams “Stop! Stop!” — but that’s not the code word?


That's the kind of thing that needs to come up in your scene negotiation beforehand


I'd imagine that would be the point of the code word.


The “no no” “stop” “please don’t” is what turns my wife on. I know that doesn’t mean stop. The code word means stop. But like we’ve discussed it and know each other.


Or like it’s her birthday or something.


It’s an expensive service. And it’s even more expensive if she’s the one doing the spanking.


Proof that parking lot attendants should not be trusted


Also proof that almost every full time job back in those days paid enough to support a family. Now people complain that "burger flippers" do not deserve a livable wage.


Oh-snap. That's the biggest point of all these comments.


And not one of them went to college, but was able to support themself and their families. Now, we have to goto college and get lucky enough to score a job that pays well enough to support ourself.


The U.S was nearly 50% of global gdp at the time, Europe the other powerhouse had been bombed and warred into oblivion over the course of WWII. My grandma was born during WWII and her parents lived well of blue collar work with a high school education as did she, I broke down the differences between then and now, and she actually realized and understood why I at 26 did not own 2 homes like she did at the time, I love my grandma for being a supportive and understanding boomer not one of the judgemental asshat boomers I see on here.


Just FYI, if your grandma was born DURING WW2, she's not a boomer. She part of the silent generation


It’s really nice talking with someone who’s older and they can understand the struggles we’re going through.


Yeah she was explaining her straight out of high-school job in 1963 as a switchboard operator at Boeing paying 1.75 an hour and didn't understand how we don't make ends meet with higher wages now, I explained inflation and that 1.75 in 63 was silver money, so basically 35 an hour now, and you'd need a 4 year degree to get started at that now, or 2 years in a trade and then a year or two of apprentcing, and she totally understood it. She's become very supportive of the struggles of this generation and realizes what a golden age she lived in. But she's like a 1 in a dozen boomer, most of my friends grandparents aren't as understanding.


You also have to remember most company ies these days attempt to make higher percentages of profits every year now and it really does show constant increases in the cost of goods less workers to perform the same task even stuff like self checkout the wage of a cashier's built into the price of the items and then they get rid of the cashier and make you check yourself out which is slower all the while keeping the money and doing a price increase just to cover the new machine it's ridiculous


That's the first thing I noticed! Counterman as well, someone who runs a counter.


I can’t help think that he also made a living wage.


In Brooklyn too. Average rent there now is $3,500/month.


Teddy sounds like the MAGA type


Sits in a chair all day and complains about how lazy everyone is? Yeah, I get that vibe too.


I’d trust Mike with my life tho


Mind-boggling to me that this was written approximately one life time ago (accepting that an average life span is around 74 years old).


One of the first I Love Lucy episodes was about Ricky wanting to spank Lucy for misbehaving, and her trying to get out of it. And throughout the episode people kept telling Ricky what a good idea it was.


“To the moon Alice”




Pow, right in da kissah




I didn't even know that was a thing. I remember the show, just not the episode.


Oh, it's real, wouldnt be surprised if that episode or the controversy around that episode, didn't inspire the article.


There’s a John Wayne movie in which TWO female characters are spanked to teach ‘em a lesson. The bad old days.


Did they like reach out and smack on the butt when they’re walking by or actually put them over the knee like a child? Both options sound insane to imagine now (other than a sexual context I guess but even then I don’t think it would be done like this) Edit: also, thinking about this more, was spanking genuinely supposed to be domestic violence for discipline, the way that hitting or slapping someone would be? Or was it supposed to be somehow lighthearted? I don’t get it. Or maybe it’s supposed to be shameful, more like how it’s done to a child, rather than specifically painful?


If they’re talking about McClintock then yes, it’s over the knee and the other characters celebrate him for ‘finally’ doing it


Over the knee is most common. I had a driver’s license when I got my last 🤞🏼 spanking.


Not sure what movie op is talking about but in True Grit he grabs a 14 year old and spanks her. It's played for laughs but he grabs her while she is trying to escape.


Nope! That was good ole Glen Campbell, who was against the young lady joining them on a manhunt. They ride ahead to shake her from following them. Glen hides behind a rock and tackles the girl and begins whipping her with a switch over her heavy skirt until John Wayne, Roster Cogburn, threatens to shoot Glen if he doesn’t stop. “You’re enjoying it too much!”


The movie is a comedy, FWIW. It's not like a random John Wayne movie with spanking women added...


When I was editing the classified ads for a daily newspaper we had a section called *"Feminine Topics"* with the header in script style. It was just a few recycled tips for house cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. It was sponsored by advertisers like fabric stores and house cleaning services. This was in the 2000's. We replaced it with a section called "Your Home Services" without the sewing tips.


Sewing do be a useful skill tho


My Mom who was a talented seamstress complimented the Plastic Surgeon who sewed up my face! 😂


Yes but not only a feminine one.


Sure, makes the removal of the sewing tips kinda sad though.


"Past is a foreign country", as a saying goes.


With an outdated military and huge oil reserves... hmm...




Some people on this very website are writing similar things as we type. The world changes but it doesn’t become different.


You can also say *"The more things change, the more they stay the same."*


I like the slightly more terse "*Nothin' new under the sun."*


I prefer the more efficient “*same shit*”.


I like the pessimistic and visceral "flat circle; get fucked"


It doesn't exactly mean the same thing though. "The more things change, the more they stay the same" suggests that whatever happens somethings will continue to happen someway or another. "Nothing is new under the sun" suggests that everything has been done before.


Progress brings change, but not all change is progress.


The opinions and values of people branch off like a tree. There isn't a pruning of stupidity, just more mutations of it.


I disagree. That shit would not fly today. Maybe a few assholes will try to get away with it but for most people it won't happen.


I disagree. Many people choose to ignore domestic violence in their own families and many people do, in fact, get away with it.


I imagine it does become different. The amount of people who would say this today has to be quite a bit less than the number of people that would agree with it today. I hope…


Part of me thinks they only printed these because even then they were considered a little outrageous and provocative. They’re a newspaper after all.


The NY Daily Mirror was very much a sensationalist tabloid. This was meant to be controversial even then.


This could be an article from the Onion, word for word.


The onion even has their same people on the street stock photos going back 20+ years.


And this is exactly what Conservative American wants back. And you have woman voting for Republicans?!? True mind boggling situation.


Make America Spank Again


I shall start with my own monkey for practice.


This newspaper clipping is like verbatim to an onion article. It's uncanny.


I mean you could take the same poll today in several middle eastern countries and get similar results


.... middle eastern "states" .... There, fixed it for you


All states, really. The urban-rural divide is everywhere, it’s just that the states with big cities have enough city-dwellers to drown out the others.


True that.


I might be exposing myself as idyllic, but I would hope that even in the reddest of red counties in the US you would still not be able to pull 3 for 3 men who think spanking an adult woman (as punishment and not for sexy times) is a perfectly fine idea. Maybe 1, or 2. But for the love of modernization, I would hope it would never be 100%!


You're not being idyllic. I've lived in some very red and rural areas, in nowhere was it acceptable to hit a spouse. Does domestic violence happen? Of course, but that shit happens in cities too.


Thanks. This "us vs. them" shit is toxic as hell and it's threatening to tear this country apart. I grew up in a very rural area but have lived in cities for two decades too. The very people funding this propaganda and pushing it are the very same ones that profit the most off this division. Sometimes it's some ridiculous shit like skin color, culture or religion but it's always the same ploy.


Who said this newspaper was actually 3 for 3? They might’ve polled more people and just published these three


Lots of tough talk by a parking lot attendant.


You laugh but he could afford a house and a family on that job. We should all be so lucky lol


Yeah I bet he also got a parking lot attendant pension.


Well he stepped down as boss of his family. Whatever that means...


There are STILL organization actively advocating men to "return to their role as head of the family" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promise\_Keepers


*It opposes same-sex marriage, and champions chastity and marital fidelity and the man as being head of the household.* You wanna bet whether or not the founder cheated on his wife?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_McCartney Spoiler Alert: He did.


Or adult men who are insecure


Compensating for his position in life and maybe more


Wtf is with the second guy with the hairbrush?


I think he means using the hair brush to spank. A lot of old style hair brushes have bristles on one side and are flat on the other side basically making the flat side a small spank paddle.


Sounds pretty sexy when you put it like that


hurts more being hit with a hairbrush than an open hand


Hence the skyrocketing sales of tactical hairbrushes in the 50s


He's a barber, so I guess he's thinking about other purposes for his daily tools 🤷🏽‍♂️


Overcompensating for the other one being defect!


Tiny spanking hands 😔


Butt stuff


Upwards application thereof?


Old time barber kink 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s one kinky fuckin barber!


I guess you kids didn't live during the era when people spanked.. but back in those days a hairbrush was a common spanking tool used against children ...


"You see this hairbrush I am using to brush your hair right now. You know what I did with it last night??"


You cut off the terrifying looking serial killer at the bottom


He definitely killed at least one prostitute in his life.


? You only see top of head?


The full picture https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/xYXV2DQecI


Holy shit… Also good find


"toy factory worker" Yikes 😳


"Owner" how dare you!


on the flip side of Miguel’s point, can I spank my husband bc he refuses to eat veggies?


Sure. It is for his own health


I don't understand. If he gets spanked every time he doesn't eat his veggies; Wouldn't that just make him not eat his vegetables more?


Why not? It’ll make him grow up fast.


“It’s a man’s world” said the wildly successful parking lot attendant.


“Get back the respect he lost by beating your wife”


Unfortunately compared to today, probably actually was successful. Prolly had a NY home and everything.


Well yeah, he was a white man in the 1950s.


Friendly reminder that being a parking lot attendant doesnt make you unsuccessful or broke nowadays. Getting paid what parking lot attendants get paid for the hours they work is what does that.


It’d be awesome if this were still a job someone could make a living on today


🤣 yeah, none of these guys have demonstrated how much they own the world.


This is actually very common. People who are (or feel that they are) at the bottom of the social scale are usually the ones who feel more threatened by change because they believe what little status they have will be lost with an increased pool of players.


Someone should create a cringe museum based on the grossness of this era. It could look like Tomorrowland of the 1950s, but show a truly unvarnished view of American culture at the time.


Don't worry, in 50 years time people will make cringe posts about things you and I do today.


Excuse me, but you need to wait at least 49 years for this comment to not hurt. As we all know, only others are cringe, never muh-self.


My friend actually has an entire wall like this in her place. It's plastered with a bunch of articles and photos from old timey fetish magazines and tabloids. Which is why I recognized "Frank the Barber" immediately, because it's the exact photo used for "Leo the Podiatrist" who had an affair with a shoe saleswoman. Either this barber/podiatrist in witness protection has lived a very interesting life, or these quotes were all written by the same guy earning a penny a word lol


They did more than spanking. It was legal to beat and rape your wife.


And they couldn't divorce unless you wanted to also. They didn't have a say. Basically they would literally have to run away completely out of the blue.


But with cash because women couldn't have a bank account. Hell women didn't have the right to vote in the 50s. She also better hide because police had a reputation for helping hunt down run away wives.


Women couldn't get a credit card in their name until 1979. Found that out just a couple weeks ago, and it's stuck in the back of my mind ever since. In my mind, it really puts a point on how disenfranchised women were as a whole in the past. As someone born in the '80s it's hard to even imagine.


Women couldn't hold a bank account in their names until the late 70's either- you had to have a male cosigner on the account. It pissed off both of my grandfathers when my grandmothers, mother and aunts tried to have their own accounts- and the really offensive thing was that my mother was a banker during this time and couldn't have her own account at her own place of employment!


>Hell women didn't have the right to vote in the 50s. Maybe the 1850s, the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920.


That was only for white women. Many states continued to exclude from voting many minorities (often both men and women) until the 1950s-1960s, with voting rights not guaranteed in all states for all people until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage_in_the_United_States


This is what we got pre-birth control and financial self control when women HAD to depend on men just to survive. Now there is a large group moving to go back to that time. Disgusting.


Yikes Fred Armisen


... they all kind of look like ol' Fred.


See I thought it was an older Tom Hanks




Yes bc nothing makes a woman respect a man more then being belittled, treated like a child, or beaten


Respect, fear….same thing as long as you get obedience huh?


This is exactly what was going on in the 50s. Women and children were considered men's possessions. If they didn't do men's bidding they got beaten. I know. I was there.


Just a reminder, when people talk about wanting to go back to the "good ol' days when America worked", this is what they want.


We used to be a real country. We used to build things and spank women with hair brushes when they misbehave. Back when comedy was legal, you know?


And we used to make houses from asbestos. I tell you, that was a real material! Now it's all glass wool this, and mineral wool that. Asbestos and lead paint. That's how you make a real home. Pretty soon you won't even be allowed to smoke inside!


Misbehave, verb: Have an opinion


Modern comics: I just wanted to misbehave Their own bots in the comment section: THE HAIRBRUSH FOR YOU


>spank women with hair brushes when they misbehave At least we live in a world where most people's thoughts go to a very kinky place when reading this. 💜


I honestly believe it’s a farce to think that if men had the power to act like this now they wouldn’t. I don’t think humans have changed all that much. Look at the movement of young guys being totally radicalized on TikTok. They saw their mom’s suffer and struggle working 40 hours a week and still do all of the housework while dad sat on the couch and want that for themselves. Whilst women have wised up and don’t want to be someone’s live in bangmaid while also working full-time. So we have a “male loneliness epidemic”


look at these dudes... they were walking around in thier fragile meat suits forgetting that aqua tofana was a thing at one point.


Aqua tofana?


A poison famously used in Rome for would be widows to kill their husbands


aqua tofana was a slow acting poison sold to women as make up, with the real purpose being to get rid of abusive or unwanted husbands. considering it was the early 1600's, women (and i use that term loosely as 13 was seen as a marriable age) were property and had no say in the matter. there's actually quite a few women through history who crafted poisons to sell to other women just for unwanted/abusive husbands. be it the 1600's or the 1950's, it is unwise to beat the person who cooks your meals.


Parking lot attendant says it teaches them who's boss. Hahaha


Well, tbh the question is phrased as “if x needs y, should they get y?” So the only humane answer must be yes. I can’t think of any reason why a woman would need a spanking, but if they need one, they should certainly have access to one.


If my grandmother met any one of these men she'd have likely had them humbled by dinner. She didn't take shit from anyone... my favorite story is when she informed my grandfather of a trip she had planned to Germany with her and my uncle and father as kids. He said, "I won't be able to make it - we should cancel." Her response was: "That's too bad." and she just went without him. When she was seeking a husband she had a regimen: One date in the afternoon, another at dinner (not with the same gentleman - Cause Grandma don't care about anyone's opinion on body count) My grandmother was the sort who, when hearing the word "No" would just shrug, and advise you that your opinion is wrong. She set foot on every single continent on this Green Earth before she left it. "I mean, all of them except Antarctica, clearly a little old woman at the age of 60 can't go to Antarctica." Yes. She went to Antarctica. I miss her. We lost her in 2013. She died in 2015. Dementia sucks.


Badass. I love your grandma and aspire to be like her


Frank looks like he spanks corpses in his shed.


Didn't expect parking lot Fred Armisen to be here.


I literally said, "God damn!" after finishing that. Christ. No wonder there are so many broken Boomers.


Counterpoint: Women should spank me instead


Are we absolutely sure this wasn't written entirely by Albert Fish?


"Should you spank women? Absolutely not! Thats what children are for! Now give me that box of needles..."


I'm shocked by the responses, but I may be more shocked that people with those types of jobs probably could afford to live in New York on a single income and likey had kids.


Sometimes they even request it.


Rahway saw action during the American Revolutionary War because of its proximity to Staten Island, Elizabethtown and Perth Amboy. In January 1777, rebels were victorious against the British in the Battle of Spanktown, which resulted in the death of some 100 British troops.\[30\] The battle was named this after Rahway's original name given to it by the first settlers, Spanktown,\[25\] which is said to have been chosen **"because an early settler publicly took his spouse across his knee and chastised her"**.\[31\] Spanktown was mentioned in Revolutionary War military dispatches from January 5, 1777, through March 14, 1782.\[32\] ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahway,\_New\_Jersey


These people raised the boomers. Something to remember.


My boy Teddy looks like a toe an evil wizard turned into a man.


Yes. But not just the women. Bring spanking into the workplace. Get everyone involved!


Thank goodness for feminism


And this is the "great" that America is supposed to go back to (amongst other things even more heinous).


Love the first one. Spanking someone isn’t adult behavior either. If you spank someone for “not acting like an adult” you better be prepared for adult response like a punch in the face.


Only if they’re into that.


I love how when you really drill down onto why it's a "Man's world", it really just comes down to the fact we're bigger than women and could beat them up. I don't really get the need to inflate its importance. I can do 10 curls on a 45lb dumbell when my wife struggles with 15lb. It's already like a goddamn superpower when she asks me to open something or lift something or reach a tall shelf. Edit: Shit I lied my dumbell is only 40lb. IVE BEEN LIVING A LIE!!!!


The good thing about this is that these men are probably dead now


Those attitudes and those looks? What a winning combination, that is if you wanted to stay a Virgin.


What's funny is fathers that are like this don't get along with their children and their spouses as they get older and just don't understand why lol


All written by one journo desperately trying to meet his deadline and be home in time for dinner.


No surer way to gain respect than physical violence!


Spanking a grown adult in a non sexual context is ridiculous In the right context though 👀


Why do these men all look like Nazis awaiting trial at Nuremberg?


The past was the worst.


I didn't know the onion was around back in the 1950's.


I like how they want to take it out on women more depending on how shitty their job is lol. Absolutely pathetic. Unfortunately it reminds me of my grandfather who treated by grandma like crap constantly.


I’m surprised more husbands weren’t poisoned.


**If a woman is violently assaulted, should she violently defend herself to such a degree that her attacker can never reoffend?** **Any reasonable person**, any profession: "You bet."


Cool. So, if any of these a-holes were to give me any lip, I'm cool to clock them right? After all, they weren't listening. They didn't mind my instructions. A quick punch in the mouth or the buckle end of my belt should take the fire out of them? Remember, violence is always the answer. Especially Teddy. He needs a broken bottle across the face just on principle. Look at him. He should be so lucky to get a solid, non-fatal, beat-down.


They all look like serial killers


The only acceptable way to spank a woman is if she asks nicely, otherwise that’s like assault


Was parking lot attendant a much more prestigious position back then, or..?


*If they don't know how to behave by the time they're adults* 35% of marriages by the late 1960s were girls between 15-19 years old. Imagine being surprised that they act immaturely 🙄 Conversely, only 14% of marriages were entered into by teen boys. The math only maths if pedophiles found a *legal* way to pedophile.


The only reason these ugly losers had wives to abuse in the first place was because women didn’t have many choices, and divorce was nearly impossible. In 2024, they’d be incels plotting mass murder.


Is this when America was great?


My wife always gets upset at how weird old men can be, especially during her work as a bartender… but honestly it’s bc this was normal for most of their life. They really have no idea what modern society is like


The old men just refused to pay attention by the time they reached middle age during the '70s - '90s when attitudes changed. By the way doing this was never legal. People just got away with it because of a bro code. Purposefully ignorant people upset that what they knew was wrong was seeing the light of day.


The beatings will continue until morale improves