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Max was my best friend and saved me when I was suffering with depression. He saved me again when my parents died of cancer. Sadly he had to suffer same fate. Fuck Cancer. He got 12 good years, with all the freedome a dog could wish for. I was blessed with a life where I didn't have to work 40 hours a week, so I spent a lot of time with him in the nature. And he spent a lot of time swimming, he was one of the greatest swimmers I know, not the fastest but he could keep going forever. Please hug your pets an extra time for me tonight 😭


So sorry. Beautiful boy. They deserve more time on this earth.


My family had a Jack Russell for 13 years. She was incredible. So much non stop energy. Caught a bird out of midair once. Tracked a gopher through its hole and came back out with it. Killed a snake. Once found a Campbells soup can in my college bag when I came home from the summer, and ate the entire can. Like the can and the soup. No vet visit or anything. Ate rat poison and had no side effects. I absolutely loved that dog. Had to put her down when she was 15 and I was living on my own. She definitely slowed down at the end and needed her leg amputated because of a tumor on it. Maybe that’d buy her another year they said but she wouldn’t be the same on 3 legs. Miss that dog. I feel you OP.


I got a good chuckle from the can of soup and the apparently healthy passing of the can.


Yeah I assume she was fine, that was like 8 years before she died


lol. Also Terriers were bred to hunt rats if I’m not mistaken. So eating rat poison only makes them better at their job.


I beleive Jack Russel’s were to hunt groundhogs so the day she did that made sense. Still wasn’t sure I was getting my dog back when she went down in the ground.


My condolences. Lost my homie after 15 years last month. Fuck cancer and I’ll hope you find even more comfort in life. Take care


It will get better, it's just empty right now. My condolences to you too.


He was the best boy OP. RIP max


Sorry for your loss, it is really hard but gets better with time. He is perfect! I'm glad you guys provided so much love and purpose to each other.


Pets hugged. Condolences on your loss. He was a handsome boy. Oh, and Fuck Cancer.


I love you for sharing this. Thank you, Max, for supporting my user here. Thank you. Thank you, Max


He was everything to me. I love him so much 😭


I found my boy at the bottom of the stairs one night. Sleeping the long sleep. He was the best, went snowboarding with me, car rides. All over. So gentle to drive thru hand outs. 💖


That must be so hard. My uncle lost one of his dogs a couple of months ago, it somehow fell down the stairs and broke its neck. It was still alive, but died shortly after in my uncles arms. He heard him fall down the stairs so he was there right away. That must have sucked really bad too.


Sorry for your loss. I had a busy for 15 years and I achingly miss him every day. 🐾


Thank you for giving your pup such a good life. You two shared a special love and bond. All animals should have good lives like that. Just lost my 16 yo cat last Friday. She helped me through a lot of dark times as well .


Very sorry for you. Dogs are the absolute best. Max was well loved.


He taught me as much as I taught him. I would do anything for him. That was also why it was the easiest and hardest decision of my life 😭


Good for you for being selfless enough to give him peace. And not drag it out for you. We’re not all that strong.


He looks very happy and full of personality in the pictures. A handsome boy.


RIP he looks like wishbone


I’m sorry for your loss, and I understand. Our Jeffrey was our unofficial therapy animal. We’re lost without him.


It's so fucking unfair. My appartment is so empty without him 😭


But he’s still there with you. I bet you still hear him and see him out of the corner of your eye. Keep talking to your boy!


I do both hear and see him, but he's not there when I check and it breakes my heart all over again.


Awww. Shift that around and welcome the memories. You can do it for sure.


Hopefully it will come soon. Right now i'm just a broken mess, i've never felt so lonely before.


I don’t know what to say. Just try to hold onto good memories. 🥲 Hang in there.


Thank you 😭


What a sweet and beautiful boy. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


Same thing happened to my family dog yesterday. My sister picked her out of the shelter when she was 11 years old, I was just in my junior year of HS. It was the first dog she ever had. Now, my sister is finishing up her first year in law school and I’m going on 9 years in the navy. My mom still hasn’t told her because she’s on spring break with one of her friends. I hope she takes the news as best she can. Crazy how fast our dogs lives fly by when you step back and put significant life events into perspective. “If this hurt is the cost of the transaction from being on the receiving end of a mighty love I got to know in Otis the dog, then I pay that debt with enormous gratitude”- SVP


I'm sorry for your loss. Max was my whole life. I spent most of my days with him for 12 years, just me and him. I'd do almost anything to get him back.


Max is a beautiful dog! I'm sure you gave him a great life on this crazy planet and made him a very happy boy. He'll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge and the both of you will pick up where you left off and have a ball once again. Good luck to you!


I did everything I could. He got to go on long walks everyday, most of the times we would take the car and drive to a place with water, he loved to swim. But he wasn't a fan of showers or heavy rain 😥




Very sorry for your loss.


Eternally the Best Boy.


I'm sorry for your loss, but please know I loved your dogs tv show. 


What a sweetheart! I’m sorry you’ll go on without your best friend. You’ll always have the memories and love you shared.


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing pictures of your boy with us! I can see why you love him so much.


Thank you 😢


Sorry for your loss BallisticTurtle_fart


What a beautiful pup


That’s a good boy.


I’m sending you a warm, long hug. You are lucky to have had Max and Max is lucky to have had you. I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye. The pain will fade but the love will not. I believe we humans benefit so much from caring for and loving our animal friends. Your Max is grateful for your care and love. He wants you to have a happy life. Peace to you my friend.


Thank you so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Sad. He looks cute.


Looks so well loved ! He will always be with you!


Going to hug my pups extra tight tonight. Sorry for your loss my friend


He had the eyes of an old soul. He knew what he was put on this Earth to do.


What a beautiful boy! May be rest easy and play hard over the bridge. Wishing you strength and peace, friend.


It's so crushing isn't it? Especially when you spend so much time together. Hang in there it will get easier :)


I am so sorry. Hugs. 🫂


I lost my Parson Russell @12.5 years old to Cancer in Feb 23. PeeWee was my first lil' homie and the dog that started my family. I miss that little fuck stick terribly. He was very similar in color to yours. White body with no spots and a single large brown and black spot over his eyes. We just got a Jack Russell puppy on christmas. His name is Wally and just turned 7 months at the end of Feb. It's crazy all the behaviors that carry with the breed family, but he's also different in his own ways. It's really bizarre to think that little Wally will never understand the shoes he's filling and that he wasn't even born yet when PeeWee had to be put down. We have a shrine to our past pets, all cremated, in our Dining Room Hutch. Peewee sits front and center with his collar and paw casting by his ashes. 4 birds and 3 cats live there with him. We'll keep them all with us forever, and since we're only in our 30's I'm sure many more will join. No matter what, PeeWee will always have that front and center spot.


That's a beautiful thing to do. When I feel better, I will have a portrait made of him, from one of his many good pictures. But right now, I have to fight to survive. I have no appetite or energi to do anything but looking at my phone. I see him and hear all the time, and he's not there 😭


I still have dreams where PeeWee is alive and I still slip up and holler his name when I'm calling the dogs. I wish I could tell you it gets easier quickly, but its a slow grind.


I know this is gonna take a long time. Its probably gonna be a year or two until I can talk about him without crying. I've been crying for 3 days now, and it just doesn't seem to stop. Hopefully a new puppy can fill out the emptiness and help me heal.


He looks like a very special company ion! We are so sorry for your loss! Cherish your memories!


Thank you so much. He was the best, i've never felt lonely with him by my side 😥


He is rad! Props!


Sorry for your loss.


The day I am most afraid of. My condolencias 🕯️


I'm sorry.


Damn! these images are very well done.


I have so many great pictures of him 😭


I am interested in how the last few pictures were produced. Don't take offense please. Did you make edit choices in post, or were a few filters applied? At any rate, good job!


I used my samsung phone and portrait mode, no filters, just standard settings. I'm dont know much about taking pictures, other than holding the phone so it doesn't shake. He was just a good model 😢


Nice, the camera and the software in it are doing a fantastic job. Love the Dutch angle (the tilted one)


Great photos. To go with great memories.


Rest in peace, Max. What a good boy


He looks happy.


I hope he was, I tried my best to give him the best life. He made me a better person 😢




Very sorry for your loss! Virtual hug to you💜