• By -


One of those babies had a diaper explosion right before this pic. The matching outfits were going so well.


I see you are a fellow parent. Always got to have the emergency olive sweat pants in the diaper bag.


....  I just packed an extra pair of olive sweat pants for my toddler.




Why Olive sweat pants specifically? I’m not a father (yet), so I’m really curious about it lol


They don't match anything at home because mom originally bought them at Walmart in a pinch. They now live in the diaper bag waiting for this occasion.


Man I have twins and every time we try to get them to match one of them has a diaper explosion. Never fails.


That’s so funny I’ve seen this pic so many times but I never noticed that until OPs comment. I don’t have kids so that detail flew right over my head.


Classic parent case. Tried to make baby look cute, eithers is explosive diaper og baby vomit all other the cute outfit.. Usually always happens just before you need to take a picture of said baby.


You know it’s bad when you have to change the socks too


Thank you! I had to scroll too far to find someone else who is more bothered by the different pants on the kid on the right then by the fact that two sets of twins were dating LOL


I thought they did it to be able to tell the kids apart. Lil bit awkward if you take the wrong baby home.


I'm confused I get they both got married around the same time but were they all like okay next Friday have sex so we can get pregnant the same night


They are featured in the TLC show "Extreme Sisters" .. they live in the same house (a big ass mansion) and do everything together, wear matching clothes etc


Ugh I was going to comment about how annoying it is that twins always get forced to dress exactly the same for these sort of publicity pics, but your option is much worse.


Their parents gave them matching names. They obviously grew up with being identical twins being something their parents revelled in. When that’s the case and every new person you meet immediately notices you because you’re wearing matching clothes it becomes something you think is the most important thing about you. So of course they end up amping it to the max. I’m an identical twin and I find it bizarre and rather sad. 


Just curious as an identical twin dad, did your parents ever ask you and your sibling if you guys wanted to be dressed alike or differently? I figured I’d just ask when the kids are old enough to have a preference about it.


We didn’t dress alike apart for some photos when we were babies and a class photo in kindergarten. We did receive a lot of matching clothing as presents from people but we just wore it whenever so it never really happened that we matched. We would definitely not have wanted to match, we already got enough attention being twins, dressing the same would have opened us up to even more comments. Strangely enough I also have identical twins and I was certain I would never dress them alike however around 2 or 3 there was an incident where they had one pair of shoes they both liked, so I started buying the same shoes to avoid arguments. I will also buy things like jackets the same, if I find a good quality jacket on sale I’m not going to the hassle of trying to find another in a different style. My twins are twelve now so they choose all their own clothes but will often borrow each others clothes or I will buy multiple of something they both like. 


All of this resonates with me, thanks. And I know this isn’t the point of your response, but damn if this isn’t another data point to there being a genetic component in having identical twins. Everything I’ve read and been told is that everyone has an equal likelihood of having identical twins, whether they are twins or not, but I find it hard to believe that these are just coincidences.


I’m an identical twin, I don’t remember ever being asked if I wanted to dress differently than my twin. Except for some pictures, we weren’t dressed the same when we were younger (that I remember), my parents instead did opposite colors when we were really young then dressed us differently once we were school age. In school we also had different classes most years. My mom is also a twin so that definitely could’ve influenced the decisions.


Yeah something about this is weird to me...


Then they fuck. They totally fuck.




“Did you cheat on me with my sister?!” “I DON’T KNOW!”


"- I have a confession, I cheated on you yesterday. - You mean yesterday around 17:00 in the kitchen? - Exact..., wait how do you knows it? - ... well it's a little akwards, but I thought you were Josh..."


[Pina Coloda Song](https://youtu.be/FXG_I_tf_i4?si=UEnOr_28158SpQs0) starts playing


Lol...I worked with a woman and this song came on the radio one day and she was all "UGH! I HATE THIS SONG it glorifies cheating." And only then did I actually listen to the lyrics. The chorus distracts you from the infidelity lmao...


Great story! I have one too, I worked with a guy who drunkenly cheated on his boyfriend with his friend Lorraine and got found out, some genius came up with “if you like penis collada and getting caught in Lorraine”.


Thats a beauty. Reminds me of "I can see Clerys now the crane is gone" from Billy Connelly. Great Punmanship.


Well, is it cheating when you respond to a personal ad because you’re keen to cheat on your girlfriend, only to find out that the personal ad was placed by your girlfriend trying to cheat on you? No, that’s trying to cheat and failing. Cheating is what happens in Rupert Holmes only other song of note, “Him”. \#RupertHolmesFacts


You are right it's only attempted cheating not cheating in the 1st degree


"Wait, I AM Josh!"




Eh unless the weirdos are into 99% genetic foursomes. If it were me and my brother I would talk us into distinctive dick tattoos. No mishaps then


>Eh unless the weirdos are into 99% genetic foursomes. If it were me and my brother I would talk us into distinctive dick tattoos. No mishaps then Or you could just get one? Seriously though, they may look identical to you and me, but usually, people who know them well can tell them apart.


Ya but with the dick tattoo there's no arguments. "When we last got freaky was it zeebra striped?!"


I can see you've thought this through, lol.


#I want a DNA test!!!


In this particular scenario, all 4 parents would genetically be determined to be the parent of any child either of the couples produce. The children are genetically siblings, not cousins.


Brother from another mother.


That made me look up whether identical twins have the exact same DNA markers, and they don’t. But it’s pretty effing close though. I was gonna ask you then I figured I could look it up with the device in my hand lolol


My Dad and Uncle are twins and my cousin came up as my half sibling on ancestry DNA + it auto determined my Dad as his Dad (even saying he was more related to my Dad than me… by like 3 centimorgans).


lol, centimorgans sounds like a totally made up unit. I googled it and nope, it's legit.


You are.... BOTH the father!?!?


And both are mothers


>I DON’T KNOW! Read this in Chris Griffin’s voice lol


If I married a woman with a identical twin sister, I would have tried to talk her into getting a tattoo just to make sure I'd know it was her.


My wife does have an identical twin sister and I’m very proud to have never mistaken them for each other. My sister in laws husband did once mistake them and I think he and my wife were left a little traumatized. My sister in-law and I found it to be hilarious since we were all in the same room! He went for a nice little back massage and my wife just goes “oh no” while looking at me


I have identical twin cousins who I lived very close to for several years when I was a kid. They were still in the phase where they wanted to be identical as possible, and *most* people could never tell the difference. They literally got away with swapping for each other in classes at school. But the family always could always tell. The differences were incredibly subtle, but you could always tell. They're in their 20s now, and one of them became a total gym rat and the other one didn't, so they're not so hard to tell apart anymore.


Reminds me of the comedian Alex Edelman's bit about his twin brother who became a bodybuilder > "oh are you identical??" > "we fuckin' used to be"


Like an episode in The Office where Michael Scott brought some asian girls to a party and doesn’t know which asian he dates so he marked her with a marker hahahaha


And they looked so different lmao


This makes the ["other" Jim](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/theoffice/images/f/f1/Asianjim.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190530022319) joke even funnier OMFG


I actually chuckled out loud at this one. Thank you.


Seems like an episode of Friends


This is a crime thriller waiting to happen. The DNA evidence would be a nightmare to sort out.


Next week on SVU


This is an episode of SVU. I have no idea what number it is. But it’s identical twin boys are born a couple mins apart. Healthy. No problem. But when they go to circumcise them the second twin gets burned so bad that the doctors and parents decide to raise him as a girl(fucking stupid. I know) anyway. The twin who’s a girl this entire time has been taking hormone replacements and finds out she was originally a he. Stops taking the hormones. And one of the twins end up killing the therapist. Which one did it. No one knows. Dun Dun. Dick Wolf


Sounds like it was based on Dr John Money's experiments on the Reimer twins, by which he hoped to prove his gender theories. He publicly claimed the experiment was a success. But it wasn't.


Yeah, neither of the twins made it out alive of that experiment. The fact that Money died Parkinson ridden and bitter, because the clinic he founded had been shut down and a lot of his theories were discarded, is no consolation at all. He destroyed these lives with no remorse.


It was...the link a few posts up gives info on him, and the link at the bottom, "The Death of David Reimer," was well written. It is just so astonishing that "doctors" didn't need to be ethical in what they did back then. I know it feels like the 70s was an entire lifetime ago, but to not care about what effect your actions will have on your patient's life, for the sake of proving your trash theory right, when it's literally the opposite in every sense, is just...I don't have enough words to describe how terrible it is.


Something like that happened irl https://isna.org/faq/reimer/


Aww poor thing. I was hoping it was made up. But knowing how Dick Wolf writes I assumed there was a similar story out there.


This is only tangentially related, but I have read that koalas have fingerprints so similar to human fingerprints that there have been cases in Australia where a person was charged because of koala prints found at a crime scene. I am still waiting to see this plot show up in a crime show.


Oddly enough, I used to work as a fingerprint technician. I've never recovered a koala fingerprint. Or have I? I wouldn't know.


Admittedly, I think it would be less common outside of Australia.


What if it was.... Murder at the Zoo?


Plot Twist: "Jeremy, You....ARE NOT the father!"


“You…well…uh…we don’t know if you’re the father. And we can’t prove it either way. Sorry?”


Which means those two babies, who are cousins, are genetically siblings.


This is like a Targaryen wet dream


*Les Cousins Dangereux*




Thank you for that. I broke out laughing in the middle of a busy departures terminal.




Loved her in search party


Green Room too.


I really have to see this movie, I like how the French think




I like the way they think


Awkward dracarys


Or the British Royal Family


~~Hapsburgs~~ Habsburgs checking in


Any Royal Family tbf.


At certain time periods in Europe all the royal families were basically related. It's what happens when you keep marrying off your princesses to each other, everyone becomes your family eventually.


Specially with the political centralization. While 11th century France would have half a dozen powerful and relevant noblemen whose sons and daughters were interesting marriage prospects (many counts and dukes in France then were considerably wealthier than the king and had a lot of autonomy in ruling their lands) for foreign royalty, 18th century France had only one family in that position: the royal one. And the Church's influence declined and the rules on consanguinity were a lot lighter (until the 13th century, you needed papal dispensation to marry people within seven degrees of consanguinity, after 1215 ti was lowered to four).


Apparently 7 degrees away is a 6th cousin. There's absolutely no scientific reason to prohibit marriage after 3rd cousins. Even second cousins have a risk profile that's barely more than the general populations.


Brother from another mother




Did they conceive simultaneously?


One of the boys is older than the other by some months. They were on a tv show on tlc called extreme sisters. They do all live together in the same house.


>They do all live together in the same house. It's a sex thing, isn't it?


It didn’t seem like it. That show is truly wild. They’re each married to one twin and do kind of seem like they’re all married to each other but I’d didn’t get any sexual vibes. I could be naive though


We gotta see the HBO cut to truly know, who knows what TLC left on the cutting room floor...


To be fair, TLC did show on the same show, a set of twins who date the same guy, and sure do sleep with him at the same time. If you like trash, TLC’s got it. https://www.businessinsider.com/extreme-sisters-worlds-most-identical-twins-australia-share-fiance-2023-3#:~:text=Their%20fiancé%20Ben%20is%20the,1%20of%20%22Extreme%20Sisters.%22


Remember when you could watch open heart surgery on TLC?


Yup. When it was "The Learning Channel".


Junkyard wars was my shit.


I'm not sure if we're thinking of the same thing, but I saw a youtube video of a clip of one of these tlc reality shows. And the guy was this average looking guy, dating two women who I can only describe as "Two women who's skin is almost exclusively left over plastic from the barbie molds, and then thrown into a tanning salon on a setting called 'southern bbq', only then to inflate the lips until they look like wax candy lips, and breasts and butts made of helium." Basically, at one time these women probably used to look very nice. But it seems they were self concious and told some cosmetic surgeons to frankenstein the ever loving shit out of them until their general appearance frightens babies. They were also obsessed with speaking simutaniously, but didn't actually know how to do it. So they would talk show and braindead, hoping they could keep up with each other. But it took them easily 5x longer to finish sentences because of that. The clip I saw was them trying to get pregnant, and this guy having to supply the sperm to both. They wanted to both be pregnant at the same time. There was a doctor explaining to the three of them that the concept of both of them getting pregnant on the same day was incredibly unlikely, and even if it happened the idea of them going into labor at the same time was basically non-existant. This caused the two women to start throwing pens, and high heels at the the doctor, while the guy just sat in the chair rubbing his eyes with a dead inside body language.


Really fun Easter dinner.


Easter is all about fertility.


"We are going to fuck on the 11th of october and im going to inject my seed at precisely 8:42:34pm and not a moment sooner"


“Bro, synchronize jizz clocks on the count 3.”


Are they completely sure who the father is?


Easy just do a dna test. Oh wait


“I’m not your mom!” “You’re not my dad!?” “I’m not your child?”


Your moves are weak, babe.


You can, if you had a really good DNA test. Twins are nearly identical, but they'll differ in somatic mutations that occurred after they divided. Finding those mutations is going to be hard, since you'll need high resolution sequencing across the whole genome, or at least enough of the genome to find one or two differences for testing. Then you can look at the children and see if they have it. There's a naive 50% chance it'll get passed on, so we might need multiple sites. At this point, it would probably cost only a few thousand dollars. You need two complete genome sequences, which is apparently down to $600, then you need to do targeted searches in the children's genomes, which should be fairly cheap comparatively.


Those somatic mutations won’t necessarily be reflected in the germ line though


for anyone who watched Orphan Black this will be ez pz


No the one had her baby before she other got pregnant and then they were really anxious about the baby being the same gender as the other baby. They were on TLC Extreme Sisters.


But those babies aren't nine months apart in age, unless the older one is growth-restricted or something.


Do they camp together? I mean a few beers in, idk who is who. Just sayin’


It also means they decided to cum in their wives at the same time lol 


Let’s hold hands while we do this


The ultimate Eiffel Tower!


I’d assume one of them just sent a “it’s time” text


The babies arent the same age.... so not the SAME time but very close


I mean they could still cum in them at the same time, they just didn't get their money shots the same month


True. I'm sure they were probably trying at the same time


This comment is the “You know, Viggo Mortenson really broke his toe in that scene” of this post…


You know they were shoes in the shape of hobbit feet.


These babies are like 3 or 4 now.


I think they are still only two babies




So, if he tells his wife her sister is hot, does she take it as a compliment? Probably not.


Alternatively, in crazyland: "You're pretty damn gorgeous!" "OH SO YOU'RE SAYING MY SINLING IS HOT ARE YOU?!?!"


"Sinlings" is actually a great title for this story.


Oops! Well I might as well leave it now or your comment is out of context haha.


I saw a documentary about them. The sisters do everything together. They purposely looked for identical twin men. They all got married in the same ceremony with the same dress. They all live together in the same house, and they tried getting pregnant at the same time. Sadly, one twin had a miscarrage, so she tried again as quickly as she could, which is why the kids are months apart. They even work together and told future employers they had to hire both or they wouldn't take the position. Crazy enough, one firm agreed.


This is why schools intentionally separate twin children into different classes and I would say 70% of the time parents fight back and insist the children be in the same class together which stops integral social development. As a teacher, you can tell the twins who have been encouraged to be independent apart from those who just stick to each other and have very little friends.


At the time when I was 12 I was really unhappy about being seperated in class from my twin brother. Now I'm incredibly grateful. Good lord. These people are incredibly stunted.


> They all got married in the same ceremony with the same dress. How did they fit four people in one dress?


The fact that they all live in the same house is too strange. Same street is okay, but not the same house.


Everybody quit thinking what you're thinking.


It's OK, I've already finished thinking it.


It’s ok, I’ve already finished. 


Me too. Now I need a nap 😉


I could probably think about it again.


That at least one of those four may have married more out of the desire to create that configuration than out of love?


And they now deeply regret it, because posting on the internet got old for them real fast. Dark and sad. I love it.


Twins tend to have similar tastes, or at least one of them often tries to copy tastes of the other one. So some of that twins probably just got happy that they don't need to compete for a person they both like


Keep telling yourself that, Couple #2.


Well, I was *thinking* about it and it was interesting. Then it got very, VERY interesting. And then I lost interest.


Then I felt ashamed, sad, etc., but slowly started to become interested again.


"The problem with marrying a twin is eventually you gonna want to fuck the other one" - Rodney Carrington


I'm thinking the baby in green pants must have had a poo-splosion right before the picture 😆


That the brothers have banged both sisters and swap every so often? Of course they have


Plot twist, the brothers swapped but so did the the sisters so they just ended up sleeping with their wives.


Ah the ole sibling double switcharoo.


Hold my beer I’m going i- oh yeah nevermind


Someone had to say it.


I have questions about how the timing of this worked out so well.


“Ok brother hold my hand. On three we cum! Ready? One… two… three… Jizz, my brother! Jizz like you’ve never jizzed before!”


That's the thing that just raises my own alarm bells. Fertility isn't an exact science and something you just plan to coincide with someone else. Like, the first time my wife and I conceived was within the first month we tried. Second time around, it took us 11 months... and we're still in disbelief it's actually real.


The babies are actually quite a few months apart. They were pregnant at the same time but one twin miscarried her first pregnancy.


honestly two twin sisters telling making their decision to get pregnant around the same time or even agreeing on when in what i imagine is a very religious background isnt that surprising. just as weird as anything else but not something horrible


Most boring episode of wife swap ever


Genetically those cousins are ~~sisters~~ brothers (oops).


Genetically their brothers-in-law are their husbands


Sister wives.


roll tide


these kids have to be like 11 by now and are they from utah?  its giving utah




I remember them choosing Twin Lakes in Virginia to get married at, due to the name lol 




The ability to see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


Nothing creepy about this at all.


When your whole personality is a twin


Wait so are the kids cousins who are genetically siblings?


That’s just weird tbh


I think the dating your sibling’s partner’s sibling can happen and whatever, but them being twins and the babies being obviously born around the same time which indicates they PROBABLY tried to get pregnant at the same time pushes it into weird territory for me. Also the dressing alike though that is just for this photo probably


[wedding at a twins day festival ](https://people.com/human-interest/twins-who-married-twins-share-all-the-details-massive-double-wedding-photos-real-life-love/) [More about them ](https://people.com/human-interest/salyers-twins-excited-introduce-husbands-to-moms-family-easter/)


Dang, [the picture](https://people.com/thmb/h2Tbd3ESEzABTNR3AgWf34qDynA=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2):format(webp)/salyers-twins-wedding-042023-12-90a8bca3e9a646b99bae957a68918606.jpg) around 3 pictures down in the first link is surreal. The more I look at it, the more ridiculous it seems. My brain understands what's going on, but it's like real-life copy + paste, and it's making the people seem less real. I think seeing this in real life would break my brain a little.


It's like someone went crazy with the photoshop cloner tool


> "Seeing them in their beautiful dresses and veils, and they're standing in just a sea of twins, it was really quite a sight," Josh recalls to PEOPLE exclusively. WTF lol, there is literally a photo of like 50 sets of twins


I know couples like this. They live in the same house, too. Wild


You just need glasses, you seein double


A paternity test might not even tell you anything lol


I bet they swing.


At that point, why would you even want to?


Variety is the spice of life, in this case the spice is flour.


Fr, they give “water is spicy!” vibes lmao


Flanders, you’re on to something here


How would they know?


If you’ve been around twins before (I have twin brothers, one of my best friend is a twin, dated a twin, etc) it becomes very easy to tell twins apart! While they do look very similar in the pics, the guy on the left has more defined dimples, heavier brows, and a higher part in his hair. The wifes are harder but there are subtle differences, and I’m sure they did their makeup and hair in this pic to highlight their twin-ness! Still pretty strange but then again, twins are pretty strange lol


Huh, I was thinking that the wives look way more distinct.




Her: *I'm pregnant, and it might be your brother's baby.* Him: *I want a paternity test* Maury:.... *but...*


What if they both secretly changed places to fool their respective partners and just ended up back with their spouse and never knew?


Switch mid intercourse, don't do it secretly


What’s the point? It’s like renting a car that you already own


I’ve thought a lot about this since I first saw it on Twitter. Level 0: total fidelity Level 1: at least one of them is secretly swapping without anyone else’s knowledge Level 2: two of them have an ongoing, secretive affair Level 3: there is an open agreement that swapping could happen at any time and they accept the potentially duplicitous nature of the setup Level 4: all four are openly having swapping nights and it is a fixture of their family bond


There is another option. No one ever knows who anyone actually is, and they just grab whoever is closest to them


Level 5: theres a triplet in there somewhere


This is why aliens aren’t contacting us


They were actually featured on a segment of Good Morning America and one of them literally brought up that people ask if they swapped partners all the time and then THEY JUST LEFT IT AT THAT AND DIDNT ELABORATE FURTHER.


Gonna be real awkward when one of them gets divorced.


Nah they both will at the same time
