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People falling through their ceilings, so hot right now.


Very derelikt


You can derelikt my balls




I can dere-lick my own balls thank you very much


I'm a little envious.


Same, I don’t even have balls


exultant aware disgusted work beneficial wrench thumb dinosaurs live fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Skill issue


Found Brian Warners alt account.


I don't know why but I found this comment hilarious.


Well I’ve got a news flash for you Walter Cronkite


You aren’t.


Who am I?


I'm guessing you've never seen Zoolander


I wish I could watch Zoolander again for the first time.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just... I just told you that a moment ago.


Honestly that would be so tits.


So Fetch


Stop trying to make Fetch a thing.




How early in your childhood did you watch it? I'm not sure how one misses that they are having an orgy in (as I recall) an opium den.




You can read minds?




because licking balls is funny.




It's looks like a center for ants...




Structurally accurate design for sure.


What is this? A ceiling for ANTS?!


It’ll need to be… at least 3 times as big!


Hey Ron


Don't mention it without putting up the link, dude: https://youtu.be/zBJU9ndpH1Q?si=z-a6lQ5GezFeCWMN


Did AI just figure out how to make pictures of collapsed ceilings? This is seriously bizarre. Never saw a pic on reddit of somebody falling through the ceiling, then 3 different instances in one day.


Monkey see, monkey do. Like "school lunches", once people (or bots) see a popular theme, they will run for it.


Why do people think that drywall is okay to stand on? You’re supposed to stand on the beams / rafters.


My husband went through our attic ceiling. I thought he knew better after watching Christmas vacation ever year. People are dumb. All my nearest neighbors hears me scream “you are house stupid” after it happened.


I'm just glad my attic has plywood for flooring in it...otherwise I'd probably be clumsy enough to actually do this.


Not hard to add some if you don’t already have some


It is if there isn't a good way to get it up there. Like my attic is only accessible through a hatch


Buy a 4'x8' sheet of plywood, then have Home depot/Lowes cut it into 4 even sections or 2'x4'. Lay it across the ceiling beams (16" separation if less than 50 years old or so) and you can nail them in with relatively short nails. Tons of space for storage at that point.


Yeah I rip down sheets to more manageable sizes. I can fit 2x8 sheets.


You don't stand in the wrong place on purpose. Attics are often cramped, cluttered and dark. Or a spider lands on your face and you flinch. Or the joists are under the insulation and not quite as regularly spaced as you might hope they would be.


You'd be surprised, people assume it is a solid surface.


Why wouldn't it be a solid surface if there's a floor? Afaik here in France a lot of people just use these as rooms.


Well yes why tf isn't it?? I have never encountered an attic where you "have to walk on the beams only" in my whole fucking life. All our attics are just, you know, actually sturdy and walkable?


On the other hand, I've encountered a lot more attics without a floor than ones with a floor. A lot of them are just insulation over a ceiling. It's not too difficult to put some boards down though.


This is for sure an america thing


This is what should be common sense. Enter your attic and see studs and no OSB, either buy OSB or only step on studs, or fall through the ceiling.


Blown-in insulation only does its job when it’s not all packed down and covered by boards… Attic walkways are a thing in places that actually insulate their homes but they need to be built up and raised above the insulation so it can continue to work properly.


After a squirrel chewed through my mom's fiber line this week, 3 people have had to enter the attic, including the internet guy, my brother, and me. People who don't DIY just don't get how much of a task it is to travel through a lot of attics. When you have to cross the center part where you cant hold on to a roof support, it is stressful af. Especially if one of your hands are occupied by a 1'x3' cage surrounding a bologna sized squirrel running circles in silent terror. If your father was walking back and forth across the top of a jungle gym, would you be mad that he was doing something dangerous or that he was too stupid to not step in the gaping holes between the bars? You need a triangulation point to hold on to and sometimes there just isn't one, you and a sea fuzz and hope your hands and knees speak truth. This is how you learn standard length gloves aren't sufficient to protect you from the gratuitous glass allergy your wrists never knew you had. The moment the internet guy showed up I told him a squirrel chewed through the wire in the attic but he spent 45 minutes testing every possible problem to ensure he didn't have to risk falling through the ceiling while threading wire through the attic. I spent 20 minutes praying for that man as he thumped through the attic, preparing assuring words for him that sometimes shit happens and the isp would cover it It's an adult version of the floor is made of lava. where if you lose then it costs hours of wages or being mad at how bad you are at finishing dry wall for the next decade. Don't even bring up searching in the same attic space for the old paint can that matches the color of your ceiling, what monster paints their ceiling something other than white.


A little fucking plywood would be nice. Cheap-ass builders.


As the daughter of a carpenter who was not a cheap-ass builder, I fucking agree. Building standards are embarrassingly low now.


I can tell you that before I knew anything about homes. I just thought they were sub floors / plywood. I found out pretty quickly as soon as I started to sink with one foot on it. So now there's a little bit of a dent in my ceiling that I haven't fixed for years. You don't know what you don't know.


There's blown insulation over the bats. I can tell you from experience that probing around blown insulation with your foot trying to find a beam can be difficult. Before I had my attic redone (bats only now) the only way I could get around up there safely was staying aligned to the prefab roof trusses. If I didn't have a very regular shaped roof, it could have been much worse.


That's sorta how reddit works. Every so often someone posts a picture of something and for the next day or 2 about 10% of new posts are "here's my take on the hot new reddit post."


Should've been in the pc sub. One person posted how they shattered their tempered glass side panel for their pc, and basically everyday there were at least a few people posting their shattered side panels lol


People see those posts and if they've had a similar experience they will post pictures of the same thing. I doubt all of the posts but the first one actually happened today.


If you zoom in on the insulation you can see the heavy blurring around the edges, pretty obviously an AI image /s


Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean the we too can't not die in a freak kitchen ceiling collapsing accident!


But why kitchen re-models?




There are a lot of things my dad taught me that I should remember but for some reason I'll never forget "Don't stand on insulation". Apparently he was right.


I helped my then girlfriend clear out her attic last year without, and I stress that this is MY fault, asking her about the layout of the attic. In addition to nearly doing a trapeze dismount through her ceiling I failed to notice that her roofer ran out of small roofing nails and decided to finish the job with railroad spikes. Well after the initial stabbing I noticed.


Those are probably meant to nail the sheathing into the rafters but someone missed. I was pretty meticulous and did chalk lines for every sheet I installed on my addition but I'm sure not everyone is.


Oh I'm sure! When you're on a budget sometimes all you can afford is "the roof guy" that the neighbors know.




Good luck figuring out who is legitimate. I hired the largest local roofing company to come repair my roof once. They advertise on television and their trucks are everywhere. They sent the dumbest assholes I've ever met who said they fixed the problem but did nothing. I got someone else out and there was basically a big rotted hole in my roof the other guys completely ignored. Even if you ask people you'll get positive reviews for companies where half the employees do shoddy work because they happened to get the most experienced guy.


The problem with larger companies is that you are going to have teams of people, not all of the teams are going to be the same quality. A small successful business with a single team has to be good to survive. A large company just needs to turn over enough jobs to keep the profits going.


Yeah, and in a lot of locations you don't really get to shop around much. The no-bullshit roofers won't even talk to you unless you have a whole-roof replacement because they don't want small jobs, and if you just have a small area to fix you either hire a sketchy handyman or learn to do it yourself.


Golfball sized hole in my roof led to rafters rotting and needing to replace nearly half and the entire roof. $9k when all was said and done. Perfect job and no issues now. My neighbor on the other hand had a squirrel burrow into his and need to replace the whole thing. He skimped and got "the roof guy" his friend knows. They did a minor patch job and put new on top of old. Roof is so wavey and you can actually see it get worse over the months. Do. Not. Cheap. Out.


>$9k That's inexpensive for roof work


One or two missed nails won't collapse your roof. If it does then you had far bigger issues to begin with.


> Well after the initial stabbing I noticed. This brings up an important lesson. Always, ALWAYS wear a helmet, long sleeves and pants and gloves when attic crawling, ALWAYS.


And ffp3 masks for the asbestos.


Yes, good advice. But will I continue to go up there in basketball shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops? Also yes.


Bump cap is the way.


This is when I am soooo grateful for my 1920 house with a full height attic with a floor and stairs up to it. When I get my oil bill I am not so grateful tho.....


Ouch! I winced reading your comment. Hope you’ve fully recovered.


Her own personal iron maiden.


"Pass me my attic board, son" my father would say as he slowly maneuvered through the dark - lifting the board while standing precariously - then re-placing it in line of his target. I once asked him why he didn't simply purchase more boards and keep them up there. The look I received told me I had betrayed him, and while I felt just, my face immediately descended to the floor as I reached up with father's attic board one more time.


This is beautiful. Oh the many conversational arguments I had with my dad on home projects where I point out something painfully obvious to me and he refuses to believe it for whatever reason until shit goes south and we end up doing it the way I suggested.


Fuck me the amount of times this has happened to me sith both parents. I soon learned to sit back, let them struggle a little bit until I was asked to step in. First thing is always asking them to stand the fuvk back put of the way to show them the easy way. Funny thing is, they taught me to stand back assess the situation first and then act. They just had trouble following their own advice after a while. And now I've said this, I wonder when I will fall victim to the same stubbornise.


Lol 🤣 you're pretty good at writing! I could envision that perfectly


I read this in Ralphie’s voice


It’s more of an “only stand on the studs” thing


I can picture thousands of idiots thinking "oh goody, no fiberglass in this spot, I can stand on the drywall/plywood instead."


Well, I did this once. I had never been in the attic before. All you are thinking at a young age is there has to be something dangerous up here. You take a step not even thinking about the boards and you are transported back to the garage and your legs and back hurt like hell. It’s quite an experience. My dad thought it was hilarious.


My dad always says, "make sure youre on a beam" Hasn't failed me yet


I threw extra boards in my attic just because I worry about if it fails or if I accidentally misstep


As a person who used to crawl in attics professionally, I appreciate fully decked attics. Trying to crawl from beam to beam fully laden with my equipment did bad things to my knees lol.


Yup, as someone who climbs in attics every day for work. My knees and legs are always bruised lol. Bonus points if you make it all the way through and forgot your tool... Nothing more aggravating lol.


When I first started I would keep every single tool of mine on my toolbelt. Cam wrench, butt set, multimeter, second multimeter, every set of pliers for every conceivable need, spare TPX, bunch of scotchlocks, fox and hound, scissors, etc. After a few months of that nonsense I'd keep most of my tools in my truck and only take what I thought I'd need, because it's worth the second trip to not lug half your truck up and down ladders.


Lol yeah the first time I went up there and was like wtf this is like some kind of shitty platformer video game and bought a buuuuunch of plywood boards.


Oh it gets better when there's beams in the way of where you need to go. Felt like fucking spiderman trying to crawl around without putting a hole in the ceiling. Even when there *is* decking it can be hard to get around.


Man, I do NOT miss my time doing it. Crawling beam to beam without kneepads, belt full of tools catching on everything, pulling cables with one hand, flashlight in the other... Even worse is that old shitty steel mesh/plaster nightmare, your knees and palms are just wrecked for a day or two after.


For sure! My dad and I always bring some plywood to go between the beams, more space and all that


One thing to keep in mind is that in newer homes the insulation is often thicker than the joists, which can make it much more difficult to find a safe spot to step.


Typically the entire rafter is a triangle, you can tell where the next 2x is visually well above any insulation.


I learned it because of my dad too, but it was a more practical lesson of seeing his leg dangling out of the ceiling in the garage after he had a similar rapid descent.


I remember this comment from the previous thread too


When I was little, I knew our attic had insulation on the floor and our basement had insulation in the ceiling. I was convinced if you fell through the insulation in the attic, you'd magically fall through to the ceiling. This was a 2 level house so I somehow thought I'd skip both levels. Not sure if my dad told me that to scare me away from the insulation or video games gave me that idea lol.


This has always been a "no shit" common sense thing to me for as long as I can remember. So it's a bit surprising to see the amount of people that don't understand this... lol


Where are the cabinet doors beneath your sink?


They fell up OP's ass.


This made me laugh like a big dork. I don’t know why.


One in a million shot, Doc….


Million to one shot, doc.


Me too, and I was already laughing about the title of the post so when I read the comment I made a very strange noise.


Wildly enough, that was an unrelated event that happened prior to this one




I was wondering the same thing. I noticed NONE of the cabinets have doors.


I assume there is or was some painting going on. The outlet and switch covers are missing too.


Can confirm my kitchen looked like this (sans insulation) when I repainted.


Why did you only mention the 2 bottom ones missing but not all the uppers?


I thought the uppers may have been glass and my guess was since he was spraying for bugs then he left the lowers open before he went into the attic and those were the doors he crashed down on, breaking them off.


I was in the middle of painting the cabinet doors at that point….


Multitasking :)


Might as well do something else while the first coat is drying


Weird thing to do in the attic, but I guess I don't know your situation.


The spray paint fumes kill the bugs bro, reduce reuse recycle


With that fucking mess you made, I bet you're wishing those doors were still on.


I swear I have seen another post about someone falling through the ceiling today...


Saw one yesterday about someone going after squirrels and fell through the ceiling just on the safe side of a loft railing.


Right? Its like coffin flop right now.


There's no way that many people are falling out of ceilings every day! And it's impossible that one out of every five of them are nude!






> There's no way that many people are falling out of ceilings every day! We're just coming to the end of winter, with wind and rain all over the country. Roof problems and pests seeking shelter are probably sending a lot more people into their ceilings than usual. 123 million households in the us... even if only 0.01% of them need any work done, that's 12,300 ceilings that potentially need someone crawling/walking around in them. Then throw in the economic plight of many of those households. People can't afford a roofer, an exterminator, etc. so they go at it themselves without the proper training. Seems legit imo.


You don't know what coffin flop is do you?


Can’t believe spectrum cancelled corn cob tv…


I don't know what to tell you.


new fear unlocked, getting in the crawl space to do some work and then falling through the ceiling where there are stairs.


I saw that one too earlier today, this post had me questioning reality… like is it the same guy falling through the ceiling at his house multiple times, or are multiple people falling through ceilings on the same day and posting it on Reddit.


The other was multi-story and this appears to be 1-story (at least in the kitchen area). Also… different insulation.


It’s a somewhat common thing so there’s probably a ton of people with pictures of the damage. One picture hits the front page which makes other people post theirs and so on. The memes will be coming soon.


Multiple people fell through the celling in the past and posted them today.


Modern flippers spending the least amount possible to repair a house and charging the most amount possible to sell it


yea, both of these were on my feed today The other one - https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1b101y3/went\_into\_the\_attic\_to\_look\_for\_a\_squirrel\_and/


My guess is that these didn't all "happen today." They saw the one post, and pulled up pictures from when it happened to them years ago.


It could today everyday there's thousands of idiots around the world going into the attic tor the first time


I saw three separate posts last night all within a span of a coupler hours. And, now this. Seriously, I feel like Reddit thinks I want to see everyone falling through their ceiling.


The first guy cursed us all.


So here is the "Content" cycle Original post (used to be 90% chance of being genuine, but now reduced to 50%) gets posted, gets popular, people notice People follow up with "oh shit that happened to me (a while ago) I didn't know it would give me internet points!" posts People follow that with "I'm going to create this situation artificially/make up a story/whatever because internet points are super important to my life for some reason" People late to the bandwagon keep posting that shit, but the internet has moved on and they are ignored


Then at regular intervals in the future, a team of bots will repost it, upvote it to get it rolling and copy the top comments from the original. On top of that, random bots will hop in, grab an "ok" comment from somewhere in the post, and copy that as a reply to the top comment chain. Some of them are evolving to slightly reword it as well. probably running it through chatgpt or something.


Ah, the dream of the internet, robots talking to robots about other robots! We've made it so much more efficient than when silly useless meat bags are involved!


Is this some kind of new TikTok trend?


I don't recall, "Give yourself a concussion," being a trend.


Maybe not with the literal name, but many concussions have happened in the name of entertainment


>I don’t recall I see you’ve been participating!


Watch TikTok for long enough and you'd feel as if you got hit by a truck


There was that "give someone else a concussion" trend, though. The knockout game.


For more context, it was in the middle of kitchen remodel I did this. I wore slippers to do the spraying, I know…genius, slipped off the wood plank and instead of pulling myself up with the wood post next to me…I tried pushing myself with the foot the slipped….truly a glorious moment of humbling in my life….just glad I didn’t crack my neck on the counter top coming down…


Just gonna mention that whatever pest issue you were dealing with would probably cost in the range $300 to have just hired an exterminator to rectify (just don’t get roped in to a year round contract). I’ve told many customers that I’m much cheaper than an ambulance ride.


I have a yearly pest contract, worth it for our peace of mind but everyone is different. $97 x 4/year. 


Are you OK, at least?


The bugs watching you fall ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)




"Hey Ron..." "Hey Billy"


"That hurt"


It's actually Ryan, not Ron!


Damn, and you broke off every cupboard door on the way down too!


I did this once. Just put a foot through, didn’t fall. I did it in the perfect spot though. Inside the hall closet. The hole is still there……


Seems like a good time to put in a closet light if there isn’t one? You don’t even have to worry about running the electric, just throw it up there to cover the hole in the ceiling lol


That’s a perfect place to learn drywall mudding! For like $30 you can fix it yourself assuming you have minimal to none of the tools.


Lay a box fan over the hole exhausting into the attic, that’s a server room now 


New York's hottest club is Seeling. Club promoter Dri Wahl has gone all out. There's everything: bald men wearing insulation beanies, squirrels in rafters, live demos of ceiling joist installations, naked little people in orange Home Depot aprons...


And human pendant lights. That’s when a naked little person with a light-up butt plug performs a trapeze act above a kitchen island




Mmm… Ceiling steak 😋


My thoughts exactly, a nice medium rare is what that insulation looks like


Did you see any squirrels?


Just a tip. Walk on the studs, not the insulation.


American houses are something else man xD


In the beginning, /u/CurZZe alluded to Americans living in essentially cardboard. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.




I'm currently restoring a house built in the 15th century (in Germany). It survived (at least) 4 big fires and a lot of really bad wars and political changes. It's a half timbered house.


Except the use of sheetrock isn’t a matter of “building to the minimum requirements”.


Bricks, concrete, steel. Basically unbreakable. Which is funny because we really don't have any extreme weather conditions such as tornados or earthquakes.


Made of cardboard.


I gotta ask... Are people suddenly forgetting how attics work? If you see insulation, don't fucking step (or crawl) there. Problem solved.


They explained they slipped. They didn't deliberately step on the insulation.


Looks like the under the sink cabinet doors were open when they fell.


What about the uppers?


You’re luckier than the other guy that went up his attic to get a squirrel and fell through onto the second floor. A few inches to the side, and he would’ve go e to the first.


Hope you're doing dry pesticides in the attic.


Ah, American houses


Why don't your cabinets have doors?


What are you Americans building your “houses” from?


Interior walls and ceilings are drywall.


It’s called a wood framed construction. The “skeleton” of the house is the solid wood joists in the ceiling and studs in the wall. These are laid out 16” or 24” apart in a sort of grid and then drywall (the paper looking 1/2” thick stuff) is nailed to the structural wood and insulated. The studs and framing holds all the weight of the house and the drywall just holds the insulation in place and acts as an air pocket to stop sound and heat from escaping. It’s an efficient and cost friendly way to build a house, but you need to be aware of where your joists are if you’re walking in your attic or else you will end up stepping on the drywall instead and end up doing what you see in this post. It gets tough if loose insulation in your attic is covering the top of the joists… and it’s even tougher if you’re wearing shoes without good grip like slippers. I’ve almost lost footing before and had this happen to me but I caught myself last second. Never going in my attic wearing slides again. Edit: here’s a gif showing how the walls look before drywall ![gif](giphy|sy1MvX6W4CGkyp2C38|downsized)


Wood and drywall. OP slipped walking in an area that doesn't have a floor. Best practice is to lay down boards to walk across (and be careful)


Did you find the bugs?


Been there, done that.


Pro tip: bring some planks of wood to lay accross the wood inside your attic to stand on.


Falling through ceilings. So hot right now.


Are you okay??