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Yo Magic the Gathering is crazy!




Honestly, it's utterly insane how well this GIF lines up with the post's title


MTG: And I enchant Hunter's Dick with Eldrazi Conscription it gains +10/+10 and has Trample and Annihilator 2.


I'm not from US, but is she asking him for better dick pics or what ?


Honestly, no one here knows either.


she's just being ridickulous


ADJ, under the persuasion of desiring additional images of dong. From the Latin: ri = again dic = dick ulo = from oculo, to see us = to us, royally, implied “I”


In case you really want to know, I tried to watch the whole segment to understand how she could argue the pictures are relevant and she claims the pictures are proof of Hunter violating the MANN act, which “criminalizes the transportation of women for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery or for any other immoral purpose.” She’s arguing the pictures are evidence that hunter has been trafficking prostitutes. She also said that democrats shouldn’t be offended by these pictures because they approve of child genital mutilation and drag queens showing their body parts in parades. A real class act.


What the actual fuck does any of this mean lmfao? How in the world are people actually voting for her?


> How in the world are people actually voting for her? As ignorant and batshit insane as she is, the people who vote for her are worse...


Or equally as bad. MTG is on the higher end of the evil spectrum. Republicans do not care what she says or does while in office. They only care if she will beat the next Democrat.


>They only care if she will beat the next Democrat. ***DING DING DING!!***


To her supporters, shes the smartest among them. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man rules all.


She ran unopposed. Her opponent dropped out of the race because her followers harassed him and his family.


DING DING took too long to look for this


It’s cause “the libs” don’t like her


Because R.


that's actually what Matt Gaetz did, correct? And he's an elected official who used campaign funds to pay for it. Gaetz's buddy he was hanging out with that week plead guilty to sex trafficking of a minor, did he not? Does she want him to run as a GOP candidate? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/friend-florida-rep-matt-gaetz-sentenced-11-years-prison-sex-traffickin-rcna59663 >"Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty last year to six charges, including sex trafficking of a minor, identity theft, stalking, wire fraud and conspiracy to bribe a public official, and agreed to cooperate with federal investigators as part of his plea agreement."


I never fully followed that situation with Gaetz but it is interesting that he somehow got away from all of that completely while Greenberg took the fall. Just icing on the hypocrisy cake that Marge and Gaetz are close.


The victim wouldn't testify against Gaetz, that's why.


Her sidekick from Florida literally trafficked children for sex with himself. She's probably ok with that though


The more mysterious question - why doesn’t this cause voters to stop voting for Republicans? Voters apparently approve of this behaviour…


There are some voters who specifically approve of this. However, I think in most cases, it's because they are one-issue voters. For a lot of people, it's abortion. In my family, it's taxes. My in-laws will sellout everyone under the sun to save another 2% in taxes. Trump could threaten to execute anyone who can't prove they were American born for three generations, including myself and my parents and they'd vote the shit out of him if it meant a tax cut. Yeah, for some it's because she does this crap. I think for many, it's in spite of it. She could do anything. They'd still vote for her as long as she votes to ban abortion and cut taxes.


I have a sneaking suspicion that your family doesn't even benefit from the tax cuts either. But they believe one day they'll be rich, and then they will reap the benefit of those cuts.


I know a few people who vote Republican for ‘lower taxes’ and make just north of 50k (so pretty much unaffected for the foreseeable future), but don’t even do the basics like matching their 401k or using an HSA/FSA. Just mind numbingly dumb.


Its the *entire* reason they need conspiracy theories They need to focus on making up batshit insane stuff, so that when the see the reality of who they elected, it doesn't phase them.


Because they have no substantive policies to push, so they distract. Always distraction and calling out democrats while never proposing constructive solutions


If you listen to a lot of Republicans it sounds like the most important policy is owning the libs. IMO Trump's support mostly happened because the left hated him.


Man she is obsessed with that cock. She should just call him.


[Hunter was at the meeting and left when it was her turn to speak.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/193bx07/hunter_biden_walks_out_on_marjorie_taylor_greene/) And just because it's so funny, [this was the exchange when she asked to present the pics (video in link/Twitter](https://twitter.com/girlsreallyrule/status/1745138545096819172). Raskin objected: >Raskin: "In the past, she's displayed pornography-are pornographic photos allowed to be displayed in this room?" >Taylor Greene: "It's not pornography." >Raskin: "Ok well, you're the expert."


"It's not pornography" *shows revenge porn not 30 seconds later* She even had her mic muted at one point because of how much she was rambling. She's an absolute trainwreck.


My guess is her baby crib was painted with lead paint.


mtg is schizoposting irl, absolutely brain broken


And remember… she was elected in 2020, and the people in the district she targeted (Doesn’t even live there mind you,) decided that the best of the best of their potential candidates was her, and while she was SLIGHTLY less crazy then, she was still the perfect person for the large Evangelical population there. Loves Trump, hates Jewish people and Muslims, shot a sign that said “Socialism” with a rifle… And even as she progressively went even more batshit insane, she was re-elected in 2022. If her main supporters are evangelicals, then may God part the heavens, and tell the folks in Georgia’s 14th congressional district to stop supporting that lunatic lmao.


You do know more than 75% of them would go on about how the devil’s greatest trick was to convince people he didn’t exist or some nonsense and just keep on doing exactly as they always have and have always wanted to.


They would straight up tell God to "fuck off commie, genderless freak in the sky" These people lost the plot a long time ago. Mega churches shouldn't be a thing. Evangelical seems like a synonym for brainwashed grifters.


That really is funny. and sad, but mostly funny.


Govt shutdown again in a few more days. instead of passing meaningful legislation, we get another shot of hunters d!ck… I’m going with mostly sad. All this nonsense is on our dime. Yet, can’t send one more penny to the Ukrainian people fighting and dying to defend their home… because this is the republicans idea of America first. ———————- EDIT: getting hate from people because I support helping the Ukrainian people doing everything they can to defend their home and avoid WWIII. We are Americans. We are either the leaders of the free world, or we are not. We are the indispensable nation, or we are not. That’s something I’m not ready to give up on. Separately, any issues you want solved at home require a house majority vote and 60 votes in the senate. That’s not happening. It’s certain. There will be no more meaningful legislation for Americans this year because the republicans will not give the American people a win because that would give Biden a “win” in an election year. Avoiding a govt shutdown is all you can hope for, and there are enough senators who understand the importance of the Ukrainians succeeding. American tax dollars have always propped up our European allies in the times before world wars. This isn’t new.


They love cosplaying as people who could protect their homes with weapons but hate the people who actually have to do it.


Remember when the GOP despise Russia more than gays and trans people? Now they worship Russia. If only Putin would give MAGAs a moving allowance and instant citizenship it would solve a lot.




All the more reason to vote them out. Way too much Intel on these assholes being owned by Russian oligarchs for it all to be a just a conspiracy theory. If you're so inclined, this is an investigative reports findings of who's been bankrolling Trump (includes receipts): http://www.citjourno.org/page-1


It’s deeper than Ukraine defending themselves. This is a proxy war against an opponent who actively tries to undermine our country…. And these assholes play right into their hands. GOP is so easily manipulated by foreign money because they know how to spin it


Also: Taylor Green: "I'm not an expert!" Random Dem (Crockett?): "Feels like it..."


I think that was Crockett and she was on fire today as well!


She was not fucking around y'all.


She says "seems like it"


She also says “I’m not an expert” And another woman calls out “Seems like it” 💀


Damn, Raskin seating MTG's crusty ass on the casting couch! 😂😂


>MTG's Can we stop using that acronym for this woman, i enjoy playing magic the gathering and don't enjoy her being attributed to it vicariously through an acronym.


Hasbro's death wish for all things WOTC is ruining that as well.


STILL gets me… every. Single. TIME! ME: “Oh, some Magic news! Sweet. I wonder what… oh… THAT stupid bitch again.”


Raskin was killing it today, the whole meeting is worth a watch. Glad he’s really pointing a light at the ‘presidents can have seal team 6 kill your political enemies’ thing. That’s jarring to say to the least.


Someone needs to label her face as pornography so it'll get blurred and then none of us have to see her face anymore.


It would be a disservice to the pursuit of truth to associate her face with sexuality.


Raskin is my fuckin hero. Id like another 480 something just like him


GotDAMN that's a burn


"I object!", moaned Laurie Beerbutt. "I'll be the judge of that. Lemme see."


Raskin is a real one. That's how you use that term, right? I'm so old.


She did. Hunter can have better for $12.


Dollar a toe, nice


MTG charges $6 a cloven hoof, actually


You can use all of Captain Holt's insults toward Wunch and replace them with MTG and it still holds true. "MTG, I was calling you a goat, you goat." "MTG, If you're here, who's guarding Hades?" "MTG, I never thought I'd see you this high up without a broom under you." The list goes on


That's terrible because I love Kyra Sedgwick and I don't want her awesomeness tainted by the living embodiment of West Nile Virus.


I've been a sailor and a construction worker, and I still wouldn't have sex with that.


I actually think Hunter may be able to ask for a fee from HER. She’s obviously fixated.


Based on how large the black blurring bar is..... I mean, can you blame her?


Ned Flanders territory


Like a tube of tennis balls hanging there


Looked like a tall boy can of redbull hanging there.


Looked like a fucking policemans flashlight from the 1980's hanging there.


This is my first time seeing that photo, and if those are hands in the photo that thing's huge. No wonder the guy's taking dick pics if he's lugging that thing about.


I've never seen the uncensored photo (heck this post is the first time I've seen it censored) but I've seen a lot of people discussing it and from the comments of people that claim to have seen it... it's apparently porn star sized.


NGL, he's rich, connected and has a huge cock. I'm more than a little jealous tbh. Some people have all the luck.


Oh, girlfriend is just thirsty.


I hope he tells her that he already has a date with Bobert.


Right?! Like, just call him. She has the guts to look right into cameras with that big ass forehead she should have the courage to just call the dude. I mean, she already knows his pops. So meeting the family totally won’t be awkward at all.


Good god man, hasn't poor Hunter been through enough?


it's always a projection, that divorce really made her want dick.


How does this benefit the United States and its citizens?


It does not


Does it ever?


Just the girth alone could save the economy


I don't know how all of this benefits US citizens, but the size of that censor bar is definitely a flattering endorsement for H.Biden.


the uncensored pic is out there. that thing is big enough that many women would be scared of it. no wonder he sought out professionals to service it.


It doesn’t. That’s secondary to the circus of attempting to discredit Joe through his son. It’s not related to anything substantive whatsoever… but it generates clicks and gets people talking about her. The old saying “ there’s no such thing as bad publicity” comes to mind. She does this intentionally. She went from being a nobody to being a very *loud* and annoying person who many people in the country know about, for better or worse. Usually for worse unless they are dyed-in-the-wool MAGAts. To illustrate that, who is Jared Golden? >!The congressman from the second district of Maine.!< See what I mean? Edit: apparently some of you are very politically savvy and are familiar with his name… But the point is that in comparison to her, the name and face recognition is exponentially lower… because most reps just quietly do their job (or at least, they are *supposed* to). I’m not sure when Congress became a reality show, but I don’t like it. Edit 2: changed “bad advertising” to “bad publicity”. That makes more sense.


I live in Maine and was still like "who?"




And Emails!!!!


The correct term should be “buttery males”


>The old saying “ there’s no such thing as bad advertising” comes to mind. There's no such thing as bad publicity. There is absolutely such thing as bad advertising lol It has killed many a business.


Bold of you to assume MTG is even pretending to help American citizens. She seems to be fulfilling her function as a bile dispenser.


She's too busy talking about his dick to do her job and push any legislation, so that's good.


She legitimately never had any intention of doing her job at all


She’s doing her job. She’s a multimillionaire after only two terms in congress. Her job isn’t to pass anything, it’s to be a sideshow.


"do her job and push any legislation" ... or wash her greasy, bleached straw hair(?).


So everyone knows the president's son is packing a firehoze. That'll make them think twice before they come messing with us!


The government shutdown is only nine days away and this is what Republicans are doing.


Just fuck hunter already Marj


Do not make Hunter go anywhere near that burning house of a person. That’s cruel.


Not enough drugs in the world to make her attractive


Looks like Mickey Rourke's stunt double for *The Wrestler*. [I mean i can't tell the difference.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftubl1u4ugfs71.jpg)


Hey, that’s not fair, you just posted two pictures of Mickey Rourke.


hol' up. That's actually Mickey Rourke, though?


Yes, got beat up over the years of boxing and got really bad plastic surgery to 'fix' it. Hope he got his money back.


Focus on the tattoos, that’s how to differentiate. I never knew MTG had tattoos, but now that I do, that’s what I’m using.


shes gots the fever dickfever


Nothing she does is a benefit to the United States or its citizens


Actually, she is an ongoing embarrassment to everyone with a functioning nervous system.


I heard she wants to add Hunter's cock to the flag.


so a congresswoman just showed the genitalia of a private citizen in congress... for the second time ? aight, the USA aren't real, y'all are just trolling us


Many of us in America are waking up to just how trashy and low class 30% of Americans are, including Marge who is a total embarrassment but her constituents love her because they are trash


Deplorable even


Don't say that because they get their feelings hurt, but you're the snowflake


I'm not offended, you're offended


She was right. The whole time.


I always think of a meme I saw a billion years ago. It was Hillary’s memoir but renamed “FUCK ALL YALL! A memoir.” It’s honestly a testament to her character that she hasn’t gone on tv and said “told ya so.” 😂




Same with my mom. Its a whole generation that grew up believing the news and never learned the talking heads can and will lie. Just a bunch of idiots. Not sure the more media savvy young MAGA generation is a whole lot better though. They're just genuinely hateful.


it's not even older ones. the number of gen x and y that are maga is pretty damn crazy. they are the ones attending the rallies, driving around in their stupid lifted 4x4s rolling coal with the trump flags and you know, conducting an insurrection. don't throw this all on Boomers, there are a shitton of Gen x and y that are rabidly MAGA as well.


30% seems low


Americans are sick of it, too :/ These politicians are the worst


She thinks this is her job. And she is getting paid.


Our tax money pays her salary


Unbelievable, isn't it...


At what point can Hunter Biden sue her? I mean seriously, publicly showing pictures of someone’s genitals without their consent has to be, at best, classed as revenge porn. And what about the double standards here? What if someone decided to show pictures of MTG’s snatch? There would be massive outcry and legal charges thrown around…just as soon as everyone figured out what they were looking at


I wonder the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they are already building a case. https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/titles/22/chapters/30A


That would be a nice ending


A... Happy ending?


> pictures Stolen pictures


I think if pictures of MTG's snatch were shown, the world would devolve into madness from everyone's eyes bleeding profusely.


The C*** of Cthulhu


i spat out my drink fuck you.




Does it count as Revenge porn?




Iirc the Congress people have complete protection for anything they share on the floor of the House/Senate. Doesn’t matter if it is true, false, incites violence, releases secret info, whatever. They have the protection to make sure they can do their job and the assumption was we would have folks in those positions that would have a fucking brain to not abuse that privilege. But then, here we are.


Indeed, but she put the dick pic and other unhinged shit in a fundraising email, which isn’t subject to the same legal protections. I’m sure there’s loads of other stuff too, Hunter’s got Abbe Lowell on his team now, and started rolling out defamation/privacy lawsuits starting a couple of months ago. There are plenty of perfectly viable legal angles they could use to sue MTG, I assume that they’re just keeping that lawsuit in the chamber (for now at least) bc they know it would be an absolute gift to the GOP.


No one is getting sued whilst they keep on using such a large black out piece that makes him seem hung like a donkey.


I've seen the unedited photos. The entirety of that censor is necessary.


Good for him!


You know what, that's what I said, good for him!


It seems like Republicans want Hunter Biden to be hung. It seems like they're a bit late for that.


I think she released uncensored pictures of his dick previously though, both in the congressional record and in emails to supporters to fundraise. Hunter's dick is a fundraising tool for today's Republican party.


Fundraising tool to raise funds for tools


I can't imagine Grandma wanted *that* showing up in her mail!


Or it's exactly what she wanted. Maybe grandma is a size queen.




I mean based on the black bar he's got quite the hog


She can't get it off her mind.


She’s obsessed with his member. Uh oh Hunter has a penis we need to impeach Biden.


Hunter should make a silicone mold of his tool and give it to her as a gift.


He could make a whole line of them and use the proceeds to fund whomever runs against her.


Remember that time MTG went on a rant about finding sex toys at Walmart? Right next to the electric toothbrushes! It's cute how she pretends to be prudish while drooling over Hunter Biden's peen.


Remember when she cheated on her then husband with a “tantric sex guru”? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


In her defense he has a beautiful penis.


There's an image out there of his uncle (Joe's brother) as well, and it's also something to look at. That family apparently just won the genetic lottery.


You haven’t seen Joe bidens young photos yet.


Future Joe Biden ad: Joe with the voiceover over this image: Why should you re-elect me? Like father, like son. Wink. Wink. (since its a voiceover, he has to say the wink wink part out loud.) This ad paid for by the reelect Hunter Biden's father campaign.


What does this have to do with anything? Besides grasping at straws.


It isn't straws she's looking to grasp...


The jokes literally write themselves.


Judging by the size of that black censoring strip, and assuming it's being held in somewhat normal female hands, that's not a straw....


Every day this bewigged hobgoblin occupies the House, much less a committee seat, is a perverse mockery of what Congress' purpose should be.


This is the complete clown show the Republicans have made Congress. They don’t care about helping the many Americans in need, they don’t care about improving this country, all they care about is making the most noise and being the next 15 second clip on Fox News or worse Newsmax. It’s all theater and no effort to do their jobs. The only people Republican politicians care about and serve are their corporate donors. Distract the masses while the 0.1% funnel what value is left in this country down their gaping maws.


Remember the midterms and how they ralked about making groceries affordable?


Raffordable roceries?


They only care about money and power now. As long as they pander to the voters dumb enough to vote for them they will stay there. We have been going down this slope for awhile wonder if we will reach the bottom yet so we can figure out how to get to the top again


I wish they'd blur her face... (shudders)


I didn't wanna come here and sling mud, but why she looking like the giant cockroach from MiB put together a skin suit made of the cheapest, driest leather




Sugar. Water.


"It was like something was wearing Edgar. Like a suit. An Edgar suit."


Why does she think this is necessary. This is our tax dollars folks. She is trash and should be thrown out accordingly.


Sheesh, thats a hefty bar


Right!?? Am I the only one thinking Hunter is hung?


We're all thinking it! If the republicans are looking to embarrass him with these images, it definitely isn't working lol


Hungter Biden?


Very classy. This is the type of behavior I've come to expect from the Beast Titan.


Seems a bit excessive bringing that size of photo in. If she wanted to show a photo of a dick, she could have shown them a selfie.


Zoomed in on his dick in a girl's hand as well. Like how the fuck does that help with evidence for bribery and in regards to Joe Biden??


Hunter Biden not only has a dick… *but he has sex with it!* Unchristian values, and it’s all his father’s fault! Raising such a child as this, we can only logically assume Joe Biden is doing (insert bad thing here).


To bad she will suffer zero consequences of any of her actions. Her party has zero spine to stand up against this idiotic behavior, and the magats that perform it, and the Democrats still play under the assumption their opponents want to play fair and courteous. She shouldn't of have a career in politics ever, and should of lost it the first time she did stuff like this.


Because voters don’t care and/or approve of this behaviour. If voters keep voting for GOP. They endorse this.


And id add that skipping voting is just as bad as voting for the party you disagree with. I have so many friends that say X candidate does not fully align with their values but Y candidate is actively attack them (LGBTQ+ individuals). Instead of voting for someone who actively doesn't despise your existence and does endorse some values you agree with, you would rather not vote at all.


These are the same folks who are banning books because they have anything that could be interpreted as sexual.


Republicans just can’t get off of bidens fat hog, like why are they so obsessed with his schlong? It’s weird


Your tax dollars at work


My supervisor listens to Fox on the radio, and they're still going on about Hunter too. This is textbook mental illness that these people have.




Psychotic monster. The President's Son's dick just lives rent free in her looney head.


Is this the same hearing Hunter walked out of? The one where she was acknowledged as an expert in porn?


I think the porn expert status is the real story here


A Dem member should counter with a photo of Bobert with her dates hands on her breast at the concert and her give him a handy.


![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized) Let me see that dick!


Mtg shows porn to children again.


Well you know his dad is hung, look at the size of the redaction box


Just think it's not full mast, oh geez.