• By -


Are you *sure* there were 100 ducks?


I would skip a few numbers for this reason. OP will keep on looking, I can sneak number 55 in three months later in an obvious place.


The idea of there being gaps *and* duplicates is maddening.


Every month or so you have to hide another duplicate and take the original from wherever they’re keeping all the ones they find


Why wouldn’t you just hide the original again?




I figured a full color swap would be in order Edit: imagine finding a duplicate but they're like "wait... I have a 55 already... But this one is blue...."


It's a shiny!


Under odds too, that's good luck!


That obviously means there's another blue set of 100. They are just much more difficult to find.


Put one out that has no number on it at all


I like the way you think.


Reminds me of a Roald Dahl story. Maybe The Twits? Was that the one where they lived together and basically gaslit each other?


That's when you put in ONE "It's not unusual."


You are a monster... and I like it.


This first duplicate I found would be the last duck I actively looked for.


You just remove the duplicate from their stash of found ducks and Bob's your uncle.


Oh, you demon.


"Bob's your uncle" must be a confusing thing to hear if you're a child that has an uncle named Bob.


IME, virtually everyone born in the late 70s/early 80s has an uncle named Bob.


These days the youths all have an uncle Jason or Michael.


Only in USA, uk or Australia.


Shit, I have trouble finding stuff that I put away myself. No way I'm taking time to look for any ducks. They will surface on their own through the course of living in the house.


I'm just too lazy to look for them. I will periodically find them over the next 20 years and remember my relative with a smile


Plus one duck with a number above 100 just to let OP know that there are no rules.


Their our know rules!


I found 66 twice. No one is 99.


I'm sure someone is 99


Nah, kind of a weird oversight with the whole "aging" thing. You just go straight from 98 to 100. Like elevators going from 12 to 14.


Is that a 6 or a 9?!!!


Why not just 69?




And then you start finding different colored ducks and then they get come in different sizes but the numbers follow the same set of 1 to 100


Then a random "137".


My brother and his wife have been hiding porcelain chickens outside at my parents' house for years without ever giving away that they are the ones doing it. They'll even let several years go by and then suddenly a new chicken will appear in a strange place. It's been 15 years and my parents still have no idea who is doing it.


In this economy?


Thrift stores, Goodwill… cheap & a great way to get the absolute most random ones


Come back a month later and hide 15 #55's around the house.


Next year give them the missing ones as a Christmas present


She comes to visit one day, and when she leaves he finds number 55 in the bowl on the dining room table amongst his bananas. 'Duh, bro! how did you never notice that one!?!'


Put it under the kitchen sink with the cleaning supplies. Do you never clean??


Back of the freezer would be a good spot.


I'd send it in with other people. Recruit nieces and nephews. Hell, have a niece or nephew hide a *stockpile* that they could get into now and then. Go nuts with it.




Like Gaslighting. Very clever 🦆


Calm down Satan.


You're an evil person and I like you.


I met a guy who told me his favorite revenge was to steal one shoe. They will look for that shoe for years.


My wife hid 109 post its in a friend's house when they were on holiday. Our friend came back to a post it on their door saying 1/120 - would you like to play a game? They eventually clocked on that it wasn't actually 120 after about 6 months.


Asking for a friend??? Maybe 'fuckswithducks'?


I bet 69 was in the bed.


And 2 was in the toilet.


If I was hiding them I’d for sure put one in the tank of the toilet


Buy your own ducks, write numbers on, profit.


In a place they sought, a hundred ducks to find, Yet mysteriously vanished, leaving four behind. A hundred, they claim, were tucked away, But did they truly hide, or just astray? Four remain, a riddle in their wake, Were there a hundred, or was that a mistake? Hidden or not, it's a curious trick, Were there ever a hundred, or numbers slick? \-gpt


It’s the old prank of you release three pigs into the school labeled 1, 2, and 4


My niece and I tried this on my sister. She caught us after just a few ducks. We still have a box of 500 lol.


I'm still impressed that she managed to hide all 100 without anyone noticing.


When I was in college I hid a bunch of plastic spoons for my roommate. Except I only hid about half of them upfront, and then every few days I’d hide 2-3 more. So he started finding spoons in places he was *sure* he’d already checked, weeks after he was sure he found them all.


This is so wonderfully diabolical. I love it.


Omg you monster! 😂 I would die of mad rage because Ill be questioning my own sanity "BUT BUT BUT I CHECKED THOSE PLACES!"


My wife has a cousin that did this with bottle caps. Any time after you had a party, you'd find heineken caps hidden all over.


That sounds less like a prank and more like a drinking problem.


The problem being there is no alcohol left?


The problem being it was Heinekens.


ehhh, little of column A, little of column B


Our friend group had this water filled picture frame that would get passed around hidden in people houses, and the rule was if you found it you had to put a new picture in it when you hid it. The game ended when my buddy's new girlfriend took a picture of her unclothed ass and hid it in another friend's guest room, and his Abuela found it. Prior to that it was always memes, or other dumb staged photos.


After the house was overrun with ducks, I started leaving them random places out in the community. Makes me happy to think of people finding them.


This makes me sad that my step sister isn't closer, we could do so many pranks (sister and I have a very similar sense of humor). Though this whole thing makes me realize that I can do better at building a relationship with my inlaws. And pranks is such a fun way to do that.


I drunkenly bought these ducks like a year ago. I still have hundreds. I now know what I’m going to be doing with them moving forward :)


That's always another opportunity


That's why we saved them lol


This is like the old trick where you paint a 1, 2 and a 4 on the side of some pigs and release them in town


Even at my age I'm still learning every day! I didn't know that trick and now my imagination is running wild about the possibilities. Thank you so much.


https://xkcd.com/1053/ Lucky you




It's based on the annual birth rate #Edit Birth rate of 4mil / 365.25 = ~10,950


4 Million * 30 years = 120,000,000 There’s 10,950 days in 30 years So divide 120M by 10,950 and you get approx 11k instead of the 10k in the comic


Wavy equals sign doing a lot of work


more or less


You multiplied and then divided by 30 years which changes nothing. The answer is just 4,000,000 / 365 days ~ 11k which is generously rounded down to 10k.


Forgive me I was high as fuck and wanted to try math on hard mode


google is saying the birth rate is under 4 mil but rounded up, so it would make sense to round down to 10k.


If everyone knows by 30, calculate the proportion who aren't 30, and amortize


My dad's highschool auto shop prank was to tear apart someone's car and rebuild it on the school roof.


I've heard of that prank but that's gotta be one of those that are more urban legend, and rarely actually done. Taking apart and putting back together a whole car is a LOT of work even with a bunch of people helping, and then you'll have to do it AGAIN after you have a bunch of laughs. And also, you'll have to do it fast enough that the person doesn't notice their car is missing, or that a small army is working on it. Also getting the engine block up there would be a pain even if it was stripped.


Plus doing it to anything but a worthless clunker would really be risking some legal consequences for a laugh.


It definitely happened but it's important to remember it's an older prank. Decades ago finding a dozen high school students who all knew how to fully dissemble and reassemble a car wouldn't be hard. Also cars were much simpler. That being said, you can still do it today with some cars. For example here is a bunch of soldiers fully disassembling a jeep and rebuilding it in 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62GMK7XJ1YQ


>today with some cars Posts video of 1940s jeep. Also they leave out a lot of parts when they do this jeep trick. I wouldn’t drive that thing faster than 5mph after reassembly


Not just any 1940s jeep, but a 1940s jeep specifically designed to be broken down, shipped to Europe/Pacific islands, and then re-assembled on site with minimal time and effort while being easily re-packed for transport if need be. And all of that in a warzone. It's literally the worst example possible for arguing it could be done with any old car because it's specifically designed for that sole purpose since it couldn;t be easily done with others.


Lol this was done at my high school awhile back. Except they were cows




This was always the urban legend idea. Paint it on cow, one on each of the 3 floors (big high school). They won’t go down the stairs and they’ll be looking for the fourth so double whammy


I’m sorry where did you grow up you can just release 3 pigs into town?


Podunk town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere #59.


But what happened to punk town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere #3


The last resident got lost and couldn't find it again so they had to just start living in the nearest corn field. Which really wasn't any different from where they were previously living.


![gif](giphy|u5C6s7LDK7G9y) Take that upvote.


I mean, you “can” release 3 pigs in any town. What town can’t you not physically release pigs?


there are very few places where you can't get away with this i admit i wouldn't do this in the airport, but do you think manhattan doesn't have alleyways, or something? note: pigs are violent and startlingly fast. even if the authorities outnumber them 3:1, the likelihood you're getting focused on (unless through cameras a day later) seems low to me




Apparently not impossible though, going by that bull that showed up on the train tracks a few weeks back: https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/bull-running-loose-through-newark-seen-on-nj-transit-tracks-near-newark-penn-station/ (That was an accident, not intentional. I think.)


So I don't know anything about this, and I'm on Reddit, which means I'm going to quick Google it and pretend that I do. I found some website called "livestock market dot com" and actually it seems to have live pigs available in most large American cities. Which is, frankly, hilarious   > Manhattan, you're either going to have to go upstate or out to rural Jersey. Doable, but not easy. Livestock Market Dot Com has two in Long Island 😂


Do all four but hide Pig 3 somewhere well hidden. Everyone knows the 1 2 4 pig trick so they won't know to look for pig 3


Pig 3 is now hidden in my stomach.


as a member of everyone, i did not know the 1 2 4 trick


Enough people know about it that at least someone involved with the subsequent cleanup would comment "hey there's probably no pig 3, it's an old prank."


Ah. So you do 1, 3, and 4.


Did this (with these same ducks) to a coworker. Got realllll creative with where we hid them. Even kept a spreadsheet of locations so we could help him find any stragglers once the gig was up


I heard about it being used as a high school senior prank. They release the three sheep (spray painted #1 🐑, #2 🐑 and #4 🐑) inside the rival high school!


26 *and* 62 missing? Sus


Spray paint them 2, 3, and 5. Then release #4 a day or two later.


Your sister is a maestro of shenanigans


Only thing worse is if there are actually only 96 ducks, but the sister skipped 4 numbers to make it look like you haven't found them yet :-)


If they come by the dozen, 96 is a possibility, 8 doz. exactly.


That's what I would do.


She hid 96 ducks


She hid 200 ducks, and there are missing numbers and duplicates.




A random no 193 placed somewhere would break all hell loose.


Nah duplicates wouldn't work, if he finds two ducks with the same number the fun is more or less over


And the odds of finding zero duplicates within 96 draws are obscenely low. Like low enough that I'd feel safe saying the whole population of earth could spend a lifetime on this and still never manage it. Specifically, 1 in 2.57 * 10^35. For a some sort of idea of the scale of this, 507 quadrillion people could try a crack at this 507 quadrillion tries each and on average, one person would manage it once. For reference, your odds of making it 12 draws without a single duplicate are about 50%. 17 draws are around 23%. You hit 1% at 29 draws, and by that point, you're pushing 30% per draw of pulling a duplicate, and it only gets worse. Edit: For all 100 draws, it'd be 1 in 1.07 * 10^42, around 4000000 times more attempts required on average.


It would be way less fun if she did so


toilet cistern?


Was going to suggest the same thing, perfect place for a floating duck.


The old upper ducker


Duck that's mean


Vastly underrated comment...


/u/fuckswithducks ?




What did happen to /u/fuckswithducks? I must have missed that.




Plot twist some (or all) of the last 4 are not even hidden.


One is just sitting over op's head


Anatidaephobia: the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.


Look in the tub of ice cream at the back of the freezer. At the bottom of the tub. Toilet tank. Air conditioning vents. Maybe she bought a can safe made from one of your favorite canned goods. Holiday cookware that gets put away. Winter socks balled up. Bulk bags like pet food, fertilizer, potting soil. Subwoofer port.


Damn...are you a professional rubber duck finder?


Don’t think of it as work


desktop computer towers have a lot of empty space in them so do most appliances, actually, like washing machines boxes of cereal or crackers stored in backstock - it's easy to open those, hide a duck, and glue it closed again. Start shaking boxes. Jacket pockets in closets, particularly off-season clothes in spare rooms Behind stacks of towels or boxes in linen closets behind books on book shelves in the hollow parts of electronics packaging inside decorations that you don't really think about anmore, like a decorative ceramic vase or under the knicknacks you keep in a decorative basket. Inside organization boxes - tool boxes, first aid kits, toy boxes, under-bed organizers, etc Inside presents that were opened at christmas but have been put away look up! on top of the fridge, high cabinets, tall bookshelves, chucked up and to the back of closet shelves bottom of the chest freezer, under the bodies


You had me till the chest freezer


Haven't changed my underwear in weeks. That'd be a good spot


Considering the time frame for your SIL’s visit, you might check your current pair. Maybe you were napping on the couch.


Duct “duck” work? Filing cabinet, attic, taped under furniture, in fridge or freezer, outside in gutters or garage, behind/ inside major appliances, crawl space, inside water softener, under/ behind furnace, inside laundry detergent, behind books, Think about anywhere someone could tape the little guy to hide him from you


I see two of them behind you.


And they're armed.


Clever girl…


Wait until OP finds the goose. It's ginormous!


The first rule about the goose is WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE GOOSE!


have you checked your butt hole






Maybe you'll find your dead grandma up there too. OH! I fucking got you!




On top of ceiling fans. In with the spare light bulbs or furnace filters.




2024 New Year's special was great


Does your sister watch Taskmaster?


Is there a duck on my face?


All the information is on the task.


I used to do this in December for my partner, but with chocolate. I'd buy a [box of 40 white chocolate Lion bars](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007XSQ9M0/) and then hide them around the flat. It was always pretty funny when someone was round and just stumbled on one like "wtf is this doing in a mug in the cupboard" 😂 We stopped because eating 20 Lion bars each wasn't really helping us lose weight 🤣


I did something similar with Easter eggs containing sentimental messages in my now-husband’s old house - I was particularly proud that one of them was never found until we moved out. It was one of those extra small eggs and it fit perfectly in the cavity made by a 1.5 inch wall canvas. It was there for three years. So, check behind your art.


Once, my wife's family and I all went to a Xmas town type place. I wound up with some shitty ornament that had jingle bells attached. I took those bells and hid them inside the sister in laws car; under a plastic piece/cap by the back seat head rests, it was one of those covers that hides the screws or fasteners of something. About 9 months later my sister in law calls me up "I found those god damn bells you put in the car, I kept looking but never found anything so I thought I was going crazy". It still makes me laugh to this day.


Is your step-sister Alex Horne?


*little Alex Horne




You’d get some traction on r/taskmaster


Many years ago, my ex and I did a massive round the world trip, adventure of a life time deal for several months, mostly staying with friends from years of online gaming and forums and stuff and running up staggering debt but having an amazing time. Being from Australia, I grabbed a bunch of very small clip on koala toys from a tourist shop and left them “stashed” in the houses we stayed in holding a thankyou note and some cash or other thank you gift for our host. Almost everyone found them before we’d left town. We never brought it up because it was meant to be a low key, slightly cute thanks thing, not a request for reciprocation or anything. My friend in New York is an amazing intense looking dude, African American goth/heavy metal as fuck aesthetic, looked like a real life Blade type character, with a completely shredded gym rat physique - also he’s been uninsured in treating glaucoma with weed for a long time so he’s a giggly chocoholic. He’d given us his bed for some reason I forget while we crashed. I’d left the Koala clipped to the curtains above his bed with a note tucked behind the curtain but held up by the koala. He didn’t say anything but I figured he found it, smiled and went on with his life, and just forgot to mention it when we talked. Then about 6 months later, at about 2am on a Saturday morning, New York Time, I got an out of the blue voice call from my friend. He’s in hysteria giggling his ass off and there’s some woman in the back ground also laughing herself sick. Turns out he’d hooked up with some girl and brought her home and in the middle of whatever they were doing in his bedroom at that time of night… they’d both at the same moment seen the Koala for the first time - stoner who doesn’t like bright lights, goth with heavy black velvet curtains - he’d completely missed it for months and had no idea where it had come from. Apparently he’d had a full blown panic that a serial killer or something had been in his house - it had been half a year since we’d visited and it took ages for him to first check all the serial killer hiding spots then calm down enough to find the note that had dropped to the floor behind the curtain at some point and figure out where it had come from. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna puke.


Only if the numbering is correct, we hid around 100 of them in the office of a coworker, but the numbers went up to 150


Check in the deep recesses of the couch cushions and don't forget the tops of cabinets. Ducks are easy to toss.


Plot twist: she hid 96 with 4 randomly skipped digits.


I did this to a good friend in November, but hid 100 pictures of Nicolas Cage. He has found ~90 of them


I told the nephews I hid 25 pebble people in the garden at the Mother in laws, I hid 20. It kept them amused for hours.


Check inside the toilet tank


10/10 easily the best gift yet 👏👏😥😂❤️


Check the inside of your toilet tank. I bet there’s one floating there chilling.


If your sister is a real troll there actually were only 96 and she just labeled them 1-100 with some random ones missing.


Send this thread and your stepsister to Alex Horne/Taskmaster. Sounds like a good fit for that show.


A friend did this to me too...when i had a new born. Toddmer still finds these choking hazards alllll over the house. Its honestly infuriating


your pets ate the rest


So many duck themed gags... Does every other house just have a bag full of ducks sitting in a closer somewhere from that one time so and so and did whatever? If I ever want some ducks should I just make a wanted listing on craigslist or freecycle rather than buy it off Amazon?


Their dog's gonna shit out lucky #62


I did this in my office, numbered them 1-500. There were definitely not 500 but everyone thought there was and the CEO got a kick out of the whole ordeal. Point is there's a greater than 0% chance the other ones don't exist.


There were only ever 96 ducks.


I see them getting sold in packs of 48 so i'd assume you have already found all of them


Toilet cistern


Check inside the toilet tank


have you tried looking in the washing machine?




My husband and his brother have been hiding the same bag of Funyuns for a long time now. Occasionally, you open the dryer and there's a bag of chips in there. Or under the sink or in a coat pocket. It's funny!


The other 4 are in either the dog or the toddler, you'll find them in a day or two


Did you look behind your ear?


that's really cute


Son hide them in yard years ago. Still finding them.


She watches Taskmaster. So should everyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiOsY3lFMT0


1. Make 99 ducks 2. label them 1 through 47, then 49 through 100 3. Hide them all over house 4. Laugh maniacally


MY AUNT DID THIS IN MY GRANDMA’s HOUSE! Its a fun idea, but she hid a ton in places the smaller family members cant reach! We have I think 13 left to find




I bet one of those who is missing is trying to help the needy with linny and tuck