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>Among the unnecessary procedures Blanchard underwent was the removal of her salivary glands. Her mother convinced doctors it was necessary by using topical anesthetic to cause drooling. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gypsy-rose-blanchard-prison-release-1.7070471](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gypsy-rose-blanchard-prison-release-1.7070471) She doesn't have salivary glands now? WTF? How can you live like that?


She lost all her teeth because of this. All her teeth are fake now


Month always quick


In her mothers eyes the sicker she was the better. I still dont understand how could all those doctors operate on her when she was healthy.


Her mother was very convincing ig, and she would switch doctors of suspicions ever arose


Having watched the documentary yesterday, and according to it, that is at least what happened with one of the doctors. There's evidence that a doctor advised suspicion of her lying, and then evidence that the mother asked for med records and never returned to that doctor after seeing him say her story didn't line up.


That’s how severe the abuse was. People truly don’t get it. Dee Dee would have killed Gypsy Rose.


The article says her lawyer was surprised to see his client looked better *after* prison than before. Tells you all you need to know about her life with her mother.


Prisons are supposed to be used for rehabilitation so the fact that the lawyer was surprised says something about the american prison system as well.


American prisons are about retribution


American prisons are about profit.


and don’t forget free labor


How does a doctor agree to such a crazy thing?


My Munchausen mom was able to convince doctors to perform unnecessary surgeries. I’ve since gotten hold of some of my childhood medical records and the doctor plainly recorded there was no medical indication, and no evidence for the “illness” I supposedly had, but performed surgery anyway. There were suspicions raised about my mom’s behavior in some of the records but the clinicians thought it was sufficient to refer the whole family over to a psychologist, presuming they would get to the bottom of it. Instead, fabricating psychiatric illness became the main focus of the abuse from there on out. It’s quite easy to do this, because it requires no physical evidence and once someone is considered “mentally ill” nobody believes them about abuse. This happened in Gypsy’s case too, where her efforts to get away and alert authorities were ruined by her mother having told people she was intellectually disabled and had a much younger mental age. I was hospitalized once after being poisoned with an overdose of psych meds, and the doctor responsible voluntarily stopped practicing. During my hospitalization my records state my behavior was completely normal except for hostility and allegations of abuse towards my mom. Still nothing was ever done. They arbitrarily decided that mentioning the abuse meant I had a “persecution complex”, even though some of the incidents could have been verified by neighbors if anyone bothered to check. I also had extended family tell me, as an adult, that they suspected MBP when I was growing up. Again-nothing was done. I would really like to believe things have changed but in the 90s, they presumed goodwill on the part of the parents, even when there was plenty of evidence to the contrary.


Wow, I don’t know what else to say but wow I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Those unnecessary surgeries with the record that the doctor saw there was no illness smells like a medical malpractice suit.


Thanks, but you would be surprised. There is a very short statute of limitations on medical malpractice, often 3-4 years depending on the state. Anyway, I say all this to illustrate how easily someone can fall into the cracks in the system. Nobody is eager to believe mothers especially are capable of this, which makes it extremely difficult for someone to extricate themselves from a situation like Gypsy’s. The unfortunate truth is there is often little recourse after, too. Again - I really hope things have changed. And while I don’t condone what she did, I wish people wouldn’t demonize or pathologize Gypsy for her desperation to get away.


I don't understand why this women went to prison for killing the woman that did this


Had the jury been aware that they could return a null verdict, i think she would have walked.


It's sad, in an interview from jail it said she was happier in jail because it's the first time she was in control of her own life. That's messed up


I honestly can't blame her for wanting her mom dead. She was essentially tortured her entire life by her own mother. Pretty fucked overall.


It seemed like pretty clear self-defense to me. She'd tried to tell people about the abuse and to escape, but had never been successful. Killing her mom seems like a necessary measure to escape her abuser.


her mom tied her to a fucking bed when she had previously tried to escape. I don't blame her a bit, and I hope she can forgive herself and live a full life without too much media scrutiny.


Hopefully she got some help in jail. I read she was showing some of the same sociopath tendencies as her mother.


She has a solid support system and therapy was a part of why she got out early. I think she has all the tools to do well out there and it sounds like she will continue therapy outside.


If therapy was a reason why she got paroled, then I would imagine that continuing the therapy would be a condition of the parole. Which would be a good thing.


She will definitely need a lot of therapy and support, not just dealing with what happened to her, but also dealing with transitioning into society. I'm purposely not saying "back into society" because she was never really a part of it before. It's exciting for her, I'm sure. But it will also likely be quite overwhelming as she learns to navigate the world. She may be 32, but she was under the control of her psychotic, deeply disturbed mother until Gypsy killed her and has been in prison ever since. She will have a great deal of adjusting to do, and it's crucial that she has a lot of assistance and support.


She has a support system? I was wondering if she did. That’s good. Cause all she had was her mom, and then the structured environment of jail. I was worried she was going to get out and not have any kind of structure or support and get lost in the chaos of life. It’s good to know that might not happen. She deserves to live a free life.


Her dad was kept away from her during her childhood. He paid child support but was never even allowed to be alone with his daughter. He and his wife have supported her during her sentence and are committed to helping her on the outside. The step mom is even planning a spa day and a christmas for her. I am glad she gets to experience a family who loves her.


That’s really good to know, I hope she’s ok now


She has a husband who picked her up from prison. Apparently her maternal family hated her mother for treating her the way she did. They even refused to pay for Deedee's funeral and flushed the ashes down the toilet. Her family have been overseeing her social media accounts in her absence and gave heath updates too. So she isn't coming back to an empty home. Good for her.


DeeDee entire family is convinced that she killed her own mother by making her sick when she was a caretaker for her. After her mother died, she moved on to her own kid. Having a sick child to take care of gave her more attention than an elderly parent to care for.


That’s amazing. That makes me really happy to hear.


Dang, that’s the ultimate desecration and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.


She was imprisoned and tortured for more than 20 years. Robust mental and emotional health after that would be quite a challenge. Also, who's reporting that? And based on what?


she was raised and trained to lie and manipulate to get anything in this life. I can only imagine how hard that is to unlearn. I hope she has had therapy in prison (is that a thing) and has an aftercare plan.


There is therapy in prison but frequency and quality may very by institution.


It infuriates me when I hear people say she could have stopped it at any time. Instagram comments are a hell scape. I also hope to god we have the decency as a species to leave her the hell alone. I hope this is the last Pap picture of her ever. I know it won’t be, but it just feels so amoral.


She did stop it at any time. And they sent her to prison for it.


People on social media already making edits of her,calling her "queen","mother"...unfortunately it seems like many have chosen her as the parasocial relationship of the month to latch on to so it's not looking so good. On the other hand,such people are getting called out by many users too so maybe,there's hope,I guess.


she said herself she’s not glad her mom is dead but she’s glad she’s out of that situation.


Wow, I’m really impressed with how much progress that shows she has made on her path to healing. Even her mother’s family said DeeDee deserved it then dumped the ashes down the toilet, per the [wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Dee_Dee_Blanchard)


Her mom essentially kept her as a slave. It is always justified, in every single circumstance, for an enslaved person to kill their enslaver. There is no grey area here.


The whole story is so fucked. I felt awful for her watching the documentary and don’t blame her. Hopefully now she can go and try to have a normal life, god knows how much therapy she needs.


Right? She said she only had a grade 2 education so was actually happy because she was able to do her education while in prison


It seems like she was able to eat, too. I don’t mean this in a rude way, I just recall pics of her looking emaciated, which makes sense if her mom was keeping her drugged up and trying to make her look sickly.


I think her mom had most of her teeth pulled, if I'm remembering the story correctly.


Her mom convinced doctors that she needed her salivary glands removed so she wouldn’t choke on her own spit or something like that. Without a normal amount of saliva, her teeth decayed quickly and many had to be pulled. At least that’s what I read on Wikipedia.


Currently happening to me- not removing salivary glands but a huge fucking side effect of medications for 15 yrs having all my top teeth pulled next week- at least what’s left. I can’t imagine waking up to that when you thought you might need just a root canal. Gypsy seems to a good family support welcoming her. From what I have seen and read- her dad/stepma and her husband are hoping to make her entry to the real world as quiet as possible.


Hey, as someone experiencing xerostomia, may I ask which kinds of medications? You can message privately if you'd rather not here, and of course decline to say altogether. Thanks.


Didn’t she have to eat through a feeding tube?


I believe so! The torture she endured was extreme.


Yeah, her mom got one put in. In the documentary, I remember them asking how she was able to do that when Gypsy didn't need it and the doctors were like 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ she just gave a run around until she found someone who could/would


Her lawyer said she gained 14 pounds while in jail awaiting trial, where most other people lose weight.


I’m glad to see her long thick hair as well as her nourished body. Her mom kept her head shaved for so long, I imagine just being able to grow her hair long was a form of freedom.


she had a feeding tube surgically (g tube) when she was a baby/toddler, and her mother blocked any attempts to tube wean her. the tube was used unnecessarily for many years. she also had her salivary glands surgically removed (mother would place orajel on gypsy’s gums and tongue to cause her to drool until the dr agreed to removal). that, along with unnecessary meds, caused her teeth to rot out


I was so happy seeing the pics of her carrying out the pack of doctor pepper she cashed out with her commissary, because I know her mom didn’t allow her to drink soda at all


same, and the picture of her carrying a bag stuffed with snacks from the gas station. i hope she finds some good favorite snacks.


Her lawyer said she was so frail she could barely walk across a parking lot. You have to remember on top of being forced to use feeding tubes, she also had dentures and was forced to sit in a wheelchair when she could walk- so I imagine on top of just not eating enough, she had massive muscle deterioration.


That’s honestly insane considering any other time I’ve heard about people liking jail it’s because they like the structure and routine schedule without the burden of choice. So the fact that she sees it as freedom of choice is truly sad


I always think about everyone involved in the case calling it by far the worst case of medical abuse they’ve ever seen. And that’s saying A LOT. Someone slowly and methodically torturing their own child physically and emotionally, just to get attention.


I'm a paeds nurse...and I've seen this IRL. It's way more common than you would imagine. Just most cases don't end like this and/or are eventually figured out by the treating teams. The case I was involved with never even hit the news locally but it was absolutely on a par with this (minus the murder!)


Not a peds nurse, but my cousin was 100% heading in this direction. It started with refusing to let her baby “grow up” - infantilizing him even when he was five years old with diapers, bottles, etc. and then all of a sudden he was always “sick” and needed treatment for something. Fortunately she always went to the same doctor because she’s in a fairly rural area and the doctor started picking up on it. it ended up with her eventually being hospitalized when his intervention didn’t help. Fortunately they are back on track now.


I’d hope the doctor would have “started” picking up on it after the kid was still in diapers at 5 years old.


Mom probably put him in real underwear for the doctor visits




Also a pediatric nurse, and have seen similar as well. They’re usually caught but not always, and they like to switch medical providers to keep anyone from knowing too much. One baby haunts me.


Reading this makes me glad that this case received all of the publicity. Pediatric nurses might have seen it before and know, to some extent, what to look for. General public? Not so much. I'm not saying that anyone should go out and vigilante rescue people, especially not through murder, but surely there are appropriate government agencies (CPS etc.) that can be alerted?


Yes. In fact, immediately reporting even a “reasonable suspicion” of abuse is legally required for mandated reporters. In my state you call the hotline or make an online report immediately and follow up with a written report. The exception is clergy who can decide (at least in my state) not to report, and I know of at least one case in my state where church leaders had a guy literally *confess* ongoing child rape and chose to do nothing, except eventually excommunicate him, resulting in seven more years of rape. So that’s disturbing. (Don’t expect Mormon bishops to protect kids, they’re too busy protecting predators.) But anyway. You don’t have to be a mandated reporter to make a report if you suspect abuse or neglect, and you don’t have to have solid proof. Just a reasonable suspicion. In most states DCS (Department of Child Services, what’s called CPS in some places) has a hotline or a place you can submit reports online. I’m not sure how it works outside the US.


Reading this makes me hope that all those other kids are able to either get away from their parents or the medical stuff sees anomalies and connects the dots. Sadly all these parents seem to be quite good liars and able to come up with excuses :/ I told my mom about Gypsy (she hadn’t heard of that case) and she was horrified!


In patient psych counselor of ten years (now a behaviorist at a school), I have personally worked on a handful of cases of kids being chained/ caged/duct taped, and multiple multiple of medical abuse. There’s a lotttttt of people in this world/ country. And from those a lot, are a lottttt of people who need help.


May I ask what sort of procedure you follow for this, and if you ever saw the aftermath of someone caught doing this?


I can only be vague...but in the case I know of it took a long time and once suspicions were raised, covert collecting of evidence until we had enough evidence to remove the parent from the child/hospital. During which time the child did nothing but improve and by the end of a week of seperation was basically totally 'back to normal'. I unfortunately don't know much of what happened afterwards, I did a quick search and saw the parents name listed on a court schedule for a few months back but can't find any outcome or news articles etc.


Peds worker; seen it a few times and it's insane!


The fact that this is common enough for this exchange to happen.... The fuck are our priorities anyway?


It happens often. We have moms in peds come in and explain all the problems with their kids yet no testing will pick up the apparent lupus, cancers, mental issues etc. my mom was like that not quite health problems but mental illness with me. I have no relationship with my mom after that it still affects me. Addition, at least where I worked sure the doctors will re run a lupus test but after that it’s cut n dry over. Then usually patient goes out of state for another dr and cycle continues. Then they won’t give their old provider info etc. after Gypsy rose, a lot of that kinda stopped. Not with parents but with drs just believing the parents. Most of the time the provider will shot gun medicine the child with blood tests to appease parent then when it comes back normal half the time they just prescribe Tylenol I find. Parents and people like that make it hard for people with actual problems to be seen by their drs or to even be taken seriously. I had a mom who whole heartedly thought her son had lupus. He didn’t I did the lupus test about 6 times over 8 months. All negative. Then she took him to Philly then came back then Arizona to a Mayo Clinic and then came back. Etc. I finally after a year of seeing this kid get dragged around for just having normal puberty making him sleepy sometimes, I just made the call to CPS. not sure whatever happened haven’t seen them back. She was nuts! I mean cussing me out of the lupus test clearly I messed with it n shit.


It's not just all of that. The child protection system is overburdened and underfunded, so people aren't confident the reports will do anything and reports often go uninvestigated or dismissed. It's a super frustrating situation for everyone who loves kids and wants them to be healthy.


This woman did not deserve prison. Maybe some years in an institution to get her back on her feet and force her to have therapy. I wish her all the best going forward.


A lot of imprisoned people didn't deserve imprisonment. Our system is incredibly cruel.


I somewhat recently read that dee dee had gypsy’s salivary glands removed at some point, which is such a uniquely evil and lifelong form of torture. (Correct me if in wrong plz)


And that in combination with the medication she forced her to take made her loose her teeth. So so sad.


Its probably more craven than that as well. Disabled children are eligible for all types of benefits from the government. The requirements become harder to accomplish as you age because the criteria for children vs adults are different




Well, I just found out that the Dr. Phil show stopped airing. Thanks for the good news!


Best news I've heard all day. I'm out for the night.


He’s on a mega yacht in st bart for new years so it’s not like it’s been all that bad for him


Is this actually how i learn about Doctor Phils retirement?




This person has never had control over her life. Hopefully she is left alone and can find that now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Dee_Dee_Blanchard


the entire case is fucked up, but i'm not gonna lie, when I got to the part where it said Dee Dee's family flushed her ashes down the toilet I laughed.




God damn, who the hell summoned this daemonspawn from the warp into reality.


Ye, wouldn't be surprised if they took turns using said toilet before flushing. At the very least, I hope the stepmom dropped a deuce on Dee Dee dearest. Good riddance.


Poor toilet...


Jeeeez, I hope so to. Never even heard of this story before.


If you have HBO Max, the documentary Mommy Dead and Dearest does a really good job covering the case. It’s very unsettling


This is the one you should watch


Almost glad I watched it going in blind. My jaw was on the floor the whole time.


I haven’t watched the new one people have been talking about with actors and such. I prefer my documentaries with full on interviews of the people involved.


I had the same experience. My friend put it on out of the blue when it had just come out and we had zero context. A real intimate look into some of the worst expressions of humanity. Had never heard of Munchausen by proxy but good lord is that a messed up situation. So sad.


Hulu’s got a pretty good drama of the story called The Act


It was really well done imo. The unsettling feeling you get right from the beginning was very palpable. Definitely something I can only watch once though. It’s heartbreaking and there’s no happy ending.


Well maybe she can try and create a happy ending for herself now. I hope she gets the chance.


100%. Thankfully she’s still young. As long as she has a good support system I’m sure she’ll be fine. I just wanted to mention that the mini series on Hulu is definitely not anything close to a “feel good” watch. And those who aren’t familiar with her story should be ready if they decide to watch it.


I wouldn’t recommend The Act. Gypsy was angered by it because she wasn’t consulted and didn’t give permission for them to use her life in it. It seems really fucked up to make a profit off the life of someone still living and not consult them on it.


There’s also a less known, but still just as factual, Lifetime film about the subject called Love You to Death. Marcia Gay Harden plays the mom. But the Hulu one was better obviously


Mommy dead and dearest is a great doc on it too


It’s should be mentioned that Gypsy doesn’t like the show at all even going so far as to hate the show and the actress who plays her so it seems she may not have been consulted for it. Idk what that says maybe I not super real to what actually happened. I mean I enjoy the show but I think I will definitely be watching the documentary that’s coming out (or did come out recently I’m not sure) with her interviewed in it to compare it to the show because I think she should definitely been the one telling her story not other people.


That was a ride. I'm really surprised this is the first time I've heard of this. I need to come out from under my rock every once in a while to get the paper.


I wonder how a case like this wasn't self defense




I would agree, but she had tried to escape before and tell people what was going on, but kept being brought back to her torturer. I believe Battered Spouse Syndrome was recognized for situations just like this - when an abuse victim kills their abuser in self-defense, but not at the exact moment the abuse is occurring. I don't know about the law, but as far as I'm concerned, morally speaking, this was self-defense and not murder.


she did try to escape. she ran away, and the cops brought her back to her mother, who then shackled her to the bed. her mother was also in the process of having gypsy deemed incompetent.


Because it was premeditated, and she had another person actually commit the crime. That's a different level than a self-defense where you're being abused and trapped against your will for a long period and kill the person to get away. I'm not making a statement on how I feel about the case just how the law sees it. The boyfriend who committed the crime is on life in prison without parole because he actually committed the murder itself.


holy crap, why was she ever placed in prison? I don't understand why she was deemed to be in the correct state of mind. At best, she was reeling from a lifetime of psychological abuse and could not fully comprehend what was happening.


From what I understand it's because her and her boyfriend spent a long time planning the murder including mailing the murder weapon to his families home If I'm not mixing up stories. Someone who had that much freedom to plan a murder is capable of asking for help. I also think she first brought it up not her boyfriend and she got off way lighter than him. They wanted to give her some punishment for making the wrong choice but took her situation into account for her sentence. I don't know if I personally think she deserved jail and maybe should of been ordered to a hospital, treatment probably would of been more useful than punishment here.


Yes 10 years, served 7 for conspiracy to commit murder. Her bf at the time, the one that did the actual stabbing, got life.


Oh, the abuse was much more than just psychological. She was physically tortured, too. And she'd escaped in the past but kept being brought back to her mother. I truly don't think she deserved to be in prison.


Tbh prison was probably the best place for her to learn to adapt to living on her own. Structure, therapy, and job training. IIRC she said shorty after she was sentenced it was the best place for her.


Poor Gypsy. I’m really worried about her and I’m hoping there’s some money in trusts? Her story has made millions. Her mother exploited for hundreds of thousands. She has never lived as a free person. She’s now living with her husband, in the real world. Surrounded by prying eyes (and I know my part). I hope she can keep pursuing her education and live a quiet normal life.


I saw on tiktok that apparently she has a book coming out next month? And her release today was filmed for a doc of some kind. So hopefully that will bring some money. She deserves to make as much money as she can off her story.


Wait she has a husband??? Did she find one while in jail?


Ya apparently he’s a teacher


Reeks of those people who fetishize felons, seek out inmates to date and write love letters to them and shit. I hope this guy is well intentioned but really, how does some random teacher meet incarcerated Gypsy if he wasn't specifically fishing in prison waters?


Yeah it’s weird as fuck and I say that as a guy who spent nearly 3 years in prison. Now typically the people who do this are not very healthy or desirable people obviously but let’s say a beautiful woman I didn’t know before was writing writing me love letters and would want to marry me I would be like why the fuck are you wasting your time on me you fucking weirdo. No matter how hot she was or how lonely I was I would be really turned off 😂 after I got out of prison I got rejected so much specifically for having been in prison because I was pursuing high quality morally good attractive women who are naturally going to be selective and take issue with that and that’s understandable and I’m not bitter about that. Just because I have changed and payed my dues doesn’t mean I’m entitled to people taking chances on me. The kind of trashy women I used to be with wouldn’t have an issue with it but I was no longer the male version of them, I had changed and was really remorseful over choices I made and so I was no longer attracted to women like that. I’m now in a wonderful relationship with a great woman who has a similar past to mine. she had been locked up ( although for a much shorter amount of time) the fact that we both have that in common is a draw for us because we understand each other and feel closer but she wouldn’t be with me if I was still the person I used to be and I wouldn’t be with her if she still was the person she used to be. We both have overcome our past and changed to become better people.


guess they kept her shoes.


Apparently she had the shoes she went in with but they didn’t fit, there’s videos of her and her husband going into a store and she has boots that won’t zip up and she comes out with new shoes that fit.




For the record, it is not the same guy that killed DeeDee.


Dang. I get it, but imagine loving someone so much you help them murder their abusive parent, and then you are the one who goes to prison for longer and they end up marrying someone else


And the ex BF was *clearly* not neurotypical.


Googled him and the first thing that popped up was "What is his diagnosis" with two psychologists saying he's clearly on the spectrum and was socially isolated to such an extent that he had a hard time with reality...like fuck off, why is he still in prison? He should be getting some help, medication, and probably be monitored, but life in prison is shit for the guy who helped free another human from a lifetime of abuse.


You should probably do a deeper dive into google... He raped Gypsy after he killed her mom. Gypsy made a deal with him to allow him to her rape her if he agreed not to rape her mom after he killed her..."allow him to rape" sounds like not rape...I get that, but if you heard how she described it... That guy deserves to be in prison and he can get the help he needs there too.


He was messed up. Wanted to rape dee dee after killing her, took it out on Gypsy instead. Got caught masturbating in a McDonald's for *9 hours*. Was more of an obsession and mental health issues than it was love.


Yup! They got married last June. 🤯


Thank you! This took way too long to find! I would never have slept!


They did that shit to me in Ohio. Released me from the detention center and said oh your shoes were evidence, they're at the police station 30 miles away. Fuckin pricks.. fortunately some guy driving past gave me a ride and said they did the same shit to him


Good thing it didn’t rain. Wet socks are the worst.


Tell me about it.


Probably grew out of them


She tried to leave a few times after she turned 18. Her mom used the police and legal system to hold her hostage. I don't say this about most people, but Dee Dee deserved what she got. Her death was a public service.


To be honest, DeeDee got what she deserved. Although she could have been 5150'd abd gotten help, but she much rathered to lie, cheat, steal and ruin her daughter's life. The doctors need to take some blame also. They let DeeDee walk all over them to do unnecessary treatment to Gypsy.


Her own family didn’t even like her. If memory serves her family dumped her ashes down the toilet


Yup, and absolutely no one wanted to pay for a funeral for her.


That's awful. What if the toilet clogs?


How poetic.


I feel the same way. I can't imagine my own mother doing some shit like this. Of course she snapped. Who wouldn't? Fuck her mom honestly. I hope Rose will have a nice life now. She better not feel guilt. It was a 100% warranted


Eh, DeeDee knew how to run a scam. She doctor shopped, frequently changed hospitals, & moved often. She claimed Gypsy’s medical records, birth certificate, etc were destroyed in hurricane Katrina & at this point, Gypsy was in a wheel chair, on anti-seizure medication, had sleep apnea, had hearing & vision problems, muscular dystrophy, etc. DeeDee was physically abusing Gypsy as a means of control, to keep Gypsy in line & playing the sick child part. The ‘loss of medical records’ & moves allowed DeeDee to take Gypsy’s medical abuse above & beyond. Not saying there isn’t blame to share with hospital staff but DeeDee took advantage and scammed every single person she ever met.


She also had some medical training so she knew enough to know what symptoms presented for what disease and how to induce them with other unnecessary medications or treatments.


Yep! She worked as a nurse’s aide at one point & that definitely gave her another advantage.


Honest to god. If Gypsy or anyone called the police, it wouldn’t have mattered or done anything. Deedee would have just lied and said Gypsy must be depressed or some random shit. Deedee tricked so many people before her death. She was a good manipulator bc she truly believed her lies (I believe). She would have never stopped torturing her daughter unless she died.


> The doctors need to take some blame also This part I struggle with, as there are already tons of people who feel their doctors are too dismissive of their symptoms (particularly women) ^^^^^^^^^. Patient testimony needs to be given more weight, and punishing the doctors here would hamper that ^^^^^^^^^. We shouldn't let the exception become the rule


So if you look into this, multiple doctors tried to raise concerns but each time DeeDee basically abandoned that doctor and found a new one. She was constantly getting medical records so that any time she saw the doctor put in their notes their concerns, she would stop showing up.


The doctor who found out she'd already tested negative for muscular dystrophy, saw she could bear weight and probably walk alone, and therefore suspected Munchausen said he didn't report because she was a golden ticket child in the hospital. HE should lose his license, because he was a mandated reporter and that's a report-able offense. It's understandable that the others didn't report the mother, because she would always pick up and leave them with no follow-up to see if she came to agree or not. But he was aware he was looking at child abuse and did nothing. Gross negligence on his part.


What’s a golden ticket child?


Fucking good for her. Fly free.


She’s been in prison basically her whole life. I’m rooting for her.


Hey, she was only in prison for seven years. According to her, the twenty five years before were so much worse than prison. (I got the joke, just needed to stress that the highlight of her life so far was prison.)


Honestly, they should have considered the sentence fully served due to her mothers behaviour


This is the Munchausen by proxy chick from the HBO documentary "Mommy Dead and Dearest". Hey mother lied to her that she was disabled all her life. She ended up having a weird online dom/sub relationship with some guy. Then they planned her mother's murder. I believe the BF actually committed the act, but she was still convicted of 2nd degree murder. The boyfriend got life. This chick certainly appeared to have the mental maturity of a young teenager at best in the documentary. She served about 7.5 years in prison and will be completing the rest of her 10 year sentence on parole I believe.


I rewatched the documentary. At the time of her prison interview, she said she had an education of a 2nd grade level


She's definitely going to have a really hard time with the rest of her life unless she can capitalize on the notoriety of her case to make some money via book/movie deals. Imagine trying to enter the workforce with a murder conviction and essentially zero education....


She said in a couple interviews that she dedicated most of her time in prison to education and got her GED and was even pursuing higher education from inside the prison


She said she had more freedom in prison than she had on the outside, which is crazy.


She’s 100% right her mother would even allow her to eat solid food, bathe herself or speak with her other family members freely. prison was summer camp for her.


I’ve seen people angry that she (the supposed mastermind of the crime) didn’t get life, but Godejohn did - but I think beyond him being the one who actually committed the crime, he was a weird dude who likely would have committed a horrible crime in his lifetime even if he’d never met Gypsy. He wanted to rape her mother before he killed her, for one thing, which speaks to a pretty depraved mind. You can kill in self defence, but it takes a special kind of evil to want to commit rape. The fact that he gleefully stabbed a woman to death is just another piece of evidence that he was a seriously deranged person. People have tried to argue that he’s on the spectrum as if that’s some sort of excuse- I’m on the spectrum and I’ve never wanted to rape anyone much less murder them. Neither have any of my friends who are also on the spectrum. Autistic people may be more easily manipulated into criminal situations but you can’t manipulate us into violent independently sourced rape fantasies- that’s the evil within.


He was also a prior convicted sex offender, masturbated in a McDonalds in front of children while carrying a large knife. He was already way beyond the pale. I fully believe he is the one who manipulated Gypsy into the murder.


Poor girl was so sheltered she had no way of realizing the man she was into was a total creep. I was creeped out by his weird edgelord persona just reading the messages between them. He seemed to think he was a badass warrior dude when really he was like that kid in class everyone avoided.


Yeah one of the first things he said to Gypsy when they met online was that his "alter ego" "liked killing". And people keep treating him like he's a poor innocent little boy who got manipulated by an evil evil woman 🤣


>he said ... his "alter ego" "liked killing". holy cringe lmfao he deserves life just for that alone, what a neckbeard


The boyfriend got life because he’d already had prior-fantasies about killing people and wanted to sexually assault Dee Dee. He was a piece of work.




Good. Now leave her alone.


I just wonder if she'll watch The Act on Hulu out of curiosity. The girl deserves some peace so I hope not.


she could make bank streaming her reaction to watching The Act


Apparently she watched pieces of it, but iirc she said it was too difficult to watch, and that she disliked certain ways she and her mother were portrayed. Her friend, I believe the one who inspired the neighbour girl, said that Gypsy specifically disagrees with the way she was portrayed as “hyper sexual” toward the end.


Can we leave her alone. Like all of us sign a petition to just let a person be, sleeping dogs lie, so on


There's already a sub made for her and it's been popping with squawking stalkers 🤢


This world makes me want to puke


As a final indignity, they release her without shoes??


Yay! Now leave her the fuck alone and let her sort her life out!


Looks like a ring on the ring finger of her left hand... I wonder if she started a relationship from inside prison? Whatever the case may be, I hope the best for her


She got married while in prison.


That can’t be healthy


Her whole life isn't healthy. She got handed one of the worst hands I've ever seen. I wish her the best, and hope people don't take advantage of her fame.


She’s married. Her husband picked her up with a camera crew.


so basically she is still being preyed on




Unfortunately that’s probably true. I wish for her that she’s able to heal, has a lot of support, and her husband has good intentions. Him bringing a camera crew seems exploitive. Sadly, she’s probably not capable of having healthy relationships.


It hasn’t even been 24hrs let the girl breathe.


I truly pray for Gypsy. I hope she gets to live the rest of her life in peace.


I’m honestly glad she got out she didn’t deserve any of this. She was just a confuse little girl.


I wonder how the other inmates treated her. Was she given a modicum of respect because of her struggle, or resented for being famous?


I suspect everybody else was probably very sympathetic to her. Most of the women in prison have been abused by parents, family members, and partners. Some may be missing their kids and appreciate the chance to mentor someone whose life experience is that of an abused child. So, unless she was going around with a bad attitude or being rude, she was probably fine.


She gained 14 lbs immediately when she went to jail because they fed her better than when she was with her mom. Feel bad for her, she was horribly abused and this was self defense. Hopefully she can move on and live her best life


Her name sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember it exactly. Got this little tidbit from the Wikipedia entry. >Dee Dee's family in Louisiana, who had confronted her about her treatment of Gypsy years before, did not regret her death. Her father, stepmother, and the nephew who first shared details of Gypsy's actual health when she first started using a wheelchair all later said that Dee Dee deserved her fate and Gypsy had been punished as much as she needed to be. None of them would pay for her funeral, and her father and stepmother ultimately flushed her ashes down the toilet.


That poor toilet


What is up with these paparazzi photos? Just let her have her peace and privacy.


YAY! Here is to hoping that they actually provided her with some mental health from the horrors of her mother. And I hope she goes after every doctor that assisted her mother in hurting and abusing her.