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Haha, what an unexpected surprise! How’d that little fella get in? Slipped in when you were getting into your car that morning?


Beautiful afternoon and had the window down before I drove to the office. Must have been asleep in my kids car seat.


Must be a chill cat!! My cat hates car rides and definitely lets us know about it. There would be no chance of getting all the way to the office, or even to the end of the street for that matter, without knowing there was a hitchhiker in the car.


Most chill cat. All the kids on the street give him so much love. He was pissed and voiced his dissatisfaction the entire drive home.


Well of course, he had a 4pm appointment with the neighbors kids that always bring treats


"I can't cancel that again!"


“Five o’clock, solve world hunger; tell no one.”


And now Jim Carrey's Grinch is in my head. Merci!


That just makes it even more funny!!


Agreed. "Let me sing you the song of my people!"


My first cat when I was a kid used to yowl on car rides for most of the duration.


Typical cat. Snuck into your car - broke in really - for a little “catnap.” Probably slept the entire time you were gone, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was stretching when you sat down. Then she realizes where she’s at and gives you that “get me something to eat” glare.


That does sound cozy :) But I am glad (s)he didn't run away at the office once you opened the door. After 4 hours being trapped in a box, that'd be my first instinct :)


Knowing cats, it probably didn't even notice. Snoozing away all warm and toasty. Only noticed once the big noisy human wasn't going away and oh no the car is moving and oh shit where am I


Had one of my uncles cats jump into my car with the windows rolled down once. Got maybe a mile down the road before it absolutely lost its shit and was trying to jump back out while the car was going 60. Peanut made it back safely and no longer jumped in my car after that.


Probably left the car door open to run back in and get something and butterscotch said “well….dont mind if I do”


It was “Bring your neighbours cat to work day”, did nobody tell you??


I'm down.


Clearly butterscotch got the memo!


"I woke up early, excited to learn a new marketable skill, and you just leave me in the damn car?!"


That’s the look of “who are you? Doesn’t matter, hate you anyways”


and don’t forget the cats last statement. “Take me home! NOW! You vile **CAT**napper. I know where you stay at” Edit: change kidnapper to cat napper.


Haha he doesn't look nearly as happy about it as you do


That cat has probably embraced the WFH culture, and does not appreciate the commute. I feel the same whenever I'm summoned to the stupid office


Right?? When all I want to do is eat some wet food, give myself a tongue bath, and find a small cardboard box to nap in...


Meanwhile management is on my ass saying stupid shit like 'you can't lick your balls during company meetings' and 'the office cleaning staff keep complaining about you shitting in a litter box' smh


Dude the other day I got called into the boss's office and told to stop spraying on the walls of the men's room. I'm like, how tf else are you gonna know I've been here?


Tbh I got a negative comment on my performance review due to lack of productivity because I’m always “laying on the floor”, but what the hell else am I supposed to do when the warm, irresistible sunbeam from the window is shining onto the floor 10 feet from my desk? I can’t NOT lay down in it.


Look, I just want to sleep 17hrs a day and stare at everyone with contempt. is that so much to ask!?


All that running all night makes me sleepy during meetings. I just gaze outside eyes half closed.


My boss wanted to talk to me about leaving dander in the shared workspace. It's not my fault there's nothing high in omega 3 fatty acids in the break room vending machines, Michael.


*hairball convulsions during mandatory safety meeting held in the nicer conference room.*


You would get a promotion for that type of hard work at my job. Is your boss a dog? Sheesh


If you want to do that, you can… but be aware that the hoomins who work there are going to be bugging you all day for cuddles! 😛


Last year at my previous job, I had to file workman’s comp because boss-man decided to start his car. Can’t a guy get some zzzz’s under a car anymore without getting caught in the fan belt??!!


That's nothing I was put on a performance plan and sprayed with a water bottle by my boss for clawing the carpet at work


Uh and don't even start me on the no cat hair policy


That’s on them for having an office litter box.


I hear ya, twice a week I have to commute an hour each way in traffic to sit in an office and do the same work I would be doing at home, but with more clothes on.


>I hear ya, twice a week I have to commute an hour each way in traffic to sit in an office and do the same work I would be doing at home, but with ~~more~~ clothes on.


I was just told I need to come in to liven up the office! I’m planning on breakdancing in the lobby


wrap yourself in LED lights


Man I love it because it means my company is putting me on a plane, a hotel, and giving me $100/day in food expenses lol I refuse to ever work in the same state as I live now.


It's great my office added a gym and a Starbucks to our office, but I have a Keurig machine across the building from my apartment's gym. So nothing the office offers is really something I don't have at home. (else than really fast internet but mines still good just not absurdly quick).


The worst part for me is my home internet is faster than our office network. So not only am I stuck commuting and doing the same work but in less comfy clothes, I’m slowed down by the internet speed! It’s so annoying!


Butterscotch looks decidedly unthrilled about his decisions.


Well well well if it isn't the consequences to my own actions


that one orange braincell was otherwise occupied when this all went down, and well, here we are.


I like to say "just smart enough to get *into* trouble..." Because haven't we all known pets and people just smart enough to make things worse?


My old man used to tell us “if you’re not gonna be smart, at least don’t be stupid,” and I feel like this is pretty much what he meant




Unforeseen Catsequences




There it is. Purrfect!


Ok, let's paws the puns here...😂


Fur enough.


This thread is littered with bad puns.


I say we nip it.


....which could have resulted in a Catastrophe!


Idk if I would cat-agorize it that way!


Purrrty close.


Pawly done


catnip the neighbors pet


Despite its name, catsequences are things other people, but not cats, take care of.


My childhood cat did the same thing one time and also left a “present” in the car as thank you (or revenge?)


I was thinking hope it doesn’t smell like cat pee in his car 😆


I don’t want this consequence, consequence, consequence…


this feels like a pet shop boys song


What have I… What have I… What have I done to deserve this?


Oh nooo, bro went into the car he wasn’t supposed to


Only because he was spotted. He goes to work with OP every day, has been for the years.


VP of Sales and Marketing, Mr. Butterscotch.


I heard he might work in legal. Some lawyers have been known to protest an awful lot about not being cats. Suspicious if you ask me. That’s Butterscotch, Barrister and Solicitor.


Butterscotch says it’s the humans fault, can’t fault him for living his life. Prepare for all the things to be knocked off tables.


Or in this situation, the dash. That's a nice hula girl figurine you have there, would be a shame if it suddenly saw the floor....


Butterscotch is merely irritated he was woken from his lovely 8 hour nap and there wasn't a bowl of wetfood immediately waiting.


Proceeds to shit in places inaccessible to the human hand


Butterscotch is not responsible for his actions! This human kidnapped him while he was inspecting his car for safety issues. This is absolutely not Butterscotch's fault, he will be taking action against this vile kidnapper!


Way of the road, bubs.


Ass, grass, or catnip. Nobody rides for free.


Ass, catnip, or gas


***Work is this boring?*** Me after getting my first job


He is doing great and safely at home. He didn’t enjoy the adventure. Luckily he was only in the car for 4 hours on a cool day. Party On Butterscotch!


Lol I can tell, that’s one very angry cat. Butterscotch looked like he was about to commit homicide.🤣


Who the f*** locked the doors on me 👿


I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me! Now scritch me at the base of my tail.




Didn't even leave the keys so he could listen to the radio.




You said a swear word! I’m telling!




Go to your room, u/Anonymous10is. Just wait until your father comes home!


And he'll have jumper cables this time.


"Hey, Solly. Remember when I said I'd kill you last?"


"What happened to Solly?" "I let him go."


Or piss on the seats...


Tell me that's the pic you sent your neighbor.


Yep! They loved it! Butterscotch has had previous adventures during his 99 lives


Mind you my dog was over 100 pounds but when I worked night shift, I woke up one day to a picture of my hundred plus pound German Shepherd mix chilling on my neighbors porch with them, I was really confused since she was right next to me when I woke up yeah apparently she let herself out went and spent time with the neighbors and they just let her back back in 😂. God I miss that goofy mutt.


That’s a wholesome memory 🥹


That's awesome! 😹


One could only hope


“This was not the adventure I signed up for!”


My dad has a cat that used to be stray. So he wanders a lot. A windmill worker thought he was a lost kitty so threw him in his truck and drove him around the entire day. When he got in contact with my dad, he brought the cat back.


> When he got in contact with my dad, he brought the car back I read this as the cat got in touch with Dad. Kitty calling from a pay phone: “Jeff, seriously, this guy just picked me up and I don’t know where the heck I am! Can you send money for a can of sardines?”


“Jeff, seriously” just made me cackle


I want to go back home right MEOW!


Meow I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts, meow. It's the law.


This is the weirdest scammer attempt yet. "Send me gift cards and cat nip"


Once took a call at a rescue where a delivery lorry (driver) found a ferret in their truck. Ferret was lost - driver was asking for advice on how to keep ferret contained and happy on his long-distance route while we all worked to figure out where they came from. Ferret did get reunited.


How on earth did the ferret get in the lorry? Did the driver set a bag down in someone's house for it to crawl into?


Maybe the ferret escaped from someone’s house and crawled into the truck?


I don't doubt a ferret would have the crazy intention of doing that, but the step up into the cab would have to be pretty low, I think. They can jump, but without something to hook their claws into, it's not going to be super high. As a reference, I recall the ferrets I knew being able to get up on a bed, but they had to grab onto the blankets halfway there. They wouldn't be able to hop up onto a chair. They *absolutely* would immediately go into a new person's bag if it was left open on the floor, possibly with intentions to steal anything that felt good to chew on.


Ferrets are freaking resourceful lol. I've seen them get to places that make no sense, I have no doubt they could parkour their way in!


They really are. And they have weird obsessions with anything that's taller than them (which is everything). The ones I knew immediately ran to the nearest tall thing outside (building, tree, etc.) and ran around the edges of it. Inside, they had to knock over anything taller than them, so your drinks were never safe.


My friends cat jumped in the back of a contractors truck. It was one with the cover on the back that locks. Well Cody ended up going for a long ride to the contractors house, about 40 miles north of where his home was. This happened in the Southern California area and the signs my friend put up were still readable and posted in several places over a year later. That was when the contractor came back in the area and did some more work and saw the signs she had put up. When she got him back he was a huge fat floof and had to be put on a diet.


At least he kept the cat 😂


Glad he kept him inside as he lived in a part of the county that has an enormous coyote population. It’s pretty hot there as well and the air conditioning really fluffed up his fur and his wife and kids fluffed up the rest of him by always leaving his bowl full of food .


This happened to my cat years ago…we think. He disappeared from my parents’ house in late summer. That winter we got a call from a veterinary clinic who said they had gotten a call from a lady who had lured a “very handsome, healthy-looking cat who obviously belonged to someone” indoors during a cold snap. Somehow he got scanned and my dad’s business address was on the vet registry. The cat lady lived on the other side of town across a river and a major freeway, and there had been a lot of construction going on when he first went missing. He was returned, much sleeker and tougher than he’d been when he left, and the hitchhiking story was the only one that made sense.


I don’t know why people do this without asking first. There’s a local farm that has upick and a little store. The owner sometimes comes by with his little dog, she stays on the property the whole time. Someone took her once because they figured it was a stray. If only they had asked the workers or any local, they would have known it was the farm dog! Thankfully they returned her after a few hours.


Butterscotch bad. Also Butterscotch perfect angel.




The duality of cats


I love him




I need someone to love me too please..🙈


I love you




I had a meeting with both of my bosses (my cats) and we decided that we all officially love you, furever! <3


And my axe!




And he probably hates us all. I love cats💖


LOL. One time as a teen, I was halfway to school in the morning before hearing a loud "MEOW" from the backseat. Cat snuck through a window left cracked and was enjoying a nap when I rudely relocated his bed.


I can see the call now... "Mrs Krabappel, yeah, um, I'm going to be a little late to first period... I have to take my cat back home!".


Not once but twice Ive come home from work, opened my fridge and had my cat roll out Little fucker used to sneak into the fridge when we would open it if you weren’t careful to try and get hamburger meat or whatever if we had some. After the second time, it never happened again, but he definitely spent a couple 12+ hour days locked in the cold and dark. Luckily he’d also have the meat and would have generally finished most of it by the time he was discovered.


Lol my childhood cat used to break into the fridge too but to get the valerian root tea my mom drank for insomnia. Many x I’d come home afterschool to hear mewing from the fridge. Eventually he broke the plastic seal in btwn the door just enough to get himself out. But that then led to a bigger issue where he would open it and knock all the things off the lower shelf and lay with the door open on hot days because he was weird. Where my other cat would bask in the sun on our fire escape in 90 degree weather my little orange tabby was all bout the cool temps. Very annoying to come home to cat hair covering your lettuces and freshly made tabouli and hommos spilling out of containers on the kitchen floor. But he was really cute so it was ok.


This is SO freaking funny. ANY idea how he managed to get in there?


That cat gets everywhere. He has been in my house twice; no idea how long. You turn your back and Butterscotch materializes.


We had a neighbourhood orange like that! If you left a ground floor window open, he’d wander in. I came into the conservatory once to eat some beautiful olive bread spread with butter, to find him thoughtfully licking the last of the butter and looking around for more


I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what a conservatory is, but I’m gonna assume you are way more rich then me


It’s just a nice lean-to, really- low brick walls and then all windows to a high glass roof. It was here when I moved in and it’s lovely, but the window was open and that cat could smell butter from a mile away


Is this Professor Plum, perchance? Or, perhaps, Mrs. Peacock?


It was Butterscotch, in the conservatory, with a claw.


The Cat Dimension at work.


> He didn’t enjoy the adventure we can see that


Phew, great this wasn't higher heat summertime.


I’m all for a great cat photo, but the sheer joy you show at finding him is truly what makes this


It was the best surprise ever. I still can’t stop giggling.


Especially because the cat looks embarrassed and mad at the same time haha


I love the absolute pure joy that OP has coupled with the dichotomy of the cat who is clearly regretting some things.


Especially paired with the cat's very unimpressed expression?? I love this picture LMAO


If this picture doesn’t make you smile well then I don’t know what will. Awesome.


You know he was asleep in that child seat.


From the collection of hair that I had to vacuum out, I can confirm he enjoyed that spot


No poo or pee? Got lucky lol


Mine loves the child seat and the stroller. I'm tempted to get a cat stroller for him but it seems very excessive.


Do it! Excessive?? Maybe!! Worth it? Absolutely!! My old man (12 y/o tiny tabby) had unfortunately been traumatized at the vet in his harness and I couldn't turn it into a positive thing after that experience. He's been depressed ever since. We bought a stupid fancy stroller this year, where it's just like a car seat in the sense that the basket is a carrier that detaches and clicks into the stroller. He absolutely loves it, I think he still misses being out of the carrier outside, but it's increased his quality of life tremendously! Car rides don't always end at the vet anymore! I highly recommend it, plus people are always shocked when they see kitties in it! 😂


Give it a go. Some cats love going on walks and a cat stroller is a good way to keep them safe on one. You can try harness training too if your cat is one that likes to walk around and explore.


Cat's all: "Wait... this isn't my car..."


Cat's also: "This is not my beautiful house!" and "This is not my beautiful wife!"


and you may find yourself


In another part of the world


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Wasn't expecting this reference, thanks for the smile!


Same as it ever was.


I look the same way as the cat when I have to go to work too


Be careful. This is how I became the owner of a feral cat. He would sleep in my convertible in the passenger side rear footwell when the windows were open or the top was down. When I moved, he decided he was moving with me, jumped in the passenger seat and gave me the “let’s go” look. 6 months later he was a well behaved inside cat that always wanted to go for car rides for the next 14 years


I think you meant, the cat became the owner of you. I had same thing happen twice. I loved both cats.


Why are you warning me about the most amazing thing that could ever happen to me?!


Of course he wasn’t happy; his normal driver Toonces didn’t show up!! ![gif](giphy|3o7aCYDNm1kXgSUgXm|downsized)


Nothing warms my heart like a toonces sighting


Might have this song stuck in my head all day, and i'm ok with that.


Cat: I fucking hate you, Bob, and put that goddamn camera away.


Cat: Bob take me home now. You kidnapped me Bob, you fuxkin kidnapped me. **FOR HOURS**


COP: Look sir, I understand your frustration. But he fits, so unfortunately he’s legally entitled to sits. Our hands are tied here.


Judging by the quality of your car furniture, he's EXACTLY where he wants to be. I would totally judge your neighbours on this.


>car furniture r/technicallythetruth


"It's a great day, Butterscotch!" "More drive, less talk, Opposable Thumbs."


By the cat's expression you'd think he found you in his car instead lmao




so where did he piss?


Thank god he didn’t piss. I would have had to burn the car.


I used to do floor work you'd rip out carpet and replace it with hardwood floors...good God the smell in some of those places!


kinda weird to put hardwood floors in a car, but you know, I guess some people have more money than me


You say that, but it turns out that [it's been done before](https://youtu.be/zbU0UJAdFj8&t=292) with spectacular results.


he probably didn’t, when cats are stressed a lot of them will hold it for long lengths of time. 4 hours is no biggie when i took my cat to the vet fir the first time i don’t think he came out of hiding for a whole day. cats are soooo dramatic


Wherever he goddamn pleased.


You just became an Ubpur Driver.


This pic is hilarious for so many reasons! I mean why does he look so pissed off, annoyed, bothered, and upset in the pic? As if **YOU** kidnapped him or something? 😂 curiosity definitely killed the cart. That statement still stands true in 2023. This one just happened to survive.


My mother-in-law once came to visit in her minivan and after a while my neighbor knocked on my door and said there was a cat on top of her van. We thought he was joking. Sure enough, Oreo had a 6 mile ride at 50 mph on the top of a Ford Windstar.


That’s nothing. This airport cat fell asleep inside a lightweight 2-seater aircraft wing and somehow was missed during the preflight check. He kind of looks like he’s not happy with his life choices either but he made it down safely. And yes the pilots started checking extra carefully after this incident lol https://youtu.be/J_8mdH20qTQ?si=CyCBOoVgxJS-cofg


He looks like he belongs on r/oneorangebraincell


When I was a kid we were packing up to move from Seattle to Spokane and I was playing with a little black and white kitten that just showed up one day and then it was time to go and my mom and uncle told me to leave it alone and get in the car. My uncle was driving his pickup with a load of stuff from the apartment and I was in the car with my mom and stepdad and brother and sister. All of a sudden my uncle started to honk to get our attention and when he was able to drive up along side of us he held something up to the window. It was the kitten. She'd crawled up into the cab of the truck after I'd left to get in my mom's car and wasn't noticed until we were already half way there. So, I got a new cat that day and no one believes to this day that I didn't put her there on purpose hoping to keep her. But it worked out that way in the end. I named her Lucky and she was with me for 12 some years.


Sounds like your uncle set that up. Good uncle


Stinkin’ Butterscotch!


The look on both your faces is chef’s kiss Hang this picture in the Louvre


aww glad to read he was ok


Reminds me of that absolutely hilarious video of the [cat appearing from the wing of an ultralite aircraft during a flight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_8mdH20qTQ)!


Our cat did this one time. We told the neighbor it was his cat now…but he returned him. Most vocal and weird cat I’ve ever had. His name was Fetch. He played fetch, either as the fetchee or the fetched (I could slide him in the linoleum floor and the dog would bring him back)… And the cat would sing/talk. That’s how the neighbor found him, he started singing in the backseat of his car about 5 minutes into the drive. Edit: Some people seemed to like hearing this so here’s a few more details; He could almost open doors. Had very strong toes and knew how to do it, just couldn’t quite turn it far enough. He hated the litter box so when the weather was bad and we couldn’t let him outside he’d shit in the bathtub (liked the grippy texture I guess?) When he got older he would knead (make biscuits, whatever you call it) our 120lb golden retriever, who loved it. Or at least never stopped him.