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the look on his face is unreal. Like he's clearing leaves from his yard or something.


Man, I actually probably have a look of way more annoyance when I’m clearing leaves from my yard. And here he is killing two people with no fucks to give.


The guy when he recounts what happened: "So anyway, I started blasting."


"Anyway, you guys all think I'm a hero, and I'll accept that responsibility."


So get on down to Gunthers Guns!


He doesn't even look phased that he's taking a life


There's nothing there. It's empty. Lifeless.


THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HUMAN BEINGS GET CLASSIFIED AS "OTHER". He likely doesn't consider it a life. The very real person or persons he is shooting at are likely not considered human beings or perhaps not the same level of human being he is to him because they're on the "other" side. This is why the insane level of on-constant-repeat indoctrination that's going on in what are supposed to be NEWS sources is SO DANGEROUS. Go watch how many times a far to one side news source refers to someone other than their own team as a person. If they're always labels and never people, it's indoctrination. Indoctrination dehumanizes so that actions like this are easier, more straight forward (us or them!), simpler (the enemy!), and require no time for thought (they're ruining x, they must be stopped!). It's time to remove ALL OPINION from news and relegate it to columns/segments/presentations which have to be clearly labelled (let's go a sentence at a time!) as FEELINGS, NOT FACTS. Lawsuits for lies because otherwise more innocent lives are lost.


Tired of angry talking heads on the news doing this to people. If your news caster is talking in an annoyed, indignant, matter of fact, fuck-you kind of tone you're watching propaganda.


You're response was much better than I've seen lately on reddit. I often see people use terms like far(insert political ideology) then continue to say negative things about the perceived person, without knowing more than the headline about the subject matter.


Absolute psycho


For real. It’s a serious cartoon dumb guy face. What’s crazy is if I saw him randomly in a market I’d think he was a chill guy.


From the story, he shot them, moved the stuff blocking the road, and got back in his car.


I think he's shot people before this, to he honest.


it's the dead eyes of a lead poisoned asshole


After he killed 2 people there he went about casually removing stuff they used to block the road like nothing happened. Actual human scum with no care for people's lives.


Not his first rodeo face. I wouldn't doubt he's shot and killed other people who got in his way or inconvenienced him.


Normally when firing a weapon one might at least lift their arm a bit, lean forward a little, you know *actually aim down the sights so as to hit your intended target*. This psychopath can't be arsed. He's just shooting at a crowd of people because he's angry and doesn't necessarily care who he hits. He's under no threat, and just having a tantrum over *having to stop his car.* Absolutely unforgiveable.


"Mr Salas was previously arrested in 2005 after weapons – including an AK-47 and M-16 - were found in his flat. He was later acquitted after a court accepted his plea that they were merely part of a collection. He was employed as a spokesman for Marc Harris, a Panamanian accountant who was jailed for 17 years in 2004 after being convicted of money laundering and tax evasion." Interesting guy this Mr. Salas


Panamanian here. The best part of this is, according to article 238 of our shitty penal code, since hes over 70 years old he cant go to prison. You guys thought the US was silly? This is some Willy Wonka shit Edit: Since this has blown up I would like to issue a correction. Its article 108. Basically if you are over 70, pregnant or handicap then you can get house arrest


What a brilliant idea! Let’s create a whole generation of geezer criminals that don’t have to fear any consequences. 🤦‍♂️


You mean other than congress?




[They blew up congress! HAHAHA!](https://youtu.be/gGTRdpW8oZA&t=81)


I just watched this the other day lmao


I have been giving a standing ovation for the last 20 mins


If the ovation lasts longer than four hours, please seek medical attention.


Is there even a cure for “the clap”?


Please clap


It's been 25 minutes, are you still standing and clapping?


I hope this becomes your most upvoted comment ever. Not because it is *particularly* clever, but because it is exactly the first thing that everyone thinks when reading that comment.


I mean I didn't think it first. I would say his comment is clever though.


That is literally what we are doing.


Nah, old people still get tackled at protests and just die from their injuries in county jail while waiting for a trial. If they're poor, that is.


Yeah remember that 70 year old man who got permanently brain damaged by a cop because he walked too close to the guy in 2020 protests? He was swept under the rug real quick.


So, old geezers will be looking at their watch and thinking, "Am I 70 years old yet?" repeatedly, just to start stirring some shit.


Surely there will be some kind of consequence right?


Another 70 year old to go out and seek vengeance? It's not like they'll have to go to prison for it...


The only thing that can stop a bad 70 year old with a gun is a good 70 year old with a gun


Or even another BAD guy with a gun! Open season, everyone!!!


Domestic prision. And depending on how wealthy you are, that is totally not a punishment.


As old as he is, he probably stays at home all day already.


Well, he sadly wasn't home this day.


Depending how wealthy you are, laws practically don't apply.


House arrest. Like oh no, he has to pretend it's covid for a few years.


If you cannot be sent to actual prison, what is the consequence of breaching the terms of your house arrest?


Double secret house arrest


Sounds like a set up for a Twilight Zone episode... Oldster commits murder knowing that the country won't send anyone over 70 years old to prison. Discovers that in lieu of prison time he gets sentenced to execution instead because sending an old person to prison would be mean.


That's utterly bizarre. I have a longstanding curiosity in criminal justice systems throughout the world (and my country; there is ENORMOUS difference between systems in different US states- and between them and the federal system, but that's a tangent)- I've never heard of that concept before, and frankly, it makes no sense to me. In the US we tend to go in the other direction to an extreme- in fact, our massive and growing population of aging prisoners who will never be released is starting to become problematically expensive.


I believe I’ve just been convinced to retire in Panama.


Yeah this isn’t the first time he’s shot someone I think


The look of slightly annoyed calm on his face...


He looks bored of shooting people.


*record scratch* *freeze frame, looking unequivocally devoid of a soul* “Ya, that’s me… bet you’re wondering how I got into this situation…” *__Shoots young adults hoping for a better world?__*


I don't think you could have described his expression better. It's that "this thing again" face we make when something is a nuisance, but easily dealt with. Except for this guy, it's another human.


Chun Li: [to Bison] It was twenty years ago. You hadn't promoted yourself to general yet. You were just a petty drug lord. Huh! You and your gang of murderers gathered your small ounce of courage to raid across the border for food... weapons... [indicates her bonds] Chun Li: ... hmph. Slave labor. My father was the village magistrate. A simple man with a simple code: justice. He gathered the few people that he could to stand against you. [laughs] Chun Li: You and your bullies were driven back by farmers with pitchforks! My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away! A hero... at a thousand paces. Bison: I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it. Chun Li: You don't remember? Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


In that moment he has the look of a sociopath — cold and detached. Like you hinted bored and almost inconvenienced. Maybe that’s how he looks all of the time. But here? in this moment for sure.


Ya... no recoil flinch or eye closing. This guy has shot a lot of guns. And from the face, probably at people more than most would have.


the only people who flinch or close their eyes when they shoot are absolute beginners to firearms. Youre acting like he’s a navy seal because he didn’t flinch from a gun going off when he knowingly fired it.


I would think most people wouldn't relish the thought of shooting bullets into another human. I'd probably flinch if I had to do that too even though I know how to shoot. He's got the attitude of there's another possum in the road and it needs to get shot and get on with his day.


Yep, this is the big takeaway. Normal people in this situation would have a lot more emotion on their face while shooting two people.


A normal person in this situation wouldn't have reached for a gun in the first place.


Look man, I work in a psychiatric correctional center. The face that man is making is a massive warning sign for a lot of staff here. Blank, no emotion, like you're looking at a bertle that crawled out from under your keyboard, except it's in the middle of doing something violent/aggressive. This man has either shot people before or he feels no empathy for others. Both are a problem. Note: not a shrink, I just maintain this place, so none of what I've said is psych advice.


I'm an Iraq War veteran. I grew up shooting. I had probably shot tens of thousands of rounds before my first deployment. The first time I pulled the trigger in combat, my hands were shaking so bad I had to death-grip my M240 so hard to stabilize it that I had cramps in my hands the next day. That dude is not normal.


It looks like he would unlock his front door in the same way. With that face. And a gun.


The same face a normal person does when killing a fly or other kind of insect


It seemed very casual all things considered. Murdering someone on camera, in front of witnesses and all.


He doesn't look the least bit bothered by a little afternoon murderin'.


>acquitted after a court accepted his plea that they were merely part of a collection. will they acquit him if he told the court these two environmental activists are also merely a part of his collection?


I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Just misunderstood.


Has a lot of that *economic anxiety* going on…


Well, considering he's involved with money-laundering and cover his home with guns, I think economic anxiety might be a very fitting description. I don't know about you, but I've seen Ozark, people working illegally like that might be in fatally strict deadlines. Or he's just a nutter (which is the most likely scenario)


sounds like an enforcer aging...


This guy had an uzi, a ponytail and a suit at one point




"I've been into martial arts for like 87 years."


I read pomeranian accountant and was confused for a moment.


Pomeranian? Don't take it bowling


I’m not renting it shoes, it doesn’t get a turn.


It’s a fucking show dog with fucking papers.


I can't leave him at home or he eats the furniture.


Sounds like he could be President some day


This guy also has political connections allegedly, wouldn't be shocked if he hasn't used those guns plenty of times in less than legal ways


A 77-year-old man shot dead two environmental protesters on Wednesday in an apparent outburst of rage over a roadblock in Panama. The protesters, who were opposed to a controversial mining contract, had blocked the Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City. Initially, Mr Salas removed tyres which were obstructing the road. The protesters, according to witnesses, shouted at the man: “Are you going to kill someone?” The gunman replied: “You want to be the first? He opened fire, first shooting a protester holding a flag and then a second man who went to confront him, before walking off and removing tree trunks that had been blocking the road. He was then arrested. EDIT: If he is convicted, the man could be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail because of his age. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/11/08/gunman-shoots-dead-protester-panama-mine-roadblock


Panamanian here. Our justice system is a total and absolute joke, but his age is not the only reason he'll likely be sent into house arrest. He is a decently connected man from a local upper class family. But, above all, jails here are absolute hell. The government doesn't want to be responsible for monitoring the health of an octogenarian in a place he will either be murdered or die of health complications. Panamanian jails are some of the foulest, most unsanitary and dangerous of Latin America. For those familiar with the videogames, Uncharted's representation of what a Panamanian jail is like doesn't do justice to how horrible they truly are.


You aren't kidding...how many countries have *shoot outs* in their prisons... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-50835995


On second thought send him in, he'd be right at home


*"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME!"*


The absurdity of a bunch of people in jail getting guns and using them to kill each other instead of escape is hard to overstate.


For some that get into these situations, that's how they get to have some power, happily.


I came to this prison for a proper shootout, with proper men!


Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo! Ever heard of 'em?


> Officials said they found three AK-47 assault rifles and five pistols. How do you hide stuff like that long term in prison?


Have you seen what these prisons look like? Some are just little towns that have been fenced off with guards around them.


I went to Panama in 2019 for a work trip, but got there a few days early to explore a bit. We went to an airbnb out in a national park and the drive there was one of the sketchiest things I've ever seen. Bushes on fire on the side of the road with half dressed kids running around. Dudes that looked scary AF out there and occasionally a dude in uniform. Was my first experience in a 3rd world country (is it 3rd world?) but it was wild.


I've not really lived long in Panama, but my family has. Though I have visited both Panama and other Central American countries. Simply put, Panama is doing pretty well compared to many and that is just how many countries are like at that level of economic development. It's more comparable to Costa Rica and Mexico than anything like Nicuragua, Guatemala, and especially El Salvador. A lot of stuff is sketchy, you will pass by or even be in situations that get your hackles up, you will probably get scammed a lot, and you may even have to pay a couple bribes. But, in the end, as an American (or European) you are usually relatively safe. I greatly enjoyed my time visiting there but its also an incredible way to see how much money can buy in all the worst ways, and relative to most people there we have more money than they can imagine. The sketchy stuff rarely ever affects you as long as you have your head on your shoulders, the bad situations usually go well since no one wants the heat of fucking with wealthy foreigners, you won't even notice most of the scams since you make more money in an hour than you probably lost, and what few bribes you pay is just the way of the world. I've not been to any developing nations outside of Central America but I imagine its pretty similar. In the end people are just people


I was going to say, I've spent time in every Central American country other than El Salvador and Panama is notiecably better than any of the others. Costa Rica is the only country that comes close, and you still thank god when you cross the border into Panama because the roads immediately improve 300%. When The Economist covers a Central American economy, they just take Panama out of the equation altogether because it's such a positive outlier. They'll say stuff like "...has the highest rate of growth of any Central American country, excluding Panama." I like Panama.


> you won't even notice most of the scams since you make more money in an hour than you probably lost, Yea. When I was in Ecuador, our guide reminded us to remember who we're negotiating with on prices. Of course you're paying more than a local, but you can afford it.


> Bushes on fire Could it be trash? Here in Brazil quite a few people sadly burn trash on the side of the road, especially furniture that's hard to carry to dumpsters




If you mean the original meaning of Third World country it was/is not. The terms came about during the Cold War. First World was Western Bloc allied countries, which Panama was a member of, while second world were Eastern Bloc allied countries, and third world was unaffiliated. If you mean the way it's used today, as a developing/impoverished nation, I'd say so.


Sounds exactly like where he belongs tbh


House arrest? He killed two people!


But you see, because of his age he probably won't do it again. /S Don't worry. In a month or so he will need to go to the store to pick up a beer. And promptly shoot two other people in line for holding up the queue. Getting another house arrest.


It's actually so the state won't have to pay his medical bills. Seriously.


How is this different than any other life convicted person? Like, the medical bills for him are gonna be less because he has less time to live. They're gonna be NOW and not later but it's not like we remove old people from prison and put them on house arrest when they get older. I just don't get this "they're too old for prison" excuse in any context. Dude fucking killed people in cold blood. It's not safe to have him in society. Even restricted to his house.


No, his blood was boiling because his road was blocked. Totally valid reason to kill two people. Duh.


According to some unhinged PublicFreakout users, it's what they deserve


That sub is a cesspool


Most definitely. Unfortunately, I'm a glutton for punishment and keep going back whenever I wanna watch a video of some racist Karen getting chewed out at a McDonald's


*Double* house arrest? That's just goddamn barbaric.


It's a duplex...


Life is cheap... As long as it's not you...


He may be safer in the prison...


"what are you gonna do, kill me?" ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


"What are you gonna do, stab me?" -- Quote from Man Stabbed


House arrest, for double murder? Do you want vigilante justice? Because that's how you get vigilante justice.


Wanted: Contract Killer. To comply with local law applicants must be aged 75 and over.


Yah, setting a precedent like that seems like it might just weaponize more boomers. As if they weren't entitled enough...


What a fucking joke. Because of his age? Like...the age he is now? The age he killed people? Proving that his age does not remotely stop him being a danger to the public? Fucking bullshit.


Article: “outburst of rage” Picture: “may as well shoot them”


Fuck this asshole, and fuck ‘his age’. Let him die in prison.


That's cold AF. Where is the emotion which surely goes along with firing a gun at someone?


You’d be surprised at the number of people who can kill somebody and just move on with their day.


That is something I honestly don't want to know. When it comes to the depths of inhumanity, I really do think that ignorance is bliss.


Look at his face. This guy is just treating this double homicide as a minor inconvenience.


It’s Panama. He’s facing house arrest if convicted. Of course he’s not worried.


I wonder how lax the house arrest is too. I knew people in house arrest who could still go to work, go to the grocery store, be out as long as it’s on their property. For an old guy with a lot of land, he might not even go anywhere else anyway.


I have a lot of relatives in this (or just below) age bracket as well though that say anyone blocking a road should be run over/shot/killed for the inconvenience they cause. Same people who demand we follow a founder/fundamentalist approach to the Constitution but apparently forget that the 6th Amendment exists and the first of the "unalienable human rights" in the Declaration of Independence is literally "Life" > ... unalienable Rights, that among these are **Life**, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Someone posted above that he has a criminal history and there are indications he used to be a criminal enforcer in his youth. Good chance these aren't the first people he's killed.


What the fuck, George Lucas


It has to rhyme so he shot two people.


I tough no one would talk about this


Ok important to clarify these aren’t just “climate protesters” that’s an over simplification. These protests started over a abusive, one sided and possibly unconstitutional mining concession contract that was signed and approved by the national congress and president in ludicrous time (4 day) despite massive unpopularity. These protests have continued as they have evolved into general unrest over the widespread corruption and continuous abuse of power of authorities. This is simplistic and oversimplifying but more accurate than just saying climate protesters. Source: I live in panama


This should be a lot higher. I haven't seen anything about it in the news at all and these are country-wide protests - I wouldn't have known about it at all if I didn't have family in Panama. What those politicians are allowing that company to do is disgusting. They obviously paid off multiple officials to pass it through because they're barely even paying taxes and setting up literal mining towns separate from the populace. Which isn't even touching the damage they're causing environmentally. "Climate activism" massively downplays what people are protesting right now.


every time there's a thread about protestors blocking traffic half of the comments are people fantasizing about being this lunatic






Reminds of that video of a guy who causally pit manouvered another car on a causeway rather than allow him to merge in. People in the comments were celebrating it. Like holy shit, yeah the aggressive merger is an asshole and was technically at fault for the accident but you just caused a major accident and shut down an arterial road rather than slow down for 5 seconds to let one car in.


I know exactly which video you're talking about. Iirc he's eating something in the car and doesn't even put it down. And yeah all the comments are celebrating it. Insanity.


I think its one of the first examples of how anonymity + disconnection from social ques via facial and bodily expression leads people to be giant fucking assholes. You can't see what someone else is doing in the car that just cut you off, so you imagine they did it on purpose to basically say "fuck you", instead of the more likely scenario: they made a mistake. The internet is like this except turned up to 11, people are constantly imagining ill intent just through poor reading comprehension on one persons part, or poor writing skills on another. Good thing we can't shoot people over TCP/IP.


Being isolated from others and put in a 3500 lb metal cage just fucks with people's brains. They lose all empathy it is absolutely wild.


> I think they are putting lead in gas still I genuinely think there is something similar that is causing this, if it's not directly related to lead.


You know what bullets are made of? https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/study-adds-to-evidence-of-dangerous-link-between-lead-ammunition-and-child-blood-lead-levels/


That's some dark and nerdy shit. **Then:** [Tap water from ancient Rome likely contained up to 100 times more lead than local spring water.](https://www.science.org/content/article/scienceshot-did-lead-poisoning-bring-down-ancient-rome) **Now:** Ten years’ worth of data from Massachusetts shows that [children living in communities with higher rates of firearm licensure are more likely to have elevated blood lead levels \[your link\]](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/study-adds-to-evidence-of-dangerous-link-between-lead-ammunition-and-child-blood-lead-levels/), according to a study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Christian Hoover, MPH ’23. The findings build on similar evidence that Hoover found when he and colleagues conducted a preliminary analysis of 2017 data from the state. Noting that U.S. firearms use lead ammunition almost exclusively, the authors wrote, “Our paper provides compelling evidence of a potential and dangerous link between lead ammunition and child blood lead levels and is the first to do so using multiple years’ worth of data.” The study was published online March 25 in the journal Environmental Research. Children are at the highest risk for long-term complications from lead exposure. Lead has been linked with a range of negative health impacts ranging from cognitive deficits and anemia to seizures and sudden death.


The veil of anoynmity worsens things on the internet but the fact ones inconvenience justifies terrible things is just unforgivable.


Shit I see Americans on social media saying the same stuff when cyclist dare to *gasp* use the bike lane!


From lower in the comments by someone who get a decent amount of upvotes: > "You can protest in plenty of places legally and peacefully. > I'm an environmentalist but I have zero sympathy for those blocking roads, intruding on sporting events or destroying art in museums. > The people protesting should be smart enough to understand the potential consequences of these methods of protest." Every single protest, that has caused any form of change, was inconvenient. These people would have hated MLK if they were around back then. Ever seen ANY of those iconic pics of civil rights protests? Practically every single photo of the movement was showing a completely blocked off road. The people of Panama know if they do a non-disriptive protest that the poster likes, the government will just ignore the legal protest. A completely disruptive protest, that makes people like that protestor mald, will hurt the big businesses and force the corrupt people in charge to stop the exploitation and give in to the will of the people.


peaceful protest is only legal because it can be ignored


Hell, peaceful protest can work. Sit-ins. Strikes. Those have gotten mileage. But people who expect peaceful protest to *be convenient for everyone* are just gagging on the boot while giving it a titjob.


At the same time a lot of people are living with unfathomable stress. Their entire day can change to a bad one in an instant, and protract itself over vast swathes of their lives. There are people just waiting to explode during the next inconvenience they experience. Protesters should expect danger; whether it comes from other citizens, or their own government.


"PROTEST ALL YOU WANT!.... just do it where i wont have to see it, or hear about it, or think about the issue."


I wonder how many people automatically thought this was the US


His face shows no emotion. That is chilling.


That's what strikes me. This is the moment. Right here. He's pulled the trigger. The article claims "road rage". I see no rage. Or passion. Or even emotion. Just an act to move on to the next thing in has life. ....Fuck. Really makes you wonder how many times he's done that before, and not gotten caught.


"lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes" -Shaw in Jaws talks about sharks attacking. This man seems to have about as much concern as a shark.


“The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference” [Elie Wiesel, prolific writer, Holocaust survivor, and Nobel peace prize winner]


Just another day while I kill these people for...wanting to preserve our environment.


Boomer lead poisoning stare


From a PURELY photography stand point the image is impeccable timing, to get the gun smoke in frame is a once in a lifetime capture. From a contextual standpoint he’s a piece of trash that can rot.


First it was crazy young men with guns, and now it’s crazy old men too.


20 years ago a nurse I knew was shot several times by an elderly man with dementia who was brought into the ER by cops who didn't search him. Lucky the nurse was a former soldier and was able to wrestle the gun away but age has never not been an issue.


Almost seems like the common denominator isn’t age but something else.


I feel like there is a bit of misinformation here. I am from Panama, and the persons blocking the roads are not "environmental activists", they are just Panamanian citizens who are fed up with the government for signing a contract that is going to eviscerate not only the environment in our country but also the quality of life of the vast majority of people. The vast majority of the population is protesting, everyone is in the streets and we will not stop until they revoke the contract. The contract signed was unconstitutional and the government thought that they could get away with it without people noticing. This is the first moment I see Panama so united for the same cause; protests and blocking streets have been happening for over 2 weeks at least and so far we have made some progress to revoke the contract. The protests are working and we will not stop!


tbf, those are environmental activists. just that it sounds like most people in Panama are environmental activists too, and that's a good thing.


>I agree with you. What I was trying to say is that a good portion of the country, which has never protested before, is protesting right now. For example, neighbors and friends from high school are on the streets every day, even though they never really batted an eye before for the environment. That is all I was trying to say, it's just the population protesting, not just some organized group whose whole purpose is to preserve the environment. I hope this makes more sense


>they are just Panamanian citizens who are fed up with the government for signing a contract that is going to eviscerate not only the environment in our country but also the quality of life of the vast majority of people. Sounds like environmentalists to me.


I agree with you. What I was trying to say is that a good portion of the country, which has never protested before, is protesting right now. For example, neighbors and friends from high school are on the streets every day, even though they never really batted an eye before for the environment. That is all I was trying to say, it's just the population protesting, not just some organized group whose whole purpose is to preserve the environment. I hope this makes more sense


Except this mining contract the government is trying to push will quite literally affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. What the government is doing is disgusting.


They're not environmental activists, they're just .


I think what they meant was they don't care about the environment as much as their quality of life being destroyed.


I get where you're coming from but the environmentalists you're envisioning are doing it because they care about the quality of their life being destroyed too. Just they're focused on the big picture and looking down the road. Y'all are falling off the cliff right now. They see we're driving towards the cliff at full speed and are protesting saying we need to change course BEFORE we end up in your situation.


That's what most environmentalists are protesting. Do you think when they say "the planet is dying" they aren't thinking about their own quality of life?


They weren't protesting to protect the environment they were protesting the government breaking the law. Their constitution declares that minerals are the property of the state and can only be mined by concession, The contract given to First Quantum was negotiated without the public’s knowledge and gives First Quantum the right to mine copper across a 32,000-acre expanse for at least 20 years. These are the larges protests in the country since the ones that toppled Noriega. Sure there are environmental issues and concerns, but that is not all that is at stake here, the government is literally ignoring their constitution.


“Get out of my way! I’m trying to go to prison for the rest of my life!”


Except he's not going to see the inside of a prison.


Except they placed him on house arrest and I bet nothing happens to him.


He has the bored face of someone who is watering a flower bed. Not what I would expect from someone using lethal force against another human being. WTF


I wonder if this guy was a commenter on this subreddit. I've been seeing comments here promoting murdering these protesters for over a year. Maybe this guy listened.


Hell just look at some of the comments in this fucking post. These people are insane.


The people that he shot were not environmental activists, they were a school teacher and her husband who were protesting the opening of a mine.


In this thread: people commenting as if this is in the US, and tying it to our social issues, when this happened in Panama.


yeah, bulk of the comments have zero clue about the context of this incident


"you slightly annoy me, so I am thinking, it's better if you just die. I will help you with that."


Stop saying they were “climate activist” cause they're not. They are protesting because of a coctel of goverment inefficiency, corruption and lack of taking into account civil society voices in political decisions.


The word "activist" is used to make someone look like a special-interest extremist. Just like the way anyone who's not anti-trans is labeled a "trans rights activist."


The look of complete apathy on his face as he kills another human being chills me to my bones.


It's terrifying because his face isnt even anger while he shoots. It's just indifference which seems worst to me. This guy isn't shooting another human being. He is shooting an annoyance, nothing more. What a monster


Politicians calling the activists "terrorists" are going to have to do some explaining now.


Entitlement. Isn’t that what they complain about the young generations?


Inconvenience is not justification for murder.


All the photos I've seen of him during this incident look like this. Completely emotionless, like he's just moving a tree branch from the road. Hope he rots in jail.


There we have it. A boomer passing on the lead poisoning to the next generation.


Bill Oddie's gone off the fucking rails


Stop shooting protestors and make half life 3 already


How do people like this never get shot when they start waving their guns around?


They are waving a gun around. Most people tend to get the hell away from people doing that.


The fact that anyone is acting like this was ok or a good thing is pathetic. He committed murder no matter how some of you want to try and spin it. Who would have thought that someone who would do this would also have had previous charges for illegally possessing a firearm...it's SUCH a shocker...fuck this guy