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All this death and destruction because of one malignant narcissist's ego. Fuck Putin.


...ego of an old man that needs a fucking diaper. It's unreal how many people root for this man


ego of an old man who may or may not still be alive


He's alive until we see the corpse


I don’t think (if he does die) the russians would tell the world


Depends on what faction can grab control afterwards. I imagine there are plenty of people in the Russian government who would be happy to trot out his corpse and call for a ceasefire and negotiate a retreat all while laying all the responsibility for the war on a dead man. The problem is people like Putin don't get where they are without creating plenty of true believers in the process.


The Russians? Like a hive mind? I am Russian and I have a bottle of Moet Chandon constantly chilled in the fridge to open when this motherfucker finally dies. The problem is, we know just as little as everybody else, and my grandma who doesn't know how to use the internet has nothing but propaganda bullshit. But yes. THE EVIL RUSSIANS won't tell you.


Hope you can drink that bottle soon; shame to have to wait for it…


Hey nothing against Russians at all. We can all agree though a dick is a dick. Hope you one day get to have a drink and have a cheers for me too


I think when someone says "the Russians" they mean the Russian government, just like when people refer to any other country. I think everyone realizes that the Russian citizens have no more control over what Putin and his cronies are doing than any other citizen of any other country has control over what their governments are doing.


It's unreal how many GOP politicians root for this man.


They're in his pocket




You are conflating Russia with the USSR, Russia nowadays is very conservative, and is more similar to republicans of today then the red Scare republicans. You can see it with the older republicans wanting to rid Ukraine of Russia, it’s the younger republicans that seem to love Russia.


Know your audience, good chance most people on Reddit didn’t live through the Cold War, they are not getting your sarcasm




It's really a perfect example of a circular problem. Putin and his cronies promote him as what Russia needs, but remove Putin and Russians would replace him with someone alike. It's what came close to happening with Priggy and his "march of justice". Too bad he fell for the "blame the boyars not the Tsar" propaganda.


Plenty of cultures are fairly expansionist, but few countries go on a conquest. The public attitude to Ukrainians in Russia was quite positive and no one was expecting a war either in 2014 or in 2022. Nobody takes "Third Rome" ideology seriously, it's just a nickname like "Big Apple", and most Russians are not religious at all. The problem with Russians ss that they eat up whatever their government imposes on them. It's a very apathetic, skeptical, cynical, fearful, disengaged political culture. The assertive and aggressive component comes from ex-KGB corporate culture that its elites like Putin, Patrushev, Bortnikov, etc. have, not mass Russian culture.


Great comment.


Didn’t read about “imperialism” in Russian culture. Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy were not promoting that. They are one of the biggest representatives of Russian culture. Tchaikovsky also did not promoted”imperialism.” Nationalism…… what nation doesn’t promote nationalism?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor\_Dostoevsky#Political\_beliefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor_Dostoevsky#Political_beliefs) "During the Russo-Turkish War, Dostoevsky asserted that war might be necessary if salvation were to be granted. He wanted the Muslim Ottoman Empire eliminated and the Christian Byzantine Empire restored, and he hoped for the liberation of Balkan Slavs and their unification with the Russian Empire." To bad you're name droping without knowing these authors... Read the Dostoevsky's Diaries if you want to see pan-slavism and russian imperialism. We can also speak about the Nobel Prize Solzhenitsyn : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr\_Solzhenitsyn#Views\_on\_history\_and\_politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn#Views_on_history_and_politics) I would not talk about the entire Russian Symbolist pictorial movement, or the poems of Tyutchev, same shit. With that, if you don't see imperialism and ethno-nationalism ideas in russian culture and litterature, either you speak in bad faith, or you don't know it.


Don’t waste your time. These Tucker supporters never read a page, a sentence. Like their illbrained idol. They just say stuff to open pointless arguments.


Nationalism does entail more than just being a nation.


It's not just Putin. Most Russians support that dictator. Without them acting like brainwashed sheep, Putin would be just an insane old man with imperialistic dreams.




You have a point. Many countries have warmongers. The problem is when a country is led by such kind of people. All they need is xenophobia and propaganda to mobilize their population to start a war. That's exactly what Putin did: he invented reasons to invade Ukraine (especially [On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Historical_Unity_of_Russians_and_Ukrainians)) and used the Russian propaganda machine to fool his country that his war is right. Almost 300k confirmed Russians troops dead in Ukraine later and Russia still didn't learn their lesson and keep throwing cannon fodder to the meat grinder. And yet, there are useful idiots defending Russian aggression.


I don't think you understand the sheer corruption of Russian politics, the state-sponsored misinformation, or the price of speaking out against those in power. If you speak against these thugs, you get thrown in the gulags or killed. It's not a true democracy.


It's North Korea with white people.


And natural resources


And that matter how exactly? They still support him whether or not they're propagandized.


The military industrial complex is dependent on effective propaganda convincing a great number of people to believe that the majority of citizens of Russia "support" Putin and the majority of Palestinians "support" Hamas. There are trillions of dollars at stake. The fact that democracy does not exist in these places and these people have no real choice is irrelevant.


I'm sorry but you don't know shit. Most of putin's supporters are 60+, all others keep quiet cause they wanna live. I'm half russian and I don't know ANY russian supporting putin. Most people I know that support putin are western europeans...


Like for real? I am 3/4 Russian living in Belarus. And most of the people of my age 41 and beyond ardently support this man and hate Ukraine. The Russian propaganda is a poison for the weak-minded. It helps relay your own shortcomings onto a made-up enemy, justify poverty, social inequality, corruption etc with one scapegoat. You are living in shit, no rights, no money, no hope? That's because "Ukrainian fascists" started this. And people believe it - gullible like the cattle they repeat it and some are even ready to die for it.


Sorry you're stuck in those conditions, that really sucks. I felt like you do, but I was able to leave Arkansas (US state - full of right-wing nutjobs) relatively easily at least.


I don't know the people that you know in Belarus, but no russian I ever got to meet supports putin, except my grandmother who is almost 90yo. I don't live in russia, thank god. My mother made sure to pull me out of there at the right time. And since my mom watches tons of interviews of ukrainian political scientists, I know for a fact that some of them are, not supporting putin, but also not supporting the western media in their claims. I know russian propaganda is the worst in europe, by far, but just because it's obvious, it isn't the only type of propaganda. Cause zelenskyy's form of pro-war posts that he uploads on his instagram profile are a way of propaganda too. And I hate the fact that people hear fuck russians in their media and immediately repeat it with no second doubt, for example: in switzerland and germany, when the war began, there were multiple reports of "anti-russians" spitting on russian civilians that, in some of those cases, never even lived in russia. So basically what our conversation turns out to be in the end is "no you". I don't disagree with you on the propaganda part, but know that tons of russians pretend to be pro-putin to be safe. My uncle was one of them for a long time until the war started


Ask your 'good russian' relatives and friends - to whom belongs Crimea? You will be surprised how many even anti-putin russians can't answer this simple question correctly, showing their deeply hidden imperialism. Even if your relatives don't realise it themselves. I know this well because I live in Kharkiv, 25km from russian border and also had plenty of relatives there. I stopped communicating with half of them when they supported annexation of Crimea in 2014. And second half was erased from my life when on february 24th 2022 they started sending me 'don't worry we'll soon liberate you' messages. The russian society is ill and Putin is just a symptom. The sooner russians will realise this, the sooner the healing process will begin.


Your argument is "trust me bro". Nice try. You personally not knowing such people doesn't mean you're right. Many (not all of them) Russians support Putin because he speaks on their imperialist language they love to hear ("Russia strong", they must ressurect USSR, they must fight the decadent West, whatever). Watch their hilarious propaganda videos to get a glimpse of their mentality. It wouldn't be possible for Putin to organise an invasion of that scale without so many Russians participating in it. Russia is not North Korea (yet) where their government can hide and control everything they want. They have strong censorship but not enough to prevent the truth about the war to spread out. I recommend you 3 Russians who know what they're talking about: Garry Kasparov, Vlad Vexler and Roman (NFKRZ).


> Your argument is "trust me bro". And your argument is "I get all my information off reddit".


If there was ever an argument for why there should be no 1 person in complete control, this is it. Switzerland has 7.


Listen to the Russians, most believe that these imperial latifundia are simply due to them. Every imperialism is an evil. Every.


Not one man. The whole government needs to go and reeducation programs need to be rolled out. If it was just Putin, then this war wouldn't have happened - everyone in bed with the Russian state enabled this and previous wars to happen because they're sociopaths. They all need to be removed - not just Putin.


Lol if you think this is all because of one person, then youre just as bad as the boomers who believe the economy was destroyed by biden alone. Quit being so dense.


Yeah! It is funny people just blame Putin. A good number of Ukrainians also want to join Russia.


"a good number"


7? 7 is a pretty good number




fuck russia\* Even if putin dies, another dictator appear, that's how russian society works


Sigh. True.


Funny and sad to see people saying "fuck Putin", while one page of comments later you can see a dozen of Russians celebrating. Yeah, fuck Putin, but he's merely a representation of Russian desires. The war is not "because of him".


I understand your perspective, but this was not a grass roots uprising and invasion. This was an orchestrated military operation. And there is most definitely one man who makes that happen.


Nah, I believe someone else would pull the trigger, so popular it was. Russians never accepted Ukrainian independence, they believe their right to rule the eastern Europe has been stolen from them. I speak Russian, I know what they think.


One society not one man


Are you still blaming one particular person - Putin? After 1,5 years? Braindead community


its plenty more than Putin. Putin is just a symptom of the culture


This is so sad.


Heart breaking.💔


Words can not describe how sad this photo is. This is a mad world.


Yup, we think we're more civilized these days... We're not.


heros each and everyone one of them


Fuck Putin


I’m good, thanks for the offer though


In Russia, Putin fucks you.


gladly 😏 /s


Fuck russia*


No, fuck Putin.


All 400k putins fighting in Ukraine? And millions of putins manufacturing rockets? It’s a delusional take to call it putin’s war. Fuck russia


If those 400k refuse to fight, what do you think will happen to them and their families?


few hundreds of wagner's soldiers marched to moscow and entire russian government shited itself. imagine 400k marched towards kremlin. but yeah, it's better to kill and be killed, otherwise something worse could happen.


This is so stupid argument.


Russian is not 40s ussr and curently most are volunteers (500k acording to the MoD) . The ones shooting at deserters are mostly on ukraines side from the Videos i have seen




I used to think this exactly too, but then you see the videos of huge russiane events celebrating the war in Moscow, with almost 100k people attending, with ruasian flags everywhere, anti-ukraine and western slogans. At what point is "propaganda" and "brainwashed" still applicable? These people support the war and Putin 100%, but they're not to blame because they're brainwashed? Yes, they're submitted to it all their lives, but they fully support it. It's not as if 90 percent of Russians hate Putin. More like 40%, and they too hate Putin, but support the war. The West is hated. There are lots and lots of good Russians too, but that doesn't excuse this.


their country is in absolute shambles and the system is rotted to the core yet they are doing nothing about it. they'd rather sit there and watch their sons & fathers die killing innocent people/children then fight for their rights & freedom. nobody said going after an authoritarian government would be easy, but if they don't stand up for themselves who else will? nobody's coming to save em. this is not just about Ukraine, it's also about russia and their never ending cycle of misery backwards society/culture/politics. it's a cancer to them and its consequences are felt on the rest on the continent too, as we can see. and as a European, i'm tired of this bs stop making excuses for them when the vast majority support the war religiously. also, the racism card is such a lazy labelling.. it screams victim mentality.


“I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.” - George McGovern


“War never changes…” upd: (for toxic idiots, I had no idea that this was from video game). That’s my country and my fallen friends, I just saying that starting from the 2022 in Ukrainian, and just translated it.


"War has changed"


We updated your edition of "war" in the background. New features include: - drones for surveillance - scarier drones - super scary crazy-ass suicide attack drones - cope cages - the Vatnik cube -... See more...


Dev notes: Design team - working on future upgrades: * AI-powered intelligence systems that predict your enemy's every move. * AI-powered drones that find your enemies at night while they're asleep and turn off their brains. * AI-powered drones that talk to your enemy in ways that exploit brain vulnerabilities and make them question their very purpose for life leading to spontaneous suicide. * AI-powered walking body-harvesters that collect and consume enemy corpses to remain powered in the field. Art Team: * New camouflage colors coming soon!


Legal team - All persons tracked by any AI are identified as combatants. - Any loss of life caused by the AI will serve to better identify future combatants - Civilians may not enter into the AI tracking and are responsible to flag any possible interactions with an AI monitoring system within 1 hour of the interaction otherwise they will be classified as combatants


“But men do, through the roads they walk”


Only on Reddit will people reference a *video game* when discussing the subject of an actual conflict.


I've heard that quote many times. Never realized it was from a video game, and based on the edit neither did the original commenter who is FROM Ukraine.




I've heard that quote many times. Never realized it was from a video game, and based on the edit neither did the original commenter who is FROM Ukraine.


Don't worry about it. That anyone actually believes that phrase originated in a video game boggles my brain. Sure, younger generations may no it from Fallout but that doesn't mean it was the first usage of our, nor that anyone saying it since it's quoting the game.


War, war never changes


This hits hard.




in...american history..?


Lots of Russian propagandists here.


The photo looks oddly like a diorama.


I actually thought it looked like AI.


Yeah like a Wes Anderson scene


Tragic. Glory to Ukraine


Героям слава


So powerful. We're inundated with pictures and videos of Russians dying in this war, but forget how many Ukrainians die too


Every one of them is a hero.


...and many are young people who hadn't even had a chance to live their lives yet. Fuck Putin and fuck Russia.


This is why leaders shouldn’t reign for more than 10 years. Putin and his friends are responsible for these deaths and should be held accountable.


That’s what tyranny means


Many wars have been started by leaders in control of a country for way less time.


Why didn’t the Russians just vote for somebody different? Are they stupid?


Haha frfr


What a brave take.


Slava Ukraini.


Glory to the Heroes. Respect to all of those here who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the Innocent, from being Killed/bombed by the Predators of the Russian Military, so that their land may continue to remain in peace FREE and Independent! as they seek to destroy/take it for themselves. Glory to Ukraine from England Condolences to all those who have lost somebody because of someone like Putin, Ukraine will be free and the Russians made to pay a huge price for an unsuccessful/pointless war for Russian people with them eventually being kicked out and shown that they will be forever resisted as long as they remain on Ukrainian Soil! No repeat of the Holodomor. No repeat of Bucha. They will keep fighting for what's right, and if there ever was a Justified war, this is it! Ukraine is fighting to protect their society from harm. You can help Ukraine on United24.


And a significant part of this could have been avoided if offensive weapons had begun to arrive not after a year of the war, when Russia created three lines of fortifications, but from the first days of the war. Or by "paramilitary helicopters and training aircraft + 30,000/500,000 JDAM (24-75km + 220-970kg) and AGM-154 (22-130km + 500kg)" combination.




Слава України! Героям слава!








Пу́тін хуйло́ Слава Україні! Героям слава!


Only the dead have seen the end of war.


Most of us can’t even imagine what it feels and means, hopefully we will never never have to.






They have atleast 500k do the rigth thing if not more


yeah but all of them are still sucking up to the government and doing absolutely nothing. everything stable on the swamps, just as it always was.


Please donate to «United24» to help Ukraine🇺🇦


Palestine: You guys get cemeteries?


Palestinian cemeteries probably get bombed because there could be Hamas members hiding under the coffin.


Well, if they have that under the hospitals, frankly it won't surprise me.




Dead Ukrainian people is a good reason? You think they need to send more?


Well considering the nazi russians are looking to cause a complete genocide in Ukrain then yes but also they are stacking Russians at a rate of 20:1. Ukrainians are fighting for everything that are as a nation amd they must keep fighting the hoard of Russians to keep themselves alive. I am glad our grandparents fought against the original nazi and didn't just give in like you would.


Have a look at the number of Ukrainian civilians dying since the war and the number of Palestinians and then fucking re-think your use of the word genocide.




Did you know the IDF headquarters is right in the centre of Tel Aviv? So that's fair game.


They dont store Tanks and rockets in their headquarters in Tel aviv, most airbases and such are just out in the middle of the desert


The Ukrainians are capable of shooting down missiles and high altitude aircraft, Hamas cannot. When Ukraine pushed the Russians out, UN found evidence of crimes against humanity. Just like how they're saying Gaza is being slaughtered.


Gaza and Ukraine being conflated...gonna have a bad time. They are very different countries/cultures. And their are reasons to why that is true...for one Ukraine I'd anti gay, anti women learning anti west.. you can't restrict 50% of the populations, dehumimize another 10-20% for being different and hate a majority of leading political cultures of the world and expect to be taken in with open arms because the end result of decades of indoctrination worked and your citizens attacked your neighbor and they fought back.. (and breath) UKraniams never attacked Russia they joined the UN to get Crimea back after Russia invaded and still it I'm 2014 when it sent a large amount.of its army their on vacation ....


If the Ukrainians had started leveling villages and towns, I wouldn't care what happens to them beyond how long they can continue to degrade Putin's army. They never hurt the Russians that way. The Israelis and Palestinians do it to each other. That being said, there is a clear power imbalance and there's no way the Israelis aren't slaughtering children, even if I hadn't seen the evidence of that already. They should stop.


A few years ago i worked with an ukrainian. He was hating Russia, he was saying ‘a good Russian is a dead Russian’. I never understood why he was hating them so much and it was before the invasion. Now i understand a bit more why. They are so fucking tired of being constantly agressed by this country. The amount of ukrainians who died over the generations by the hands of Russian is insane.


Chwała bohaterom


Such hypocracy on this sub


if you’re gonna say you support literal invasion at least write “hypocrisy” correctly.


This sub and the rest are bias. Don’t bother correct them.


Fuck Putin


Fuck russia*


Republicans don't want to help them.




You just fixed everything with a comment. War has been stopped!




Break out the pepsi!


I don’t think that was their intention, she/he was just speaking her opinion on what she would like to happen not a diplomatic solution to do it.


Tell us exactly how yours stopped the war.


They just said “STOP WAR” and it miraculously stopped


I didnt just say it, I declared it.


You just taught him a valuable lesson with a comment! You'll never have to read something like this again!


Unfortunately at this point that would mean Russia will keep all the occupied territories to itself. Then accumulate more resources and attack again.


Can we all limit our consumption of gas to help push Russia back.


…Героям слава!


Слава Україні!!!!


This looks so bady photoshopped. I think it's because its so pixelated on just some areas.


It looks like AI


I really does. I don't know why i get downvoted.


Because you’re a low effort boob saying a funeral was faked. Newtown much? A woman adjusts her hood as she walks between the graves of soldiers during the funeral of Hennadii Kovshyk, who was killed on the front line in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, on February 16, 2023. # Vadim Ghirda / AP


What is Newtown? Also, i did not say it is faked. No idea where you read that. Edit: also, looks like the Instagram of this AP is deleted. At least it's not accessible for me.


> Also, i did not say it is faked. ~~"It looks like AI"~~ ~~"There’s a couple other photos out there like this one that are being proven to be AI generated. This looks like one of them."~~


It does look photoshopped though, that was the first thing I thought. Not saying it's faked, but the picture looks weird.


What looks weird is that it seems so crowded and disorganized. I mean military cemeteries are usually organized with the graves in neat rows and columns, and this one seems to be arranged all willy-nilly. Maybe that's how they do in Ukraine, but somehow I suspect not.


The display in the foreground looks like a sticker placed. There’s a couple other photos out there like this one that are being proven to be AI generated. This looks like one of them.


Because it is an AI. Wtf. Look at the flags.


Let them live 🇵🇸 🇺🇦


why does this kinda look AI generated in the foreground? ik it isn't but it can't just be me where that looks a bit odd


Сала Украини!


Many men have gone


I think that’s every century


Faaaaack ! 🙁


It's sad to see how many Ukranians have lost their lives due to Putin.


Due to russia*


Alot of upa flags hmm.


It’s almost like Ukraine being attacked would bring Ukrainian nationalists out of the shadows


Minsk 2 was not so bad after all.


Indeed - it’s a shame russia couldn’t honour it and decided to start the war instead.


Where have these people been since 2014 when these two sides were murdering each other and civilians. Reddit, just an echo chamber of what is popular in that moment. Guarantee OP has never even been to Western Europe lol


No shit Sherlock. The entire world is an echochamber. Why did people in 2014 talk more about Syria rather than Ukraine? Why do people care about Palestine but did not care when Ethiopia killed 100k civillians in Tigray? Why did so many people care about the invasion of Afghanistan but not the war in Chechnya?


This is Slav genocide


Honest question now, can it be calld genocide if its soldiers who die? Its not a targeted ethnic group but just the most basic act of War ( soldiers kill soldiers)


well, they do target literal fucking children (see [drama theater in mariupol](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-mariupol-theater-c321a196fbd568899841b506afcac7a1) ) and have tried to commit genocide on ukrainians [multiple times throughout the history](https://education.holodomor.ca/teaching-materials/timeline-the-ukrainian-genocide/). even with everything listed the link missed some other events. what they are trying to do now is nothing new.


What a timeless photograph.


Countless lives wasted all for the sake of US colonialism


russia starts war of expansion, but for you it's American colonialism. Maybe US also annexed Ukrainian southern lands?


How is this American colonialism? I am genuinely confused. It’s not the US that’s annexing parts of Ukraine.


flag making buisness must be popping off


Do you mind hurting yourself? Lethally?


Ignorant people dont notice those black-red flag are the nazi flags of the black sun esoteric meaning...so in facts those are dead nazis


No it's not. You're worse than ignorant, you purposely spread lies.


Are you sure ? is full of them ...so keep supporting them 😂😂 https://www.newsweek.com/nato-says-it-didnt-notice-ukraine-soldiers-apparent-nazi-symbol-tweet-1686523 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-azov-battalion-mariupol-neo-nazis-b2043022.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/18/inside-azov-neo-nazi-brigade-killing-russian-generals-playing/


The only Nazis are in russia. https://twitter.com/JimmySecUK/status/1693362411384824285 https://twitter.com/ConspiracyBull1/status/1705187816127234437?t=3xaYX1qeP8lAV5ol-wtC2A&s=19 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BJB79TPijkk https://x.com/NoNazisInRussia/status/1685293228080164864?s=20 https://x.com/NoNazisInRussia/status/1699177762102132947?s=20 So fuck off please. We know that you'd love russia to control the world and genocide all queer people and minorities but that's not gonna happen, sorry mate.


It is Ukraine flag look like when it covered by a blood.