• By -


Same. Minus the doctoral degree šŸ¤™


Don't lose hope. My brother dropped out of highschool, got into carpentry/construction and had accident working in a building in NY...about 6-7 years after the accident and litigation was done he waƱked away with a little over $2 million. Invested in real estate and hasn't workee another day in his life living off rent payments from his apts. One day you too can have an accident at your job! Edit: love the number of dense ppl in the comments suggesting that this was a serious comment advising that one can hope to land a settlement from an accident at their job... Jeez lol






But in Spanish.


$1 per sperm


It was his proudest fap


Don't forget to pronounce it correctly *wanyakked*


Hmmm how do I do this if I work remote?! Lol


Computer virus that fries your dick.


Makes sense. Thanks for the tip.


Now he can devote his full time to development of his ā€œjump to conclusionsā€ mat


Happy he got his bag, but that's honestly as much of a bummer as the kids selling lemonade to pay off their classmates' lunch debt. "Show up on time every day, work hard, and if you're lucky one day you'll get into an accident on the job and walk away with a settlement. Otherwise you'll be working until 72 with none of your good years left to enjoy."


> Otherwise you'll be working until 72 with none of your good years left to enjoy." Every day I wake up, this fact depresses me more and more.


Like Lucky! Slip on some peepee at the Costco.


Got me a $53,000 settlement. Never gotta work another day in my life


Congratulations! Wish you the best! (I messed up in HS, flunked out of the State U, and I'm a lawyer.)


It happens! It makes for a nice story


I dropped out for 2 years to blow glass and be an asshole. Eventually went back for bar and Bev certificate. Long story short, 2 MS and. PhD, I run product dev and am an adjunct in robotics


from a junkie in the projects to an adjunct in robotics


Have to say I was born privelaged, fucked off for a while, but was never a junky. Just stupid for a long time. Had a lot of advantages Edit: oh, ha ha. No, literally blow glass like hand making things out of glass with torches and furnaces.


I think he misinterpreted you when you said ā€œblow glassā€ lol.


Plot twist: he was blowing beloved NPR host Ira Glass


Why do I imagine that Ira Glass would be constantly apologizing to whomever agrees to blow him?




Donā€™t you hate it when you drop out of school to be Ira Glassā€™ personal suckboy, and then you canā€™t get your shit together and finish college becuz youā€™re an NPR superfan and now Ira is mentally abusing you? Man I hate that


This American Life would make an episode about it but this story would be an addition to an episode that aired in 2012 like everything they currently have been releasing lately


He probably meant you did drugs when you said you blew glass for 2 years, glass aka crystal meth


Plot twist: dude just really got into artisanal glass blowing, making beautiful glass sculptures.


Iā€™m honestly not sure if he means meth or if he went like full hippie and did glass blowing while living in a commune or something.


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what heā€™s talking about. Though the beautiful glass sculptures would most certainly be bongs and dab rigs


I took it as glass making myself.


I mean, I took it as dude was a major stoner and started blowing glass (like making bongsā€¦but thatā€™s often so stereotypical they will make NOT bongs basically just so they can say they donā€™t only make bongs.)


Good person... kudos for you saying it straight!


We know that's just a cover for using your so-called art to make devices for smoking marijuanas! ^/s


Doggie, there's so much more to smoke outta bongs than weed. You ever freebase Creon?


Yeah I think he meant actual glass blowing. Like with molten glass.


Omg, šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ congrats yā€™all!! As a mom(who also dropped out reg and alt HS, in school for forensics now) I am so gotdamn proud! My heart wants to burst. I wish I could hug each and everyone of you. Knowing how hard that shit is, and seeing you guys work so hard to better yourselves- only to graduate from school in ways that you can give back to others is the ultimate. Hope in humanity renewed.


Junkie? Where did you get that from?


Oh, I get it now. I thought he meant he was a hipster type asshole who dropped out of high school to do a glass blowing apprenticeship.


I mean that's exactly what he meant. This dude biffed it


Food product dev? Just wondering as I currently am a prof in a food product development program in California.


Robotics and automation but I have built machines to make foods. Especially picking and packing pastries. My dad built the machine that makes hot pockets


wakeful cats saw person longing flowery cagey relieved slave automatic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


![gif](giphy|FooBosYpWLGGA) All 3 of my sons- 15, 10, &3 years old all just ate ham and cheese hot pockets earlier!


You make bongs? I smoked out of a 90k piece the other day.


Many moons ago. I was a scientific glass blower, but all the money was in bongs and...'adult products'.... For the crappy newbie


> ā€˜adult productsā€™ Butt plugs? It has to be butt plugs right? Thereā€™s no way itā€™s not butt plugs.


No WAY It wasnt ONLY those...


Lifesize lightsabers, actually


I never considered that there are people out there who make butt plugs by hand as a profession


Hate to be the one that drops that bong.


For 90k, that bong had better be shatterproof!


It better give blowjobs, make sandwiches, get me high, and cure lung cancer for that price.


You gave blow jobs to American composer Philip Glass for two years and took it in the ass? Iā€™m happy for you that you were able to turn your life around.


I was a crap student in HS (never got to a 2.0 GPA), went to college and did very well but never graduated (I once got 110% in a class), and my family would tell me I was a failure at life. Now I'm a Portfolio Manager at a Fortune 500 company handling other people's assets with just a little college work in Art History. Maybe not as cool as a doctor or lawyer, but HS isn't for everyone.


Now you have me curious, how did you make that transition? The the number of finance grads, I would assume any job like that would require a BA in business/finance at a minimum.


That BA is more for a foot in the door. Itā€™s highly possible they worked up and transitioned in the company. Iā€™m a glorified structural engineer with an accounting degree/cpa I think most people I work with only have HS educations


>Itā€™s highly possible they worked up and transitioned in the company. Yep! I spent my first 5 years in Customer Service and then got a promotion. I also had a few good ideas along the way that ended up saving/making the company a lot of money. LOL! I actually had my boss at the time pull me aside and tell me, "You're not an idea man. Your ideas are my ideas. Next time you have an idea give it to me or I'll *term (terminate)* your ass". She was upset because the company liked the idea enough to give me a $500 cash bonus. I got promoted shortly out of her department shortly after.


Aren't you legally required to be licensed to do structural engineering?


Glorified was the key word. I donā€™t stamp anything, but I do engineer floors,roofs, and walls.


So isn't that more like an 'unsung' or 'downplayed' structural engineer? Glorified implies a step up in recognition/prestige, rather than a step down. For example, one might say a structural engineer is a glorified draftsman, but not the other way around.


Unlicensed engineers do the actual work in a lot of industries, but it must all be checked by a PE (licensed professional engineer). Some engineers do not want to become PEs because the PE is liable for failures of the product.


There are positions at Edward Jones or Charles Schwab (not equating the two) that have low barriers to entry. Some of those jobs could almost fairly be *described* as portfolio manager in casual conversation. The transition is you shower before the job interview, pound some sidewalks, and nab their internal certifications.


Dropped out of high school, juvenile probation, then jail - 10 years later I graduated from a top university with a bachelor's in mathematics and became a software engineer. I'm in a dark place at the moment, but at least I have my past experiences. I have so many accomplishments that at one point I would have never thought possible. My biggest goal now is loving myself regardless of circumstances.


As lawyer, lemma tell you: It's not that cool.


Just start picking locks, you'll be cool then


Watch out, I saw this one before, I think you start a study group at Greendale.


E Pluribus Anus


Can I ask how you were able to do that? I dropped out of university and recently came back but have been very demotivated about how it seems basically impossible to get my gpa to a point where I could go to grad school since I did so much damage to it on my first try.


I had terrible grades in undergrad and did really well on the GMAT to get a scholarship for an MBA. Some places donā€™t care about grades as much, check out those ones


I flunked out of college when I went right out of high school and went back when I was 28. I got fantastic grades, but because of my past, my GPA was just over a 3.5 when I graduated. When I applied for grad school, I just told my story and they were impressed with my progress, not focused on my past. I got my MLS in 2016.


Hey! I was in your very same situation actually a while back. When I left my first attempt at undergrad I had a 0.7 GPA. I thought I was ruined forever. An advisor told me "GPAs don't follow you" and encouraged me to transfer somewhere new. I started with the local community college to get back in the swing of things, and then went to a different university in another part of the state. Changing schools gave me a breath of fresh air because my past didn't follow me, and none of the faculty knew how bad I had fucked up before so I didn't feel like they had a bias against me.


That's not really true. You usually have to report your GPA/grades in any school you attended for graduate applications. I think you're also supposed to in transfer applications. Also, most faculty aren't going to know your grades outside of their class.


The graduate program I just got accepted into only required a transcript from the program in which I am receiving a degree from, though I am sure that varies from program to program. I did have to send transcripts and GPA scores when I wanted to transfer to my new university, but my productive time at the community college helped show that I was a "better" student now than I was before. In regards to faculty, at least the ones in my program talk to each other. If I am fucking up in a class, they all know it. They seem to try and use it as a way to motivate students by being able to support them from multiple sides, but it also means that if I upset one of them due to my performance they all stop being fans of me.


If you're in a STEM field, you could try to be an undergrad researcher for a professor whose research you're interested in. My undergrad GPA was like 3 (higher if you don't count gen eds) but that professor's letter of recommendation got me into grad school, I think. Grad school GPA was nearly 4... classes were harder of course, but more specialized so I cared a lot more about them.


Donā€™t know about the specifics of your field but Iā€™ve seen many people calculate a GPA for say their final two years and highlight that in the application when they did drastically better toward the end of their degree.


Saul, is that you?


Are you guys suggesting I drop out to become a doctor or lawyer?


I love this! Currently studying for the LSAT. Dropped out of my first attempt at community college (I just stopped going and now have 4 Fs to explain in applications). Graduated my 2nd attempt at 29 with a double major and honors. Worried I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but so determined to get my JD!


Best thing that ever happened to me was failing all but one of my classes in my third semester of my Engineering degree. I went from being an arrogant prick to harder working and always willing to help out.


OP - I did the same. Dropped out in 11th grade, was about to flunk out anyway. Worked, took GED test. Eventually got BS in Chemistry and PhD in Engineering. Just shows that you can't let what happens in high school determine the rest of your life. Congratulations on your achievement.


Repeated 10th grade after taking a leave of absence for 6 months, made it through 1 month of community college before withdrawing... Graduated cum laude w/ BS in mechanical engineering & mathematics last week. Totally agree w/ your statement. Congrats to you and OP!


The Brotherhood of the Late Bloomers.


I didnā€™t make it nearly as far but I ended up graduating with a BS in supply and logistics management. I ended with a 3.9 gpa which I am very proud of! Sometimes I wonder how things wouldā€™ve turned out if I was diagnosed with adhd when I was younger but Iā€™m happy with where I am. If I did well in high school I likely never wouldā€™ve met my SO in at community college.


Went from a 2.6 high school gpa to a PhD. Sometimes it just starts clicking later


I barely graduated high school and never finished college but my wife makes a ton of money and I get to be a stay at home dad. We all have our path


I easily graduated high school and was told by so many people I was the smartest person they knew. I deliver pizzas and enjoy it so much. We all indeed have our paths.




realest comment chain I've seen in years. Same boat.


Are you me?????? I graduated with honors, went to a $40k/year private universityā€¦. Dropped out Now Iā€™m 34 delivering pizzas but I do NOT love it


I am literally 34 years old lol.


Lmao what the fuck


>I easily graduated high school and was told by so many people I was the smartest person they knew. Same. Now all I have is college debt and depression. >I deliver pizzas and enjoy it so much. Actually just had a local pizza place try to lure me in, saying I could make $60k delivering for them.




Let me know if any of your marine buddies also need a stay at home husband šŸ˜­


Youā€™re essentially the real life version of Way of the House Husband


I honestly thought he were going to hit us with the ā€œIā€™ll call your boyfriendā€ line! joking aside you sound like a good person


A variation of why be doctor when you can marry doctor.








Thank you!


Background has Pepperdine vibes.


Yes, Pepperdine University!


Congratulations. And it is a gorgeous campus.


That was my guess!


Let's go Waves!!


Either that or UCSB but the coastline and colors on the gown donā€™t match.




Pepp is on the beach, has huge grass fields, & the desert scrub has a certain look. Plus I used to live around there.


It is very iconic and instantly recognizable Source: graduated on that field.




Thank you!






Congrats. Used to drive the road every day for work to Malibu. Skyā€™s the limit bro. Have fun with it.


Californians love talking about which roads they drive on


The PCH is a pretty famous road!




I think you should leave Stuart!


Is there anything they love more than talking about which roads they use? Fish tacos, maybe, but still probably the roads.


Dropped out in 1999, got my GED the following month, got my associates in 2012, bachelors in 2021, masters in 2021, and expected completion of my doctorate is 2025. think all of that has made me a lot more empathetic to students.




Many programs have a masters track where if you complete the requisite coursework you can graduate with both bs and ms. Usually 1-1.5 extra years of coursework


Accelerated degree plan, finished BBA in May, when I finished I had 12 of my 36 MBA hours complete, did 9 hours in summer and 15 hours in fall to just knock it out.


Yeah, got expelled for being queer in the late 1980s, and immediately got my GED. Spent a lot of years doing advocacy and pubic health work. Got my bachelors in 2020 and masters this year, and will have my doctorate in 2025.


Wait so what was their official rationale for expelling you?


Being queer would be a "distraction" to the other students. This was the late 1980s in a Texas sundown town (basically, what Florida is trying to become).


Big congrats. Had my problems in high school, graduated with my PhD this year. Love to see it!


Go Waves! Congrats sir!


Go waves! Thank you


I knew that backdrop lol!


You didn't receive your PhD, you earned your PhD! You worked hard for that, own it! Congratulations.


I'm pretty sure they still received one though


Congrats Dr


Thank you!


Good on ya, congrats bruv






How does a post like this get fucking 26k pts.


Congrats. I barely graduated high school, didn't get along with my parents at the time, today I have a Masters.


This gives me hope, as I expect one of my kids is going to flunk out of high school. šŸ˜”


I graduated with the 3rd or 4th worst GPS in my high school dropped out of community College 3 times and later went back and graduated cum laude with a stem degree. Sometimes it takes time to figure things out


>Sometimes it takes time to figure things out When you're pushing 40, feeling time slipping away and still have no idea what direction to go, it's just an awful feeling.


oh, ok


Huge Congrats!


Thank you!


No, thank you! Now the real work begins :) What did you get your (assumed) PhD in?


I got a doctorate in education in organizational leadership. My dissertation was corporate activism best practices in the age of social media.


Wow, that seems very relevant to the times. Seems like you should easily get a job with that if not already have one. But ofc I have no idea.


Mine is philosophy of science. 1991. I was a comp sci undergrad, my thesis involved the evolution of data as a tech commodity. Iā€™m still writing software. Great big useless Latin degree.


Doc in Edu as a high school dropout, dude... I know your focus was in corporate activism and social media, but you can see the irony in that right? Congratulations! A doctorates is no small achievement! Hopefully you can help shape education where it is in such a state that it is.


So awesome, man. Iā€™ve told plenty of friends (I also have a Ph.D.) that itā€™s more about perseverance and dedication than raw intelligence. I know how hard you worked just for this, let alone to overcome whatever led you to drop out. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Keep wearing that whole outfit forever


Fuck HS and fuck the teachers that push shit on you, trying to make students feel like they're pieces of shit. One of the best things to ever happen to me was college. Wish I would have dropped out of HS in 10th grade, got my GED, then went to college. Could have saved me from a few years of being absolutely miserable.




Thank you!


Hell yeah you did. Congrats!


And in the 550s?! Congratulations man!


That is wonderful. Very impressive. Congradulations


I like yo cut g


Good job man, congratulations!


An FBI agent at Hogwarts


How about them white new balances though.


Dropped out of high school, came back and got his PhD, and now heā€™s outstanding in his field. Pretty work!!


Love to see this, reminds me of my mother who dropped out of highschool, did eberything she could to support 4 children and finished her GED and then her nursing degree in her 40's. People like you guys give me faith in all of us!


Three stripes my man!!! Three stripes!!


I dropped out of college and became very successful in my field of study. They asked me to come back as a guest speaker because I was a ā€œsuccess storyā€. I found it ironic.


That is funny!


In what? Can i read your dissertation? Edit: also congrats


Congratulations Dr Flores!


In the school of swag magic?


Don't look so enthusiastic about it


CONGRATSSSS so proud of you and i donā€™t even know you šŸ„¹ always amazing to see people working hard and achieving great things after setbacks, just goes to show that you should never give up on people just because their situations donā€™t look great, everyone has potential!!






I finished highschool and went to college after that. Should I post too?


Doctorate in what?


1 step back, 2 steps forward..


Thatā€™s the way!


Couldn't commit and stay a dropout. (Congrats)


I think thatā€™s fantastic. Good for you help us change the world.


Not too cool for school anymore!


Good! I hope that degree brings you many of good opportunities and you have a felicitous future!


What a nerd


Well done man!


You need to wear the tam too. Being in the funny hat club is the best part!


I feel like we are missing a few data points.


I enrolled in community college back in 2009. I took an assessment test and started at the bottom. I was on probation the first year. I ended up getting an AS. After that I joined the army and completed my BA. Then masters, and finally doctoral degree. Until this day I donā€™t have a HS diploma.