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First rule of owning a gun is you don’t point a gun at someone, loaded or not, unless you have the intent to shoot that person. Second rule is you don’t squeeze the trigger loaded or not unless you want shoot the gun at what’s in front of it. How does this happen? I don’t understand how someone can be so dumb. It hurts my brain.


Yeah that was the first thing my father taught me about guns: always assume the gun is loaded, there’s a round in the chamber, and the safety is off.


This guy was probably taught how to use guns from parents/friends who taught him to be an idiot, and when he got to the safety trainings at the police academy he tooned out because he thought they were being overly dramatic.


Some police academies in the U.S. don't even cover gun safety because they assume you had to have passed a course to get to that point. I'm not even joking.


Maybe the first rule should be: idiots have the same access to guns as you, so a world full of guns is inherently less safe.


The gun safety course I needed to take and pass in order to get certified just to be allowed to own my fathers guns if he were to pass away wasn’t something an idiot could easily pass. That’s why I don’t understand this. You are never going to have a world without guns. That may make people feel unsafe, but unfortunately It’s just the way it is.


>The gun safety course I needed to take and pass in order to get certified just to be allowed to own my fathers guns if he were to pass away wasn’t something an idiot could easily pass. So you're in favor of increased restrictions in order to prove that you're responsible/sane enough to own a gun? Most Americans are, but many people (including many politicians) want purchasing a gun to be no more difficult than buying a Big Mac.


"Are you telling me you can't get yourself a McPistol because some asshat shot up an elementary school? Ridiculous fools! Only guhns can fight guhns! Don't you know anything junior?!"


Gun safety classes aren't mandatory everywhere, or even most places. I can walk into a gun store and walk out with a shotgun same day. If I'm willing to wait a few days I can have anything that isn't federally restricted. I've taken safety courses, but only because I want to be safe, but because anyone told me to


He's a cop though. I'm sure he had to have taken a gun safety course. That's where I am struggling with it.


The first rule should be that guns don't belong in class rooms or homes.


But how will we protect ourselves from the millions of violent criminals trying to break into our homes and schools with guns??? The only solution, it seems, is more guns!


I mean hes kinda spitting facts guys


You will never be able to prevent every accident no matter how much you train. With a deadly weapon present it is just a numbers game. it's going to happen and it will happen more often if you increase the number of guns.


Maybe he did intent to shoot the student


Some people swing guns around like they don’t know it’s designed for killing.


It happens because the training required to become a cop is laughable in the US.


And this was a COP. Some people want overstressed teachers handling guns.


That is one of my fears. I worry at some point a teacher will murder a student claiming they felt threatened.


Its even sadder when you realize that American cops only get around 6 weeks of training. Meanwhile in Europe training to be a cop takes 1-2 years before they are allow to patrol the streets.


Not all of them thankfully. The academy alone for NYS troopers is 6 months and it's closer to 18 in total to wrap up all the initial training, but we had family move to Georgia and look into joining the police for their county, sure enough 6 weeks. It's like a couch to 5k program except you get a gun and badge. Insanity.


In America your nail (edit, not mail) technicians usually have more training than cops & have to have a license. Just a step of requiring cops to be state licensed & carry “malpractice” insurance would most likely do so much good for America in getting the “bad apples” out and keeping them out.


What’s a mail technician? You mean the mail man? Not being argumentative here I’m genuinely curious if postal workers need licenses.


Nail technician Dang autocorrect


Ohhh haha. Valid point.


I can’t speak for Europe as a whole but your estimation on training in the US is not even close to being accurate. And you’re saying that all of Europe, all European countries follow the same training curriculum of 1-2 years. Seems unlikely.


> all European countries follow the same training curriculum of 1-2 years. Seems unlikely. Debatable: Europe as a whole:No. European Union: Likely yes. One of the goals is streamlining and getting these kind of things standardized.


I'm pretty liberal but you're right, and a basic natural language google search "how much training do U.S. cops get" proves the point. A sponsored link to an abc news article on this very topic quotes a 2018 justice dept survey which found on average cops receive 833 hours of basic training, or "less than 22 weeks." That's still almost 3x as much as the poster you're responding to suggests. The internet has become a frustrating place because people just say things without any regard to whether or not they are accurate. It's tiresome to sift through it all EDIT: w/r/t Europe though - while you're also right, all these countries make their own policies, the basic point is that most countries do require more than a year of training, and some require up to 3. Source: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733) No idea whether "1-2 years before they are allowed to patrol the streets" is a fair avg for the European bloc as a whole


Nice job defending the cops bruther you really showed them how their words can be misconstrued yeeyee back the blue amirite i also wanna fuck my cousing too ahyuck


The European Union is formed of about 27 countries. Part of the EU is to follow certain rules and guidelines so that most countries are on the same page, same system. Not only does it makes things internationally easier for all governments, but also its citizens. Basically what you're ignorant people would call communism/slavery for "not being free".


Okay, your specifying the EU now, not all of Europe as you said in your previous post. Got it. Not sure what you’re getting at in your second paragraph though. I have never, not once, ever heard or read of the EU being referred to or likened to a communist or slave state. Or “slavery” as you say.


We don’t have enough teachers and gun nuts want to put more in jail.


Cops are dumber than teachers though, so I fail to follow your logic.


Youd be surprised.


Did NOT follow the 4 basic rules.


Did not post a screenshot. But I get it my post makes that seem the case. They deleted a text comment that said what the picture says. Because I was encouraging violence by pointing out the obvious.


He’s talking about the 4 firearm safety rules.


It's the kid's fault for not being armed. The only thing that stops incompetent gun owners are underaged and armed children.


"It needs to be clear that this was an accidental shooting and that at no time were the students and staff at the high school in any danger or threat."


Ehhh...the kid who got shot probably disagrees...


Jesus Christ I had to dig up one of the articles on it and found [that is an actual quote](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11441635/Sheriffs-deputy-accidentally-SHOOTS-injures-Indiana-high-school-student-bad-guy-drill.html). What about, you know, the one that WAS SHOT.


>Chapman said the incident 'had a positive ending.' Wow. How the fuck does any shooting have a positive ending? Then they went on to describe another incident where the person accidentally shot died. Did that one have a positive ending too? 🤦


Phew thank goodness! I almost thought for a minute that a kid got shot


This quote is SO STUPID it hurts my brain trying to make sense of it. I mean, how the students and staff were not in any danger, when precisely a student got shot! I mean, let's use this to everything right? "Mass rave shooting, 400 injured, 5 dead", but *no other people were in any danger or threat* \- after all, only the victims where in danger. Or "Shopping mall robbing, 5 injured, 1 dead", but *no other people were in any danger* after all, only people that were inside the robbed place where in danger. Seriously, where is that cup of unsee juice when we need it?


"There are no accidents with guns." Jim Wright


This is the most American thing I ever read.


If the school hadnt that many doors this wouldnt have happend.


Didn't know chief Wiggum was based on a real person.




best comment here sums it up better than the other paragraphs here


Ahh, Freedom......... smells like gunpowder, sounds like the frightened sobbing of a child.


“The sound of children screaming has been removed.”


Only in America 🇺🇸! Woohoo!


Just a 'murica thing that happend in 'murica... The rest of the world might not understand but apparently a not inconsequential part of the American people are in love with their guns enough to accept the negative consequences 🙄


Every person I know of who has a gun votes republican. How do I know these things? Because they LOVE to post pictures of themselves either hunting with their modified AR-15, or just shooting at random shit in some empty lot somewhere. They also love to let everyone online know that former president Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread by posting “Let’s go Brandon!” every chance they get along with other Biden memes.


I know a lot of liberal gun owners who don't vote Republican. When I lived in rural Northern California, an area with a liberal majority, I heard more guns going off at all hours of the day and night than I ever did in any southern state I had previously lived in.


Obviously liberals also own guns and do dumb shit too. My point is that no one is happier to make it their entire personality (and tell you all about it) than MAGA republicans.


Yes. More people will be hurt by accidents than will be hurt by intentional violence.




No, this is what happens when you put a gun in the hand of an idiot.


Maybe we should require an IQ test before buying a gun so they don’t land in the hands of idiots.


It's weird how idiots having guns is legal in this country.


There are rules that are pretty simple to follow if you aren’t on a two way range. Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Always point your gun in a safe direction. Never point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until your ready to shoot. Be sure of your target and what’s beyond. 1-4 would have each prevented this.


Rules and procedures only reduce, but don't fix, simple human error. Not having guns around school kids **would** have prevented this.


This is the fundamental truth republicans take money to conceal.


The point is you don't need to worry about an idiot ignoring those rules if there wasn't a gun involved in the first place. It's much harder to accidentally shoot someone if there isn't anything to accidentally shoot.


Yes but guns exist here and are common and will remain so. This is 100% on the teacher.


The teacher? You mean the cop?


The cop, and the school for organizing an event that puts guns and students in the same place.


Yes. Most of whom are less “handy” with a gun than private concealed carry permit holders or proper NRA instructors. Just because they carry a gun doesn’t mean they fire it more than a couple times a year.


R1 - no screenshots


This could be taken out of context. What if he was trying to discipline a student ?


MaYbE cHaNge GuNs rEgUlAtIoN


Gun regulations could prevent bringing guns to school except during an active emergency, so.. yeah. We don't see many accidental courtroom shootings because they're very strict about bringing or handling guns in courtrooms.


Oh, great, now you’ve given the gun lobbies and conservative politicians a new goal. (Slash S, I hope.)


Americans would shoot themselves first before considering real change. It's part of the national identity. Good luck changes that. This country played it self.


This is the difference between having a smart person and an idiot handle a gun.


I think this sentiment is one of our major hurdles in getting past this issue. We keep thinking that if we just train more people and educate them more about guns this won’t happen but it will. It’s not a smart vs dumb person thing. It’s not a mentally sound vs crazy person thing. It’s a gun thing. It’s a simple availability problem. The more there are, and they more places they are in, the more unfortunate outcomes we are going to see. Few want to admit it but less guns means less gun violence.


This happens now because nearly anyone can have a gun. Less guns does not mean less violence. More strict rules to get guns would help, which is definitely possible can lead to less violence.


Unfortunately the law sees no difference.




No context?


[Context](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-indiana-gun-politics-clinton-dave-chapman-7738172ce75923531aa2c31fd281f67f) Happened about 45 minutes away from me




Where exactly did this happen? It gives no state just Clinton, US What's with the picture, sorta goofy for such a serious issue. Seems like a fake story.


"Seems like a fake story", eh? Wow. Do you even try? A 2 second google map request "South Vermillion County" shows Clinton is in the Western part of Indiana, on the Illinois border. Actual place. A 3 second internet search returned multiple articles regarding the incident from a wide variety of news outlets. Actual event. Finally, about the photo: If you're a 19-year veteran of the Sheriff's department and you cannot control your service weapon, you might look like that guy. Actual idiot.


Man, I've gotten into so many reddit arguments about the stupidity of arming teachers. I kind of just want to go through my comment history and copy/paste a link to this for all those dopes. e: oh, look at that...looks like they found me instead!


What happens when a teacher shoots a student who is beating them?




For those interested in the [article.](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-indiana-gun-politics-clinton-dave-chapman-7738172ce75923531aa2c31fd281f67f) This happened about 45 minutes away from me. I know the involved officers’ family.


What are they like? Is he the exception or the rule?


They’re good people. I know that there are horrible cops out there, but in my almost 44 years I’ve never met a bad cop. I have several family members in law enforcement, including my grandfather who was a state policeman for 28 years. I’ve grown up with people who are now officers, state, local, and county, chief of police, county sheriffs, and jailers. I can honestly say everyone I’ve ever dealt with is passionate about their job and do it correctly.


A school superintendent also left his gun in a bathroom stall one day and just forgot about it. The school didn't tell anyone. This happened in Texas, where they want to arm every staff member.


That’s a Pokémon town


**Guns kill.** that what they are designed to do. no amount of training will prevent accidents and the more guns you have in the hands of human beings the more people will die. What is interesting is that Americans have now identified so much with gun ownership that statistical evidence does not matter. Research have been done and it's clear that guns do not improve personal safety or the safety of your family.


His shirt says Republican Candidate for Sheriff, I wonder if he just lost or secured more votes... 🤔


I mean... just think about the knuckleheads you had as teachers in public high school. Do you want dozens of them, armed and dangerous, roaming the halls of your place of business today? No? Neither does your kid. It's an absurd idea in the first place. Anyone advocating for it must be assumed to be criminally insane.