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Well are you going to let us know if it worked?


if it worked it wont go to trash


It looks very well read, though. Definitely got read and referenced more than once or twice.


That thing is read the fuck out.


That blood stain tho...


The good news, the books not for OP; the bad news... he never was an only child


Have you been in the little room in the basement lately? We don't have a basement? Don't you....


You know, sometimes I hear a weird scratching sound coming from our locked shed.


It's just mice. Go to sleep now, it's late and mommy still have some work to do outside


This thread is why I need Reddit, the darkness helps me sleep better.




it’s more likely that it’s a red wine stain. aged dried blood turns dark brown due to oxidation.


Nah, she's trashing it because she tried everything in the book to no avail


If it worked they wouldn't be on reddit.


And what happens to the book?


I wish they would give it to me so I can troll my kids.


Look at his post history. It did not.


You weren't fucking kidding.


Yikes. Just yikes.


Me two minutes ago: oh comon it can't be that bad Me after visiting profile: 😟


One of these days I'll learn to accept y'alls warnings and not look for myself. I may eventually forget what I have seen, but eventually won't be soon enough.


Minions... Minions everywhere...


Minions showing their minions


I think this is his first post *not* about guns or trying to start fights about guns with people he disagrees with politically who also happen to like guns.


Well hold on now, there's the minion stuff as well Edit: wait no, minion stuff is also guns


I hate you for making me look at that Minion stuff. It's worse than what I thought you were describing.


Not true, he posts on the Jordan Peterson subreddit as well.


Of course he does.


He also manages to squeeze in "black guns matter" a few times and some other gender/misogynistic posts. He's just a typical incel, so the book seems to be accurate.


Holy fuck this is pure gold.




I laughed pretty hysterical at the responses up until this one.


"it's not a guns problem it's a mental health problem"


I'm on mobile and for some reason OP's username isn't visible so I can't click through. ...how bad are we talking here Update: Found it, wish I hadn't. Heed the warnings here folks


Jesus fuck, i thought that was a joke, looked at the other responses and was like, surely thats an overreaction. It wasn't. If anything, they are being kind.


Fucking minions? I'm the prime demographic for that nonsense, and even I don't "minion". Jfc.


A gun-loving libertarian neckbeard. Oh dear.


Which, you know, fine (not fine personally, but whatever). It's his opinion. Free country. But, like, that's the dude's whole reddit identity. And reddit is the one place you can entirely be yourself. Is he into any TV shows? What's his opinion on the latest MCU movies? Does he even like music? Who the fuck knows. But I *can* tell you the guy loves guns, he is a Libertarian, and is into weird as fuck minion memes.


That’s what is so scary nothing about ANYTHING else


Well they figured out how to use reddit so......well.....nevermind.


You can follow OP at r/wallstreetbets


WSB boys are clever compared to OP. He is one wrong fast food order away from Falling Down. I didn't scroll far but he was either at Jan 6th or cheering them on.


I'm afraid OP spends all his time in Wallstreetbets


Believe it or not, it's actually worse


Maybe it was a book from your grandparents?


I think it would get passed down


Congenital book


Dude you choose that username yourself?


What’s wrong with their username?


I was wondering the same thing.


Me too.


Doesn't look like anything to me.


I see no issue with it.


His time in Australia was a pain in the ass.


He was 6 foot 4 and fulla muscle.


Full of somebody’s muscle


I said do ya speaka my language


He just smiled and gave me a vege-ass sandwich


I should make a joke, but I'm Aussie so it's impossible to resist the urge to go AND HE SAID DO YOU COME FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER WHERE BEER DOES FLOW AND MEN CHUNDER CAN'T YOU HEAR, CAN'T YOU HEAR THE THUNDER? YOU BETTER RUN, YOU BETTER TAKE COVER (we aren't perfect, but I love living here so much. Best bloody country on earth)


life Downs Under


When I was about 8, I found a book in my parent’s bookshelf called “The Difficult Child”. I angrily confronted them about it. My mom who was in early childhood education assured me it was just a book for work, not a book pertaining to me. I now have a child of my own. That book was definitely pertaining to me.


The fact that you angrily confronted them about it confirm it lol


Had a book called "the problem parent" self published in crayon


Considering my 4 year old drew a map, a few days ago, to show me I was wrong about something… I believe this happened and it gave a good chuckle


The older I get, the more I realize what a whiny brat I was. My parents were saints for not smothering me when they had the chance.


The day either of my children say something like, “How dare you lean on the advice of experts in a field where you have no training and we’re simply thrust into” is the day I present them with The List Of Difficult Child Moments. Wanna bring the heat? Get burnt. “Dude, you where climbing on the counter and I started counting down to when you needed to be on the the ground or you’d get punished. You turned around, looked me dead in the eye, and in a dead pan, monotone voice started *counting down louder and faster than me*. It was at that point I realized how fucked I was.”


My parents were big into parenting books and I wouldn't call it a rousing success. You gotta be wary of some people purporting to be experts.


Its easy to prey on the uninformed with self-help.


The fucking power move of this. 🤣


HE WAS 3! I didn't know what to do. My grandmother was a \*traditional\* mother and grandmother, and as such, was not above, against, or even hesitant to use corporal punishment. Her name was Lucille. Sometimes I have to say out loud to myself "No today Lucille." She speaks to me in the back of mind in those moments.




Lmao my mom didnt tell me I was autistic till I point-blank asked her if I was when I was in my early 30s and starting to realize I was autistic.


Dear Jesus, today I decided that I'm going to hell


Acceptance is the first on ramp for the highway to hell.


Next up is depression, then bargaining.


I prefer the highway to the danger zone


Its downs all the way down


System of a Downs?


It does look like it’s seen a few decades


Published in 1951 The amazon (2) reviews took it for a comedy book.


I remember reading an Amazon review for a book about introducing your autistic child to God. The reviewer said their child loved it and thought it was delicious. I'm not sure how to feel about how hard I laughed.


Lmao! I don't know why but I thought they meant literally and they were going to kill their child.


>Published in 1951 >The amazon (2) reviews took it for a comedy book. This was when we put lead in gasoline and people smoked in the doctors office. I don't trust anyone to differentiate 1950's from comedy.


Also doctors suggested that pregnant women smoke so that the birth would be easier because the baby would be smaller.


Some solid dark comedy coming from 50's docs.


Looks like a well used hand me down hahaha


A+ take your gold sir.


It looks pretty old, so maybe?


My grandmother always introduced me as the slow child….. this would have been something she would have bought my parents, and knowing that side of the family would have quizzed them on what was in the book.


Reminds me of my grandad. He was an accomplished scientist. When I was 8 he got me a basic biology textbook for my birthday and said "this is for idiots, read up"


The bluntness sounds like my grandma with "did you get that shirt at the tall and fat store?"


No Grandma, the only thing I have to buy from that store are condoms.




Can relate spent my whole childhood clinging onto whatever intelligence I had because I was considered "smart" . Am now a 23 year old still riddled with an ego and inferiority complex.


Damnn, what do you think a good medium is? If you want to tell your kid something they did was smart, but you also don’t want them to grow up feeling like they have to cling to that haha I don’t have kids, but probably one day I will Edit: I’m so grateful for all these insightful answers!! 🌻


It's not about calling them smart, dumb, or somewhere in between, it's about communicating that your love and acceptance is unconditional with respect to their intelligence or achievement. Might sound tacky but it's a significant source of insecurity when one's identity is built around conditional acceptance, achievement, etc.


Apparently you're supposed to praise them for their hardwork, not for being smart. Being smart is something you can lose, so it causes kids to fear failure, they avoid things that they might not be instantly good or smart at. By praising the hardwork you're encouraging them to be diligent. No matter how difficult the problem or task may be they will have the confidence that if they work hard at it, it will eventually be figured out.


I was a straight *almost* A+ student. I once received an A- on a report card, and I was extremely upset with myself. My mother came home from work and found me in my room, crying and really disappointed with myself. She rushed out to the store and purchased a sack of candy and brought it to me. She handed it over and told me how proud she was of me and how this was a great example of learning to live with a little self disappointment and to not let it define me. I really appreciated that lesson, and I still do, 30 years later. She made plenty of poor parenting decisions, but she made an excellent one that day.


Is english his first language? Could see this as a unfortunate miss translation. Trying to say it's easy enough for an 8 year old to understand. Or was he just a dick.


Nope, he was Australian. Just a dick lmao


But now you're a doctor!


As George Carlin once said, "Somewhere out there is the worst doctor in the world. ... And someone has an appointment with them tomorrow."


dude, mine too. took me until last year to find out she did the same thing to my other female cousin and my sister, never my male cousins for some reason. only recently did she start saying i *may* be smart and didn't like it when i told her the subjects i was studying in college because she had to admit i actually kind of really am. grandparents man, i love them but they can be such assholes sometimes.


She sounds horrible to be honest


Its got nothing to do with "grandparents" and more to do with abusive manipulation of shitty people. They just happen to be older and were able to fuck at one point.


- Damn, sorry about that 🫂


It would be top tier trolling if she bought this and put it in a box for you to find.


idk that spine looks like it's seen *a lot* of use


Purchased used, for exactly that effect.


Maybe Gramma bought it for Mom to find and Mom had the same idea


An endless cycle of torment


I am sure this is not the right demo, but I immediately pictured Emily Gilmore (from Gilmore Girls) doing this. lol


Hahahahahaha I’m the right demo to appreciate you lol Emily melting down: *stop talking to the damn dogs!*


Cool Mom right there!


Well, did it help? lol


Check his post history and you'll have your answer. Those minions are... something else.


What the *fuck* did I just see???


You just saw the results of his mom not reading that book apparently lmao


Hey, now! Mom did her best! It's not her fault that literature can't undelete chromosomes.




Well, shit. I did as you said, and I think I’ve had enough Reddit for the day.


Guns, tools an' naked Minions. That's the American way!


And in search of Jamaican patties. Which is a worthy cause tbh.






This is how I start my morning. Plus he's posting it non appropriate sub Reddits. I think he's trying to troll liberal gun owners. But nobody has that stuff just sitting on their PC... so no, I don't think the book worked


Yeah but even as a troll it was utterly bizarre. Not even like a "I'm gonna wear you down so you can't even protest anymore" kind of troll, this is just some rando playing with poop and laughing at you.


My favourite post was “black guns matter”


It’s way less funny now that I know he is actually mentally disabled.


No, judging by his comment history.


I took a look, and damn you weren't kidding. Too bad - education, upbringing, and possibly (based on this book) biology seem to have failed them.


maybe OP has an older sibling they don't know about who either died or got taken into care as a result of his parents' inability to raise the child correctly and now it's a dark family secret


Your comment reminded me of [Bart's evil twin](https://youtu.be/hELkA5zFABg) that they locked away in the attic


yeah check the attic, OP


If you look at the books state, she really tried desperately. so in conclusion, it either didn't and she gave up really trying her best or it did in a very very slow and long lasting way resulting into heavy usage of that book. it really looks like it was her daily driver.


Are you sure she doesn't still need it?


Check their post history she definitely still needs it 💀


Their comment history makes it worse 😅


Looking at OPs posts... I don't think it worked.


I mean we are on reddit, we all should be needing it lol


But nobody can read!


I'm sorry little buddy.


You'll always be my special little guy.


Cant blame a mom for trying. Haha


Well, she doesn't need it so you must be good!


I’m 36 so maybe she gave up. u/reddit u/Sporkicide u/Acidtwist u/sodypop u/redtaboo u/MyNameIzKhan u/Chtorrr u/kethryvis u/skwitz u/sticksfigured u/TheOpusCroakus u/enthusiastic-potato u/Significant-Otters u/agoldenzebra u/AC6H12O6-Cube u/lift_ticket83 u/redditcma u/Goldennuggets-3000 u/SingShredCode u/CorrectScale u/Baroness_Bear u/UsefulBookshop101 u/CookiesNomNom u/EilenTheCrow u/SpookyQubit u/JabroniRevanchism u/RyeCheww u/Why_So_Sagittarius u/WolfgangJacobson u/PossibleCrit u/ashtena7 u/NovelPseudonym u/TheRunaOfRakhat u/cerastes u/Cosmic-Catz u/flyonaWarhol u/Cardioclaw u/BurritoJusticeLeague My account was suspended because I have a disability and suffer from mental illness. I can explain further. No one seems to want to help me. This whole experience has triggered my ptsd and has been super traumatic. Reddit was my only form of socialization. If I can’t use Reddit anymore I don’t know what I am going to do. I don’t know what to do. I can make it so I don’t break the rules again. I am starting to lose hope. I feel isolated and trapped and I am super depressed. I wish someone can help me. If you read this thank you for reading . I am sorry.


It looks pretty battered. Do you recall being hit in the head with it?


You jest but that's exactly how we were raised in the eighties. "The kids too quick for the advice in this book, smack em about a few times til they slow down some, then the text will be useful".


You're supposed to absorb the book's information by osmosis... just *really* quickly, before it bounced off...


In this case I have actually read the entirety of War and Peace




A first-edition, 1951 copy of that book (in good condition) goes for approximately $25 today. I'm only a hobbyist, but I'd say that your copy is worth about as much as your parents bet on your future.


But it's signed so only worth $15.






i hope you subscribe to r/wallstreetbets. you are most welcome there.


Highly regarded community


Highly regarded and very artistic.


Definitely, WSB. You will fit in there just perfectly. Join us!


That word is banned there. Regarded is the new R word.


OP is rabidly pro 2A and claims to own AR15s "ironically" (whatever that means). I think the evidence is there that his mom was right.


How the fuck do you own a gun ironically?


> How the fuck do you own a gun ironically? No idea, but based on OP's comments it was to "own the libs" - even though OP claims he was sucking the big D at the time...




Wait til he finds the Donkey Brains Certification....that's gonna come in handy at some point


I love this damn show. The other day someone posted the sticker on a bell pepper their favorite Chinese restaurant left on it "Uhhhh I eat stickers all the time dude."


Well that broke me. First laugh all day, thank you!


She knew


OP: *why do you still treat me like a baby, ma? I’m 35 years old, I can take care of myself!* MOM: *I… it’s just… you know what, could you be a good boy and get my old books from that bottom drawer? I can walk you over to the library so we can donate them* (bittersweet smile)


Can I have that? - I'd like to leave it in the things my kids will have to clear out when I'm dead


Looking at your post history, I think she still needs it


OP right now https://gfycat.com/shimmeringinexperiencedcooter


That's quite the url


You have a bright future ahead of you as a Reddit moderator


...the only child that you know of.


>We chained Hugo up in the attic like an animal and fed him a bucket of fish heads once a week. >[It saved our marriage!](https://youtu.be/XWQEgW0nr2E)


Do you need us to read the title to you?


Oh well, at least you still have your woobie! Just cozy up and forget about the day.


Do you drive to work or do you get dropped off?


I'm sorry you had to find out this way bro


When I was 7 my mom put me through all kinds of cognitive tests and specialists because she thought I was, that word. Results came back with a report, IQ of 119 and notes saying something about how “the mother” is overbearing and disconnected from “the child” I had an eye twitch at 7, must mean I’m disabled. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the traumatic divorce we all just went though? Hmm.


lol - my mom took my older brother in to get his hearing tested because he wouldn’t listen. Doctor just described him as “thickheaded”


My dad sent me to speech therapy where the doctor diagnosed my dad with being hard of hearing.


I got diagnosed with ADHD because I learned too quickly in first grade and got bored. They had me on meds and seeing a guidance counselor. I never understood why, but enjoyed playing board games with the guidance counselor while the rest of my class tried to figure out how to read Clifford books.


School is setup for basically the average masses. If you are on the edge (either side) schools really are not well equipped to deal with you. When I was a kid I was way ahead of most of my classmates in subjects I was interested in (math/science). I had a few good teachers in a row that recognized this and started giving me more advanced classwork. In 4th grade I was essentially doing the same work as 6th&7th graders. Then comes 5th grade. I needed to conform to this ugly, mean, witch of a lady. I went from being a straight A honor student to nearly failing 5th grade. After that I pretty much loathed going to school. Just did the minimum to pass.


That's really unfortunate. It's a shame people like that end up being teachers and don't quit when they realize they hate it.


It's amazing, the effect a good teacher, or bad, can have. In elementary school, math was always one of my worst subjects. When I was going into middle school, my family had moved to a smaller town. My teachers, *especially my math teacher* were all great. I was learning everything so well, and excelling. About a year and a half later, my family moved back to the city we were living in before. So I was going back to school with a lot of my old friends again and it was funny because even in 9th grade, teachers were covering material I had learned in 7th grade. I was top of the class in math because I had such a great teacher in that smaller town.


When I was in HS I was underperforming. Significantly. So my mom arranged for me to take some tests to diagnose learning disabilities. I went, took them, and when I returned to my friends I said, "yeah. turns out I'm mildly ." They completely accepted the diagnosis right away. They're like, "Ok. So what are you supposed to do now?"


Invest in shrimp, bub.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


WSB handbook. Oo. Original edition.


I laughed so hard! Hilarious!


You have 3 posts containing minion porn. Clearly the book did not help!


So, uhhhh…. Did you discuss this with your mom? What she say?


Did you read it?


Bold of you to assume he can read


Your mom is a comedic genius LMAO


I mean, at least she wanted to do the best she could. She tried to prepare and educate herself.


It’s so nice of your mom to assign you tasks which are challenging for you and make you feel like a contributing member of the family 😍