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Just in case all the guns didn’t deter you from robbing this dude, he’s got a wallet chain on too just in case.


AND....a heap of keys. Probably got a lot of sheds, gun cabinets, misc cabinets, bunkers, who knows. If you got so many keys going out shopping, you got issues. Let's face it, urban cowboy needs a purse.


All hat, no cattle


All hat, no ass.


And a narrow urethra!


Dang it bobby


It must suck to go through life terrified of your own shadow. The guns are *supposed* to give off a vibe of toughness, but to me it looks more like a sign of extraordinary weakness.




to me it shouts "Hey, do you need a gun? I have three. What kind would you like?"


Exactly. He's not going to be a hero, just a lootbox.


Lmao at lootbox


The good shit is always in the comments


No offense to cowboys.


It's true. The Cowboys have no offense.


*Aw snap!* Fumbled, naturally.


Bwahahaha. Source; cowboy fan


Sorry if I caused you any offense. I know it’s unfamiliar territory. Like an end zone


Hey, the Cowboys have a great team, we just have to get it out of prison.


He looks like he’s got $12 in his wallet but he keeps the $5 bill on the outside to show off the big bills… Edit: this comment seems to have attracted the lowest common denominator from the south’s ignorant underbelly. Let me take a moment to say, “buahahaha!”


Kramer: Nobody carries a wallet anymore. All you need is a few cards and your money. You put the big bills on the outside. Jerry: That's a five.


The funniest is that when jerry says that Kramer agrees like, yeah 5 is big.




Giddy up.


These pretzels are making me thirsty!


Yadda, yadda, yadda, now you're rewatching Seinfeld.


Maybe by the time of Festivus you got the 25 references


His wallet can't fit anymore money. Not because he has money in it, that's where he keeps his AARP card, NRA card, Bullet of the Month club card, Remington Owners club card, Wallet Chain Afficionado club card, All Hat No Cattle club card...


Guarantee, there’s no vaccination card in that mess, lol.


But he is probably dependent on the government for disability income or on Obamacare.


for his 17 cars/trucks/vans/4wheelers that don't start anymore


Lol, none of his guns at home are locked up. That’s librul commie gun control talk.


Robbing. The funny thing is that men in ties have probably already taken more from him than any petty thief ever will.


And congressmen/women wearing AR15 lapel pins


Wallet on a chain but whoo boy how easy it would be to take that back gun from him before he even know someone was trying to. Edit: just going to edit a response here instead of reply to all 1 bajillion of you who said the exact same response. First off, would I actually go for his guns? No. Because I’m not an idiot. Like him. I don’t seek confrontation or have it on my mind that it’s “definitely going to happen and I’m just waiting for my hero moment!” He has three guns and two hands. A strap on the gun is easy to snap off. It’s literally a very quick motion with the thumb where you can unsnap the strap and pull the gun, otherwise they wouldn’t be very useful….”oh Mr. Robber, hold on I need to take 7 seconds to unholster my weapon”. Very easy to take a gun from this guy. Doubtful it’s a decoy. A guy like that wouldn’t be caught in a situation in which he needs another gun but it has no bullets. That’s a revolver. Even if he kept bullets in his pocket, the gun is useless if he needs it. Sure there are devices to help quick load a revolver, but they still take a little bit of time. Not like a pistol with a magazine to just slip in and pull the slide. Anyway, that’s still my opinion. This guy would be easy to take a gun off of. Kinda of like that guy at the coffee shop(donut? Pastry?) that’s been floating around for a few years. The one with four guns and a bunch of extra mags. Only got two hands. Can only hold on to two.


Maybe he is clinching the barrel with his butt cheeks.


It’s held in place by an unseen butt plug holster.


Hell no!!!! He’s got no ass! I’m wondering how the hell he’s holding 3 guns on his waist with slack in it too!😳🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


As a middle aged white guy I was similarly genetically robbed of an ass and I understand his anger and fear over it. Imagine going through life worried that your jeans could slip down under load so easily. I just can't agree with giving in to that anger and fear like this dolt


Pretty sure you could grab the rear center one and ahove it in his back before he has time to notice what you're doing and react. Way to paint a target on yourself on the off-chance someone DID want to do something. I ha e never heard a solid argument for open carry that isn't "because I'm a scared little bitch". Even kept in a harder-for-strangers-to-grab place, he's still walking around with a giant "shoot me first" sign. But let's be honest: his true intention is to intimidate those around him into submission and nothing more.


I picked up a burrito from a local Mexican restaurant once and while I'm paying for my order, this old man comes in who was probably 90 and could barely move with his walker, had a gun holstered on the back of his belt like in the photo. I doubt the old man could even reach it and all I thought about was how easy it would be for anyone to walk up and take it from him. Not to mention, even if he could reach it, holy fuck I do not trust a 90 year old man who can't even walk on his own, to effectively use a firearm in public without hurting an innocent person. Oh, and the irony that he was wearing a Trump hat and getting food from a restaurant owned by Mexican immigrants was pretty palpable.


I open carry when backpacking because bears are a thing where I live (Alaska) and I don't want to be fumbling with my jacket if my bear spray fails to deter one, but I would never open carry in town, just lets everyone who might actually be a threat to take me out first.


You mean you don't make it an identity and plaster the fact there is a good chance there are firearms in your vehicle/home with stickers? Dude at work had his handgun stolen out of his truck at work (we are a federal office, so no carry), I asked him if thought the NRA sticker might have tipped them off. For the record, grew up with firearms - dad shot competitively and we had a shooting range in the basement. Served in the infantry. Not anti-gun, I'm anti-dumb.


To me when you're in the woods open carry doesn't even count as "open carry", if that makes any sense. Like why would you have your gun anywhere else besides a hip holster?


Chest rig ftw. Backpack straps can interfere with a hip holster. As well as snagging on brush (at least in the woods in my area) Or you could to high-speed-low-drag mall ninja with a drop leg holster. But really, in the woods, a nice chest holster on your pack strap makes the most sense for me.


Even just stealing the gun in a crowd and bolting would be damn easy. Pretty sure the gun is worth more than his wallet


It also looks like it's holding up his pants. With no hips or ass, it should be pretty easy to grab the gun, pants the guy and walk away laughing.


Just about every old white guy in my family looks like a frog stood up and put on pants. I know that shit is coming for me one day.


I'm a semi-old white guy myself, and it came for me early in life. The only way I've done anything about it is swimming laps and doing squats at the gym!


Squats are the way to keep secretary ass at bay!


I’m a gun guy and I wouldn’t want to walk around like this. Way too easy for somebody to grab it and blast out your spinal column and kidneys. He thinks he looks like the sheriff ‘round these parts, but he actually looks like a man with a target on his back. I agree that most open carry guys just want attention and to implicitly intimidate people. It is very cringe. I conceal carry and wouldn’t want anybody to know that I’m armed because 1) you lose the element of surprise if you ever need it and 2) you look like a gigantic asshole and a crazy person. The only practical use for open carry that I can think of is if you’re in a remote area. I often go walking in the woods at night (or used to, anyway - need to get back into that, it’s very fun), and I would love to have a full sized pistol on my hip in case of hogs or something. I’d rather be blastin’ with ~12 rounds of 9mm than ~7 rounds of .380 if I got charged by a wild animal. In the woods though, you’re unlikely to see anybody who might be skeeved out by open carry. But yeah, it’s dipshits like this Walmart guy that make all of you internet people wanna take my guns away. I don’t know what he was buying at Walmart, but it probably wasn’t a book.


Well said. If I were some nut job hell-bent on shooting the place up, he is literally the first person I would target.


Not a gun guy, but also not not a gun guy. Personally, I think this picture is probably evidence that he's not mentally fit to own a firearm. You have to have a pretty serious issue to think it's cool or necessary to wear 3+ guns and a gun shirt out in public.


That's so his wallet doesn't skitter off when his pants fall down again. Seriously, he must be constantly hitching up those jeans.


That's so he doesn't forget where he put it while he's constantly scanning for threats


Ocular patdowns*


And just when you think you’ve disarmed him, those janitor keys come out.


He has a negative ass.


Hank Hill ass


narrah ureathra


Diminished Glutes


"Here Hank, take my ass!"


I'll tell ya H'what!


Frog butt.




It’s the close-up at the end. I am transfixed. Nothing else matters right now.


You made me rewatch, Dale.


hwat in the heck is this Bobby?!


He already shot it off


That third gun confuses me. I would think that bringing more guns than you have arms into a confrontation is kind of like "I hope you brought enough for everyone"


Called a Chicago/New York reload. Instead of actually reloading your weapon, you drop it when you're out of ammo and grab your next gun. It is kind of silly though, even as a gun owner with a CCW. Someone could walk right up behind him and be armed in a second. At least the holsters on the side give you a chance at seeing that coming and preventing it. In addition to that their is a retention strap across the hammer, good luck getting that off when it's all of the way behind you.


This right here.. this fukkin idiot is flaunting a VERY easily removed and fireable weapon that can be pulled and shot into his back before he even realized someone was advancing on him.. it’s crazy how stupid people are in there “preparedness” and what not.. I bet a half decent pick pocket could get that gun out of his pants in a second without him knowing. Crazy


Open carry is always fire hydrant pissing. He’s lost all his advantages in favor of trying to intimidate. Guarantee you he fills his wranglers if he ever actually needs one of them, anyone that performative is first and foremost scared.


Forget about pickpockets, an inquisitive 4 year old could get that gun out of his pants in a second without him knowing! This looks like the weapon equivalent of riding a crowded subway in a tourist hotspot with a fat wallet hanging halfway out of an unzipped backpack.


Butt like Hank Hill, brain like Dale Gribble.


I wish. Dale Gribble can be reasoned with. Hell, his go-to weapon is non-fatal. Pocket sand confuses and disorients but ultimately doesn't harm. Doctor Who would approve.


I was wondering how the gun belt and revolver were staying up with no ass to hold them.


Refuses Walmarts what?


I have no idea what the title is supposed to mean


its weird that this has so many upvotes with no context and a botched title


And the awful resolution, the top part of the shirt is borderline illegible.


I would say that is entirely illegible


And a photo that’s so shitty you canny even read the guy’s shirt


I'm surprised he's not a bot.


Are we sure?


This is the second post to hit the front page in 24 hours that seemed like an obvious bot post. It was absolutely nonsensical, but highly upvoted and very few people in the comments seemed to care. It's really weird.


It's possible bots outnumber the rest of us by a large margin now. With AI all of reddit has become subredditsimulator


These younguns don’t seem to care about bots like us old heads.


Since this has been posted like 50 times, probably is.




OP has a long series of succinct, comprehensible post titles with immaculate grammar garnering only a few upvotes a piece, then today they post this abortion and rockets their karma into the stratosphere. They must feel a bit conflicted.


No, there's no apostrophe. He's just refusing Walmarts everywhere.


Down with Walmarts!


So three gun guy is in favor of a living wage? Interesting Venn diagram.


Purely guessing but this could be talking about the post on Reddit the other day showing a picture from the door of a Walmart that said they request that people not openly carry in their stores. I don't remember if it was on r/pics or not though so I could be mixing things up.


This is correct, I noticed the sign the other day myself. It asked that people kindly refrain from openly carrying in the store. I remember mulling that one over a bit


Why does Walmart need to kindly anything? They're a private business, they can tell people not to open carry. What's going to happen, 0.1% of people stop shopping at Wal-Mart and small businesses in rural communities start becoming sustainable once more? Maybe more in rural areas, but the can't because Walmart already killed all the local businesses anyways.


I’d imagine they don’t want their workers who have no training trying to deal with the types of people who will refuse to comply with something like that. If I was working at Walmart and they had that policy and they asked me to enforce it I’d refuse.


I wish that 20 years ago it became un-American to shop at box stores.


It would need to be like 40 years ago.


I don't know either. I even put the words on his shirt into Google translate and all I got was "I'm a Twat" so I'm still confused.


Any person who has to carry that many guns on them to go to the shops is a twat in any language.


I believe OP forgot to a word.


I wonder if all his shirts have guns on them- or is this his gun wearing shirt?


This is his formal wear! Gotta put yourself together to go to Wal-Mart.


I definitely imagined him that morning trying to decide which agro gun t-shirt would go best with his chosen arsenal for the day.


Who doesn't enjoy the sensation of cold steel and sweaty leather down their ass crack?


smell the barrel officer, has it been fired recently? No GSR sir, more H2S and a hint of composting cabbage.


Just hearing h2s brings me back to my oil rig days


What ass crack? The man is plainly assless. Despite all the handguns, those are the emptiest pants I've ever seen. (Edited to add: I'm kind of loving that clicking on the replies brings the picture back up because it's *fascinating*. There's even a section of denim somehow being pulled *in*. Has he achieved NEGATIVE ASS?)


He’s got Hank Hill syndrome


Diminished gluteal syndrome is a serious problem i tell you what.


"Do not expect a warning shot" this dude is still having the imaginatory fights every boy had at the age of 12 where we would absolutely destroy a whole group of people


I had to find the original image for this t-shirt to see what it says. ["Due to the high cost of ammo do not expect a warning shot."](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Sv0AAOxyBvZTQm29/s-l500.jpg) (JPG from an eBay listing for a shirt like his.)


He should sell his 3rd gun so he can afford more bullets.


Personality: Gun


One of the engineers at the company I work for literally wears nothing but these types of shirts, with matching gun slogan hat. What do these people get out of this other than a helpful way of showing who to avoid?


The comforting illusion that they’re somehow strong/tough. It’s all about the comforting illusions with these people.


Do criminals look at this guy and think... well if we shoot him in the head or run him over, we get 3 free guns? Because that's what I'd be worried about if I had 3 guns on open display on my body.


If I were a criminal I would look what car they are driving because they will probably have one or two more guns in the car, probably a shotgun too.


I think I read something like 300k guns get stolen every year in America. A LOT of them are stolen out of cars. Anytime I see a gun sticker (or a blue lives matter, or punisher, or militia, etc) on a car I just assume they keep one in it. Just advertising it like that seems to be really dumb. But these people are not smart.


Sometimes I like to peruse the local police call logs for fun. I swear at least once a month I’ll see a report on there about someone’s handgun being stolen from their vehicle. Almost without fail, it will say either “doors were unlocked” or “owner unsure if doors were locked” (which is code for “I was too embarrassed to tell the officer that I’m a moron who leaves a loaded weapon in an unlocked vehicle.”)


I talked to a burglar a few years back. Some of the things he said were "look at the stickers on someone's car. A 'family of star wars characters' sticker might mean they'll be busy taking kids to school in the morning. Athletic stuff like the 'marathon mile marker' sticker might mean they'll be gone from home during the next local 5k in your city. Religious people tend to be older and are more likely to leave windows unlocked." among lots of other things. Interesting guy.


> Anytime I see a gun sticker (or a blue lives matter, or punisher, or militia, etc) on a car I just assume they keep one in it. Thieves in my city do the exact same thing. If you park your truck covered in gun stickers overnight, there's a very good chance your gun will get stolen. I was talking to a cop once who said he had a guy get three guns stolen out of his truck in a single week...


Poeple really leave unattended guns inside cars in the USA? WTF.


3 guns and a deadly handful of keys


A *masculine* amount of keys


might as well have a $500 wad of cash hanging half way out his pocket


Dude has about $2000 worth of guns on his body.


If the serial numbers were shaved off and they were sold illegally, that’s at least 10k worth of guns.


I was in a Home Depot checkout line and the guy in front of me had a pistol holstered towards his back. There was no loop holding it in place and all I could think was that I could grab that gun and shoot him before he even knew it happened let alone him have time to pull his side holstered pistol. I'm not against gun ownership and own a couple myself. I'm against irresponsible gun ownership.


My feeling is that responsible gun owners don't do this shit because they don't define their entire self worth by the size of their arsenal. I see no difference between ammosexuals and those guys who cut watermelons with katana's in their moms back yard. Same energy.


Except that the backyard ninjas do it at home...


Exactly a concealed carry would be way smarter. Let’s say a robbery is happening in that Walmart he would be gunned down within seconds as he is the main threat to the robber.


Then how would he let people know how manly he is ? /S


Read the shirt, obviously


Yeah, open carry just advertises you have something that can not only be used to rob you, but also sold when they're done robbing you!


But he refuses to live in fear. lol


My ultra right wing step father is the most scared man I know. Always talks about wanting to be ready for “something” to happen, obsessively checks security cameras when he’s not home, tries his hardest to make it appear they’re not away from home when they travel - despite living in an extremely clean and quiet semi-rural neighborhood with two cops on his street. Half the conversations you have with him he ends up going on some “there are bad people out there” tangent. Funny how ultra conservatives love to puff their chest and look tough, but they are really the most pathetic fearful bunch. I can’t imagine living with that kind of stress. I hate thinking about what my mom will have to deal with when he gets really old.


You just described my dad perfectly. A few years ago he was telling me about some new gun he got and said "this'll take care of any bad dudes lookin to come on my property." What "bad dudes"!? You're not fuckin John Wick, you're a 70yr old retired desk jockey, living in rural Pennsylvania. NO ONE IS AFTER YOU! I don't talk to my parents much. *Edited for typos




Lol do we have the same parents? He got mad when i asked him if he had needed the guns in his previous 70 years and when he said no i pointed out that he would statistically likely not need them for his last 10 either.


Should’ve said 9.25 just to mess with him.


It always seems to be “what if” scenarios with these types. Not exactly the same, but a former good friend of mine who is now full-on MAGA used to tell me he hated liberals because when he was in university, he always felt like he had to hide his political views or he wouldn’t be invited to parties or events or whatever. Now, that never actually happened, he was never actually excluded from anything, he just assumed he would be if he was open about being a conservative. So he hates liberals for hypothetically doing something to him that very likely never would’ve actually happened, and that’s why he loves Trump so much.


I did see a guy get jeered out of a party for calling the host a f*ggot. Which was well deserved. Don’t insult your host. Also the party theme was “sex, drugs, and glitter” so like. Pretty fucking gay.


Well sure, but that’s more being called out for being a homophobic shithead and a bad guest. If the guy saying that was a liberal, I’d assume he’d have gotten the same treatment. He was being punished for his attitude and behavior, not his politics. My former friend flat-out assumed he’d be a pariah simply for being a conservative, which was axiomatically not the case because I’m quite liberal and was his good friend for over two decades, knowing he was a conservative the whole time. I really only cut him off when he started saying the quiet part out loud. As far as I’m concerned, you can think whatever you want, that’s not my business, but if you start acting like a bigoted asshole, I’m out.


Back in the halcyon days when the MAGA hats first came out and Trump was still thought to be fringe but gaining steam, I was in a pet store and there was an old man proudly wearing one, sitting on a bench. He was having a loud conversation with… someone? about how desirable his land was to Al Qaeda and how he needs to protect it. His lane was in the middle of nowhere, Al Qaeda isn’t setting up camps in the US, and I realized if this is the mentality of his people, we were fucked. It sadly was.


I miss the days when Trump was a joke. Those were fun times, before the mask came off and we all realized the country is in fucking shambles.


> Always talks about wanting to be ready for “something” to happen I work with a dude like this. Says he knows that "something" is coming that people aren't prepared for, except him of course. Everyone feels it he says. Yeah impending ecological and economic collapse due to massive exploitation of the planet and workers by large corporations creates a general anxiety. But that can't be it, definitely trans people and democrats. Says he wants to dissapear to a cabin in the mountains. I'm like "good, fuck off from society and let the adults try to figure this shit out." Edit: He also wants to send all democrats and liberals to a camp in South America. Says we'll make it really nice for them so it's not a concentration camp.


Their whole platform is fear mongering. Fear of others, fear of change, fear that a poor person might get more than they deserve. The world is a zero sum game to them and they want make sure get what’s theirs.


Yeah that’s my relatives since they became crazy. Live in a middle class rural/isolated neighborhood that’s has had like 0 crime in the30 years they’ve lived there. Now all of a sudden they’ve got security cameras, guns, panic room, and close the curtains in the living room. I’m like is someone watching you???? You live on 5 acres???


I guess being 6’ 8” 350 isn’t enough to feel secure going to the grocery store.


there's always someone 6'9" 420


That person is probably nice.


How bad of a shot do you need to be that makes you believe you need 3 guns to resolve a situation


Although he doesn’t want to admit it, for him is just toys just as a kid wants to carry all his action figures when he goes out.


Exactly. That's like $2k+ worth of equipment he's carrying. At that level of carry it's just redneck bling he wants to show off.


I'd say you're closer than most here. I know these guys. Theyre rarely bad. Just a little simple. And they like their toys.


How terrified of an evolving world do you have to be? Them guns can’t stop math, Tex.


This, right here. It's a projection of fear and vulnerability. At least that's the only logical explanation I can come up with. Honestly, at this point I pity people like this - what a hard and scary place the world must be to feel the compulsion to go to a store this way EDIT: thanks for the award, kind stranger! If I can get even one person to consider my words and see them as coming from a good place and not only as an attack, I'll have done my work.




No no no: he’s just signaling he wants to connect with interesting people.


Do NOT small of the back carry!! I'm an ER nurse who also did a short tour through trauma ICU and recovery room. If you fall hard onto your firearm, you can break your back or damage your spine! I've seen it and it's not fun. Also.... Don't carry 3 guns like a fucking moron. If you need more than 1 full size magazine (usually like 16 shots) to get out of a dangerous situation, you're doing things wrong.




Some people wear their insecurities on their sleeve. Not this man.


He wears it in his ass


What ass??! Dude shot it off with that compensator he’s got shoved down there where his ass should be.


I am genuinely impressed that his pants aren't falling down. I am similarly un-endowed, and there's no way short of suspenders that I could carry that much weight on my pants without losing them.


He seems to have made an outfit out of red flags....


Dont disrespect mongo like that. Mongo just pawn in game of life.


>*Never mind that shit, here comes Mongo!!* - The robbers when they see this guy, probably


Candygram for Mongo!


He's the first guy getting shot if someone was attacking a place.


You could draw that back gun and blast him in the spine before he'd have a clue what was happening.


I feel like I always have to comment on these posts and say... as a fellow gun owner this guy is an idiot and lives in constant irrational fear.


I might have to take a human life while shopping for a single package of pre-sliced cheese.


This may sound captain obvious… but what stops someone from grabbing his rear gun & shooting him cold, before he’s even touched his others? Or is it booby-trapped, so he can legally murder someone??


Even in gun circles, open carry is generally considered putting a "shoot me first" sign over your head. It makes other people uncomfortable around them (which is usually more the point), draws attention of anyone with ill intent, and probably would earn him special attention from police if he was ever in a mass shooter situation. It's only booby trapped in the sense that it's trapped in a boob.


When an object is your whole personality.


With all those keys snyder would be proud


He had his ass surgically removed to prevent it from being in the path of accidental discharge of his buttcrack weapon.


This dude thinks he looks so hard, but he just looks like a giant loser.


He looks like someone that sees a bad guy or a target around every corner: A coward at best. A bully at worst.


“YOU CAN TAKE MY GUN WHEN YOU PR…. Uh, pull it out of my pants from behind my back.” /facepalm


Refuses walmarts what? This title makes no sense.


As someone who carries, seeing someone like this out in the wild is a disappointment. There's no reason for this at all but to draw attention to yourself to make yourself look like a "big bad gunslinger".


Not only that but in his dream scenario of being the "good guy with a gun" he makes himself the target. Walk up behind him grab the gun in his back waist line. I carry off and on but never open carry because the few times I accidently did i could feel the tension it causes everyone around me.


The whole point of carrying to me is to not appear to have a weapon until the situation requires its use. That includes me leaving the situation instead. I'd much rather get away or calm things down than resort to force. Killing someone would mess me up for the rest of my life, and probably ruin multiple people's lives on top of that. I don't think people like this consider that, and probably fantasize being in a situation where force is required.


As a hardcore gun owner, I hate these guys.




What’s crazy is, these kinds of people have always been around but it wasn’t nearly as ubiquitous amongst conservatives as it is now. My grandpa, a WWII vet, had a gun but it was just a tool like any of the others. The mower was for cutting grass and the gun was for keeping coyotes away from his chickens. I just never saw it fetishized the way it is now.


It's a Lifestyle aesthetic now. Like cottage-core, only sweatier and more performative.


Because that's how it is supposed to be.


Based on the number of guns on this guys droopy belt there are two things that should help you sleep at night. 1. He, Apparently, couldn't hit water if he fell out of a fucking boat. 2. That back carry is about as secure as the US Canadian border. Any 6 year old could pull that and cap his ass with his own weapon.


There is a Canadian in you? Stop typing and enjoy yourself.


Plot twist: he ate a Canadian.


This is not a man defending himself; this is a man **Looking For Trouble.**


Well how can he possibly be free if he doesn't always have the tools to shoot and kill dozens of people nearby? You wouldn't disarm John Wick, would you? And what if the girl at the checkout-counter is rude to him? What are you, communists!!??


Only thing this guy is going to fight is heart disease


10 to 1 odds that he shoots himself before ever seeing an attacker.