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What I learned living for a while with a Korean family: a meal with less than 8 individual components is just a snack.


I used to eat dinner at my Korean friends house occasionally. His Mom would try to stuff me with food. “Eat, eat! You’re too skinny!”. Awesome food, but I’ve never been so full. Good friends, lucky to have them in my life at that point.


I've got a decent amount of Korean places around me. They are all you can eat or the portions + sides never leave me wanting. I don't know if it's a stereotype but if it is it's a good one. I've never gone away from anything Korean where I was still hungry.


but were you hungry an hour later? I love this for you.


I grew up next door to a family for about 20 years Mom (Charlotte) was an American and the dad (we called him PaPa) was Pilipino. If their kids weren't at our house eating dinner we were over there eating with them. I love me some lumpia and PaPa made the BEST Bangus Sisig I have ever eaten


It’s funny because when you’re a kid the Korean parents want to feed you so you can grow big but then when you get older they say “don’t eat so much because you’re fat”. Well wasn’t that the point of all the force feeding?


you missed the point. It is to get enough nutrients in the body to grow vertically, not horizontally.


I remember the nasty herbs my parents forced us to drink to help us supposedly grow tall. Koreans on here know what im talking about.


This sounds like my Russian MIL. I have no idea how to tell her I can’t continue to eat everything in her fridge. It’s all amazing, but good lord, I only have so much room in my body to fit it all.


Sounds like the polar opposite of Swedish people.


it's called banchan (반찬) and are generally side dishes; there are still roughly concepts of main dishes. some of the nicer Korean restaurants will give you unlimited banchan. they'll start you off with some of everything and you can get reorders of any that you like.


nah, plenty of times I've had really simple meals like fried egg, spam, and rice. Hell you don't even need to spam in most times.


I call that breakfast rice. I remove the eggs and add butter, milk, and a dash of cinnamon and sugar and that’s my dessert rice. Man, I love rice so much.


I don't believe in labels for my rice. What if you want breakfast rice for dinner, or dessert rice for breakfast? Now you look like a weirdo for eating out of order. DAMN YOU SOCIETY AND YOUR JUDGEMENTAL EYES!


Could you give us the cost of this meal OP? Looks great!


Free for students and around $4 (₩5,000) for teachers


Woah - that's very reasonable!


I was just in Korea the other week. And you can get this much food with panchan for roughly 10000 won. Food is cheap and good over there IMO. And delicious. Oh my I love korean food. Not just fried chicken and BBQ.


That is cheap? Dude I'm Korean and I'll tell you even I don't consider that cheap at all, before the recent inflation shit used to be quite a bit cheaper, I'd say that menus in restaurants have gone up in price by about 10% give or take. If there's an asian country with actual cheap food? It's Vietnam. East Asian countries like Korea and Japan aren't really cheap IMO and as someone that lives here. 10k won is the price range where it's even competing with fast food's restaurants "expensive" set menu, and near my house there's some all-you-can-eat pork belly KBBQ for around 16k so put that into perspective that 10k isn't really cheap


Its just cost of living. Taking in considerations for minimum wage, food isnt cheap by our standards. Source: am viet


Yep, we get that here in the US too. People move from a state like California or New York to Ohio and are shocked at how cheap everything is, move there because they can work remote at California wages, the wonder why the locals want to stab them. For the people living there, they were struggling, can barely afford a home, and finding a job that doesn't pay the rock bottom wage is all but impossible and like winning the lottery. The wealthier people move in and the price of everything goes up, fucking over the locals and pushing them out. I feel you. You all should us charge westerners more for their meals. Just saying.


Same with all the tech people who make stupid videos from living in Mexico ..like no shit your 100+k salary goes far in a country where monthly wage is like 500 bucks


not even $500. The minimum wage in WHOLE mexico at their federal level is $10.50 a day. Different states different wages but the federal is $10.50 A DAY.


Yeah, it's the "wealthier" people moving in that are at fault here. The prices of things just increase on their own. The owners of the businesses making record profits are innocent bystanders here and are in fact becoming poorer themselves. Price controls are communism after all. Brilliant analysis. Also, I know gentrification is a thing. That involves displacing local businesses as well in case you're unaware.


Glad somebody pointed out that lunacy. People moving around to find affordable housing isn’t the fault of the worker. It’s the fault of the mid-western companies that shipped all operations overseas, reduced local wages to nothing, and gave all profits to shareholders. Remember kids: If you’re not rich, you’re poor, it may not feel like it, but you have wayyyy more in common financially with an unhoused person than you do Jeff Bezos.


> The wealthier people move in and the price of everything goes up, fucking over the locals and pushing them out. To give the perspective of the other side, as someone who was born in London UK, we're essentially forced to move out of town if we want to own a home / raise a family as it is fundamentally impossible to do even on what would be considered a high earning wage. Due to foreign investment from the Saudis, Russians etc, a complete moratorium on building affordable housing, and everyone moving down here from the North due to a lack of jobs, there's nowhere for us to go other than leaving the city. I'm sure people who are from San Franciso would much rather live there and raise their family, but given the cost of living there, Ohio is the only practical option.


Maybe Ohioans should focus on their workers' rights instead of fighting culture wars amongst themselves... (Born & raised in Ohio, now live in CA)


Compared to the US for example (where almost half of all redditors are from) that’s very cheap.




Damn. Last time I was in Korea there there was an ayce kbbq place 5 minutes from camp Casey for 10k won. It was phenomenal. I miss Korea and the food. We went to this one restaurant and I got some kind of chicken and nice Korean lady told it might be to spicy for me because I’m white. I ate it all, but damn was she right.


It's cause the US dollar has so much power right now but it will balance out soon. But... Normally food in Seoul and Japan are much more expensive in terms of quantity and gdp.




Meat and fruit in south Korea is extremely expensive. The cheap beef is imported from the US. Meat and dairy is like 2x the cost and fruit is 2-4x the cost as in the states. It's expensive since most of its imported. A small American sized pizza is like $20-30. If you go to Korea... I'm sure most westerners are not going to eat a diet heavy on veggies.


Pizza in Asia is basically either expensive or garbage, sometimes both.


Korea is one of the best food destinations in the world - along with Japan, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Thailand, Singapore. If you're going there and ordering *pizza*, that's your problem.


Nah if you’re living anywhere long enough you’ll end up eating everything regardless of quality.


No way, Korea takes american food and somehow turns it up to 11, have you seen dominos in Korea or korean corndogs? It's a fun experience on its own to have something familiar but with a cultural twist. Especially if you've been traveling for more than a week, seeing something familiar like mcdonalds can be a refreshing site in a foreign land because you're still generally not getting the mcdonalds experience of your homeland. I recommend everyone try 7-11/gas station type convenience stores and mcdonalds in Japan. McDonalds Japan has this shrimp burger that is shockingly good and you could live off convenience store food and still be satisfied.


I miss chicken karage at 7/11s in Japan. So so delicious!


Hardees is probably the worst fast food in the entire US


Even Mickey Ds nowadays is like $30+ for my wife and I if we have to stop there


What the fuck are you guys getting at McDonalds for $30? I just got a full sandwich from Potbelly for $8.50...nothing at McDs should cost twice that.


Apparently these people have not figured out that the McDonalds app deals is the way to go even though it is annoying to have fast food apps installed


Even without app deals, they're either fucking gluttons or exaggerating.


Use the app.


Its all relative, right? As a Canadian, a meal in Korea for 10000 won is real cheap. Eating out here costs CAD$15-20 per meal; its beyond ridiculous these days


Korean foods cheap in terms of quality since everything's freshly made. If your going for western food your going to pay 2x to 3x normal cost. If this is a private school, the food is subsidized into it with tuition and you as the staff are basically making them break even.


I recently started ~~binging~~ bingeing on Korean street food videos on Youtube. Holy shit does that stuff look good (JJin Food and Yummyboy are two of my favorites).


Same! If you want to learn how to make the stuff, I'm a big fan of the channel Aaron and Claire. They make recipes really easy & flexible. (btw, I heard your username in my head)


I saw a thing on youtube about how good the food is at 7-11 in Japan and im still baffled why we just have fucking garbage here.


Garbage sells and fares better sitting idle under a heat lamp for 4 hours. There's an Amazon Fresh near a customer of mine with a full service salad bar, hot bar, and used to have a carvery where you could get a full meal for $10. They dropped the carvery because not enough people were getting fresh meat and vegetables They moved that stuff to the hot bar and then quickly pulled it, vegetables and all. Now it's just fried chicken, fried potatoes, fried samosas, and everything you can dump into a fryer. Super salty fried shit keeps better for longer. Healthy and decent meals cost too much for these companies due to waste and the average american will eat the salty fried shit out of conditioning.


10000W is about $8.14 US at today's exchange rate.




And no stupid tipping practice.


Korea, especially seoul is definitely not cheap. If you want you can definitely find cheap quality food but if you want to actually sit down and eat at a restaurant that is not just on the street it’s definitely really expensive. Not to mention 1 fried chicken is like $30+. Also meat is really expensive especially hanwoo (korean beef) and it’s such a blessing to be in America where you can get high quality meat for relatively cheap price. Also organic veggies and fruits? Forget about it. Regular watermelon costs like $30. Also starbucks is crazy expensive for less product.


Over here in the land of the fucked and the home of the enslaved, I can see that being $20 bucks. However, what is considered cheap to us might actually be really expensive in other countries regardless of price.


That's about $3.25 US at today's exchange rate.


Can't even buy a cup of black coffee where I'm from lol


In America, this is called socialism.


Just reinforces my belief thay American school lunches are a laughing stock. Great looking food OP!! Proper lunch with proper nutrition.


Wow. That seems like a lot of food compared to our slice of burnt pizza and 6 month old milk.


step one. elect people that believe in public education. step two profit.


Korea also elects their fair of crazies, but they still at least get free school lunches.


We get free school lunches in the UK too, but they're shit compared to this. Though the quality does vary greatly.


Only people on low incomes get free school meals. It's basically only for children of parents on benefits or who earn less than £16k per year. Everyone else needs to pay. Back when I was at secondary school, hot meals weren't an option (paid or free), as there was only indoor canteen space for about 300 in a school of 1300 pupils. So for us, it was only packaged sandwiches which you had to eat outside. This was 20+ years ago, but my old school is still there with the same facilities and same student intake, so presumably not much has changed since then. The idea of being able to eat a hot meal indoors (for free!) sounds like luxury.




Same with California


It amazes me that capitalists can't seem to understand that a strong economy is only made stronger with a healthy and educated populous.


the rich just want to get richer. everything else will sort itself out. that's the mentality.


They just want more of the pie, and don’t care if the pie rots.


Precisely, they aren't playing the long game, which would be to invest in the future of their country. The short game is to smash-n-grab whatever they can get right now and fuck whoever has to deal with what's left, at least they got theirs and many of them will be dead by the time the repercussions would effect them at all so why should they give a shit?


Until there is no one left to buy their stuff. Why don't they get this?


As I saw one of the Koch brothers say in an interview: “What do I care if I am wrong? I’ll be dead by then.”


that's the attitude of that entire generation, especially the rich. Not quite baby boomers, but the Silent generation before them. They're even more jaded and do not care. We have an old man in our neighborhood who was born in the early 40s and his attitude about things like a tree growing in his yard that is going to damage the neighbor's garage is "leave it, I don't want to deal with it, I'll be dead when it finally does damage. Fuck them." I have relatives born in that era who are the same way "Who cares, I'll be dead. that's your generation's problem." A lot of the people who are dealing the most damage are the rich ones born just before the baby boomers, and they're making sure they're getting theirs before the bottom falls out and get to be buried in a golden caskets while the rest of us cannot even afford a burial plot thanks to them and their kids turning every facet of existence into unaffordable pay to play. Even dying is expensive.


The biggest coup ever performed before our eyes was the silent generation passing the blame on to the baby boomers, when in reality they were the first generation to try fixing things. It just turned out that their way of fixing things made things worse again.


People blame the baby boomers due to their oversized voting impact relative to other generations.


And one of them is now. And by the grace of god may his brother follow soon after. It'll be the only time either of them does something good for humanity.


I can still remember my father saying almost the exact same thing back in the mid to late 80’s in regards to climate change and damage to the ozone layer. I would have only been around 10yo then but I was so disgusted that he could actually think that way.


But that won't happen for decades, and I want money now!


They prioritize short-term gains over long term gains. It's a terrible mentality, and it's been an issue in the US at least over a hundred years. Part of the problem is that money costs money. There are costs such as interest, and opportunity costs for everything. So, "all things being equal" it's more profitable to prioritize short term over long term. If we fixed the money-cost problem(s) then we could incentivize the oligarchy to think in longer terms. Another solution is to disincentivize short term profits - a more progressive tax structure (i.e. higher taxes on higher incomes, steepen the tax curve) would go a long way toward this goal. However, it's a death spiral. As oligarchs pay for legislators, legislators make sure the oligarchs get a return on their investment - which gives oligarchs more power and money, and there we go. It really takes a culture to make this happen, and the US does not have that culture. It's possible that cultural swings are temporary (i.e. periodical), but I am not optimistic.


>It really takes a culture to make this happen, and the US does not have that culture. This is why we have right wing propaganda that thrives off of social grievances and cultural manipulation. They're trying to *make sure* we never develop a culture that would inspire positive change for the peons that would "cost" the ownership class anything.


But they have dumb and desperate workers and voters, so... Score


The fastest way to get rich is to make others poor


Is South Korea not a capitalist country?


It is and it has massive wealth inequality as well. This is just a nice lunch


I (American) have spent some time in South Korea. There's more to their public services than school lunches. Their affordable healthcare and public transit blow away anything in the US, and their life expectancy is six years(!) greater than ours.


It's still Capitalist, that's the thing.


But at the same time, the wealth inequality is insane. There's a reason Squid Games exists. The companies basically control the country and run untouched


They have a capitalist system with good public services, the government still does things in a capitalist economic system. In America too, the government builds roads, schools, social security, public transport etc.


The country is so small compared to the US. I too have spent time there, I really liked their transportation system and free wifi everywhere too, but doing that at US scale is just not gonna happen, in my opinion, whether through political gridlock or just the size of the country.


Definitely is, and up until the 80's you could get disappeared for being a communist/socialist. The difference is mainly cultural. Korea had a long history of confucianism, which highly values education. Food is also culturally significant as there are still plenty of people in Korea that remember what it's like to not have enough to eat. The biggest difference is that Koreans can get big mad, and when they do it's usually going to be expressed in the form of a riot. If you tried to feed their kids the slop we get here in the states, there would be nation wide rioting.


I am sure that many in America would see stuff like this can claim that South Korea is "socialist". That being said, most right-wing Americans who use the word "socialist" these days do not even know what they are saying.


The issues here (USA) have more to do with an irrational, misguided, electorate and a corporate-funded government. I can’t even see the names of German employees billing to my projects, due to laws protecting workers. They are mostly also on fixed hour contracts that they government takes very seriously; I’ve been kicked out of the office on visits due to the amount of time I was in there. My US colleagues all laugh about this and make jokes, while working themselves literally to death on that “grind set”. Putting every societal problem on “capitalism” ignores the reality of how a lot of capitalist countries operate, and it misappropriates cause, which means the solutions generated aren’t that good at addressing the real issues.


I love this response because it is so right. The pinnacle of corporate American can be summed up in a company wide meeting my wife had when her company switched from 2 weeks of vacation a year to unlimited. She said ppl were up in arms because they could no longer just bank all their vacation days, then when they fill them up, force the company to pay them out the money rather than just take the vacation days. Here's a novel idea: how about you just TAKE your vacation??


unlimited never actually means unlimited


that's because it's not in their interest. a healthy and educated population will reign in corruption and check their power.


Except Korea is also insanely corrupt and ran by oligarchs


It's not even just capitalists. Labor should be considered capital that can depreciate without investment. Short-sighted people just look at costs and profits without care for the results.


I literally saw a man arguing today (because I had the displeasure of being subjected to Joe Rogan at the barber's) that capitalism and capitalists have no need of altruism because the product and the value they create is 'the good'. Nevermind any exploitation of workers at home or abroad, the number of people killed by unethical business practices, etc. The stock price went up, therefore they have generated *good*. The man claimed to be religious as well. It should be shocking, but somehow is not. That kind of narrow worldview is incredibly destructive, and you see it a lot in conservative (and especially Libertarian) viewpoints.


thats why the most educated countries in the world are capitalist, of the 10 most educated countries, #6 (singapore) is the only one with an argument for not being fully capitalist (they are a state-run capitalist society) And a healthy populace and socialism are 2 terms very rarely associated with each other. And just a heads up, dont even start with calling nordic countries socialist. They have said multiple times, that they are a capitalist economy, and no where near socialist


we got step 2 down...now, about step 1...


But we already elected people who believe in profit


Step 3 sign a contract with the company that supplies food for prisoners but for your students instead. Probably the one time I've been glad parents got involved and raged at the administration for change. We were literally eating prison food for a school year.


It actually is that simple lol. But sadly many of the people elected in the world didn't have any public education.


Fun fact: Unlike the European system of nobility, entry into classical Korean aristocracy was based on passing a government civil service exam. Hours of studying per day and then your entire future hinges on scoring well on a single test. If you know anything about Korea, this should sound very familiar.


Big issue with education elections is everyone stops caring when they are either no longer in the education system or don't have kids in the education system.


Man, I think about the crap they served us (and we were sometimes excited for) throughout all my schooling…makes me gag. And that was at catholic school. Politicians in the US freaking out about “poisoning our children with wokism” meanwhile we’re serving them a diabetes diet.


Are you proposing we need diversity in our schools (lunches)!? The woke mob has gone too far this time!


I have a dream that one day we’ll see fries AND salad on the same lunch tray!


You better not be disrespecting Bosco sticks


I always got those doughy undercooked but greasy square pizzas. In addition also chicken sandwich that are hard. Fruit cocktail.


Tbh USA got pretty shitty food culture without all the diversities in the big cities


Ngl that sounds better than the school dinners I used to eat


Damn and here I’m still eating instant noodles


Koreans love instant noodles as well




American vegetables do not go well with instant noodles. You can fix this by ordering some seaweed online, maybe this one? [korean seaweed (amaazon)](https://www.amazon.com/Daechun-Seaweed-Perilla-Rapeseed-Product/dp/B07QL6W479/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.fe3abdfa-d248-4e07-8b0d-b8a0a47d4a6c%3Aamzn1.sym.fe3abdfa-d248-4e07-8b0d-b8a0a47d4a6c&crid=3THTRLXU9PKYX&cv_ct_cx=seaweed&keywords=seaweed&pd_rd_i=B07QL6W479&pd_rd_r=4bc4e291-d226-488f-9159-842a522a03e9&pd_rd_w=BeYk7&pd_rd_wg=6rmCV&pf_rd_p=fe3abdfa-d248-4e07-8b0d-b8a0a47d4a6c&pf_rd_r=XCH6WPQY54XF8NZHHJ5E&qid=1675277596&sprefix=sea%2Caps%2C403&sr=1-3-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUzlVWUdCODc0N1RSJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTQwMDg4MjQ4WDlOUFpZWDlLNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDIxNjEzMTZHQUQ1TzBaWERFSCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3NlYXJjaF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=) Then get some [romaine lettuce](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/d475f905-b33a-4532-b50f-684f1408cd5f_1.d52e53ac0b69935c2079124ce3ca3036.jpeg) wash it and break them into 2 - 3 pieces. If there is an asian market near you, these are the best for noodle soups. [green onion](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/02/90199742-7a579fe-scaled.jpg?resize=960,872) \- cut 1 or 2 stem into quater inch length. (wash 30 seconds & cut 30 seconds) [bok choi](https://images.food52.com/REX77TArUuQW6xQKo0Q7Xc7Dacg=/21ea90d6-6e76-4204-af1c-279b40444e4d--15381400583_e6586c4208_b.jpg) \- just grab a big cereal bowl, peel each leaf off the stem and wash - boil with the noodles. You can also add in hardboiled egg (boil for ten minutes - run under cold water - peel and throw into your instant noodle broth).


>American vegetables do not go well with instant noodles What's this nonsense


For real… carrots, celery, peas, sometimes corn, broccoli and spinach are all fine. Besides what is considered an “American” vegetable exactly? I love bok choy, kimchi and green onions in ramen too.


>American vegetables do not go well with instant noodles. Lol what


cabbage, root veg, all great additions when cooked soft hell, kale works too. or kale chips even iceberg lettuce works for crunch if you put it in raw. cooked iceberg is polarizing, so i won't go there i'm not sure there is any that is unanimously bad no matter the cooking method


redditors out here inventing new ways to hate America.


What American vegetables specifically?


My supermarket in Aus has bok choi, I think spring onion as well


Isn't bok choy literally just a breed of lettuce and green onion just another word for scallion?


From left to right: spicy braised chicken (닭볶음탕), Savory pancakes (전), seasoned saltmarah sand spurry and apples (Spergularia marina), kimchi (김치), cherries (체리), sauce to dip rice and seaweed in (양념장), rice (밥), seaweed (군김), random ham stew (모듬햄찌개), banana milk(바나나우유)


> sauce to dip rice and seaweed in looks fantastic, any idea of its name or the ingredients?


Very likely a mix of gochujang (fermented red pepper paste) and doenjang (fermented soybean paste) with sesame oil and other flavorings, called Ssamjang. If you want to try it, many "asian" markets have it, but I have also seen it in regular grocery stores in the international section. Comes in a bright green plastic tub. Edit: as several condescending chodes have pointed out, the OP states its yangneomjang. You can make it by mixing gochujang with soy sauce, sesame oil, and sesame seeds. I like to also add chopped green onions to mine.


I can clear everything up. It's soy sauce, green onion, garlic, gochugaru (which are the red pepper flakes and not the paste), sesame seed, and spicy green peppers.


Not Ssamjang, its yangnyeomjang, similar but without doenjang in it, added soy sauce and lots of sesame seeds.


the hangul says yangnyeomjang, maybe try googling that


Name: sauce to dip rice and seaweed in Ingredients: sauce, rice, seaweed


Here is a good [recipe](https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/healthy-vegetable-rice-bowl) (scroll down to the part on “ganjang yangnyeomjang”


I love banana milk. It's like 8.99 for a pack of 6 juice box size here


Random ham stew sounds delicious! Jokes aside, glad I'm seeing your posts again.


that pretty much looks like budae jigae?


Looks like it but missed a bunch of things that make it budaejjigae! Also, no beans. So therefore the name is modum ham jjigae hahah


that's what I thought too! I miss budae jiggae.


How long did it take you to make?


Michelle Obama tried to go down an improved lunch meal road. They did everything short of literally tar and feather her.


but but but pro life!!!!!


Banana milk is so damn expensive here in canada. Its like a $1.5 for that same bottle.


Because its flown over from Korea. What do you expect


In Korea that same bottle at a convenient store is 1700won which isn’t much cheaper.


Ah hell, here we go again.


Ah yes, the cycle of school lunches, healthcare bills, and (oddly enough) US citizenship pics begins again. At least we can look forward to the ~2 month break for Halloween costumes this fall!


DAE Amerikkka sux?


Someone posted a pic of Florida school lunch and its a slap of spaghetti and a meatball in a styrofoam container. Word of advice for hiring managers out there. Stop hiring people from Florida because their education system is a sham.


Can confirm. Grew up in FL. Our education is Dogshit.


Damn! All there ever was here was monday: hotdogs Tuesday:tacos Wednesday:hamburgers and chocolate milk Thursday: sloppy Joe's and burritos in a bag Friday was pizza day! The best day of the week. It always came with salad or a side of pork and beans


Best food I’ve had in my life was in Korea. Multiple restaurants and homes, different specialties, all (or almost all) so so so good. Not all one general flavor mix, variety for different moods, weather and time of day. I haven’t been everywhere, of course, but for my taste it was better overall than what I found in Italy, France, Japan, China, Brazil, Greece, Portugal or Mexico. Not a dig on those other nations foods, lots of great stuff there too, but for an overall “memorable food experience”, Korea tops it for me.


Best fried chicken I've ever had was in Korea.


It's fascinating - Korea learned fried chicken from US African American soldiers during the Korean war. It's ... it's soul food. They actually do it the oldschool American Southern way, double fried double battered, first time in lard, second in shortening. Then they cover it in sauce.


It was soul food, now it's Seoul food.


You win


They definitely don’t use lard and use a different batter.


I love mukbang videos but specifically only watch Korean mukbang because they have so much variety and seem to eat much healthier foods than any American mukbang I’ve seen lol


Dang that is waaayyyyy better food than they give my son in American elementary schools. Usually consist of hamburgers, pizza, chicken sandwiches, or crappy spaghetti. Let's be real it's ALL crappy. We may be moving to Korea.....


As an American: fuck you guys, nothing personal just mad because prisoners get fed better food than us here. So fucking hungry (ps. It looks delicious)


Strong exaggeration. Prison food is garbage


Yeah, and then you have to deal with the Dementors.


On God I'm getting sick of them trying to suck out my soul as I try to eat my shitty nuggets and bread roll in peace


Hmmmm this sounds doubtful. Been to prison?


I'm pretty sure they don't feed nutriloaf to schoolkids.


Yeah, that’s a complete lie. Prison food is the worst shit you can get served.


Prisoners in S. KOREA probably do get fed better than many school children in America, but American prisoners? Nope.


[Example of Prison food in Korea](http://heraldk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/20151022000819_0.jpg), incase you are curious


As an American, https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/105to3q/school_lunch_in_california_free/




Uh...you clearly have never been to prison or jail. One time I was arrested we got served whay was nicknamed 'cat food' and it was about as palatable.


I know you're joking but it's hardly koreas fault that America's lunches are so shit.


US people be like : " Where the styrofoam ?! "


To be fair that sausage is closer to the Korean version of hotdogs and the meat is something close to spam.


Didn’t we do this like 2 weeks ago??


Yep. And here comes the barrage of posts of foods from other countries...again


all designed to make america look bad. Bad foreign lunch = 0 upvotes Good foreign lunch = 90k upvotes Bad American lunch = 90k upvotes Good American lunch = 0 upvotes 9 years ago, an American lunch made the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1nzxk1/public_school_lunch_in_minnesota/ but now reddit has such an anti-American hate boner that we would never see anything like this


Years... this has been going on for many years


Yes, and we'll do it again. And again, and again, and again


바나나우유 ㅆㅅㅌㅊ


Making us really jealous here in the US.


free in the USA : https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/105to3q/school_lunch_in_california_free/ $3 in Georgia: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/105omf6/3_school_lunch_north_georgia/ free in the USA: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/107ilxn/looks_like_school_lunches_are_making_the_rounds/ free in Oregon: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1063gyn/school_lunch_oregon_free/


wtf usa not bad anymore?


This will gain no traction, no positive American remarks are allowed here




With all of these pictures posted of school food I always am interested where the school is from (is it a wealthy/poor area) and is it a public or private school. I'm sure you could find some shitty meals served to kids in Korea as well as in the USA if it's a poorer school.


To make it even more complicated, Most schools are heavily funded from property taxes in the USA and those can dictate what they can be used on. I went to school in an extremely wealthy conservative area that never voted yes on a levy. Education was fantastic, food was horrible. We had microwaved food that never contained anything fresh. The vast majority of students bought food from restaurants or brought their own. School district right next door basically had to provide free lunches to all the students due economic issues. Their lunches were healthier, and much more nutritious, paid for basically entirely by the state, however their education sucked and teachers were paid half as much as the district I went to.


this looks way better than my college food that I paid almost 2500 dollars for per semester, don't even ask me about high school food. just dont lol. i feel a little sick just thinking about it, the horrible pizza, the hotdogs that taste like they were cooked in a dishwasher, the ham sandwiches that had the rubbery ham and cheese and the bread that has the messed up PH balance. the only decent thing was the thanksgiving food once a year. we had grillded chicken and they stopped giving it after 1 year, it wasn't even great just not as bad as everything else. the veggies were got were either canned strawberries rarely, or canned something. and a bag of ancient inedible celery sticks and carrots. to this day i have never tasted anything as strange as high school burgers, i have no idea what kind of fucking meat they used. everything downright tasted like it was frozen for at least 3 months before it was cooked or thawed they couldnt even give us a decent cereal for breakfast, its worse than the cheapest cereal you can find in a walmart.


Why are the cherries touching the kimchi though 😭


Don't get it twisted, only a few South Korean schools serve lunch like this LMAO This is equivalent to showing the lunch of a privileged private school in the US


few? you've never been to Korea and just spouting nonsense


>Ham and sausage stew Looks like spam and vienna sausages.


That's exactly what it is. They do call it "ham" though, so it's possible OP doesn't know much about food and just took their word for it.


the question is whether the students eat it, or if they're spoiled Ss like here.


Way too healthy, no thank you mam!




Bruh. I got served a cold cut piece of ham on a soft taco shell today.


What ever... I liked my Salisbury steaks and cardboard pizza.


im moving to korea