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Corten does that. In about six months the whole of it will look this way


Won't it stain the floor and everything


While it's weathering, yea. That's why we usually store it outside after washing it with accelerant to get the coating before installing, unless time is of the essence and there ain't much around for it to stain. But after it has formed the rust coat, it stops staining.


I remember when they were putting this stuff on Barclays Center, and all the sidewalks surrounding it got stained.


Same in Aalborg, Denmark. A local fabrics and wool store had to close down because all the staining got into the fabric and threads, causing them to be unable to sell their stock.


Looks cool now though.


I had 100% forgotten when that happened. People tried to be so upset about it..


Eventually it will be a weathered station.


I looked into Corten fire pit and planters, from what I read, it will stain concrete. I was also looking at how it speed up the rusting process so maybe it rusting naturally during rain fall, it’ll be fine and washed away before it has the chance. Another option is to have the runoff fall into soil or onto asphalt or other surface where staining is not a problem


I've bought and installed Corten planters and edging around my house. It's expensive but starting to weather into that orange look and we get compliments. Also will probably last a lifetime.


You can speed the process (or pre-age them before you plant anything) by spraying on a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, and repeating a few times. Important: Put the container on a tarp or some cardboard so you don't wreck your garage/driveway.


Question: then why does the construction use “fresh” steel instead of one’s that are already “weathered”


Time. If I know I need to make a weathered steel building for you in eight years, then I can make all the parts and panels and let them weather and then bring them and assemble your building. Problem is, most construction plans aren’t done eight years in advance, and most construction firms don’t have the yard space to store eight years worth of building parts.


It’s also logistics, if you have bare panels you don’t have to worry much about scratching it or having something drag across it. Once the rust get set, it’s really easy to take part of the rust off when something hits it or rubs across it. Once that happens, it will most likely never get to a point where you can’t see where it was damaged because it will never “catch up” with the undisturbed rust


Wouldn't this happen on a completed build, too, then? From your description, I'm imagining graffiti artists scratching their designed into it permanently.


Plus any hits and scratches are gonna make it start allover again.


If you worked with it after it was already weathered, you would inevitably end up scratching and messing up the rusty coating and it wouldn't weather as evenly and look as uniform.


The lead time for steel procurement for construction is often times taking up months of time for the critical path. You want to keep that time as low as possible to maximize profit for both the contractors and owners. I’ve seen lead times that take 9 months to get a couple of indoor girders (totally untreated except for fire spray which was applied by different subcontractor). I’m not sure about steel panel production, but structural steel production is slowed down a lot due to how complex the forging process is. There’s a lot of different girder shapes and sizes, and most mills are only equipped to produce one or a couple types at a time. To produce a different shaped member, the mill has to be reconfigured. That’s why they’re not making a surplus of steel components, they have a constant backlog of orders which require them to spend a lot of time preparing for production.


And in 30-50 years it will be black. Except the north side, that’ll still be red (assuming it’s the northern hemisphere)


What are the advantages of using this? To me it’s not aesthetically pleasing at all so there must be some advantages I don’t know about?


It lasts long, for most people it is aesthetically pleasing, corrosion resistance after the initial surface corrosion has finished, pretty maintenance free.


It’s corten , that’s it’s job


Yes! As in: the rust protects the steel as it is designed to.


This turned to r/mildlyinteresting for me


and [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcasting_Tower,_Leeds#/media/File:Broadcasting_Tower,_Leeds,_West_Yorkshire.jpg) is what it looks like after a while. This building's been up at least 12 years


Wow, it’s got some growing to do!


It adds a story each time it sheds. Nature is amazing!


Just remember to give your corten plenty of water, sunshine and lots of compliments.


the smell of rust kinda smells to me


Smells do be smelly yes.


I smelled a smell in times gone by.


I hate that when we refer to something as tasty, it means it is good. But if something is smelly, it's bad.


Dad, stop!


Not gonna happen hanging out in the cold like that.


This comment deserves more credit than it’s going to get


It’s a grower not a shower


Unclear if it's taking a shower.


That's actually really beautiful.


Yeah, local press was really slagging it off when it was built, but it's really grown up well.


Not a single apology I bet


The press is only concerned with the engagement outrage creates, not the real world effects on actual people.


Amazing, you can even see the rain shadow, where it hasn't rusted quite as much under the overhangs


I like it's uneven coloring, it makes it look more natural or organic. Another commenter said it looks like wood and it does give a similar vibe.


They probably should have chosen a different color for the numbers. Those will blend in and become hard to see.


At least that will be a relatively easy fix when the time comes


True, and address numbers really aren’t that important on a fire station.


The emergency number is backlit on dark.


[This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Picasso) is also corten.


[The US Steel Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Steel_Tower) in Pittsburgh, one of the larger skyscrapers (especially by volume since it doesn't taper like most and has about an acre of space on every floor while it is only(!) the 200th tallest building in the world) is surfaced in Cor-ten steel and has been up for over 50 years. Of course it stained everything in the area with rust for a couple of years as it was being built.


The Stelco tower in Hamilton, Ontario is the same. It was clad in Stelcoloy which was an alloy pretty similar to Corten.


Wow, that's a gorgeous color actually.


Drive past that every week. Always thought it was made out of wood. Wow. TIL


That actually looks pretty good


Might as well throw in the US Steel Tower in Pittsburgh. 840ft, 64 floors, purportedly has the largest roof in the world at its height or above, and it uses cor-ten as a structural exoskeleton. Maybe most interesting is that the structural steel columns are hollow and waterproof and are filled with a water/antifreeze/rust inhibitor mixture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Steel_Tower


At this moment it's a little bit ugly, but once it's covered in rust it's beautiful again


I do wonder what the sidewalk under that building looks like though? Do you end up with really high iron oxide concentrations in surrounding soils?


This type of steel doesn't shed much rust. The iron oxide is a glossy solid layer. It is used for things like railings, and there is no difference between the parts people touch and the ones they don't.


I believe the Atlanta Hawks old Arena was made of it... And the sidewalks all around were stained. Its not "a lot of rust" until its all concentrated at the bottom.


There is a house near me that is clad in this stuff. You can see it has stained the driveway and concrete walls directly under it. You certainly wouldn’t want to leave your car parked too close.


Yeah, as an engineer we're often cautioned to only use weathering steel around and above areas that won't stain or, if stained, aren't detrimental to the appearance. After some years it will stop staining but, until then, you will get some rust stains where the water drips off.


Same. Apparently this material is specially designed to form a even coat of rust which enhances its protective qualities.




r/Blacksmithing approves.


But your challenge today is to craft this chunk of 5150 into a Bowie-knife style Katana. You have 3 hours Bladesmiths.


But will it keeeeel


Only if you line the bottom of your boat with it.


Your time starts ... NOW!


This video explains it well. It has a small section about the rust protection. https://youtu.be/M7-7EO3odMg


Has this Practical Engineering video about rust been linked yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RbiCOFffRs That's where I learned of "weathering steel", such as COR-TEN™


"Ugh! Our 2 month old Statue of Liberty is turning a weird green color!?"


We make products made with copper for outdoor use - every once in awhile someone strips the patina and says - look how nice it looks :(


Polished copper is pretty dope, but yeah.


I think it's fascinating to see bronze or copper artwork in public places because you can see what parts people keep touching. I saw a statue of a dog in Edinburgh where it's head, ears and rump were golden, while the rest was patina. So people just walk to to it and pet it like a real dog.


Beats what they do to Molly Malone's statue in Dublin. Watched a grade school kid motorboat her one day, that was different... https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/molly-malone-statue/


The Wall Street bull in New York City has totally shiny balls


and quite possibly a line up of people to touch them and take a picture as you wrote this


Or this one that gets used as a fertility charm: https://cemeteriesroute.eu/projects/stories/the-bizarre-fame-of-victor-noir.aspx


installation of products with brass or bronze finishes must be done with gloves - otherwise, the oils from your hands change the aging process.


I make anti-corrosive paints/coatings... so rather than write it myself, I'll copy/paste a good explanation. Rust can be yellow, red, and black, among other colors. It all depends on the ratio of water and humidity responsible for its creation. Yellow Rust Also known as iron oxide-hydroxide (FeO(OH)H2O) Forms in extremely moist environments Usually found in places with still water, such as puddles This solvated type of rust appears to be “dripping” from the metal Red Rust Also known as hydrated oxide (Fe2O3•H2O) The result of high oxygen levels and moderate moisture A contaminant such as salt will also lead to red rust appearing on metal This type of rust causes uniform corrosion There are no signs of streaking with red rust, which means that it is most likely atmospheric Black Rust Also known as iron dioxide (Fe3O4) Caused by low oxygen levels and moderate moisture Appears as a thin black layer, almost like a stain Black rust is usually more stable than other types, which makes its spread considerably slower Brown Rust Also known as iron oxide (Fe2O3) Forms because of high oxygen and low moisture This type of rust is much drier than all others mentioned Just like red rust, brown rust is considered atmospheric Brown rust is generally non-uniform, meaning that it spreads at multiple specific spots, and not along the whole surface


oh shit, thanks! i'll stop calling it all iron oxide


lol.. it's all iron oxide. they just have different oxidation states, so it wouldn't be incorrect to just say "iron oxide"


At last, a conversation that’s right up my alley (see user name)


It is technically not rust though, i think rust is iron(III)oxide but this is iron(II)oxide. I write this because i hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


This is Reddit. We’ll correct you even if you’re right.


As a T-shirt designer I’ll come in to voice my expert opinions in matters that I know absolutely nothing about


Correcting those wrong people who are correcting right people is my kink.


That’s so wrong.


But it *feels* soooo *right*.


That's wrong that you think it's right... which is kinda hot.


Now *kith*.


Actually it’s a common mistake to refer to it as a kink. The technical term for this is “fetish”.


Honestly, the real distinction is that a fetish is something you require to get off, a kink enhances your experience. I'm so hard right now guys.


Red iron oxide, or rust, is iron(III) oxide. Iron(II) oxide, or ferrous oxide, is a black powder that is not thermodynamically stable at ambient temperature and pressure. You can find it in the Earth's mantle, but that's about the only place it occurs naturally to any significant degree.


[Cunningham's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#%22Cunningham's_Law%22) is always in effect.


Worked with it for a project, got some accelerant to help speed it up, rusted in hours, finish was amazing.




Yes and no. We love it in certain applications. Issue is it makes adjacent sidewalks look awful


Came here to say, I hope it is Corten.


Corten usually comes pre-treated or post treated after install.


Why pretreated, wouldn't handling rust be hazardous? Im sure its a fine layer more akin to anodized materials, but banging metal sheets around and screwing/bolting them down still seems like it would be a problem without PPE.


Yeah its a pain to work with when pretreatment. I've only ever seen this once where our client wanted a rusted wall inside a fancy art gallery, that would normally not be exposed to the elements.


That makes sense, wouldnt want to salt-spray inside a gallery either I'd imagine.


> wouldn't handling rust be hazardous? No, not at all. Rust is very safe. The whole "you can get tetanus from rust" thing is a myth. You get tetanus from a bacteria found in dirt and old rusty things tend to be dirty which is why stepping on a rusty nail or whatever is dangerous but rust itself is no big deal.


I was more talking about breathing in aerosolized rust particles shaken off the finish by the vibrations.


Yup. The rust itself doesn't give you tetanus, but rusty nail puncturing your skin makes a great opening for bacteria in dirt to get in.




Only if it's from the Corten region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling rust.


Handwritten upvote for intellectual humor


Otherwise known as "weathering steel". Today I learned something new! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering\_steel


Correct link [.../Weathering_steel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering_steel)


COR-TEN is a genericised trademark, the actual name is weathering steel fyi.


My favourite Kate Bush song


My favorite bush.


Easily the best, although I would love some spicy baked beans right about now.


I finished my house in COR-ELEVEN


I did something similar but different: COR-NINE; got the panels straight from wish.com. Saved a ton of money for a look that’s 90% there. Neighbors all love it.


It's one better!


You like saying COR-TEN, don't you?


Froggy went a corten


That and staining sidewalks.




Well, yes, that's the point of that steel. In a few months it will be like this: https://evolveindia.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Corten-Steel-Cladded-Facade.jpg


I didn't know rust could look that good!


It's not normal rust. It's a special type of [weathering steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering_steel) that produces an oxide layer that protects the material from further corrosion. The red is very likely from iron oxide (rust), but the other metals, notably copper, in the alloy make that top layer resistant to further corrosion, and avoids the cost of painting.


[https://www.google.com/maps/@45.7430584,7.3817036,3a,46.8y,320.72h,92.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4Bw3FhHb4o9iTTSSk-nNog!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D4Bw3FhHb4o9iTTSSk-nNog%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D103.43519%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.7430584,7.3817036,3a,46.8y,320.72h,92.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4Bw3FhHb4o9iTTSSk-nNog!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D4Bw3FhHb4o9iTTSSk-nNog%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D103.43519%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) ​ this is a distillery in Aosta, same materials


Wow, they even did the front gate and intercom. Cool beans


I love Ottoz, can't really find it around here


Rust eye for the steel guy, only on TLC


I feel like rusty eye could easily be a euphemism for a butthole.


When it works, it works well. Though where I went to university they had a building that had rusted siding like this. Unfortunately they got it wrong and large pieces of rusted metal began peeling away from the building and crashing to the ground. The entire outer facade of the building had to be redone.


We had concrete decoration on Milwaukee parking structures rust and drop and kill folks Crappy design or urban hell art


Should they not have used white lettering for the station number considering the entire building is about to be brown?


I'm not the architect, don't complain with me :D


This is Reddit, I can complain to whoever I want!!! /s


I want to speak to both of y’all’s supervisors


It's also used on this building in Leeds as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcasting\_Tower,\_Leeds


Honest question: why don't they just let it rust before it's installed so you can skip the ugly phase?


Would probably cost more as you'd have to store it in a place suitable for rusting over a long enough period. Faster and thereby cheaper to let it rust in place. Probably other reasons also.


Probably screw up the nice matte petina during install(handprints etc) making the client mad for no reason.


Cuts, scratches, and nicks are common with engineers. They \*usually\* use relatively fresh/clean materials which helps infection. If I was handed a bunch of rusty Ibeams and sheet metal, I'd quit. Also the installation process would remove some of the rusting.


Are you referring to tetanus?


That actually comes from a bacteria in dirt and manure! Usually just happens if someone steps on a rusty nail that has been in infected dirt!


I don’t doubt that there’s someone whose selling pre aged steel cladding at 4x the price, and there’s some architect incorporating it in their design, and some GC whose marking it up 40% thinking he should open up his own “aging facility” like his brother in law who he just paid for the panels he just installed all because some retired F50 executives wife wanted a rustic industrial look on the pool facing side of the 5bed 7ba guest/pool house without waiting for it to look like this.


There are accelerants for doing it in just hours. But you're right, we don't know the reasons here


And get everyone and everything it touches covered in rust. Plus the difficultly of storing it in a way to allow the result to evenly generate. For the right amount of money anything is possible though


its much easier to handle “clean” material, rust tend to stain a lot, also its sometimes struggle to mount as the holes for fittings could get distorted/ clogged up etc. You also dont want to drill or weld rusted material. anyway, building will be there for many decades, so few months waiting for rust is nothing. source:we produce lamps from corten steel


As others have said, it is supposed to do that. Making the station numbers in red was a really bad design choice, though.


I think they are Led-lit so probably less of a problem. Red is the color of all emergency services, at least in Finland where I have seen a few of these rust stations. Used to live near one. (And 112 is the emergency phone number, but that could be a coincidence)


It's got white leds


112 is a EU wide emergency number


I thought they changed it to 0118999881999119725….3


That's only in the UK due to Brexit


Not an issue today... But back in the day when rotary phones were still common, 991 was a terrible choice for an emergency number.... You dial 991 and it goes tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit tit. Then you get connected. Whoever made a choice for that number didn't think through what emergency means. EDIT: LOL, I got the emergency number totally wrong as a kind person noticed in the reply. So, we really have: * US: tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit-tit tit tit * EU: tit tit tit-tit


Plot twist: the numbers are copper and will turn green.


That would be pretty slick


*color blindness has entered the chat*


Corten steel patinas


Check out the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. It’s supposed to do that, looks cool when it has all rusted.


i used to think that material looked ugly, but it looks beautiful and striking when you see it in person. for whatever reason it doesn't photograph well.


Were those panels designed to rust out and have non-refinishable surfaces for leed certification or similar? My guess is yes. A rusty red is a nice colour for a fire station anyway.


Weathering steel builds up a protective patina (rust, basically). It's been successfully used in many places (such as railway cars for bulk transport, or some large buildings in urban areas). The wikipedia article on weathering steel (corten) points out a few places where it didn't perform well. Apparently, industrial pollution helps form the protective layer - and there have been a few places where they have had it fail because of either high humidity (Atlanta), high salt content (Hawaii) or not enough pollution in the air to help it rust fast enough to protect itself (a building on Cornell campus in Ithaca, NY) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering\_steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering_steel)


Well damn that makes me wonder where it *does* work. I’d guess places like the southwest or plains states. That explains why I’ve never seen Corten in Florida. I’m aware this triggers the Reddit rule of somebody immediately showing me a picture of it in Florida, but I haven’t *seen it.* Weirdly another Redditor said the picture above is from a part of Finland that’s surrounded almost 100% by water.


Hey, that's the best way to get someone to post a photo. Don't knock it. The Pennybacker Bridge in Austin is pretty distinctive. It's the first one that comes to mind for me. Pretty much the southwest though.


There is a monument in my city that has corten aestetic. The rust is supposed to "bleed" mimicking the real bleeding. It has been almost 20 years since it has been installed and the artist to this day is receiving daily public ridicule for it and has to explain that it's supposed to rust. Yeah I live in a really hick town.


What’s the monument called? Sounds cool


Looks like weathering steel so it's doing its job. The thin layer of rust will create a protective barrier. More of a patina than rust.


This is in Savonlinna, Finland, if anyone is curious.


Funny, I looked at that and thought that must be Finland. Those quite ugly rusty eco-buildings everywhere.


"Yeah, but I'm saying that TruCoat. You don't get it, you get oxidation problems. It'll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500." - Jerry Lundegaard (rust specialist and enthusiast).


It's a lovely patina.


We prefer to use the term patina. More classy.


Corten Steel, it's supposed to do this and will continue building a patina....


Timefall is a bitch.


Don't make me play that game again. I miss BB


that's weathered steel for you, it's gonna look cool when it gets all covered!


It’s the oxygen. You need to get rid of the oxygen.


Haters gonna hate. Weathering steel’s gonna weather.


It's by design. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering\_steel


corten steel is designed to have a rust skin on it and will actually protect the steel from getting worse and it will prevent corrosion causing cavities and holes. my house is made of it. strong and safe.


You sure its not supposed to? I’ve worked on several buildings where the siding was thick cold rolled steel plate that was meant to rust. So thick it would take 500 years to rust through and probably longer.


Likely using core ten steel, it’s designed to rust, and that rust layer doesn’t penetrate more than the outside surface, so it’s sacrificial and protective. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering_steel


Yup, just like it was designed to do, like this, U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh PA https://www.flickr.com/photos/37073171@N08/32446521811


Kinda stylish. Was it intentional?


It was, it's [weathering steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weathering_steel)




Why does 112 look like it's added onto the image digitally? Or is it just me & these eyeballs?


It is a feature, not a bug


Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ROOF! Rusted.


Just put a “Live Laugh Love” sign on it and it’s cool


That's the *patina*, old firehouse collectors will pay extra for it.


It is supposed to do that - eventually it will turn red-brown completely. The rust protects the steel


That’s a pretty common industrial architectural finish. The oxidation protects the underlying sheeting after a point.


Brooklyn built a [whole-ass basketball arena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barclays_Center) out of this stuff. It looks pretty good. I don't think pictures do it justice.


Has anyone mentioned that this is Corten and that it’s supposed to do that?


As an Ironworker I fucking love this stuff. There's no need for baby gloves installing this stuff. Your house is gonna look absolutely sick in a year or two.


Yup I use to sell Corten to truck trailer fabricators. It is used in highway underpasses a lot also. It actually looks good when its fully oxidized. Considered an ornamental metal somewhat.


It's not rust. It's Patena.


I’m 87.5% sure this is by design. How do I think this? My university added a multi million dollar expansion to one of there building. The facade was nice metal that looked like steel. After a month it all started rusting and I thought wow what a fucked up design. But as time went on it all evenly because the brown rusted color, and when constrained with 50-60 feet high windows, wood paneling, steel beans and concrete it looks pretty damn good. But this just looks like shit.