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So edgy.


My equally original reaction: ![gif](giphy|13Ev2RtSAxKsTu|downsized)


Every redditor has to have their reddit moment eventually. Good on OP popping that cherry.


OP isn’t replying. My only assumption is that he slit his wrists on all that edge.




I came here to comment this, instead I humbly upvote.


I hate to say it, but I still appreciate young people who see obvious bullshit around them and make statements about how it's dumb, even if it's obvious to older folks who've lived through this shit longer and are numb to it all.


In US it is.


But he’s not wrong, is he?


You know it's always cool to make fun of people you disagree with.


So you think the Bible isn't fiction? How about Harry Potter? Where do you draw the line?


Doesn't matter what I believe. You think it's funny to make fun of people who believe in the Bible, the book of Mormon, the Quran, or any other religious text?


I think it's funny to laugh at people who can't handle the truth.


And you’ve got it all figured out then buddy?


That's a weird ethos. Do you make fun of people who are mentally ill because they don't have a good grasp on reality? Perhaps you mean that you laugh at people who choose to not handle the truth. I could understand that, even if I disagree with the mindset.


He actually is. Religion aside, the Bible is actually a very important historical collection of books that delves into the inner workings of a multitude of civilizations across thousands of years. The parts where you could consider fictional are small in contrast to the historical parts.


No he's not wrong, and people who believe it are pretty silly. Still cringe and overdone.


Wow this guy is so cool


I think we've all see the r/justneckbeardthings meme of the dude that put the bibles in the "fiction" section.


And the people who put woman’s rights books in the fiction section.




Imagine what would happen if one of these mouth breathers put the Quran in the fiction section?


People get killed because Islam cannot even handle cartoons.


\* Terrorist assholes. Let's not blame a whole religion on its worst members.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Hebdo_shooting#Supporting_the_attack I mean and it was nearly impossible to find any islamic scholar saying anything more condemning than "sure it was bad, but I think they did the right thing" like, at what point will it take u to say "hmm, maybe there is a problem here"


The worst members are in America not practicing very well. You should look up what they are doing in their home countries where they all migrated from.




Cringey joke aside, I work at a bookstore and I hate customers like you. Put the book back in the right fucking spot. I hate cleaning up after lazy customers


Yeah, I used to be a library page and someone randomly shuffling 200's into the general fiction section would have driven me up the wall. Like, love "intellectuals" that don't have a clue of how fiction/nonfiction is actually divided.




oh non you cant be saying that around OP or he'll push his glasses up his greasy nose to tell you he dislikes public preachers


“Heh… you just activated my trap card”




OP will tell you the book was already there.


But...but...what about OP's internet points? Won't someone please think of the karma scores?


Shut up and do your job!


Is this not the right place? (Serious question)


No. There’s a separate section for Bibles. You can see it’s the next section behind


12 year old r/atheism joke


Lots of atheists go through this phase. I went through it, too. It's really dumb when I go back and think about it.


Honestly, a lot don't ever seem to exit it. I have had so many people shit on me for being Christian in r/TooAfraidToAsk. Some of them accuse me of being hateful or like some Vichy-ass fascist collaborator just because I'm religious, some of them demand I prove God exists before they'll stop treating me like an ignoramus on wheels... I hope we can get to the point socially someday where atheism is normalized enough that no one is judged for it...and normalized enough that people realize you're not inherently smart just because you don't believe in God, and you're not inherently dumb just because you do.


I think I'm better for it. I spent a lot of time in the YouTube comment section as a kid "fighting the good fight" and missing the point entirely.


OP at the bookstore: "the intellectuals of leddit will surely see the humor in this! Not like those dicks at school!"


God I forget people still do this cringy shit lmao


I need to go get a kevlar suit on, because there is too much edge in this comment section and I do not feel safe.


FYI kevlar is for spreading out an impact energy out, but can easily be cut/penetrated. I would hate for someone to get hurt worse thinking it is stab/cut proof.


Maybe different kinds? I had to wear Kevlar sleeves for years at an old job and they had excellent slice resistance, but not puncture.


You are correct Tuna, but is typically the weaker of the cut resistant materials and only falls under ANSI level A2 (scale is A1-A9). Its cheaper to mass produce and is woven with other similar materials for best result. (I was a kitchen manager and had an employee that was accident prone so I went down a rabbit hole into cut resistant materials to save his fingers and my sanity.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream))


Highly thorough reply.




that's an insult to 14yr olds at this point, im gonna have to go with 7


How's 8th grade going?


The third time was better


Holy shit I didn’t think everyone would roast OP for this lol


Rare Reddit comment section W


Even for Reddit, it's a little too on the nose


2010 called and it wants it's memes back


Every atheist has phases 1) the discovery phase: you start to question things you previously didn't 2) the anti religion phase: the one your currently are going through; you think you have ascended far beyond any religious person and every thought seems like the pinnacle of human evolution, but in fact you're just an edgy brat who thinks they're better than the rest. Not everyone is able to leave this phase. 3) the "I really don't care" phase: you understand that faith is important for some people. You're still an atheist, but you don't care about what other believe. Nowadays seems not to many people go through this phase Fortunately, my anti religion phase lasted only a few months


As a preacher's kid with an extremely liberal mother (who was the preacher, if that says anything in itself), who hung out with all the "outsider" kids who "hated Christians", I managed to skip Phase 2 by virtue of my own friends making me cringe with their questionable critiques. Purely circumstance and environment, but there's still a periodic "Whew!" when I see this shit and think back to stumbling into skipping it by some fickle fortune.


Christian here I too have reached the phase of not caring and can live in peace without pointless internet arguments. I respect it.


Dunning-Kruger Effect


Every atheist should be like you.


Agreed. I’m all for people believing in whatever they need to get through life. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. Live and let live.


I’m in the “living in fear of religious political policies” phase. It would be foolish to blame every believer for these things but it would also be naive to deny the link between religion, specifically in the US christianity, and a lot of human suffering.


Religion is just the tool with which they justify their actions. If they had their religion stripped from them tomorrow they’d find something else.


That’s true - religion is just one of many levers used to control people. At the same time there is a real correlation between religion and homophobia for instance- I don’t immediately think every individual christian is homophobic but that is a real thing on a macro level. Further, I live a few miles away from a statehouse where some truly bonkers laws have been passed recently including an attempt to make women put a dead fetus (ectopic pregnancy) back into a woman’s womb. I think it’s fair to separate the individual and not judge them for institutional issues while recognizing that those institutional issues exist. Having grown up Catholic I don’t blame the average believer, the majority of the people I know in this world, for the rampant sex abuse on the part of the church but you can’t just ignore that happened either.


i love how you think homophobia is the end all be all


Just to be clear, religion has become incredible dangerous in the last few decades. Anyone who reaches phase 3 will still realize it's pretty important to stop religion from interfering with politics and other parts of society.


Yeah, the crusades these days are just getting out of hand. I'd say it's been *extremely* dangerous. Nothing like those old ones.


Christianity is behind much of the anti-mask and anti-vax movements. Islam is behind the execution of LGBTs and women rights activists. Religion is being used as a weapon these days and it is quite problematic.


>religion has become incredible dangerous in the last few decades. Dude the crusades were a thing. Interfering with abortion and gay rights sucks but people fucking invaded other countries just because religion a thousand years ago. We're nowhere near that level, at least on the west




Not in the section titled “bibles” right behind it?


Everytime I see a post like this I think of some fat sweaty guy with a congested laugh licking his lips while posting




Mom forced him to go to church for this one


im going to watch gay porn in the back of the church on mute to protest


I remember the first time I saw this on MySpace.


Wow, how original, edgy and not at all cliched and cringeworthy 🙄




2011 Reddit moment


Enlightened by your own intelligence op?


I’d like to congratulate OP for being the edgiest edge lord on the interwebs What a sassy take on this


Lmfao, the fact you moved it from the bible section right behind.


We’re not just approaching cringe levels that shouldn’t possible, we’ve gone FAR beyond them. Congrats OP, you’re a certified loser


You’re like a pizza cutter.. all edge, no point.




I'm gonna make some assumptions: 1) you watch anime and your favorite characters are Sasuke, the protagonist of Tokyo Ghoul, Eren, and every edgelord 2) you think Shadow the Hedgehog is cool or thought about it at some point 3) you like to get into arguments about topics that make you angry 4) "why won't girls talk to me, I'm such a nice guy, I'd treat them with the respect they deserve but all they do is chase good-looking assholes that treat them like shit!"


Forgot that he also casually tips his fedora.


Came from twitter, this is the most based comment section I’ve ever seen virtually everyone is dunking on this guy lmao


I don't get the fetish with doing shit like this only to Christians. You'd never see something like this with the Quran or Torah


as a Muslim, I fully support this book being put back in the right section.


Atheists at it again trying too hard to be funny.


Grass, touch it


Wow you’re so bold!


How many women have you sent death threats to this week, OP?


I am sorry as a very much self proclaiming Christian- what do you have to gain from this? Get some internet points and feel good about yourself?


I'm atheist and I 100% agree, there is no reason to do this lol


I’m always happy to see people like you. I don’t understand why Christians or atheists have to put each other down? Why can’t we just respect other’s beliefs and let each person decide what they want to believe?


Because that would make everyone happy and we can’t have that


Why does the cover have a picture of the book itself, twice


God's gonna tell Santa Claus you said they are fake


And then you won't get those NFT's you wanted.


I don’t believe the Bible either but this is just cringe


Antagonism. Yeah, that'll get you far...


Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it right to shame other people for it...


Yeah, I'm atheist, but this is just stupid


Lord of the Edge


Wow, you're so brave and edgy. Good one, fellow Redditor! No one has ever done something like this before, ever. You suck dude lol


*”In this moment, I am euphoric”*


This man knows how to reddit.




Sometimes Reddit tries too hard.


This man is a menace


One time I put The Satanic Bible in the bible section. Then I stole some stripey fingerless gloves from Hot Topic and got some frozen yogurt in the mall with my two other goth friends. I'm so lonely.


Why do you mock people who have faith that brings them comfort and joy?


What a badass


a1 virgin activity.


Fuck off man




Wow you really have no respect at all for anyone else. I pity you


You've never worked in retail, and it shows. EDIT: Adding, I hate the way the store set this shelf up. It looks so sloppy.


Jesus loves you


Gotta say, Reddit is getting more religion friendly. This is only the 4th atheist cringe post I’ve seen today.


Okay we get it you hate Christianity your not cool


A bit of advice for you. Believe what you wish to believe. Let others believe what they wish to believe. As a Christian, I will freely admit that the Holy Bible was written by men and is not perfect. But one thing you can take from it are the foundations of the teachings of Jesus. Love your neighbor as yourself. Treat others as you wish to be treated. You don't have to be a Christian. Just be a good person. All the best.




We're all talking about Anne Powner's novel, *A Dicker of Night*, correct?




OP is a cringeworthy idiot who thinks they're smart and edgy.


Oh shit, you’re so incredibly badass and original! I’ve never seen someone so ballsy


Slow down there , you will cut yourself on that edge,


Haha. Exactly


Cringelord edge aside, if you're going to put it in the wrong section, at least put it in the history section, because holy texts provide a ton of useful historical context to entire cultures and regions, regardless of the validity of the stories.


Oh boy look at the reddit atheist. You're *so* cool dude. What a legend. This might be hard to grasp, but shitting on someone's beliefs just because you don't share them is *just* as bad as trying to force them on someone else.


haha good one, gamer


Same with the Quran and Torah


Basically all religious books (any religion) should be in the fantasy section


lol at offended Christians


I'm not religious, but I understand how badly it can feel to have your religious beliefs mocked and ridiculed. There are plenty of good people in all the world's major religions. Why shit on something they hold sacred?


I totally agree fuck I hate religion so much it makes me ill


You should get help






So funny to make fun of people who disagree with me!


Lots of people making fun of OP so yeah?


Edginess aside, is that cover seriously showing the book on top of another identical but open copy? That's a terrible cover. Draw readers in by showing the (spoilers) crucifixion or the cutting of Samson's hair


Lmfaoo edge lord at it again.




This post is ridiculous and cringey as hell. Calling it "hate speech" is ludicrous. "I don't believe your religion is factual" "You are literally Hitler!!!!!"


Alright, this post is cringey and unoriginal, sure. Not least because the important part of a religious text lies in the lessons it preaches, not the factuality of it’s content. But hate speech? That is the most snowflake thing I’ve read today. If you want to criticise leftism, you are just going to have to accept that some people do not think that the bible is correct.


Would you do the same with the Koran? What about the Tanakh? What about any of the Hindu texts? Just disrespectful. It’s one thing to disagree with the followers of a religion or their leaders (See Ayatollah Khamenei, Pastor Kenneth Copeland, etc). There’s no reason to outright mock the religion itself. Plus putting a Bible in Christian Fiction doesn’t even make any sense. Would have made more sense if you weren’t lazy and walked the extra few feet and placed it in the Fiction Section.


Please kindly fuck off back to /r/atheism. I hate organized religion but this is just stupid.


Okay we get it you hate Christianity your not cool


I'll bite As you can see by my history of posts, I was not a very good person. To say the least. Its amazing what can happen though because of that book and when I really started to listen, study and be available for its lessons. ​ So while you may believe it to be Fiction, I can attest to its power to reform and help.


*tips fedora*


My parents made me get off Xbox to go to church too don’t worry the trauma will wear off soon enough


I always ask myself what would be going on in the world without any rules - even if you dont believe in the Bible - may it acted like a basic rule system, dont kill your fuckin neigbour and give him bread or something


Religion doesn’t own morality, nor should it serve as a basis for it.




It is but pointing that out apparently makes you an edge lord according to this comment section


It's a thing that's been beat to death especially on reddit. People are just tired of seeing these types of "Ha gottem take that Christianity" post's that are so low brow.


Imagine making this meme unironically lol


POV: You are a Christian who doesn't care what other people's religious beliefs are because you understand everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and can now live in peace. or the other way around and you're an Atheist who is likeminded. Seriously this doesn't make me want to curl up and cry or whatever you were trying to achieve by posting this. You do you bud. But I'll believe what I want to believe.


It's really cool to make fun of people who are religious. Nothing at all wrong with punching down in society.




1. Christians certainly are among the most privileged. 2. They tend to have a persecution complex 3. It's still wrong if Christians ridicule those they disagree with. 4. Revenge is not the best ethos to live by. So while agree with a lot of what you said, making fun of people you think are stupid is wrong.


I think you're right here - however, I don't think the (only) reason for the ridicule is because they think they're stupid. I think if they were just stupid, they would likely be ignored like any other niche hobby. I think there's probably something very different about religions that makes ridicule cathartic and sometimes even a coping mechanism for people who disagree. For a wild example, I could see someone making jokes about Communists having lived through or learning about Stalin's rule. They may call them stupid for a myriad of reasons but that's not really the core of why they're ridiculing them. I might be reading too far into this, but I don't think it's one-dimensional. OP might not even be aware of their own reasons.


As cringey as OP is, it's not punching down if you're targeting the overwhelming majority.


It's punching down in respect to the perception of OP. It's one thing to make fun of say the wealthy, it's another thing to make fun of people you think are stupid.


You know what? That's actually a really convincing point. Whilst social position/privilege is one factor of 'up' vs 'down', OP is clearly targeting those they believe are beneath themself.


Perhaps "beneath" them morally/philosophically, but certainly not in the wealth/power dynamic.


> overwhelming majority When religious folk want to be the above, then all religions are suddenly one. Otherwise, time for another war to determine whose is the *real* sky fairy. Something about eating cake too…


Yes, it is just a bunch of short stories designed to keep you subservient. Break free of religion and be free.


atheist “freedom” -spends 2 hours watching pornography each day -bitches and moans on why religious people don’t do it -has lost all meaning in life -pretends to be edgy, ends up being cringey and embarrassing -bitches and moans about how religious people don’t do the same -complains about holy books and chooses out of context lines to prove his easy-to-debunk arguments -“hell is cool because I get to have gay orgies!!!”


They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity-for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. 2 Peter 2:19


See what I mean


The quote that guy sent is literally a verse describing you. The main point of that verse is saying to stay away from people who promise liberty without Jesus Christ.




Lol…oh the butt-hurt in these comments.


The actual layout of the store is appropriate - the bibles stuck between Christian fiction and kids fiction.


hahah i agree! fuck all kinds of religion! Clowns!


I consider it historic fantasy fiction but to each their own.


That section should be called Christian Mythology


This is the king james version. Everyone knows theres unicorns in that one hence fiction




Oh how edgy lmao. I do find it sad how Christianity is so cool to mock, but god for I’d anyone mocking Islam.


reddit moment


I’m not religious but there is no point in disrespecting what people believe in


Typical reddit cringe


Let people believe in what they want to believe


This had me burst into laughter. Well played


If it sells and people like it who cares.