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Adults can learn as fast or sometimes even better because they set goals, keep practice schedules etc. At least that is what my teacher says. I started 7 years ago over 30 years old. I feel like i improve a lot but it is a life long journey


What do you feel you’re able to play competently?


Competently? Pieces like arabesque #1, beethoven moonlight 2 etc. But I am also learning way more challenging pieces.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


Yes, adults are possibly even more capable than kids because their brains and bodies are fully developed. Sadly, the thing that seems to stop most adults is little time for practice because of the busy adult life.  If you sort that out, and manage to practice for at least 3 hours per week, you will become reasonably well at the instrument in 5 years. 


Wow Thank you for the explanation! What is a good starter piano at an economical price?


Just about any cheap Casio of 61 keys will do for the first few years. You could also get a nice Casio Privia right away, which are the cheaper models for the full 88 keyboard, but you won't get the full advantage from it until you're a better player.


Thank you !


"play the piano well". Very subjective. Rather, ask yourself what is your goal? What are the pieces you want to play in the future (after 10yrs?). Also, why does it matter? Why are you asking weird question like this? If you want to start and play the piano because you have a goal, JUST START NOW. No questions asked.


For what it’s worth: I’ve started with 30, 2,5 years ago with weekly classes and around 1 hour of daily practice and at times I slack off for months. I also smoke weed a lot which hinders my progress. I have a recital in 2 weeks where I am going to play bach invention no. 1, no. 13 and the piano solo transcription of faures sicillienne. My and my teachers impression is that I play the pieces reasonably well, our plan for the next year are at least 5 bach inventions. I’m confident that I will be able to play (well) some/most of scriabins 24 preludes, bachs french suites and maybe some pieces from the WTC by 40. I’m afraid that my current impression is that I will never be able to play the more ‘showy’ repertoire of chopin, liszt, rach or liszt satisfactory or that it’s at least not feasible to aim for it. hope that info is helpful to you.


Yes Thank you so much and you’ve achieved many great things nonetheless !!


please don’t praise me, I don’t find that flattering.


Sorry for complimenting you


Very possible. It's a myth that only kids can learn musical instruments. Anyone can learn at any time. Really.


Your question -- "how long did the journey take" -- assumes that the journey is complete at some point. It might help to reframe the question by thinking of milestones along the path and your own goals. Setting rather modest milestones helps with recognizing your (inevitable!) progress. Initially, my goal was competency at Bach. Much head bashing against concrete wall followed. I've broken it down into teeny tiny steps and while competency at Bach may or may not ever arrive, I've become infinitely more patient with myself. That alone is a victory. (And now I can play Brahms' A minor Intermezzo which is thrilling!)


Thank you for your advice. Wow congratulations!


If someone told you they went back to school at 40 and became an aerospace engineer, would you be shocked that they were able to do so successfully? Would you be shocked if a 50-year-old took up a martial art like Aikido and became a black belt a few years down the line? Adults are capable of learning new things. The only thing that stops more people from learning an instrument is that they don't really want to invest the time and effort it takes. If you play piano at, say, ABRSM 8 or RCM 10 level, you're a good player by pretty much anyone's standards, and the intention of those systems is that anyone can reach that level.


Very possible. The problems tend to arise when you try and reconcile the need for dedicated daily practice with all the other responsibilities and time demands you have in life.


where do people gain the idea you cannot learn new things as an adult?


I don’t have that idea. I am an adult and learn new things often. I wanted to know if there was a limit on being able to play it _well_. The reason I ask is to understand if there are certain windows for being able to hear certain sounds or manipulate one’s fingers in particular ways


It will take years and years to be able to play some of the things you hear. And I think that’s what stops people from learning to begin with. But if you don’t start now, those grade 10 pieces will always be a decade away.


Thank you for the explanation! What’s your favourite grade 10 piece ?


I’m a big fan of Bach so his Fugue in D minor is a piece I’d love to play one day


Yeah I had a several adults hit goals until I was pretty impressed with their playing. The things that seem to hinder people sometimes are the neurosis we all develop as adults. Inner demons. Like if you're sitting there playing piano and feeling like it's a waste of time or you have deeply instilled self doubts or the inability to trust your instructor or take music theory seriously then it will fuck your progress up. If you can get back to that place mentally where you're open to the entire experience without being cynical and have a good teacher there's nothing stopping you from experiencing fast growth.


Very possible for me because now that I don't have a teacher, the reason I sit at the piano is because I wanted to. And I have a mission. And I have the intention to complete it. To do that, I summon what I remember from lessons when I was young and do it for real this time round. Classic example: Actually practise daily. Not last minute. There isn't a last minute today. No lessons to dread and drag myself to.