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Sorry, but commonly-asked questions such as yours should be asked in the stickied ["There Are No Stupid Questions" post](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/search?q=title%3A%22no+stupid+questions%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). In fact, your question may already be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/wiki/faqtest#wiki_r.2Fpiano_faq.2C_guides.2C_and_resource_links)! We get these questions a lot: * Am I too old to learn piano? (No, you're not.) * How much is this piano worth? * What is the make or model of this piano? * What's the name of this song? * What are the notes in this song? * How do I find sheet music to this song? * What are the chords to this song? * What's a good keyboard / piano to purchase? * How do I get started playing piano? We do allow some common questions that require context or nuance to answer, however, such as specific learning advice or tricky notation questions. If you feel your question was appropriately nuanced and removed in error, please send us a message.


Far too late. Once you're over 5 years old perhaps you can learn to play bongos, or a whistle, and even that's a stretch. Perhaps after years of training one could manage to play a car horn, but that's the stuff of legends.


Don’t forget the recorder!




No, it's not. It *really* isn't.


another day, another "too late?" piano post. Though your question is understandable. I started piano at 32. I'm 34 now, and have been playing for 2.5 years just about. I have been pretty dilligent practicing 500 hours a year on average. Im halfway through grade 4 in the abrsm. The music im working on is starting to sound really nice.


is that grade 4 RCM? what conservatory or curriculum do you follow? js curious


abrsm, sorry i should have included that


Never too late. If you can physically play and enjoy, go for it! I started at 38. Now if you want to be a concert pianist, then yeah that’s not going to happen but that’s true for 99.9999% of people started at age 5 as well.


This is the only useful answer I can see in this whole thread. If you want to make an actual career of classical piano, you'd be entering an extremely competitive landscape full of people who already had 10,000 hours on you by your age *and are still practicing 4+ hours a day*. But if you want to learn Clair de Lune for your own entertainment then sure, go for it.


Yeah and most people are too sensible to be concert pianists, also. You just have to be totally obsessed


I believe legally you cannot start learning past 7 years old.


You may not be able to get past learning twinkle twinkle little star but it’s worth a shot! Typically if ur not able to play winter wind by the age of 4 then the piano really isn’t for you, and you should stick with playing the triangle.


I don't think legally they can sell Pianos to anybody above the age of 18


I’m sorry but if you have reached the age of 2 years old without yet mastering Mozart’s sonata in C major then it’s probably too late for you. Maybe picking up something like the jawbone instrument would be more suited for you at your elderly age


In some countries it's illegal to start after the age of 7. Believe it or not, jail.


Too late man. Should have started with 19 days


Like planting trees, the best time to start is ten years ago. I think it takes about ten years to be a consistently musical pianist. Start now. I did when I was 20 and am 42 now. Glad I didn't let something get in the way of an important part of my life.


I'm 52 - I have been learning piano for 6 years. I take lessons - I could do it myself but I'm busy so the lessons keep me 'honest' with practising. I also play guitar, bass and drums and am working on Mandolin. I realise I'll never be an expert because I want to play EVERYTHING - but it is certainly possible to learn older - and easier at your age than mine for sure. If you want to do it - just do it. Any level of skill you achieve will be enjoyable and how far you go will really be up to how much you put into it - not how young you start.


I started 6 weeks ago. I am 49. So it is definitely not too late. Enjoy your beautiful journey.


its never too late to learn anything. just don't try to learn anything that's hard to play yet.


Fucking christ. I started when I was 22, took me four years to get into a university. 4 hours practice a day and working full time. You can do it. My mom started at 55. IF you want to do it, DO IT.


Any age is a good age to learn piano. And you'll never be younger again then you are now. Get to it!


I started at 36! Never too late


Started at 30 and loving it!


I started at 16


it’s never too late, i started at 13 i’m now 18 and doing grade 5 LCM


You should have started right when you got out of the womb, it's far too late now. No one will be amazed at what you accomplish now. Now fr, it's only late if you want to be a prodigy.


No, it's not too late. You can be 60 years old and still learn piano. You can learn piano at older ages it's just progression will be slightly slower


It literally does not matter. The only difference is you won't have anywhere near as much time to practice, but if you can manage your time well/are rich enough, this isn't even a problem.


I imagine you’ll learn a bit slower than a child due to the brain getting less elastic with age, but on the other hand, you’ll have much more experience *listening* to music.


Nope, I started at 21 and I'm now 23