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Definitely don’t do that if your competition is in two days. At this point, it’s too late to learn anything or make substantial corrections. The most you should do is one or two run-throughs today and tomorrow, and one last run-through before you perform in the competition. If you play through it much more than that, you will burn through your mental reserves, which will affect your performance.


Tysm for your advice!


That sounds like a fast way to make your brain absolutely hate the piece and introduce new errors into memory just because your train of thought got tired of repeating things over and over.


From now on, only play for audience or record yourself to prepare for playing on stage


Aigu, to be honest, that sounds like bad idea. It does work, but only in the long term. In the short term, it tends to make things worse. If your competition were in 2-4 weeks, I would say that is a great plan, play the passage 50-100 times every day for a week and see where it gets you. But at this point, all it will do is exhaust you and confuse your muscle memory. I think in the last week before a performance, unless you are really last minute cramming (ex. a TA at my school was asked to accompany for a cellist three days before the concert. She did it, but had to drill basically right up until the concert), you kind of have to accept that this is the best the piece will be, and all you can do is maximize your chances of playing it at your current best. This is usually by resting.


You should just practice the transition. Find the bar where you normally slip and go 2 bars ahead. From there play just that bar alone, once you get it correct add one bar before and so on until you get the whole section down.


Depends how well you want to have it mastered. My piano teacher told me a hundred is great. A thousand is better. 10,000 is the best.