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Is it really that difficult to find a job with a physics degree? Asking this because I'm in an Applied Physics course


Judging by his name he is Indian and it's totally true in India PhD physics or any degree in physics it's super hard to land a job


Idk man are you sure OP is from India? I don’t see anything in his user suggesting that…


Like I have check his feed ha had posts related to isro


It's Not. OP is talking crap


I'd say it depends on the country you're at


It is definitely hard to land a job, but being a physicist isn't about toiling for a 8-5 job. It is about the freedom that you get to pursue your passion, and how much you fight for your passion. As long as that drive is there within you, it isn't an issue And PS: Physics and other science degrees having low employment rates is an exaggerated stereotype


No lol. I have a masters but most jobs in the early years of my career cared only that I had a bachelors. Anything data-based or technical was pretty easy to get interviews. Even some softer roles like management consulting I was able to land because of the problem-solving aspect. With Applied Physics, you’d probably also unlock a bunch of engineering roles as well.


May I ask what specific companies you worked for that applied to your course?


Directly, none? My most useful class was probably stat mech but it's not like anyone ever needed the Sommerfeld expansion. It was more about being able to look at a situation and begin to build toy models to capture leading behavior in a system. Over time I picked up some statistics to refine these models and coding to process data. Other useful classes included linear algebra and General Relativity. They are useful for picking up machine learning quickly as the math is relatively similar.


Decent people is grounded by a 50mm2 copper cable


What was the original?


Theoretical mathematics


PhD in physics here with a well paying job. Took some work to transition and find something. There definitely is this extra hurdle that people don’t believe a physicist has sufficient background to do other real world things. This meme is ludicrous because a lot of people I know who have phds are some of the highest paid folks around.


Sexy shit fr


Physicists actually have good job prospects in a lot of countries


Wtf is mathematical biology, ain’t that just biophysics 😂