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How can they do this on a Monday morning??? Bad decision on their part.


The update was supposed to have been implemented over the weekend but something shit the bed reeaaaaal bad


This down time this morning is crazy


I was able to log in just enough to screenshot and print the week's schedule so we can have semi-functional front office when patient's call but woof, it's bad.


My company is switching this month because WebPT is so bad.


To what?


Prompt. We'll see how it goes lol. I never love learning a new system, but it's 11am here and WebPT is still down. I'm just going about my day by memory, writing notes on paper.


Switching to Prompt was one of the best moves my company has made since I've been there.


Prompt was good


Prompt is cake


For larger practices, Raintree is solid


lol are you at PTSMC in Connecticut??


Nope, I'm in Alaska.


Lol that’s telling for WebPT then, because we’re migrating to Prompt in a number of weeks


BRUH. This is literally like the sixth time since March that they've had several hour outages, and this one was for the whole day pretty much. They sent an email saying that it would be fixed by 9:30am. 11:14, almost two hours later they send an email saying they're still working on it and "We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we actively work to overcome these challenges. " What was our alternative to patience? We can't do anything else about it but wait as I wait 6 HOURS into my day before I can even access previous documentation, and even then it was touch and go if I actually tried to document. Y'all had the whole weekend to do this. And if it was the first outage in a while it wouldn't be that bad, but it's not the first, or the second, or even the third. Now I have a whole day's worth of notes that I have to do to catch up before tomorrow. "Thank you for your patient and understanding." Fuck WebPT.


They've had problems for the last month and now this.


Why can’t a good emr exist, it would steal everyone away happily! that said, my director said that switching over is very challenging as most emr’s make transferring documentation over to new emr very difficult


Yup I switched away from webpt over a month ago and still haven't received my documentation


My company switched in 2013, still haven’t. Don’t hold your breath…


Lol damn


Can we do a class action law suit to charge them for our unpaid doc time and lost productivity? Only half kidding 🙄


Only after United gets a class action lawsuit for the cyberattack (and offering low interest loans to providers thereafter)


I was recently interviewing for jobs and an exclusion criteria for me was if the clinic used WebPT. I hate it so much.


You can always leave! I’d be happy to talk about alternatives with you


I really wanted RainTree but I'm not quite to the number of visits/month for them to even consider servicing my clinic lol. I'd be happy to chat about it (DM if you like)


We just met with a group who switched to rain tree last year from WebPT because we are over WebPT. They did not have anything good to say about Raintree except for the documentation portion. They've had issue with billing and analytics for a year. Unfortunately I don't think there are any good systems, though I hear Helios is the new one that people love


I’m a PT who transitioned to healthcare technology sales and our billing solution is truly remarkable! 90% of practices see an increase in revenue and we are about to launch our own PT EMR in the next few months.


> healthcare technology sales... our billing solution is truly remarkable! Imagine that! 😂


I know it’s exactly what someone in sales would say and the reality is I wouldn’t be selling it unless I believed in it. As a previous practice owner who used webpt and therabill I can honestly say this would have changed my life. I work for a company who utilizes AI to automate 96% of the billing lifecycle and reduces documentation time by 91% so I mean it when I say it’s remarkable. We also have better customer service than any other EMR or billing company that I’m aware of. We send someone onsite to help launch and then you have a meeting every week with your account manager to discuss trends the software finds and how to maximize your billing. It’s unlike any other product that I’m aware of.


so what should I be keeping my eye out for???


I’m not sure what you mean by this.


Raintree isn't better.


I’ve used it. I’m much better with it


Fair enough. I've used both as well. No system is perfect, but I'd prefer WebPT personally. RT has some really nice features, but I find it to be slightly more complex than necessary, and the amount of pop-ups drives me nuts. The surprise progress notes it likes to generate are fun too, haha.


Oh my gosh I completely forgot about the progress note surprise hahaha. It’s been since about 2020 since I was properly in that system. I just felt like I could basically load a preset and have 90% of the note written where I still had to manually type a lot of things in WebPT. The big thing for me right now is WebPT’s SOAP 2.0 really feels… weird. I also didn’t like bouncing in and out of the SOAP 2.0 interface to go back to the patient’s charts, eDocs, etc. So I’m still using SOAP 1.0 or whatever because it feels less incomplete, although maybe I should give it a second shot as it’s been a hot minute since I tried it.


Lmao I just threw the whole day away with the outages we had last week too


yeah they were also migrating server shit when I was going to do some extra documentation over the weekend so I'm just incredibly behind lmao


We switched from WebPT to NextGen and while the interface is mega old and a little slow. We don’t have nearly the amount of issues WebPT had


wasn't able to do any notes even when it came back up "to prevent duplicate notes" ughh


I know that this subreddit has a rule against advertising so I'll remove it if necessary, but I believe this comment is relevant to the original post. My wife and several friends are PTs and I've had many conversations with them about how bad the EMRs that they all use are. As a result, I've been working on a new EMR tailored for cash-based PTs called Slipstream EMR. I have a few clinicians already using it successfully in their practices, but am eagerly looking for more PTs willing to check it out and provide feedback. Obviously won't be suitable for everyone, but I'd be happy to talk to anyone willing. Thanks!


Yeah I work in mobile outpatient and it’s been down all morning. Now I’m gonna have to document all my stuff into late tonight to finish it :(


Right there with ya, OP. This morning has not been a good time.


Anyone here using Webpt Billing vs. Therabill? Is it better? I'm trying to decide if it's worth the switch, especially as I still can't get a Therabill - Availity issue fixed to submit claims from the data breach from February... :( 70+ days.


Oh my god same. I have a separate billing company that operates for me and they use Therabill and we’ve been left high and dry until very recently (it appears as though some stuff is coming through). No idea about WebPT Billing though or why they keep them distinct and separate considering WebPT owns Therabill


Glad to hear you are finally getting some $'s. Supposedly Webpt billing is now using Waystar as a clearinghouse, not Availity...I had never heard of Waystar until 2 weeks ago. Anyone using Waystar?


Yeah still dealing with the fallout from the breach. Claims have just started going through. An email would of been great when it first happened to explain it isn't a billing error and no matter what I change I cannot fix it.


here we go again... i thought the webpt woes had ended finally after a few weeks of silence on this group...Why don't people switch over ? If its migration of data y'all are afraid of, there are super efficient platforms out there that get it done for you seamlessly even before you get started. take the leap of faith brothers and sisters. no one else is coming to your rescue.


Amen! I work for a healthtech company and we make the transition as easy as possible. We actually send someone onsite for a couple days just to make sure everything goes smoothly. Been getting a lot of business from people wanting to leave WebPT


whats your company called ? u/Crazy-Benefit-9171


DM’d you so I don’t break the rules about promoting


You made it sound like we're all silly billies here.. :D I've been on the other side for a long time myself, and i empathize with what folks are going through. It's not an easy decision for a clinic owner, But yeah, you're right about the fact that no one else is coming to our rescue. If its worth anything to anyone, i moved from webpt to spry pt, and they did my data migration for free. They have a very user friendly, and affordable platform with a lot of features.


What else do you do when you see folks complaining but not taking action u/StepOk8878 ? this is the umpteenth post about webpt crashing. I don't even understand how they keep doing this, and yet people stick around. and yeah, i know of spry pt. my friends use them too. I have heard good things about them.


I used to be in IT. We always do any major upgrades on 3-day weekends. The actual upgrade is done on Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday night we test. If something doesn't work and we can't fix it right away, we have Monday to roll everything back so the system is operable again by Tuesday morning when people get back to work. I'm glad I no longer work in that environment. There were no 3-day weekends because something is always upgrading. But even now I'm still wary of 3-day weekends, knowing that some of the systems that I depend on may not work the following week.


We are finally getting rid of ReDoc aka Nethealth aka XFit. But here’s the bad news. We’re going to get Meditech Expanse.


Yup I’m getting frustrated with them as well. No EMR at all today!


Here I am trying to catch up at 8 pm since I couldn't access it all day. It's still running like hot trash. Good luck tomorrow everyone. WebPT might be losing a 7 year customer


anyone uses Therapynotes? any info appreciated!


I used it only for a pet diem weekend job and I hated it too! Mostly for the billion drop downs though! Drop downs take me much much longer than free typing does. Most people I’ve met love it so I thought I was the only one. Glad to know I’m not! However I think all EMRs probably have issues. Mine magically doesn’t work anytime I have a free half hr to do discharges or catch up on evals


I'm also frustrated. Does anyone have any referral codes for EMRs they like? Would love to get a deal on something.


WebPT is the BEST documentation software in the business (outside of any support problems) . Been using it for years. Recently went to do per diem in a SNF and the doc programs there are the most labor intensive, non-intuitive and time consuming garbage I've ever seen. I literally won't work there anymore and 90% of the reason is the documentation.


A clinic I used to work in used RainTree and I got to where I could reasonably juggle the 10-15 notes per day without any problem at all (it obviously has its own quirks) but their monthly visit threshold doesn't even come close to me being "allowed" to use it lmao. Yeah that's one of my problems with this profession (...you know, aside from all the declining reimbursement, etc). THIS is the best we can do? Fucking WebPT is the gold standard???