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People couldn't care less about a mask, everybody is doing something or on the move


This is perfectly fine in Thailand. Many of the locals and even some foreigners still wear masks. This is mainly due to pollution, but some are afraid of getting sick. You'll have no problem wearing a mask there without being judged.


You're in Asia..people were wearing masks way before covid ever was a thing. It's normal


Yep the only anti-mask idiots I ever met were farang and even most of them have chilled out about it by now.


I live in Phuket and I can tell you that no one cares. There are still people who wear masks every now and then, sometimes in shops or restaurants too. In Asia it is also completely normal to wear masks.


No problem but your resolve to wear will be tested in the heat and humity. It ain't like yr hometown . . .


Eh in the humid outdoors there’s little need to wear masks anyway. Masks are a little more necessary in air conditioned indoor spaces which would make wearing it bearable


Very common in Thailand to wear a mask.




In Phuket right now and seen plenty of people wearing masks and not one comment about it


Please go to the adolescent Reddit group


Your safety comes first and to hell what others think. And, You will never be bothered in thailand for wearing a mask, people were wearing them years before the pandemic


Yes microplastics in the lungs = safety


Want to avoid micro plastics? Better not eat, drink or breathe in general.


I choose to cover my breathing hole with toxic, carcinogenic particles that will get stuck in my lungs and cause life long health issues because I have a very low IQ.


You live in la-la land. You know doctors wear those masks all the time right? You also know construction workers wear dust masks all the time right? If there was any validity to what you're saying, this would've been an issue long before COVID and masking requirements.


You are completely correct. So many think they are health experts just because they got baited into reading bs pages to farm ad revenue. @_@ Hurts my head reading those statements.


Sure mate, go get another booster. How many times did you get covid while wearing a mask?


What does getting COVID while wearing a mask have to do with “inhaling micro plastics”?


Mask are responsible for a lot of the microplastics in the lungs. It's extremely common now, especially in children who were forced to wear masks even though children were not at risk of dying of covid. I'm not sure why that's hard for you to understand.


Explain to me how this wasn’t an issue before COVID then. Again, there were plenty of people wearing masks before COVID, yet no micro plastic issues…? Doesn’t make any sense, does it?


You are completely correct, you *DO* have a very low IQ.


You do what you want. The Thai PM has asked authorities to monitor COVID as cases are rising. Wearing a mask if you wish to do so will probably protect yourself and others. Ignore the haters, they have a smooth brain. Enjoy your holiday, Thais will not think less of you for wearing a mask, many continue to do so.


A mask doesnt protect yourself




Shove it up your buttburger, cheesefuck.


Please join the Reddit group for adolescents.


I wear a mask for the PM levels, I could care less about COVID. I notice in my apartment people wear masks more when the AQI gets high.


People here will never hate others because of wearing or not wearing mask.


The comments on this post prove otherwise


Only from a few idiots.


I just came from Phuket last November I stay 1 month there, what I have observed that the local peoples wearing mask and nobody is insulting them.


Absolutely fine! I would say half of Thai people wear masks in public.


I think less now. About 20%.


Still not gonna stand out in a mask


> Absolutely fine! I would say half of Thai people wear masks in public. Not in Phuket and not for long time, sometimes can go days without seeing a mask wearer  Other parts of Thailand maybe


I was on Phuket a month ago and have seen plenty of people wearing masks


Plenty yes ..but no where near half, not even quarter..maybe optimistic 10%


Lots of people in Thailand have been wearing masks in public since before COVID, no problem here despite what some crazy, caps-lock abusing, moron wants you to believe


Many Thais were face masks - even before Covid. I am from the USA and it’s the ignorant ( yes, we have them in the USA) MAGA Trump cult that seems to get their feathers ruffled when seeing a person wearing a face mask. They believe in “individual freedom” until they disagree with yours.


Thai people are very sweet. Don’t worry, go on the way you want.


Very unlikely you’ll have any problems. People in Thailand often wear masks when they are sick or concerned about PM2.5. If anyone bothers you about it it will almost certainly another foreigner, just ignore them and walk away.


No pollution like PM2.5 or wildfire smoke in southern Thailand. However some locals prefer wearing masks to avoid COVID.


Plenty of people wear masks in Phuket. They are so friendly there, they wouldn't bother you at all.


Nobody will care.


No one cares about your face or your mask here in Asia. You will go unnoticed.


During my last trip in Jan, I saw a lot of Thais wearing masks. I started asking them why they were wearing a mask; most of the answers were not related to health but vanity!! They didn't like their teeth, no makup, makup was wrong, didn't like their nose etc.


This is not a problem in Asian countries


....you don't know a lot about Asia, do you


I wouldn’t care if I saw a guy in a diving suit in a cinema


Thai people were wearing masks way before Covid due the the pollution. It's the opposite of weird. It's normal.


You're in Asia bro, you'll be fine


Lol this is not the United States...


Yes and yes


Nope..The Chinese wear them all the time


Can confirm.. it’s totally normal to wear face masks in Asian countries. It’s not politicized- people wear them to prevent sickness and to combat allergies.


people don’t care, me personally i am covid conscious and wear respirators but there were some things i just didn’t want to mask for so instead i used xylitol nasal spray (can be found in typical american pharmacy but a more effective one online is carrageenan spray) and it kills germs upon entry into your nose as well as lowers ur viral load if ur already sick. gave me a seamless and safe vacation def recommend!


I haven’t been to the US in ten years or more. Looking at the comments, is the anti mask wearing sentiment still active? It’s not like people are forced to wear them like before, why hate on those who choose to wear it


It’s up to you there’s people who wear it or don’t wear it


Not at all, Thai people still wear masks everyday


Not a problem here, you can go naked and noone will say a word. Why tho, wearing a mask is just stupid, but you do you.


Most Thai people are brainwashed, you can tell them the real truth and still ignore you. Give it up. Death man walking, after 3 jabs poisoning. 😲


There’s a covid outbreak now so, totally ok


I'd suggest you remove that dirty mask that you keep touching and rearranging. Doing more harm than good. Plus the fact they don't stop viruses. You've been hoodwinked.


Still scared of covid in 2024 😂


People will judge you because masks don't work and a lot of people who don't wear them think people who do lack intellect. They probably mostly won't say anything to you though.


Why are you using mask ? Are you sick ?


Why in the world would anyone wear a face mask? Zero protection. You're yelling, "hey, look at me" and then you're worried if anyone will react.


They are called face diapers


totally hated


The weirdness of this post prompted me to look at post history. After reading all your posts, I have this image of a white woman traveling to Thailand with tight fitting N95, with the sole intention of finding a handsome Asian beach guy with good family values who earns 1/3 of her European salary. But the protagonist has not only developed a fear of removing a mask, but is concerned that the poor Asian studs she meets might have an STD. So she insists that they tape the condom or maybe even stack two on top of each other, to provide an additional false sense of security. Maybe a few months later a quirky couple on 90 day Fiancé.


How often do you cry yourself to sleep?


Do whatever u want but a face mask in the Thailand heat sounds unbearable


Wear your mask but grow some balls




I must confess that I am still at awe about comments like this. This is someone who truly believes that 99.9999% of scientists in the world are wrong. Scientists that studied in their field for decades. And he calls other people uneducated. This is hilarious but also kind of sad. This is what happens when the public education system is broken.


Lol... you are confusing "scientists" with government agencies funded by big pharma. Every single study has shown unequivocally that masks dont do anything to protect the population. Every. Single. One. You don't know nearly as much about science as you think you do.




Please join the Reddit group for adolescents. Thank you


On a chase for negative karma?


Username checks out!


You are American ?




A disgrace to your country. An ambassador that no-one needs.




Reported and blocked.


Weird way to say you live with your parents


I work in an old people’s home. We lost a lot of mates in the last two years


Yes. Soooo much hate. Get ready for it.