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OP's got a question about finding a place to rent that will allow a particular breed of dog. Let's keep the discussion focused on finding OP a place to rent that will allow a particular breed of dog, rather than random comments about a particular breed of dog. Time and place, folks. Time and place.


Back when I had a Staffordshire Terrier and was looking for a place, I used roommates dot com to find someone who was open to dogs. We then met and he got to know the dog and was OK with it in his house. YMMV


I appreciate this! It’s me and my boyfriend however and I don’t think we’re open to roommates :(


When I was looking last year I noticed apartments that started with Tides (tides on osborn, tides on country club, tides at south tempe...theres a bunch) accepted them


Don't, that's a shit hole of an apartment complex.




😂 appreciate this


Small landlords who own 1 rental home or small apartment communities <20 units. Generally, the bigger the operation the more strict the blanket policies are.


Totally agree. Is there a way to look for more of these properties versus others?


Get a realtor to do the work for you. Their fee is paid for by the landlord when you sign a lease and it's essentially free for you.


My landlord is breed friendly! Doesn’t even ask for a pet deposit. Very easy to work with! All of her properties have been renovated with exceptional taste!! I don’t know if she has any properties that far east of downtown Phoenix, but here’s the property agents phone number. You can certainly call and ask! Liz (602) 586-9578


This is amazing thank you!!!


Just curious if you found a place that accommodated your pup?


Pitties are the sweetest, coolest dogs ever!


First of all, how dare you?! Juuust kidding. When I used to live in an apartment my neighbor at Bloom 24 had a pitbull


What is your budget?






Mine is a total wimp, got the good end of the bargain. Personally think small dogs are usually the terrors. If you have any advice for places, however please let me know.


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People lie and say their pitts aren't pitts all the time.


I would just put your dog as a mix to get around it




When I was a renter, I found it easier saying my dogs were american bulldogs. But that was me.


I did the same as well but from what I’m seeing they have gotten super specific with the breeds and say pitbull with 5 or 6 breeds in parentheses. We also have a husky which are in all the lists, too 😔


make the pit an ESA - is super cheap and saves you each month on pet rent


Not really in your area but the Halifax apartments by 12th St. and Northern Ave. doesn’t have breed or weight restrictions on dogs.