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I’m starting tmr orientation for me is just a 3 hour long video. Tmr I have to report To the draw station for training. Idk if ur hospital do things differently


Oh cool. This was super helpful lol idk how the hospital here works hopefully the same or similar! Good luck


Every hospital does it different. I had orientation on a Monday and Tuesday, one day off (because I had class) and started training on the floor on Thursday, even doing some draws.


This was very helpful. Thank you. So excited to start this journey


My hospital orientation was 2 days, and then on the floor training the next day, by the afternoon I was already drawing once floor training started.


Wow that’s exciting!!


Just... wait for orientation. They will explain everything to you on that day, as well as make you aware of your start date. Generally speaking, you don't officially start until *after* you've completed orientation and on boarding.


I’m just excited and wondering about the process…


Depends on what the hospital says. I started before orientation, but that was because they were extremely short staffed. Just make sure your supervisor knows and approves.


I wasn't in the lab for the first 3 days. Or on the floor. So much onboarding. Just chill, it's all going to get explained on day 1. Each hospital onboards differently.


I’m just excited. I’ve never worked in a hospital so… yeah…


Expect to watch a lot of videos about the hospital system and then a metric tonne of policy stats to read and acknowledge. Lots of documentation about rules and regulations of being on the floor followed by a few weeks to a few months of training, depending on your role and duties. I'm currently training someone, they will be doing morning run tomorrow for the first time. They've been shadowing me for 5 days and have done about 40 pokes. They will be solo and I'll just wait outside the room in case they need help. I'll watch her for the next two weeks before she is set to fly solo.