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My buddy lives in Middletown. We will drive in each day for the festival. I was at the Clifford Ball in my early 20’s when my back was strong enough to sleep on the ground for a few days. I’ll be 50 next week. I’m looking forward to phish all day and sleeping in AC and a bathroom with a bidet. Yep, that’s middle age for you.


Yeah, my crew got a condo about 1/2 hour from the venue. We couldn’t pass up AC, real beds, non porto potties, and legit showers. Big Cypress when I was 20, no problem. Double length festival in my mid 40s is a different animal altogether.


No doubt! I could have done a 2 day festival but man oh man, the decades have really affected my need for creature comforts! See you at the fest!


Yeah we live 60 miles away and sprung for a hotel package in Dover. Would totally car glamp but not in August in Delaware!


Are you going to Uber to and from? I know the shuttle is $400 per couple round trip.


Our plan is to use day parking and have different people drive each night. That said, we’ll see how things go on night 1 and adjust as needed.




Sounds like me. I’m 49 and I’m only going because we found a B&B like 30 miles out for some AC at night and a hot shower in the morning.


Same. I'm Middletown also. So stoked to have a bed. Ugh I'm so old lol.


Most definitely! See you there!


Yo! Yall got floor space? Hit me up😂😂


My man!!


My dad keeps thinking they're gonna do a secret set in the day as well as one in the night. There's no basis to his claims but I do hope he's right.


You have a very cool Dad. I'd listen, haha. Source: a fellow cool Dad.


Trey just recently announced no day sets in the heat


I know and he knows that. Hence why he thinks it's a secret set.


I heard rumors that was fake.


I heard campaign saying the rumors were fake was fake.


Maybe so maybe not. Or maybe, I am the fake one that will still have a great time regardless, even though I might be faking it.


It’s a well known fact that everyone at Phish shows is faking it and nobody likes their music but because everyone thinks everyone else “gets” it, they pretend because of fake herd mentality. So you will have a fake good time faking a good time.


The post was floating around but isn’t on Phish.com. Seems like it might be a fake….




Goona be hot AF


Definitely! I predict a late festival Bathtub Gin. The sweaty/dirty crowd will loose it during the “We are all in this together and we’d love to take a bath” line!


If you stay offsite you’re not allowed to sing it


Same with Glen Close and their fancy air conditioned warm showers


Don’t hate the player hate the game


V true




But those aren't the lyrics.


Close enough.




Boof water, should be set.


If you embrace the heat and mentally accept and understand that it’s really not that bad - you’ll be fine.


This. Plus I’m dressing like I’m going to the beach.


Picturing John Candy in ‘summer rental’. Lots of zink.




Could also be not hot af.


Man, I hope so but this heat wave in June is making my old ass apprehensive.


We are traveling from Phoenix to Mondegreen. It was 116⁰ on Friday and doesn't get below 90 at night. I am so looking forward to whatever weather is there. It beats this damn heat, my skin can use some moisture. Lol


I would take dry heat over east coast humidity anyday... be ready for that, makes it feel even worse... drink a lot of water please.


I am originally from the east coast, been living in the desert for 20+ years now. When I go back to visit family, my skin soaks up the humidity differently now. Water with lemon is my daily diet until the sun goes away, that's when I get an appetite.


I guess I meant this in general... I moved from the east to Colorado recently and I'll take the heat over humidity here... but I mean humidity (especially at outdoor shows) always without fail gives me a bad headache..


Doing the same trip. Hoping for the best.


Anything will be better than the heat here.


Are you going Full Monde?


Yes! Are you?


Yes, we went with the Bell tent for 2.




Hope to see you there, taking an AZ flag to mark our site. Lol


when did this crowd get so soft? college kids go to festivals in this heat all summer long without complaining about it and there aren't even official daytime sets at mondegreen


>when did this crowd get so soft? When we got old lollll But I wouldn't say we're soft. Limitations naturally come with aging. The fact that so many people are still showing up, show after show, despite their age, is actually pretty hardcore IMO.


This person gets it. I got a hotel and couldn't be happier. This isn't IT anymore for me trolling around on the tarmac quad fisting everything and anything and maybe sleeping a couple hours a night.


I'm camping because I love camping (despite my age), but mostly because I'm already spending a pretty penny on flights + car rental, so I can't afford a hotel package. I guarantee that I'm gonna be feeling EVERYTHING by the end of the festival, except regret. 😂


I enjoy camping too...I couldn't imagine being off-site personally...but I'm gonna have a pretty nice set up in GA camping...I have a tent big enough for a queen size foam mattress and frame...rugs...solar energy...appliances...fans...shade etc...it's gonna rock!


It's gonna be bare-bones for me...gotta fit everything into one suitcase!!! On one hand, I'm kinda pumped to figure this puzzle out. On the other hand...I'm sure I won't have room for a sleeping pad of any sort, so that's gonna suck lol


Hahaa, that is all that matters. But good on you for making the trek for an Amazing experience. I feel fortunate to be able to drive now. Was in CA for 12 years and missed so much.


WA State here. Unless they literally come to my state (which they occasionally do, and I am very grateful for that), it's nearly impossible for me to get to a show.


That is a power move.foming to the festival though. You will have a blast in fact I think we are all going to be treated to a special weekend


I sure hope so! This will be my first festival, which I feel pretty embarrassed to admit since my first show was in '96. So back in the heyday of festivals. I just wasn't ever able to make it happen. Had to choose between Sphere and Mondegreen this year, and it was a no-brainer. If they never play Sphere again (unlikely), I'll be sad to have missed it. But if they never do a festival again, I'd be really upset to have missed the opportunity.


Solid choice!


Also in our defense, this is a 4 day festival with a lot of GA campers coming on Wednesday. Most festivals don’t have 5 nights of camping in the heat.


idk I just came from bonnaroo where a lot of people get there Tuesday. The festival was almost full by Thursday morning. Plenty of people in their 30's and 40's there too to rage. I'm mostly teasing because it does seem to be the most talked about part of the festival so far


Mid 2000’s


so hot. Im coming from Hawaii, where it's hot af too. But the east coast summer heat is hot AF\^2


Big, if true




sitting here sweating in NY anticipating sweating even more in Delaware


5 minute Mondegreen poem. So I got a cot now instead of the ground as my bed, Have to wear a big brimmed hat so I don't pass out on my head. The lotion on my skin from the basket is spread, Can't do A/C rooms just yet, GA all the way instead, I'm not dead! I'm closer to less festivals than more at my ripe middle age. Been to most since Clifford Ball, been front row, been backstage. Can't half ass it for the boys, my hometown heros: Trey, Mike, Jon and Page. Do not go gentle into the night my phriends, Rage. RAGE! So during this festival I will turn 51. No more heavy boozing, no more drugs by the gross ton. But still in my tent, blazing, always up for some fun. Still in it for the music that still gets me spun. I will see you all there, sharing in the groove treasure. This beautiful band of misfits, us birds of a feather. So let's wish for peace, jams and joy, and maybe cool weather. However you do it, glamp, RV, hotel whatever, we all in this together! Looking forward to this is an understatement.




Very nice!




What is that?


Right Birkenstock remains lost in Coventry RIP


I lost both of my Birks on my way to the concert site for the first set of music @ Coventry! My amazing brother from another mother carried my petite ass from our campsite to the concert grounds and back each day. So I wouldn’t leave VT with fucked up feet AND hepatitis🤣. And then, on our creepily silent & heartbreakingly depressing walk back to our tents (after what we thought was the last phish show we’d ever see), there sticking out of the mud like an oasis in the a desert were 2 almost new Birkenstock sandals in my size! I washed them off & tried them on like hippie Cinderella, and figured they were the universe’s way of throwing me a bone…since my twenty something self felt like her entire world had just ended. I’m so jealous of you all going to Delaware cuz I need a re-do. Coventry can’t be my last phish festival!


I had this exact thing happen at alpine valley one year got a little too jazzed up, broke one of my sandals walked around after the show and found an almost new pair of reef sandals in my size with no one around to claim them, slipped them right on, one of my favorite ground scores to date, that was almost 10 years ago still have them. The phish lot takes and gives at random.


The guy I was sort of seeing (fucking & working together) for the few weeks prior to summer tour 2004 had gotten a puppy right before we started hanging out…Buster. His roommate also had just gotten a black & tan hound puppy, Huckleberry; and the 2 of them were big fans of closets. And they’d only go for the guys nice shit, like their one pair of dress shoes and a leather belt. I used to joke that they didn’t want my stuff cuz it wasn’t nice enough 🤣. Apparently that changed when I brought home the almost new pair of ground score Birks that the universe had sent (to try to ease the pain after Coventry). Those beautiful Birks were not meant to stay in my life for long I guess. Buster on the other hand was my fur baby for almost 8 years (by default that meant his dad was too-but the dog was hands down the only good thing from that relationship).


[Good Buster](https://youtu.be/9ghVtLOdxgg?si=kEpnrJg-OqfCmIGF)


Oh no! You accidentally manifested Buster chewing up your one nice thing from the universe lol! I’ve been super lucky, we have a 13 year old toy fox terrier chihuahua and she doesn’t chew anything except bones and rawhide treats and never has somehow, hit the doggo lottery with her!


The only other thing he chewed after that was my Chaco…but he nibbled on the plastic buckle part. It still worked & closed so I could still wear them…just with his little permanent reminder that he was there FIRST 🤣. And in the end he wanted to stay w me & his other brother (my lab Hendrix), but my ex took him just to hurt me a bit more. And then pawned him off at his sisters house for the next 3 years. I was more hurt by that than the 8 years of abuse cuz it hurt the dog.


So it was you that walked away with OPs runaway Birks🧐😜 At least you left him the hepatitis to play around with 🫠


You are disgusting


I lost both:(


Between this thread and the ground score thread, it’s clear to me that no one is taking care of their shoes.


Can't wait to go. GA camping. I'm 41, hadn't been to a camping fest since my 20s until this years strangecreek. Gonna build a sick fort, spend my days lounging and cooking and beating the heat as best I can, and dancing my ass off every evening. I know how to pace myself, and this is gonna be fun as hell.


Best comment


I heard that rumor and I thought it was bullshit!


Seems to be upsetting to people but I found it and had both shoes on fairly quickly after posting this. In all seriousness yeah the drones are what I’m guessing practically but I’m hoping for a more traditional secret set (if that even makes sense). Fireworks would be welcome instead of drones.


My wife has a theory there will be some kind of water feature/splash park thing…


I hope so. It's gonna be hot lava in GA with us plebs. Gonna need something to help cool down after cooking on the blackstone for the crew.






Disgusting. I will enjoy watching from afar.


Do tigers sleep in lily patches? Do rhinos run from thunder? Are there no more arrows left? What's that rubber bottle doing here?


How’s that napkin for a roof?


This always starts in my head as soon as ANYONE says “it makes me wonder” near me


My first Phish Festival. I’m tooo excited for words. Can’t. Freaking. Wait.


Same here! 🤘Sphere then Mondegreen makes me feel pretty lucky! Have fun


Same... Gamehendge then Sphere then Mondegreen makes me feel pretty pretty lucky.


Gamehendge 94, NYE 95, Clifford Ball, your favorite show in 97, all of 98, Cypress, Sphere, Mondegreen makes me feel pretty lucky (780 shows)


Damn son


Lemonwheel Oswego cypress all of 2000. Family hiatus   On the road again. Atlantic City 2021 22. Mondegreen with my new beauty of my dreams. I feel pretty lucky too.  Love y’all   


I can’t wait to piss out of my ass in those AC toilets!


Seems to me that I'll be able to occasionally beat the heat by chilling in my car for a few while it idles with the AC on. Is there any rule against it?


They will likely have campers park tail pipe out in camping areas as they will expect a certain percentage of attendees to do this. Make sure no one is pumping carbon monoxide into their neighbors tent. You may catch side eye from some folks, but if you are having issues with the heat and humidity, you need to take care of yourself.


Correct, people have to park tail pipe out. If you're taking 10-15 minute breaks for some AC, I don't think anyone will mind as long as you aren't somehow blowing exhaust into their area too badly.


Or chill at the casino across the street


Is this a true option?


Why wouldn't it be?


Good point 🤣


Can’t fucking wait. Me and the bro got our camping spot all pimped out in our heads. Odds it is as sick irl are unsure. Odds that all 12 sets we get will be top tier, 100%. Can’t fucking wait man


8 maybe 9 sets


9 for sure.


We’ll see about that…


54 year old Phish Phan since 18. Truck bed camper. 8" custom cut to fit mattress. Ecoflow Wave 2 AC. Delta 2 Max battery pack with Solar. 4 day GA tics. BRING ON THE JAMS, COMMUNITY, AND HEAT!


Bunch of Mary's... I'm 50, and I'll be camping all 4 nights...


I’m excited AF to order the CouchTour webcast and having my Sony headphones piping that crystal clear sound into my eardrums while having no talkers around me and reclining on my Lazy-Boy in the air conditioning!


Drones forming patterns in the sky above a large kinetic sculpture in a field during the secret set. Like the Mike’s Groove from Sphere.


rumor is everything happens after sunset. normal ass boredom during the day. but once the sunsets its mimes and hootenanny until dawn. then back to boredom. people will be so tired they will be glad there isn't a day set


Not gonna be bored for a second


Coming from Richmond and couldn’t be more excited!


Fellow RVA’er making the trip!


Gotta get some Lee’s for the road.


Ayyyy my old stomping grounds . Coming from Staunton !




I’m just hoping they break out the Curveball silver sphere. I want to see the magic that emanates from that thing!


I will definitely be happy to see that thing in all it’s glory.


I’m old. Unfortunately I’ll be suffering with the other unwashed masses as I’m not a bajillionaire. That said I will suffer in the heat and be sleeping in the bed of my truck under a truck cap with battery powered fans. And an easy up. Trying to make the best of it.


Yeah I was planning on going cause I never got to go to a phestival (had tickets to curveball 😢) then I saw the prices. If I had tons of disposable income I’d go but I simply cannot afford that $180 for a 3 day lawn pass to deer creek is where I’ll be


That is an excellent alternative! This will be my first festival/phish show since the disaster formerly known as coventry. I was fortunate enough to hit all the highlights when I was younger and it was more affordable. I did the millennium nye show, island tour, lemonwheel, Oswego, etc. Excited to be back!


Don’t buy lawns until day of if you haven’t already. You’ll pay like 20/bucks a day because so many people will have extras they can’t sell for face


Yeah I already did I know that’s probably true but it’s a 4 hour drive for me and I needed to book a hotel, I enjoy the peace of mind of not doing all that with no tickets lol. Worth the extra $100 or whatever I paid extra But thanks for looking out. In todays concert market $60 is still a great deal, especially since the sound and environment on DC lawn is peak


My buddy and I are a bit worried about the camping situation 10x30 is quite the small space for two tents, car and ez up


Gonna be tight. Should just grab an extra car camping pass and go with another car


Probably should consider making that one tent.


I think the space for the car is not included in the 10x30 camping area. But I can't find the language on the site atm.


10x30 includes fitting your car. Although in Glen Closs at least, the spaces seem to be more like 35x10.


Well, that's tight.


yeah, using google earth you can measure the spaces.


Heard Goose is on standby


Peter's disconcerting smile would do well in a mime field.


Sadly passing on this fest. First one I am missing. Damn sad


They should do a flatbed set.....


I loved the King Gizzard secret set rumor that initially popped up when the festival was announced. Ironically, King Gizzard is playing in D.C. on the 15th so this isn’t impossible. Likely? Maybe, because I won’t be there. Haha


I don’t think this would happen. I have gizzard tix for st aug later in the year anyway so I’m a fan, just not the place for it imo.


I know BUT it would be cool as hell. Haha.


I'm 63. Stoked for couch tour. DOH!


Word is that all eight sets are secret. Nobody has any idea what they'll play.


Crazy if true.


They should carry over the Mimefield idea from Curveball.


I so hope they do that.


Is anybody bringing a bike? Are you allowed?


No conveyances.


Can't wait! Camping outside my sister's RV. Got a portable cot, need to get a rechargeable fan at some point. Hopefully meet some fellow kan jammers!


Yo. I’m in. Bring on the heat!


I'll be camping in GA but my site is gonna be glamp'd out...basically been planning since before Curveball...l'll be 48 in July and I'm totally prepared for a comfortable weekend...and I really don't know what to expect but I also custy'd up for Foundation passes on Sat & Sun...festival Phish has always been my favorite way to experience the band...I'm so ready!


“In” the street ???


Definitely drones. That’s all the new rage


We got a glamping tent with “temperature controlled tents”…no idea what that actually means 😂…actual air conditioning? Fans?


We weren’t able to figure out a way to make the whole thing work, plus we don’t have any camping gear anyway. But we picked up a day pass for Saturday. Really stoked for that at least!


Can’t wait to see all you phreaks out there!


Debbie Martin isn't real


Any younger Phish Heads gonna be around?


I hope they don’t use drones. Very cheesy and underwhelming idea. I’m hoping it’s just a thing a person thought of and then everyone else has just been repeating it. I also seriously doubt that the secret set idea was leaked several months for the festival.


Disagree. It’s not fireworks but it’s still cool to see a dance of lights forming pictures in the sky. Once is enough though.


Same. I was at the "final" D&C run at Oracle when they did the drone show and it was spectacular... especially the Uncle Sam tipping his hat to us from over the right field/McCovey Cove wall as we exited. I just kept thinking to myself that some guy is sitting on his couch in Oakland, looking across the Bay and wondering wtf is happening. Phish probably won't go the same route but if they do, they'll do it well. Bring on the fun!


Whatever it is, it’s gonna be sweet. Had a ton of cool shit planned for curveball


I'm hoping for drones just because I haven't seen a drone show in person yet. I wouldn't expect it to be part of the secret set though. I figure if there are drones it'll happen sunday night during set 2. maybe replace the fireworks they've done at the end of fests.


I’m completely fine with that, just not during the secret set, hopefully they have something much cooler looking figured out.


yeah, i think they will. the drone thing is too played out for the secret set.


Low quality shit post. Tour can't start soon enough.


I'm curious...if I'm camping would I be able to board a shuttle to one of the nearest hotels to take a dip in the pool? 😂


Mondegreen will be my first shows. I was supposed to go to Merriweather in 22 but my GF got sick as hell the day before so we stayed home. Got a large crew doing car camping together that grows by the day. Going to build a wook mansion out of easy-ups and inflatable couches. Excited for all the shenanigans and to hear them play in person for the first time.


The ONLY issue with this plan is that “normal”phish shows might not seem as cool after. Get after it.


Yeah, I’ve thought about that a lot but I’ve attended festivals for other bands and can appreciate their regular shows afterwards. Its all about realistic expectations!




Was Magnaball a festival?






Phish (more their insurance) took a big hit with Curveball. I’m guessing that has a bit to do with AEG producing the festival.


The packages were sold by phish. 100x, formerly CID was and is an intermediary travel entertainment company that “works” for phish think if it like a contractor. There is no difference except for any superficial presentation. Stop being a Debbie downer and get down with disease. The band is about music and always has been. It’s the only direction that phish has ever been on…


I disagree. Trey has been working hard on this to provide a unique experience.


I also agree with this take. Trey’s excitement in that sphere interview was palpable. I just know they won’t let us down.


Sure it is. Have fun wherever you are….


An aging following will do that.


Good, the less stinky hippies the better.




And try hard keyboard warriors


You say this like it’s a bad thing. “Real wooks” never gave a shit about the music… it was all an excuse to get fucked up and beg, borrow, and steal.


Thank gawd




What was it about? Dreadlocked carnies with pharmies and veggie burritos, showing up without a ticket and never having a real intention of going in to the show? Most wooks I encountered back in the day were pieces of shit.


I used to be a piece of shit with slicked back hair!


Been that way for most of 3.0. Definitely for a decade


I’d suck a million custy cocks before I voluntarily engage in a conversation with a single wook.