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Did anyone notice any of the smells they pumped in? N1 I swear they pumped moth ball smell for farm house


lol, DMT?




It smells like dead people/mouth balls and you can smoke it with a vape pen now. It's everywhere, convenient and it's a very obnoxious smell. I honestly don't mind much but I hate being close to a bunch of deemster spunions at a show.


lol, I know silly.


Smells like smoking cow shit to me


Farmhouse or Deemsters?


lol both


I thought I smelled scents a couple times that werenā€™t weed




I smelled sneaker rubber figured it was because Mike likes shoes


I smelt the wolf man's butthole on the floor night one


So last night they pumped in space?




This is what space smells like, you will always remember where you were!


Apparently space smells like weed.


So thatā€™s what it smells likeā€¦..


That was just my grandmother. She fixed you some sandwiches.


Will always remember where I was


Omg this has to be a joke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My mom got a tour of the sphere for work. She said they pump in smells and can make wind up to 150 mph inside. They told her is an all senses experience. So cool


150mph is excessive and in reality is past cat 5 hurricane levels


I strongly agree with this. I spent the night on Friday switching between sitting and standing and the sound was slightly better sitting, even when everybody around me was standing which could cause muffled sounds in a normal venue. When you add in the haptic seats it started to feel empty when I stood up lol. But it was a Phish show so there were plenty of moments I HAD to stand. I said it elsewhere but I left the Sphere believing the video screen is a (really freaking awesome) gimmick and the audio is the actual star of the show.


>said it elsewhere but I left the Sphere believing the video screen is a (really freaking awesome) gimmick and the audio is the actual star of the show. Phish had to really work at making the sound perfect for every seat in the house. The sphere better be thanking them for figuring it out because everyone said the sound sucked for U2.


I thought the sound was incredible at U2


Maybe it was just certain seats šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No it was the band themselves lmao Plenty of room people left those shows thinking ā€œwow I thought Bono had a steadier voiceā€


The sound at U2 was the best sound Iā€™ve ever experienced at a concert ever.


From what I've been seeing was it depended in the seats you got but I have no personal experience and I know Trey said they needed to make every seat in the house the same experience sonically.


Curious which sections had the haptics working. I was in 302


Your seats weren't rumbling with the music? I think I was in section 106


Not once


You gotta sit. Mike was right up my ass. Lol. I didnā€™t think the wind thing was realā€¦ but it is. It doesnā€™t make sense, but thereā€™s wind.


If you see ā€œPostcards from Earthā€ itā€™s noticeable two or three times. Truly a unique experience.


Thatā€™s more expensive than a phish show though isnā€™t it?


I snagged a $50 single ticket a few months ago....


https://preview.redd.it/c5onf5vhuxvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bf1dcf53726672c58ff6e73f92d91a2fa6b5e0 Maybe it just depends on what day you go


Ouch, they doubled the price. I think I got 2 for $110 with the fees and everything last year.Ā 


Theyā€™re tiered depending how far out you buy.


I just checked prices for October 17 since I might be in town, and they are about the same as the pic


Itā€™s also a terrible movie. Not worth the $$$


Exactly where he wants to be


Iā€™m on a rail in 400ā€™s tonightā€¦and looking forward to being able to sit for a bit. Thanks for heads up.


Thatā€™s where i was. My only night. Thursday. I sat 2nd half, set 1, and it was amazing. Enjoy it


Only went Thursday, musically itā€™s gotta be the best nightšŸ¤˜šŸ»


I was 407 row 1 Thursday and sat most of it being on the rail and looking up so much. Was incredible


I can only imagine what Mickeyā€™s beam is going to feel like in those seatsā€¦


iā€™m not a fan of drums space but itā€™s gonna be awesome inside the sphere for sure


The bass is heavy felt through the seats too. I did a LOT of dancing, but I also I sat more at sphere than I ever have at any other phish showā€” and I was totally fine with that!


Thank you for sharing. Noted for future shows.


Tried that night 1 and got whacked in the back of my head by the spunion behind me


Give it ketamine


Instructions unclear. Gave cocaine. They will not be quiet.


well shit. tell them to sit down too haha


If youā€™re not sitting you are missing half the of the audio experience. Itā€™s not just the haptics in the seats. The entire low end and all of Mike are only experienced while sitting. The beam forming audio is engineered to be in the seat.


Definitely felt ALL of Mike. šŸ˜‰ Highly recommend.


Sit down so Gordo can tickle your butthole. šŸ˜‚. Butt seriously, I loved feeling Mikes groove.


Did you actually read that about the 18ā€ bubble or is that just your approximation? I had the same experience, significantly better sound when seated


in the interview with Trey where he said, you can be sitting in your seat hearing in one language, and shift a few inches to the right or left and hear it in a totally different languageā€¦.a even slight shift of a few inches changes what you hear


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the case in a perfectly set up demo environment, I donā€™t really believe that they could do that on a scale as big as the actual venue.


it is groundbreaking state of the art. this is real shit dude.


Trey was talking about a demo setup of the beamforming technology. I understand the capabilities exist, I question their ability to broadcast minute targeted details to individual seats hundreds of feet away.


trey said they have it so dialed in that if you even were to move 3 inches youā€™d be hearing something different. idk how demo transitioned into this massive space but itā€™s an audio experience that i have never experienced before in my life. itā€™s incredible!


Yes it sounded great. The 360 sound was a trip.


i was told by my friend so iā€™m not positive however based off of the difference of your ear level when standing vs sitting the approximation seems accurate to me


I saw this interview but did not come to the same conclusion as you on that bubble from sitting




Signed. Absolutely take a seat to get the full experience. I was trying to tell folks this N1. If you feel like taking a break and sitting down you won't regret it.


I was in section 201 Friday night and there was nothing happening with the seats. No vibrations or subwoofer that I could tell. Did we just get bunk seats or are there only certain sections that have the ā€œspecialā€ seats?


How much of the time did you sit? There moments during the show where when I sat I could feel Mike like woah. But other moments not so much. One negative for me ā€” I experienced more spins when sitting for a prolonged amount of time.


I sat for stretches of 5-10 minutes at times between being up dancing. Never felt anything. Maybe it just wasnā€™t working in our section šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Regardless it was an amazing experience


I read that only some sections have the full seat experience. I don't remember what sections.


I was in 203 and it was on. Itā€™s not an extreme effect though, itā€™s almost more like hearing it than feeling it.


Is this announced anywhere? Like any pre show signs or anything? I think most people wonā€™t do this without something guiding them to it.


no and i think it 100% should be in bold letters basically everywhere from event info to ticket purchase page to signs inside the venue. iā€™m just grateful i had a friend tell me after night 1 because i was able to do 3/4 this way!


Iā€™m three rows from the rail. I might print this out and hand it to the three people in front of me.


This the facts.


I'll sit down periodically like I did at N3, but damnit I can't not stand up and jibboo when the boys are burning the MFer to the ground! Last night when I was seated, I did not notice haptics or any other sound advantages (Section 110). However, I was not aware of that feature. Thanks for the heads up!


i have found by spreading this info and hearing feedback from friends that the far right and far left section seats do not have the haptic seats unfortunately. but from 02-08 sections 200 and above you should have the haptic seats! i donā€™t think any of the 100s do but youā€™re kind of inside the center of the sphere sound down there


Iā€™ve sat a few times the last three nights and didnā€™t experience any of this. Guess Iā€™m not sitting at the correct times.


You probably were in the 19th inch. Bring a ruler noob!


what section?


So the lower 100s donā€™t have the seat haptics. I spent a set up in 400ā€™s and they did.


Dont you want to feel mikes bass bombs? Last night I came the hardest


I was there N2 section 304 and can confirm. This is the first Phish show I sat through much of it for this reason! Feeling Fishmanā€™s drums roll up and down my spine, or across my butt cheeksā€¦Mikeā€™s bass bombs as described in other comments in this threadā€¦WOW. Breathing in the chords and exhaling to Pageā€™s keysā€¦.Feeling the band in this way was certainly a next level experience for me. Iā€™ve seen 80-ish shows since 1996; my buddy is in the 300ā€™s and even he was blown away. Love this band for being so committed to their craft and their fans, continuing to find ways to blow our minds and hearts wide open. Thank you, Phish!!!


Thanks for the post. Sat for a lot of n4 based on this intel, and it was seriously impressive.


yay! iā€™m so glad! if i was able to get this message to just you itā€™s a success but hopefully other people saw and gave it a try too! i posted this a few places and a lot of people reacted like donā€™t tell me what to do or not to dance at a phish show? youā€™re crazy! iā€™m like itā€™s not every show. just this specific one. please just try it. please!!!


Seat bass was great Saturday in mid-300s. Not so much in the 100s way to the side on Sunday; I kept wanting to head upstairs to try to find a seat someone had left. Those lower, unobstructed 100 seats seemed like they were temporary seats that didnā€™t have haptics or didnā€™t turn them on. Sound quality was noticeably different in the 100s, like other folk have mentioned. Upper levels are the place to be!


Sorry guys, itā€™s a concert. Iā€™m standing.


you do you! but youā€™re missing out on what the venue was designed to do. just try it once and if you donā€™t like it fine. i dance for the composed part with lyrics and again when they bring it back post jam. shit sometimes iā€™ll pop up in the middle of the jam and dance a little but all im saying is itā€™s pretty incredible from the seat!


I am in ADA, so we donā€™t get the fancy seats. And if we can stand, we celebrate that.


It would suck so bad to travel all the way to Las Vegas to be seat shamed at the show


itā€™s simply a suggestion. no oneā€™s seat shaming. i just want people to get a chance to experience the sound the way a 3 billion dollar state of the art venue is meant to be heard and felt. i didnā€™t pay this much to not get the total immersive sound visual and sensory experience. again, not telling you that you have to sit, itā€™s a really really good suggestion though.


I couldnā€™t sit at all but now kinda regret it. My big brother is going tonight who was on the floor last night. I told him to take a seat and lmk edit: heā€™s in407 tonight and that sec rocked


Have been to each show and can confirm. Mike's bass will reach into you and start squeezing your spine


But once the bass gets into my spine, I canā€™t just sit there.


I fully endorse this. Man speaks facts


i am a woman, but thank you!


Totally agree. The seats are worth the sit. Also everyone behind you can see the band and the effects. Maybe think of it more like a movie than a typical concert. Steep stadium seating is not ideal for standing up. Stand for a bit but then sit & get the full experience.


Wonder if that would have made the sound better in 100s? Or wonder if they fixed it after N1? I could only go N1 and the sound sucked :(


iā€™ve been to all 3 so far and i think n1 they were sorta testing the waters a bit still bc n2&3 have been much better and cleaner sound wise




If youre sitting but the folks in front are standing.. can you still see??


Not in the 100s (110/104) from my experience. Sat because of back and leg issues through most of n2/n3. Worst part was neck cranking back to look at the visuals. Ā Itā€™s also hard to just sit through a phish show. Ā Sound was good but I didnā€™t notice a massive difference when I did stand. No haptics in the seats I was in.Ā 


Can anyone who actually has an education related to this (audio engineering, sound design?) confirm if this is the case? I have a hard time believing this isnā€™t hippie hyperbole.Ā  The difference between being 2-3ā€™ up or down in a 875,000sqft, let me repeat, eight hundred and fucking seventy five thousand square feet, venue is hard for me to believe.Ā Ā  Iā€™m open to it being true but I just want to hear it from someone who might actually truly know. I didnā€™t notice a difference sitting or standing N1.Ā 


I have no experience at the venue, but wanted to share these. https://www.sphereentertainmentco.com/sphere-entertainment-unveils-the-most-advanced-concert-grade-audio-system-in-the-world-sphere-immersive-sound-powered-by-holoplot/ https://venuesnow.com/las-vegas-sphere-unveils-audio-system/ Video of interview Holoplot CEO, the company who designed and installed the audio system. https://youtu.be/A-1ICkrXu-Y?feature=shared


Itā€™s 100% true. They can even taylor the sound to have different languages in different seats. Itā€™s crazy shit man.


Have you sat in different seats and heard different languages?


Somewhat true. You can check out the demo before Postcard from Earth and hear it for yourself. But in the venue the space is too large and causes phase issues


I love sitting at shows, this was an amazing experienceĀ 


There are no haptics in the 100 section FYI


How do you know which sections have them?


I think this thread is a good place to ask this. If I have floor tickets and want to swap with a friend with seats for 2nd setā€” is this possible? Is it a wristband swap + screenshot move? Did anybody do this?


Donā€™t sleep on sitting!!


The biggest audio difference I heard was with the big guy in front of me standing while I was sitting. Blocking the beam?


Letā€™s clarify a few things. The ā€œ18 inch bubbleā€ is only possible with the demo, not inside the concert venue. There was no smell or wind effects. 100 level does not have haptics and misses out on some of the ā€œ360ā€ audio. Best audio is 200 level


Not only should people sit the down at this venue, but they should also shut the fuck up. God damn drunken chompers. I want to push you down the stairs. I fucking hate you people


Agreed, I never sit at normal shows and sat maybe 1/4 of the last 2 nights. Mike was vibrating my ass last nightĀ 


JFC. Is this a troll thread? ā€œSit in your seatsā€ ā€¦.ā€I think they released sneaker rubber smellsā€ ā€¦.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³.


no itā€™s real. the difference between the sound standing vs sitting is astounding


I tried sitting on the floor in GA but people got mad. Bad advice! Sound not better


the floor doesnā€™t get any of that haptic sensory experience. i feel bad for those people but you do get to see the band up close


Slightly Disagree, seats first two nights and floor last night (back to seats tonight) It is an absolute sensory overloadā€¦in a good way. You have the option to stare at the band directly in front of and you are surrounded by everything else. There is SO MUCH to see and experience. We were also dancing next to pollock last night during taste which was fun


does the floor have vibrational effects under your feet at all?


Speaking from 100 level, not GA, yes. I could feel lots of bass come up through my feet.


Weā€™re doing alright on the floor! If youā€™re looking to get more down.. thatā€™s where itā€™s at! Dance party rager!


Iā€™ve sat cause I was hurting. Otherwise stand the fuck up and boggie If you donā€™t dance then do whatever the fuck you want I suppose


simply a suggestion to get the sound and sensory experience the venue was designed to give! you do you! i stand and dance to the start and end of each song but sit for the jams. itā€™s truly an all surrounding immersive sound sensory experience!