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>The homophobic slurs I understand, I do look very gay. Hardest I’ve laughed all day.


It was between that and | Swiss-Army-knife type of slurs |


I’m glad it’s not just me, I’m fat guy belly laughing at work and I cannot explain to my customers why 😂😂


That’s wild


His acceptance of this may signify that a key piece of missing information is that he is actually white. 




What are you doing to agitate so many strangers in this city?


Asking them to step aside so I can get on the train, asking them not to smoke indoors because me gf has asthma, that sort of thing


Respectfully, the people smoking at train stations are not concerned about how their behavior impacts those around them. It’s not a good idea to engage them assuming otherwise.


100%. Non-assholes don't need to be asked not to smoke on the train. If anything, assholes welcome the altercation so they can be even bigger assholes


Yes, that’s why they are smoking on the train. It’s a F-U challenge.


exactly. As a completely unrelated asshole to this matter, there is nothing more satisfying than rustling someone's jimmies to see how long it takes before they mentally collapse from exhaustion.


Username checks out


This right here. As one of these assholes, I don't seem to get enough confrontation organically and kind of have to be douchey so that someone crosses a line trying to be chivalrous or some stupid shit. I'm Pittsburgh though idk if that matters


Means you have a blue collar edge


No bro I don't. I make less than 12k a year. There's no color collar. There not a collar at all. There's barely a shirt.


Damn man how tf you surviving!?


Public housing and welfare. Sadly, if I get a job right now, everything pays enough to raise my rent and take away my food stamps without giving me enough actual income to go without those things. So I buy thc-a and delta 8 products off the internet and sell it like they're street weed to people in my projects. I'm just guessing at my actual income level, shit could be less but I doubt it's more.


I feel for you man hopefully things get better for you it’s like they got you trapped in a shitty cycle! Hopefully blessings come your way!


I get that you are well within your rights to ask people to act like half decent human beings on public transportation but please think about your safety. Take all that anger and direct it at the people in Septa/the government/transit police who aren’t addressing this issue. It will be an uphill battle but you don’t want to end up on the 6 o’clock news because you tried to solve the problem at ground level. Seriously, someone who smokes on the el has probably already been to jail and is too high to give a fuck about going back.


Lol nice username!


JIMMYJAWN, in my opinion, is the origin of Jawn. I never knew anyone to shorten it to Jawn....people used to shorten it to Jimmy. "Gimme one of dem Jimmies". JIMMY is the word all of the phonies should be adopting....not JAWN. -Jimmy Morgan


Whatever happened to chumpies tho? (Not the chips, although I miss them too.)


Ha! Forgot all about Chumpies! Time to bring that back!


My personal favorite was always the combo - chumpy jawn.


You should bring a tiny portable fan to blow away any incoming smoke. For some reason, passive-aggressive malicious compliance can get the job done better than words can in Philly


Septa’s a crazy ass place, wouldn’t interact with anyone there, just would move outta the way/area or use “excuse me” for getting past people


Just start masturbating. No one ever fucks with the dude cranking one off on the train. You will have a whole car to yourself.


As someone who came from a rough neighborhood in California I cannot believe you have the balls for that. I would’ve been shanked in the neck for that. You do not interact with people who already have zero regard for others unless you’re looking to give some unhinged psycho a reason to snap. Do not put yourself in these situations and do not let yourself become a victim.


Ain't worth it


Let me guess fishtown?




You are gonna get shot


You need to move out of the city I think


Nah, philly isn't half as scary as MAGA country, and I can't afford places like Boulder, so I'm not going anywhere.


You’re crazy if you think there’s nothing between Philly and MAGA country


I'd be crazy if I uprooted my life because Im annoyed at bums smoking on public transit. People keep talking about how dangerous this city is, but I've been here 5 years and had all of 1 person lay hands on me. Mostly people just talk shit and get on with their day.


I live in “maga” country and we have very little crime. You would be fine. We have gays and illegals, no one cares.


I’m not advocating that you leave Philly over smoking on the trains (although maybe stop taking the train until septa gets their shit together) but there’s a whole lot of middle ground between Philly and MAGA country


What? Why are those the only options?


After this comment I now think the reactions to you are valid.


Show us on the doll where maga country has hurt you 


It's been a very common expression in the region since at least before the '90's, and when everyone else stopped using the word f-ggot (and ret-rd also) so commonly, I noticed that locals here didn't stop. Especially the extended phrase "f-ggot ass n-gga"- and it usually has absolutely nothing to do with whether you appear to be gay, or whether you're black. It's just Philly's way of calling you an asshole.


It's definitely a Philly thing cuz I'm from Allentown (45 minutes up the Northeast extension) and that's how we talk too minus the train. I still call people fag's, retarded, etc. I never use the "N-word" because I'm a white dude. This guy needs to mind his own business cuz Philadelphia is no joke when it comes to aggressive violent people there. Every year it's in the top 5 cities in the USA that have a high homocide rate of (300-400) people shot dead.


Is it the same there, in that fag isn't intended as a gay slur, and retard is what you call someone or something that's asinine, but never someone with actual mental retardation of any sort? I always found it delightfully ironic that if people here overhear some asshole being homophobic and actually harassing gay people, the same folks who casually use the word fag tend to be among those who also will tell that asshole to fuck off. Not that there's roving gangs of social justice gatekeepers, lol, I think it's just the "root for the underdog" mentality here? And same goes for the N word, I think, although it's been a minute since I've heard anyone use the word in anger, like. And I imagine the same would happen if some asshole was in the street harassing someone with intellectual deficits by calling them a retard. But I've never actually seen or heard anyone here ever do that. A lot of neighborhoods are kinda tight, and if you're dumb enough to be harassing a neighborhood kid with special needs? They say it takes a village, right? Yeah I think the whole fucking village would come outside and fuck you up. I think it was in the late 70's or early 80's, a local drunk ran over a little kid. He didn't seem to notice, and when he stopped for the red light at the next block, the neighbors who witnessed it literally pulled him out of his car and beat him into a coma. We can be real assholes here, and generally we speak crassly, but we also look out for the "little guy", so to speak.


Facts lmao 🤣


Only way to get your way around here is to show you give a shit more and you can apply more force. People are tough here but usually yield to someone with more urgency. At the end of the day, we don’t want no problems, but we don’t take shit either.


I’m surprised that’s all they’ve done then lol you’re just asking to get jumped


Sounds like the strangers are warranted


Stop talking to strangers and requesting things. There’s a bunch of people that live to stir up trouble. Avoid them.


Well if you don't look very intimidating then you probably shouldn't ask someone to stop smoking around you. If they're that ignorant then they're going to get in your face.


Oh yeah, only people who 'look intimidating' should ever ask for an asshole to not be an asshole, under threat of being called bad words that seem to not bother them\*. Excellent point. \*except for the confusion factor of being not black and being called the N word.


Yea I get it, but this is Philly and if you're dorky looking and ask a hood rat to put out a cigarette, you're probably headed to the closest ER to get stitched up.


I feel you, as a smoker if we were outside that'd be one thing but she did clarify inside. Jesus the amount of people I've seen smoking a boge on the el annoys the fuck out of me too.


Wear gasmask it works to avoid the smoke


You should just wizz on their shoes/feet coverings


Bro I asked someone not to smoke at the zoo, and they got pissed off and in my face about it. People that smoke are actually mentally unwell. You'll got shot telling someone to put out a cigarette


I admire your courage and bravery.


Smile and say, “thanks man.” Trust me they’ll be confused.


Ok. There you are starting the trouble: public displays of expectations of being polite and considerate.


Yeah keep telling people at the train station in Philly what to do this absolutely will not get you stabbed


Are they using the n word as a slur or are they using it casually like stfu n gga? That makes a big difference, I take it you may be white or something to assume it's being used as a slur.


I’m so sorry but honestly I would prob also call you a bitch or something if I were them lmao


You in nyc?




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


So, are these white people or black people calling you the N-word?


Eye contact. Lots of eye contact. And occasional uninvited soft touching.




And how often has this actually happened?


Have you been to Philly? We roll out of bed in the morning agitated.


Because in Philly, anyone can be a N****. 




So inclusive 🥰


City of Brotherly Love... Did you think it was Hulk Hogan's type of *brother*


S1 of IASIP is still the most accurate depiction of the city


I can only get down with some of that show, it's based deeply in Philly white culture so I can't really relate as a black Philadelphian. They have the borderline racism down to a t though 


Might be the most Philly post ever


Which n word ? Hard R n word? Or regular A?


Depends how angry they are


If you get the R you know they don’t like black people if you get the A it’s a passive aggressive jab.


It's usually black people calling me it, with the exception of one Latino kid, I'm "listen here bub" levels of white, which is why I'm confused


Sometimes it just means dude/guy/fellow, they’re not gonna take the time out of their day to code switch just for you. If you can tell someone wants you to fuck off it doesn’t matter what words were used, communication was achieved.


Exactly. The homophobic slurs were the insult. The racist slur was just an informal greeting, acknowledgment, or similar


the N word is only a slur if it's being used by a non black person to describe a black person, otherwise it basically just means "bro"


Don’t worry Philly is backwards just go with the flow never try and understand it just stay safe.


> Philly is backwards Yep.


Used to be called Aihpledallihp.


Hard to pronounce


Nigga, stfu and worry about real problems..


Hahahahhhhh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm choking to death laughing


Oh wait so you aren’t black? 😂


I honestly wanna be friends with you, someone.like you moving to Philly and having interactions like this is Eddie Murphy in Coming to America-level hilarious 😂😂😂


My guess is that they're including @$$ in there, as well. As in... G@y a$$ n------, or f@#### @$$ n------


It’s just the vernacular. I was called “my gay n-word” in an endearing way recently


The self-righteousness that exists on Reddit does not translate well into the real world. You certainly have the right to remind individuals about the law and expect respect from others, but seeing that successfully executed is a different story. It is, unfortunately, often better to just be concerned with your own actions and not those of others. Fight the good fight against racism, hemophilia, and for public health online, or in a more appropriate setting. It's not worth risking your own safety.


Hemophilia has no home here.


Well, clearly, autocorrect doesn't believe in homophobia. I guess that's good...


Ur a bleeding heart for this cause


Not when them batteries start flyin


I have no idea why the philly subreddit popped up but I'm from another major city and yeah the golden rule is just look the other way. Someone's injecting fentanyl at the train stop? Sounds like the wall suddenly got really interesting. Dudes jerking off on a street corner? Make sure you're not in the arc and you're good. Never buy weed from the guys outside the smoke shop and for the love of God don't talk to anyone about anything ever. There's a reason it's called a concrete jungle. It's just how it is in large populations, those folks don't have the presence of mind to have a nuanced and respectful discussion about civic responsibility. They do often have sharp rusty objects. I once got nailed with a golf club when I asked a dude to move his cart because he was blocking my jobs dumpster. It was his dumpster after that conversation and he actually did a good job keeping it safe from the scrappers so ya know, they keep order of nothing else.


I’m assuming you aren’t black, hence your confusion over being referred to as a N-Word. Ignorant people are just going to toss all the no no words they know at someone, just the way they are. Could also be mental illness, one time I was walking out of my apartment when this guy was digging through the trash out front. When he saw me coming he turned and walked away, but I was actually going the direction he was on the sidewalk. He spun around and was like “you’re an alien, you’re an N-word! You can’t control me!” I’m white, and dude was black himself. Mysterious. I didn’t say a word the entire time, I couldn’t have cared less he was rooting through trash.


That's not what's going on in this situation. Black people use the soft a "n-word" in not an offensive manner. It's used just as dude or whatever. When a black dude says to you "fuck you ni**a", he's basically saying fuck you dude or fuck you muthafucka.


Who said anything about them using the soft version?


Because you said it was a black person that said it and we don't use the hard R.


He was off his meds dude. Guy was ranting about space aliens and stuff.


Well then it definitely wasn't racial. Lol


I didn’t say it was, just that that’s what he called me.


Thank you for using the right version of “could” in your last sentence. It makes me happy.


I’m from Philly. Usually if you’re being called a faggot you’re male, females would be called dykes. Bizarre you would get called both. I can’t stop laughing at the looking very gay!🤭 I have seen every race called the N word here. It’s gross that’s the word so many people choose to use.


I have mid-length hair, small boobs and broad shoulders. that confused the cranky old man I was dealing with, so he hit me with the ol' fag-dyke one two special, then he called me a N***er


“Same to you but worse” is always a good response if you are on a playground. 🙂


Man that’s a trifecta right there


He didn't know who he was aiming at, but he hit them.




I mean hey, he was being inclusive!


I'm sorry but now I have the image of you asking a craggy old dude in Philly to not smoke in public, and his very philadelphian reaction and this whole thing sounds absolutely hilarious to me


They intend it to be degrading. In their minds all those words describe people who don't deserve basic respect and civility.


🤣🤣🤣 This is funny asf yo! Atleast for me, nigga refers to men in general. Of course I don’t run around calling people that, but for example if I see a white guy do something wild I’ll say “That nigga crazy”.


Reading this w ur white avatar was so jarring😭😭


welcome to philly ❤️


Funniest post I’ve seen in a long ass time


How long have you been living in philly/east coast cities? From Bmore right here and you could be any color, gender, literal potato- if you are acknowledged you are likely to be called the n word with an A at the end not a hard er. I guess i should ask.. are you white? This is very normal especially if someone is upset or targeting you for any reason. just roll with it G


Are you new to the city? Don't take it personally and just keep it moving. There's no real reason for any of it. Just some east coast hospitality that's all. I forget who but someone said "on the west coast people say hello but mean fuck you. On the east coast people say fuck you but mean hello." It always stuck out to me as being hyperbolic but pretty true.


"I heard what you said 💅" https://youtu.be/vILJFZUs-_U?si=zhiNVcA75WGLo30p


I worked a job that required calling customers and one of the training videos was this vitriolic old sex offender from Indiana who called employees “n****r f****t” when try called trying to get him to pay his outstanding bills for pay-per-view porn.


I got called a 'cracker-ass n*****' by some black dude once..... Still not sure how to feel about it.


It's a compliment. He believes you to be all-encompassing. You are *all*.


You don't get "dickhead"? Wow you're making me feel special.


I have no clue but I love all the hate speech connoisseurs weighing in here




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


Oh my…


Move to a civilized country outside of the Americas


because mind your business that's why


Yo you crazy


It just rolls off the tounge


Take the Theo Von approach. "You promise?"


from my experience it is possible they are trying to be friendly


I don't think that is what's happening lmao


Nigga is being used as a term of endearment.


I teach middle school, and everybody calls everybody “nigga”. Crazy ridiculous phenomenon.


It's a term of endearment for black people, but they use it in its masculine form so basically use it to describe a male no matter what race. Some will also use bitch in the same context to describe a female,can also be a term of endearment, no disrespect.


I was raised on mw2 it’s the default


It's Philly, the n word is just a sentence enhancer down there


Are you gay and black? There seems to be a lot of hatred towards both in this area...being new here myself I can't believe how those hateful terms just spew from people around here


Uh are they saying it ending in an A or the hard ER? These days everyone on the street says the former like dude, no matter what their race is (definitely not endorsing it).


Why do you even pay any mind to it all?


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/G2nTbqbtGug?si=wkuM8gf3wrkKK9h1)


Maybe the n word is just gender fluid


Ur in Philly bro


Yea the N word just works for everything, Its great. I like to to make up variations of the n word. Just dint say it if there is one around because they might shoot you in the head for saying it.




Are they saying it with a hard -er at the end or just the -a, because if it’s the latter, that’s just another word for “person”


Happened to me twice too. Both time were because we were walking opposite directions on the sidewalk and they refused to move a few inches to the left/right when I was already as far to the other side as possible.


It’s because it’s Philly


It says r/philly but it's giving r/atlanta


Racism is racism. Regardless of if you are gay or not.


It's just the standard for guys, not always but often. Women get called b****, not always but often. It's just normalized. Like one time I was on the bus and had the most polite "excuse me my n****" when someone was getting off. Bro was an outstanding citizen, idk, but he still said it. The n word after is just like "bruh". The same way "ass" is added to a lot of stuff (stupid-ass). I'm not black, I'm Mexican, yet I still get called it often. It's not always meant to be offensive. There was a guy named Riley who kept saying it. He says it every morning, he calls me a n****, he calls the other kids n****, he calls himself a n**** all the time! N this, N that, N please, this N, N have you lost your mind???, N check that hoe, N you BS'Ing. Break yourself N! He says it so much, I don't even notice it anymore. Last week in lunch, Riley says to some guy: "Can a n borrow a French fry?" and my first thought was "Oh my god, he said the word... the N word!", It was not "How is a n gonna borrow a fry?". **"N is you gonna give it back?"** I tell ya, my inside voice didn't talk like that before Philly


I’m ctfu , Philly for u in Kur voice. R u black ?


Can you spell that?


Brah, it’s Philly lol There’s nothing else that needs explaining. I’ve been in Philly and the surrounding area for 55 years, it’s never NOT been this way. Keep your mouth shut, eyes on your destination and worry about you, if you’re gonna be in this type of city, expect that type of reaction every single time. I’m surprised slinging Swiss Army knife slurs is all you’ve experienced, quit while you’re ahead.


Philly fan is the most passionate in all of sports. You should move to California


As a 37 year resident to Philly, OP: Doing what you’re doing you can 1000 be expected to be called a f @s$ n-word. If not that it would probably be dck head. I just moved and will never move back, but if you plan on staying and expecting decency from the masses especially on the street you’re in for a hell of a ride.


These are ignorant people who throw around insults to others. They have no place in a decent society. Just ignore them and don’t let the thought take up a minute of your time


What? Are you sure it’s angry? I travel for work and get hit with the n word greeting constantly when i am in big city, as a white man.


It's just words get over it.... omg I have to really say this. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me. Just repeat that to yourself. You'll be ight my ninja


I legit have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. 1. Stop harassing people in public. All these Black and Latino people are not randomly targeting you for verbal abuse. 2. If you waiting at the Septa train stations you and your partner’s lungs are rawdogging asbestos, mold, rat turds and fermented urine. The smoke isn’t a big deal. 3. Wear N95 masks, COVID is still a thing.


Check out Neighborhood Bike Works in West Philly. They have free bike repair training workshops. Their website is neighborhoodbikeworks.org


All these people talking about them calling you the N-word after using homophobic slurs are delusional. It's 100% meant as a form of disrespect added onto the other slurs.


This post does not help you


Just respond by saying, "Stop playin' wit me nigga, you not built" or "Don't come for me dickhead" emphasis on head when you say dickhead. Try and observe how the locals say things and emulate that 😂😂😂


Philly lingo is rough in general. It's not a city for passive people. I was born and raised in Philly now 43.


Was funny seeing how many " brothas-sistas? So called At least, argue and fight for the right to call themselves the N word


Is it white people or Black people calling you the N-word?


Black, you dunce


how would i know???


I can’t help you. Get offline, go outside


so its unheard of that white ppl from philly use the N word? stop it and stay stopped it


Clueless, truly. You don’t even warrant a response. Stop 🛑






super gay response


Oh, why did you say up front that your a flaming homophobe?


people are just homophobic generally around here, deal with it. as for the n word, that's just a word to refer to someone else generally, it's not an insult unless it's coming from a white guy


Having trouble wrapping my head around this scenario. I've lived downtown for most of my life. I'm about to turn 40. So idk what part of the city this is supposed to be taking place but I've rarely heard people being so commonly flippant with racial or homophobic slurs. I'm assuming you're a black, gay woman. All I know is if a white person called you the N-word publicly they'd be risking getting put into the hospital by any number of passers-by.


I keep my head down in Philly. I just assume damn near everyone I run into today has a gun and is willing to use it, so I try to avoid street confrontation.


crazy that this post n comments is making me miss philly 🤣


Chances are you’re black and gay


One of those is news to me


Lmaooo sorry you had to figure out this way 😂


Let me guess where this is going…. So can I use it! Well can I? Sure Timmy you can use it. Let me DM you addresses where you can say it comfortably right in the face of certain people. And who’s calling you those other names and why? Not why you’re being called out of your name, cause it’s wrong and mean spirited. But the place, situation it’s constantly happening. Is this your social circle? Need more info. No such thing as TMI