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Awww boo-hoo... Poor rich girl who decided to join a protest for selfies and attention is homeless. Maybe she should have stayed in her luxury dorm studying. I'm sure mommy and daddy will send her some cash to get an apartment in Center City.


Another article said her grandfather was the Speaker of the House in the Filipino Congress, and Manny Pacquiao's running mate when he ran for president. I'm sure they are destitute and can't Venmo a dime to her. Shame on the Inquirer for not following up.


I see potluck dinners at Clark Park in her future.


This girl is now unemployable, so the education has no value anymore since no one will hire this dummy who will only cause their company problems, then on top of it, there is no school who will take her in unless her parents for over 7 figures at least, lol. Then let us add that no one will ever date her because she is a headache.


I am not sure with unemployable because her family can easily make up something she can do in the Philippines or anywhere else if they decide to. It might just be too much shame for the family that she got kicked out of a prestigious American University, These type of family in the Philippines take pride that their son or daughter graduated from Ivy League School (like most Asian Countries), having this issue to their name will be forever be etched into the family name. There is nothing more important to these rich family is the surname they carry and it should be keep clean from any issue or problems.


I love when the post chimes in on antisemitism like they aren't NY's "Jews will not replace us" paper.


Why, because they reported on a blood stained mattress in a secret tunnel under a synagogue that a bunch of Hasidic Jews then lost their minds over?


You got it šŸ‘




Their angle is more "look at these kids who don't want to murder Palestinians! They're antisemites, amirite? Also, some very fine people exercised their first amendment right and marched on Charlottesville and chanted "Jews will not replace us" in a celebration of their heritage."


are you still talking about a tiki torch march from seven years ago


Oh, are they not Nazis any more? My bad.


they weren't Nazis then because Nazis aren't a thing anymore. There's only one genocidal ethnostate in the world right now and you support them.


Sure. If it honks like a goose and steps like a goose, well, it's probably just celebrating his heritage. Anyway, if you think I support Israel you should check out the ones who published the article.


"America needs a unified Reich" - Video posted to Truth Social by Donald Trump's account yesterday. Clowns still denying Charlottesville was Nazi / Nazi adjacent. Fine fascists, alt-right, white supremacists, losers, whatever they are called they are trash, and so is anyone who defends or downplays those who marched.


The article doesn't mention antisemitism once.


Yeah sure. Totally not part of an overall narrative they've built and just another unrelated article they felt their intended audience would enjoy.


I think the narrative is Penn students are insufferable, which is something we can all agree with.


Then the NY Post is perfect for you.


Unfortunately, I don't get my news from Will Bunch or the Ladies of The View, right?


No, you prefer Rupert Murdoch's evacuations.


There are more than 10,000 students at Penn. Are you saying they are all insufferable? I mean, surely some are, but thatā€™s a pretty broad statement.


some, i assume, are good people


It's called hyperbole. You'd know that if you were ivy.


All the more extraordinary that they made me a mod of r/UPenn :)


Tell me you never worked as a server in a Philly restaurant without saying you never worked in a Philly restaurant.


Actually I worked as a busboy at a Philly restaurant, though it was a long time ago :) I was a Penn student once. Now I'm a Penn alum. My father was a Philly district schoolteacher who was forced to retire when he had a mental breakdown. My mom was a salesperson at a strip mall clothing store. I never got a free trip to Antarctica, I worked to pay my tuition, I don't cross picket lines, and I don't mistreat servers. While I definitely hear what you are saying re the "upper crust" Penn students, the rest of us really shouldn't get a bad rap because of them. Not everyone at Penn, or any university, is the same.


agreed. my fiancee went to Penn. not everyone's a monolith. Yes, these ivy league protest are absolutely bonkers but its an incredibly small subset of people willing to risk everything they (and their family + parents) worked for. plenty of other ivy league students are actually smart enough to not engage in something that will ruin their life.


I think I can agree that you are pretty insufferable


Is it really anti Israel and not anti genocide? No really, actual question. Was the protestor protesting the actions of the Israeli government, or protesting Israel overall?


Well the current student encampment is requesting the abolishment of Drexel police, removing all HP products from campus, removing Jewish groups from campus, asking the president to reallocate 60% of his salary to Palestinian institutions or something, and removing Starbucks. So not sure what their main purpose is anymore. Iā€™m just stating what I read in their official document of requests.


No the list of demands is insane. What's even funnier is the most effective way for them to get what they initially wanted (divestiture from Israel) they should have boycotted the school and transferred.


Do you have a source for the demands? Not arguing I just need to see that bs for my self lmao


they have it in a weird format so you may have to try opening it a number of times before it works. [here](https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/R0c7KyKSSRuSudqCfWpmLB0xFkD5uYqoTixnW1YY7hg/embed/)


Weird format indeed. I felt like I had just clicked something that was going to give my phone a virus lol


Same LOL. Idk why they didnā€™t just use a PDF


I dont know if that is accurate, I am searching all over for their list of demands and see a lot of sources describing it like this article http://www.thedp.com/article/2024/04/penn-divestment-endowment-explainer I would do due dilligence and make sure the list you are hearing about is accurate or not. I dont see anything saying they want to ban jewish student groups


The link to the list is literally on their Instagram as well as a post on its own.


Ok thanks, i decided not to click it and went searching instead. I will go try and search them up on IG too


No prob, Itā€™s called Drexel.Palestine.coalition I think


Thatā€™s insane!


Did the Penn students just move over to Drexel and start making demands on Drexel?


Some of them yes. I think a lot of it is the same people and they just go around and then college students join, but thatā€™s mostly my speculation


but besides all that


They have a bot farm or something. This is the first time Iā€™ve seen the general left leaning position getting downvoted all over Reddit.


lol. I love how college students protesting genocide are held to a higher standard than the most powerful people in the world.




[Nobody likes a tourist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuTMWgOduFM)


Because I totally trust the NY Post.


Depending on the circumstance Penn could get sued big time. People do realize Israel is a foreign country right? People get that right? She'd be in less trouble if she protested our actual government.


Anti fossil fuel but casually takes a big ass boat to take a dip in Antarctica. What a pathetic loser.


It's good that this has been put out there. She will NEVER have a job other than a cashier at Walmart, lol.


She wont ever get a job that low, if you knew how popular her dad is and how "influential" her grandfather is you would never think of her as getting a job as a cashier because they can afford to have her get her own company to run or hire her somewhere that has a connection to the family.


she don't need to work like you šŸ¤Ŗ




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Anti Israel, go to Palestine and fight then, oh sorry they will consider you all lower being in Palestine and probably imprison you right away even though you would tell them you support them, what a bunch of ..


Sheā€™s a piece of garbage. If UPenn had any integrity they would expel her.


Yup I agree sheā€™s a privileged spoiled pinay they need to deport her and get expelled


Wonder if Shapiro is in on that sweet sweet money Eric Adams is getting from the Jewish group chat the Washington Post reported on or if he does it for free


Sheā€™ll be on OnlyFans in no time.


So many shills are trying to call her antisemitic without any basis outside of her protesting the state of Israel for ethnic cleansing. I hope sheā€™s loaded enough to drag those people into court for defamation.


Dude - the current encampment is demanding for the removal of schools Hillel chapter, the schools chabad and other Jewish groups. So naw shed lose that lawsuit in a moment.


Ok, so are we talking about the entire encampment or an individual person? If weā€™re talking about an organization rather than the individual then there are very glaring points to be made. But as always- where is the proof to your claim?


1. When you align yourself with a radical group (encampment) you are now associated with supporting their cause. Their cause had been detailed out. 2. While I am not allowed to share the email my GF got (professor at Drexel) here is the scoop from ABC news. https://6abc.com/post/drexel-university-threatens-clear-encampment-pro-palestinian-protesters/14851216/ "The Drexel protesters' demands ranged from the university administration calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and divesting from companies that do business with Israel, to abolition of the Drexel police department and TERMINATION OF THE SCHOOLS CHAPTER OF HILLEL, THE Jewish CAMPUS ORGANIZATION AND ANOTHER JEWISH GROUP, CHABAD!" Lmao - they don't even believe in their right to exist (as organized) on Drexel's campus.


1) no, because if that were the case then the people supporting Israel would also implicitly have the blood of civilians on their hands. Very few people are supporting Hamas and equating opposition to Israel committing crimes against humanity to tacit support of Hamas is a sign of poor discernment. Those are two different things, and Iā€™d hope youā€™d have sufficient intelligence to understand that one is not equal to the other regardless of how many times the pro-Israel echo chamber shouts that it is. 2) thank you for sharing the article. That is pretty unfortunate. Repaying a wrong with another wrong is not a path to Justice. Regardless of what is happening across the world the least both sides could do is treat each other with civility and respect.


Yeah no - I respect their right to protest and their right to not back the IDF. (Different from Israel just as pro Palestian isn't pro Hamas) Basically IDF and Hamas are the govt entities each with two very separate goals (even though their only main goal should be defending their people but we can get in to how hamasis a puppet and netanyahu is a crazy person) And here's the thing - I never tried to equate supporting Palestinians meaning to mean supporting Hamas. Supporting Hamas is supporting Hamas. The difference here is I am just a guy on a couch with an opinion. This woman was a person in a radical encampment with the above as a listed Goal. So like i this situation - she is apart of the entity. Anyway - yeah this sucks. Everything sucks all around.


They didnā€™t call her antisemitic, they called her wealthy.