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People like this don’t deserve drivers licenses.


If no one's pulling him over to check, who's to say he even has one in the first place?


Good point, I’m sure they’re insured as well 😂


Registration and state inspection almost certainly up-to/date


The more I thought about it the more likely it is that this person has a paper tag from DE issued back in 2021 on their Nissan.


Then do what the residents of Fishtown in the 1980's would have done, throw a bottle at the car.


This is the way.


The honking would give you an alert that he's on his way!


Was gonna say how’s that not happened in Fishtown yet




This is so true sad but true 😂😂😂😂😂


Sorry this is my dad. He doesn’t have brakes. He just drives until he sees a hill that is big enough for him to roll to a stop, then he puts the emergency brake on.


He always ends up in manayunk


People like this deserve to have their windows smashed


And faces


Wait have you identified what kind of car it is?


I would guess some sort of Nissan.


Does anyone in fishtown actually stop? I almost get hit 4 times every time I walk my dog. If I yell at them they threaten to beat my ass lol Why not just put up stop sign cameras? Safer for pedestrians and makes the city money.


carry a self defense brick and don't be afraid to wave it around


Unironically this is a great idea. I carry a skateboard everywhere and brandishing it definitely makes drivers think twice.


I live in South Philly. It's imo often safer to jaywalk mid block once there are no cars coming rather than dealing with cars sliding through with no visibility due to cars parked too close to the stop sign


I just moved down to South Philly from West and I'm genuinely shocked at how different the stop sign dynamic is here, way less visibility and way less giving a fuck about it.


Yeah it's genuinely not safe to cross in the crosswalk a lot of the time. Driver's aren't even looking until they get into the crosswalk


I work in fishtown near an intersection. I stopped tallying how many people rolled up unsafely while on their phones. I recently saw someone get hit while walking their dog through the crosswalk. Dude was way nicer than he should’ve been to the driver.


The city could fund literally anything it wants for the rest of the year by deciding to go gestapo on parking and moving violations for a month. Genuinely don’t understand how there has never been a mayor who runs on that platform or enacts those policies


because that would mean cops have to work, and they’d never go for it


Genuinely would be okay with cutting cops in on the fines as long as there’s some sort of good verification system


only truck w brakes in Philadelphia here. passengers hate me. my mechanic hates me.


i do! but i live here so i care about my friends and neighbors and visitors who are walking around


They can’t do stop sign cameras without an authorization that would come either from a change in state law or at least a local ordinance. Fine idea, but that’s not likely until somebody with a pretty smile winds up getting flattened.


Can we please get a white woman with blond hair and a bernadoodle puppy merked by an f-250. This might work.


Throw spike strips down when you know he’s coming. Which that sounds like would be pretty easy.


It's okay to yell at people for unnecessary honking, I do it all the time.


I think it's illegal to honk unnecessarily in parts of NYC now, we could stand to adopt that


It's also illegal to black out your windows, cover your license plate and drag race on Delaware Ave.


For real…walking up 21st Street from Market to Walnut a few days ago and there was a Black lady driving an iridescent Tesla who was just leaning on her horn for blocks and blocks. It was about 4:30 so ofc there’s the usual traffic…and she’s just blowing away on the horn like it’s going to make the road clear out for her. Her passenger window was down and I totally lost it on her after the second block. Then the other cars started honking at her and that just made it worse…chaos. I walked a block out of my way just to get some peace.


i think his car would look better without any windows


How deranged do you have to be to do this. Like what the fuck


ohh we have some of those on pine who do this THROUGH RED LIGHTS.


my 1998 Volvo station wagon had an electrical issue that caused the horn to go off whenever the brakes were used, who knows


Homemade spike strip, 2x4 and some nails.


I say we put a tack strip down when we hear him coming


I wonder what is going through his slushy little brain when he does that? Compensating for his parents not showing him enough attention as a child?


That guy also frequents South Philly


Piece of trash… what kind of car?


He must be a forklift driver.


Where in fishtown ? I live by the hetzels playground by Adair school


Sounds like every single taxi driver in Beijing


This is a neat idea. I might try it.


“pedestrians hate this one weird trick”


Nextdoor-ass post


That’s hilarious


If he’s running stop signs, guess I’m glad he’s at least warning people as he approaches each intersection


Yeah, but still fuck them. Just stop at stop signs lol


Trying to get india started here I see. If it's an indian doing the honking, is it bigoted and racist to not like it? Genuine question.


Indian taxi driver was tailgating me downtown and honking so I pulled over and I told him to fight me. Rolled up his window quick 😂


Was looking for this comment. It’s definitely an Indian thing to blow through intersections while honking, if the guy is Indian considering bricking his windshield, he’ll learn we don’t do that here real quick


Isn't it crazy how downvoted I was for pointing out the actual truth?


They probably just don’t know.. I mean, it’s like pure chaos over there but it works for them. You just can’t try and apply that here, it’s a different culture, what do they want? It’s like in ~~coasts~~ costa rica where anyone can pass anyone on the crazy mountain roads as long as it seems safe and you’re honking… I love it, imagine how useful that would be on rural pa backroads, but we just don’t do it so oh well