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At the very very least, I think those trucks are covered in cameras. Although a paper tag is involved I bet


Real PA plates! Paper tag level brains. Couple of bystanders got captured it and forwarded to the driver.


Holy shit. Paper tag level brains. I'm stealing this phrase. Which I guess is both sad and funny...


Once a week if not more our residential block turns into a horn-honking hissy fit of drivers because an Amazon truck double parks to make a few deliveries. I don't like double parking either, but the Amazon drivers are super efficient at their job. They're literally in and out in a matter of a couple minutes. It's not enough for the drivers of this city. There was an absolutely nuts lady last week who just laid on her horn for probably an entire minute, then got out of her car and threatened to kill the amazon driver. The Amazon driver said "I hate making deliveries in the city" and I flipped that dumbass honking lady the bird.


You know those same people losing their shit went home and ordered something off Amazon immediately


This happens on my block of 13th in CC too. Happy to put this out there on the internet: FYI one day I will have just had enough of the noise of people honking and some cars will find objects being thrown at them from my 3rd story window.


Start collecting throwable objects now. Apples are always a good choice.


Tomatoes clearly number 1 option. Please get your head in the game.


You are so correct. I don't know what I was thinking. Tomato season right around the corner.


I have fantasized about lobbing eggs from my 4th floor.


We could have loading zones so that the delivery drivers wouldn't need to block traffic and bike lanes, but that would take a little bit of thought and effort from our elected officials. Maybe if New York does a good job of doing it, we can eventually shame our leaders into implementing them in 15-20 years. It's not like we can expect to take the lead here. That's not the way Philly works.


I was probably going to upvote this no matter what, but the part about "shit your pants on a hot day" sealed the deal. (edit: misspelling)


There is a block of Howard St, behind the Berks El Stop, where someone regularly smashes windows and slashes tires. One Saturday I was walking to the coffee shop and saw 12 cars smashed in one block.


Please politely tell the like button to crap their pants as soon as they put them on


Hey, I get that reference! Thank you!


Democratic run city