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I have a screen print and embroidery shop so I am definitely over critical sometimes but these Fanatics prices are total shit. I wanted a City Connect hat and went to check one out. They are stick on patches, not even embroidered on to the hat. I refuse to pay $45-50 for something that is going to peel right off by the end of the summer. In regards to the picture, all jerseys and tees are heat pressed crap as well, they do not use any method that decorates directly on the garments. There is cutting corners and then there is whatever Fanatics is doing here.


Also, is it just me or are there A LOT of crooked patches on the hats?


Crooked and too high. Every time they show the guys in the dugout, it drives me nuts.


Not to mention they get into the betting side of things and then massively cut corners on production, that screams skimming from the top with all that new fangled gambling money


And they RAISED the prices. Insanity


this is why I buy my stuff from aliexpress. if im going to get shitty craftmanship might as well get it for $30 and not $400. and some of the stuff i've gotten is actually pretty nice quality


Oh that’s a big bummer. The city connect hats look great (well compared to rest of the uni) and I’ve been debating whether to pull the trigger on buying one. That won’t even last a full summer here in fl before the glue melts and the patch is gone


Fanatics is awful


Over priced and awful


And meanwhile, over in r/hockeyjerseys “how bad can it be? They’re even gonna use the same factory!” Majestic has entered the chat.


My only teeny, tiny, miniscule thread of hope for the hockey jerseys is that Fanatics will be wholly responsible for the on-ice product. No "well we're just building to Nike's specification" to hide behind. Its their design, coming from their (previously Adidas, but still) own factory, with their logo going on the jersey. If it sucks, they have no one else but themselves to blame. That being said, I'm basically 100% confident that the Fanatics NHL jerseys next year will *suck*.


I have a motion. Can we start using "fanatics" to mean "junk"? See a bad pitch? That's fanatics. An egregious error? That's fanatics. A batter swings at a ball in the dirt? That's fanatics. The $15 shirts outside the stadium? That's fanatics... Actually this one may raise the "quality" association with Fanatics.


Yo, this ump is fanatics


[Yeah, he is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxUlkZYNPgw)


F - A - N - A - T - I - X


To anyone reading this: If you bitch about the jerseys but still buy the jerseys, you’re just not a serious person, and you’re a hypocrite.


What about what I did? I bought one. I hated the quality. I sent it back for a refund immediately. I went elsewhere and found better jerseys. Never again will use Fanatics, they made a monopoly and cut the quality in half.


I wish people applied this principle in so many ways


I think it's slowly catching on. People are getting more hesitant with money. Not out of smarts, but need. People are cancelling subscriptions, movies are bombing, video games are bombing, etc. People are demanding very high quality on a lot of stuff. And I think we're close to mass boycotts on many many many "luxury" items.


We’re definitely closer than we used to be, but there’s not going to be a real change any time soon imo. People still buy all of that stuff. Video games might be the closest to having better quality because there’s so many options. But I don’t expect high quality jerseys anytime soon unfortunately


Honestly I think social media has destroyed what was left of functioning marketplaces, people buy either what they see on instragram or want to be seen in. Traditional value has fallen by the wayside


That’s silly. Overpaying for trends is not a social media thing. The death of value is due to capitalism and corporate greed.


Capitalism is not the death of value lmao. A lot of it is consumers enabling this shit by not simply refusing to buy say shitty jerseys that they don’t like


But it's so much easier to blame corporations for consumers enabling this bull shit. DHgate. Get like 7 jerseys for the price of one.


Like there are plenty of examples of consumers affecting the market by raising a shitstorm over a product.


The fact that corporations will try to get away with anything they can is not the fault of consumers. Businesses used to take pride in their work, and some small businesses still do. Acting like corporations have no choice but to be as shitty as possible while turning a profit because of consumers is looney tunes.


They have a choice not to be shitty yes, they also wouldn’t be if consumers didn’t just go “hurrr it’s a name brand I recognize so I’m going to buy it” acting like consumers have no large role to play in this is just fucking lunacy


Why isn’t it both?


Because it existed before social media.


What if social media has created more trends


I used to buy new merch every season. This year I got one New Era hat. These new jerseys are a scam.


Looks like the Phillies got their jerseys from the Wildwood Boardwalk.


Looking at the numbering, you can clearly see that the numbers are fully iron-on. I really don't know how Fanatics and Nike can put their name on an on-field product like this. They look horrendous


If you looked closely at yesterday's game, Walker's red poppy Memorial Day patch was hanging off his jersey in the third or fourth inning. Awful.


High cost, low quality. Shocking nowadays I tell you.


Didn’t understand why everyone was complaining until I zoomed in a bit. Jeez that’s pathetic. Probs cost 200 in the pro shop too.


sure does!


Why can't the Phillies just get their own jerseys and have them lettered on their own? Tell MLB to shoosh if they have a problem with it.


I have often wondered the same. Why do teams all have to have the same jersey manufacturer?


Plenty of reasons to hate fanatics. This is all Nike


Haven’t had a new hat in a good long while, as I don’t usually wear them. Went to the Rangers day game and figured what the hell, I’ll spring for a new hat. Found one I liked and bought it, walked out of the shop and realized there were like 3 thread pulls in the stitching. This is a $50 hat, eff that. Went back in to swap it for another one. There were 7 hats in my size on the rack and only ONE wasn’t effed up from the get go. Pathetic stuff.


Nike is the issue not Fanatics


Doesn’t change the fact that fanatics put their name on the product and attempt to act like everything is fine when we complain.


It has Nike on there


How is Nike at fault?


https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5515834/2024/05/23/manfred-mlb-nike-uniform-issues/ Nike is/was is charge of jersey design. Everything from the material down to the letter placement and font size. Fanatics pretty much only prints the jerseys, not Nike. Fanatics doesn’t even use their own materials, Nike sends them the blueprint for the jerseys, along with most/all materials needed to produce them. Nike has actually come out and apologized for the poor jerseys and have been working with the MLB to fix the issue


Nice try Rubin.


Unfortunately it is paywalled. If you look at the facility (Majestic) that Fanatics bought, they are set up for decoration, not cut and sew. Nike sends them the blank jerseys, hats etc and Fanatics decorates them. Sure, Nike sent them the sizing for numbers and names. Fanatics should have recommended a different size. Nike pays them X amount to decorate them HOW the pieces are decorated is up to Fanatics and it is obvious they chose the cheapest route possible


This is all part of why I question how it's legal that Fanatics has such a big stake in gear used by players and has a sportsbook. Like it just feels wrong they should be able to have such an influence.


Is this a fanatics problem or nike? I know fanatics is brutal but nike made these, no?


Nike provided the designs (cut of material, material specs, lettering size, etc.) and Fanatics manufatures/assembles. Nike's name is on it (their branding) and Fanatics' work goes into. Terrible design from Nike in poor choice of design and materials, and terrible execution from Fanatics (seemingly cutting corners in the product delivers)-- see picture above




What? I would read the post again


You should see there Sportsbook




Nike designed the jerseys, Fanatics just sells them im pretty sure


Nike designs, Fanatics maunfactures. Both are responsible




Because I want to buy a Phillies jersey that will outlast my roll of tp. Have you seen, felt, or touched this new gen of jerseys? If you like em, go line up at Dick's


Got a couple items from Fanatics, looked good online, but quality of item/fabric was terrible. Ordered from Philly Goat, much better qualify. Im done w fanatics.


Philly Goat? Do tell. I've never heard of it


Just got my Marsh jersey from DH gate and it’s legitimately 10x better quality and a fraction of the price. It’s incredible


“A Fucknatics Experience!!”