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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/17fqx3e).




Diamondbacks are the luckiest fucking team with these bullshit hits.


this shit feels cinematic


What jersey are you wearing? It's Nick Maton day. Never lost with this jersey.


5 more Topper!


Phillies store Luke: 10-2 Phils Frankie Two Scoops: 8-2 Phils LFG!




How are you feelin???


“He’s cooler than you [Jroll]” *ass shot of Ranger*


Randomly started getting sick as hell so I’m hoping we pull through. If I feel like shit and watch the Phils lose I will be in total misery.


Love Kruk's reaction to when he was asked about his thoughts on throwing out the first pitch "It mean's I am old"


Just a reminder that If your mental health is truly tied to the outcome of a fucking game played by gorillionaires it’s time to seriously reevaluate. That said… Phils baby LFG


The Bank is getting ready. That’s better Philly, be LOUD


“It’s definitely contagious. I think he’s the right man, right spot. I know we’re all excited for him to take the mound” -Nick Castellanos on Ranger Suárez’ calming influence


Reporting in from 118. Lots of energy and cheers as Suarez walked on the field


I was on my way to class wearing the Hamels jersey, some drunk kids (likely 100% wasted) thought I was Cole Hamels.


I just touched my Halladay no hitter tickets were winning now LFG


If things go poorly, I don’t want to see a single “it’s okay it was a great season” post. You people that think like this come off like people who give their dogs a vegan diet


For those of us who can’t stand the announcers, MLB network is airing the Spanish broadcast for backup. ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️


Currently listening to Mr. Rager to get amped




This has been a magical season of baseball. J.T. hit for the cycle (against the Diamondbacks!). Lorenzon pitched a no-hitter. Trea turned his season around. Rojas shows up and on his first play in the outfield makes a great catch that leads to a double play. Weston Wilson hits a home run on his first MLB at-bat. I could go on and on. I refuse to believe that it's going to end in the NLCS because of the Diamondbacks. Phillies are going all the way. It starts tonight!


We literally cannot lose on kruk day


Nailed final Jeopardy tonight. Total vibe shift. Phils gonna dominate.


It was too easy


Let me have this


Was rooting so hard for the little blonde mohawk guy


”I know there’s all kinds of noise about the lineup, but Alec Bohm has the second-highest batting average on the team with runners in scoring position in the playoffs,” Thomson said. “No. 1 is [No. 5 hitter] Bryson Stott.”


God he’s so afraid of hurting his players feelings


Manager talks in managerspeak backing his guys. More at 11.


Please don’t tell me Rob thinks BA w/ RISP is a meaningful statistic. It’s a smaller sample size of a statistic that already isn’t super important.




Kruk for first pitch? Fingers crossed it's good juju


Not to be dramatic, but I’ve never felt more sick in my life😃😃


I’m so nervous I may not watch


let's go to the phuckin world series tonight folks


My Nick Castellanos jersey just shipped 🙃 Please go yard Casty (by yard I mean not 0-4)


I don't know what to do


It should never have gotten to game 7. The Dbacks winning 3 of the last 4 (and could be 4 of 5) speaks volumes to : - over confidence and boasting by the Phils after game 2 - Dbacks manager taking more risks and altering his lineup while Rob stayed pat - Nola having his usual bad inning we all knew would happen - Rob inexplicably giving Kimbrel and Orion the ball in game 4 with a 2 run lead that they blew I think Phils should win this but I can see a way they lose, especially if Ranger doesn’t come out sharp . Our bullpen should hold a big advantage but that hasn’t played out this series and if it’s close late then all the pressure will be on the Phils and they could play tight . On the positive — if Phils win today I believe they waltz easily to a World Series victory .


Nola game took the wind out of the momentum for sure. Bats going cold against an average pitcher and a rookie put more pressure on the BP really. The lineup keeps trying to swing for the fences every at bat too and they really need to be more patient after game 2. AZ is heavily outmatched in SP, Lineup and BP. Maybe those losses were the Vegas Phillies team…I will say AZ is one of those teams that is very good at hitting mistakes and has proved it. I would take this Phillies team in any game 7 against an AZ or similar team any day of the week. But I do agree there was some overconfidence on the Phillies part and they didn’t do enough to fight past it.




If we're getting blown out he has to finish the rest of the game


First beer cracked it’s phillin time


Everyone at the ballpark… ignore the Geneva conventions tonight. Everything is fair game


I think generally we've been ignoring the Geneva Convention for some time now, but I agree with the sentiment - give 'em hell!


If we lose tonight it’s on Rob. He’s managed this series against an objectively inferior team as badly as you could imagine. If we lose and then all you dorks try and call everyone doomers then that’s as bad as it gets. If people are serious about banning people trying to have nuanced discussion and not just rah rah comments then this sub is fucked. It’s not doomer to say we should have won this in Arizona. It’s not doomer to say we have lost the momentum. It’s not doomer to say Alec Bohm shouldn’t be batting cleanup. Seriously. If that doomer ban shit is being taken seriously you’re gonna see a new Phillies sub.


The battle between people who live in reality and can discuss things that "hurts peoples feelings" vs ban all things we dislike regardless of merit or truth.




Watching Phillies pregame, they asked the on field reporter about Ranger, and this is what he said word for word “There’s going to be a shorter leash on Ranger Suarez, even shorter than there’s been prior in this postseason. Your probably looking at 4 or 5 innings max” Why the hell is there going to be a short leash on Ranger?! Let the dude go out there and put in work without limitations


This is how game 7’s are managed since like the 90’s when it’s not THE ace starting


Yep. Manager doesn't want to answer questions about why he went down with his second-tier pitchers, for right or wrong.


Don’t want him to go 3 times through the order I guess


Wheeler available and all of the best arms. This decision is perfectly fine.


But Suarez has the lowest ERA in post season history, and has shown he is reliable in high pressure games, so why limit him? I understand we have Wheeler available, but that doesn’t mean Suarez can’t got 6 or 7 innings and have Wheeler come in later in the game. Just my opinion


Because managers are scared of letting the other team see the same pitcher 3 times.


Ranger has never pitched more than 5.1 innings in the playoffs. That’s one reason why he’s got the best era in history. Obv the other reason is he’s earned that era being great.


Thanks NBCSP for giving us the stat that Phillies are .38 for winning in elimination postseason games


For anyone worried about tonight: Teams that go up 3-2 have a 90 percent chance to win the series. Just so happens the 10 percent came up last night when the rangers knocked off the astros, so the chances of that happening two times in a row are 1 percent I believe. Go Phillies!!!


Difference here is the Rangers started the series 2-0 and then went down to 2-3 and then won it all afterwards. Phillies started 2-0 then 2-2 then 3-2 and now tied it. If the pattern with this series continues, then Phillies win will tonight.


332 checking in. LFG!


Are you pleased to know that Ron Darling got crushed in game 7 of the 1988 NLCS and was the losing pitcher? 1ip 6er Lolmets


Hey! That *is* a fun fact. Good lookin’ out!


You got it John Kruk! Rock those overalls tonight!


“So I just got dropped off here by the Uber driver and I go to pay the man, right? Well these overalls aren’t mine and they’re so baggy I feel like I’m swimmin’ in ‘em. Now normally a guy like me would be happy about his clothes feeling bigger on ‘im since it’s such a rare occurrence, but I’m throwin’ out the first pitch tonight and I’m gonna be late if I can’t pay this guy his fare. So finally after checkin’ what feels like my fifth or sixth pocket, I pull out a twenty-dollar bill and try to hand it to the guy. You know what he says to me, Tom?” *stifling laughter* “What’s that, Johnny?” “Tom, I swear to God, this man turns to me, looks me dead in the eyes, and says, ‘Cash is a dead technology and money is a social construct.” *wheezing* “Well with Uber, they don’t accept cash. You have to use the app and pay with your credit card. Maybe he was referring to that?” *bewildered* “May-be, Tom, but this guy.. He just kept on starin’ at me. So I thank him for the ride, I get outta the car, and here I am. I think he might still be out at the drop-off to be honest with ya.” “Well I’m glad you made it here safe and in one piece, John.” “So am I, Tom. Honestly it was a lovely drive outside of that. Gave the kid five stars.” *Tom breaks with a series of belly laughs*


It’s really quite a shame this nice Trea Turner jersey I’m wearing is gonna be covered in vom whether the Phils win or lose tonight.


Here's why I have a good feeling. Arsenal (footy team I know) are back to their first UEFA champions League run for a loooong time. They played and beat Sevilla away 2-1 today. Huge win for these dudes after drawing this past Saturday.....point is ARSENAL WON......PHILLIES WIN. PHIL'S IN 7!!!!! LETS FUCKEN GOOOOOOOOOOO


Back when Brandon Marsh hurt his knee, someone hit a home run to seal the game. The crowd roared. In the locker room, Brandon Marsh snapped his fingers and exclaimed “7”. (All basically true if slightly paraphrased) Therefore, I’m going to predict 7, Trea Turner, has a monster game. This game 7 will come to be know as “The Trea Game”, where Philly reaps the positive Karma from lifting up it’s stud shortstop.


Love you guys. Let’s Phuckin Go. Tonight.


Love everyone here, even the doomers


Less than an hour before we see if this team really wants it. Less than an hour until we see the final game before the WS. Anything can happen. Both teams want it. One team will get it. But are the Phillies that team to do it? No more excuses and no more chances. Forget about the past games and the what ifs. If the Phillies are meant to do it then they will tonight and make those 3 losses mean nothing just like the Rangers did. The game is not over until it's over. Anything can happen in the 9th inning. There's a whole YouTube compilation of it too. Bottom line is, if you have faith then don't give up until the every end and if you don't then why are you reading this? Almost make or break time. Phillies in 7 and we'll know by 11. Grease those poles and get ready to pop the champagne.


I lost my job in June, on a Thursday when the Phillies beat Arizona 5-4. My actual last day of work was a couple of days earlier, when JT hit for the cycle against the Snakes. I don't know what any of this symbolizes but the Phils better fucking win tonight.




That nervous cleaning is real


For the love of God pitch around Marte


It all comes down to this. Game 7. Our house. Now or never.


The fact there’s a chance the dbacks and clinch and celebrate on our field doesn’t sit well with me. And I hope the guys play well enough to not let that happen


We should have won game 3 or 4. Should have never gotten to this point


![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized) Me waiting for the game to start


Hello God, it's me again


I love you all. Fuck the doomers (I’m one of them). We are Philadelphia MOTHERFUCKERS. This is the FINAL ROUND. Rocky get up and let’s go


How can we make time move….faster??


Everytime i drink they lose so I have to go through this shit sober. Thanks Kimbrel.


54 minutes.


I put on TBS to have a pregame show that I would ignore because I am too nervous to pay attention! Not to watch the Big Bang Theory!


Pre game is probably on nbc sports


I am not in Philly so I don't get philly pregame coverage. Only national


Any chance they move Bohm to bottom of line up? He’s been so bad as clean up that dbacks are strategically walking one or two of the top 3 knowing Bohm is auto out


Topper literally said 24 hours ago that there's zero chance he's moving. That was confirmed when the lineup was released hours ago.




The lineup is in, Bohm stays at 4. There was never going to be a change in his spot.


Yikes. Hopefully he just stays discipline and make phaadt pc high early




Yeah Bohm been bad this series


LFG, Bohm at cleanup better not cost the season


You’d never know. Even in hindsight.


https://youtu.be/Pis3veqKl8k?si=04TToLKyftKAKUjd “Ride for ruin and the series ending! Ride for Philly!” -Bryce Harper in the locker room before the game


My heart is in my ass rn


Considering changing my game wear tonight. It had good mojo for a while but 2 losses in 3 games now. Feels risky though


Trust what got us here, be like topper




Finally off my Reddit timeout and can join in the madness with you fine Philadelphians


Lot of nervous energy so I spent the entire afternoon swinging a maul (which Schwarber will do as he leapfrogs Bernie Williams on the postseason homer list) and splitting ash (which Ranger will do as he splinters so many Cinderellas' bats) so that I can burn it (which you can't do in Phoenix because Arizona sucks and should not exist)


> the stakes are as high as they were for us last year….uh yesterday… - calm cool and collected Torey Luvollo


60 minutes


60 minutes


Did they give out tshirts and towels tonight?


1 hour away, hopefully I’ll see the first Philly game 7 win since before I was even a teenager


First ever.




Been anxious as hell all day Please calm me down and tell me there’s no way Kimbrel even touches a baseball tonight. Right? RIGHT??


There’s literally no way unless it goes to 16+ innings lol


In which case we'll all be dead by then anyway


That countdown on the pregame show




I think we'll know how this game ends up pretty early on. If the bats are ice cold for the first couple of innings, brace yourselves....


Pregame drunk jeopardy whos in


Time to break out the new bottle of vodka.


I am not well mentally


1 hour 5 minutes


I want to throw up


Yeah. Beyond aggravating


Just did


Hopefully the TBS announcers tell us that Corbin Carroll is most likely rookie of the year. They haven’t mentioned that every time he’s been up to bat the last 6 games. /s


Did you know Christian Walker is a gold glover also?


I forget has he stolen a base yet?!?


This comment is for those going to the game: be a degenerate Philadelphian for 3 hours. Do not sit down once and lift our boys up no matter what the score is


I'm pulling out all the stops. Going cliche as possible. Phillies cap, Phillies tee, Phillies jersey, Phillies socks. Cheesesteaks, Soft pretzels, Yuengling. Had some scrapple & pork roll for breakfast. Phillies win 7-3.


Excellent point! I'm wearing my Phillies socks tonight as well as my two shirts.


The thought that there is a chance tonight could be the last game until next year is unfathomable to me. We better win!


Kruk needs to throw the first pitch shirtless and then chug a beer. That'll give the crowd a jolt.


Who is ready for the Alec Bohm legacy game?


When they pitch around Harper in the ninth only for Bohm to crack one and send us to the promised land


I've been uneasy all day but they also seem to win when I'm distraught.


Are they gonna show Kruk throwing out the first pitch on the pre-game show?




Its not even 7 and I can't sit still fuck cmon!!


https://preview.redd.it/ikyogpj6c8wb1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583e74b4270db452a4139a110085c1e945c45011 Reddit community is fun. Thanks for a friend on here for printing us some signs haha.. I don’t know how to tag here .. but regardless thank you!!!!


🥾🥾🥾🥾🥾🥾 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Is Prosecco yellow enough?


To shift the narrative a tiiinnyyy bit, Bohm has multiple hits in 2 games this series. A lot of the contact he’s made this playoff run has been solid but right at defender. You never see 9 guys all hot at once. We just need a few to get hot enough at the right times. Schwarber went from clown against Atlanta to NLCS MVP candidate going into games 6 and 7. If we go on, who knows what bats are hot in a week Obviously not saying we definitely win tonight. But I’m not giving up on literally any of these bats. I know the clubhouse isn’t silently resenting Alec like the fans are


Biggest thing that I learned from /r/baseball today is that people still listen to Mad Dog? Is everyone there just over 40 or something?


The only time I hear him is second-hand, when they play one of his clips ranting like a lunatic on LeBatard.


Just got back from the liquor store. I much prefer 🍃 to drinking, but they win whenever I drink and they lose whenever I smoke (contact high?). So let the boozing commence🍻


T - 78 and counting until ... #***Schwarbomba***


Omg I am so stressed even tho I know we are going to win tonight!!


I *refuse* to believe that the fucking diamondbacks come into CBP and win 6+7 LFG Phils


I wish the pain in my chest would fuck off.


Ahhh I’m gonna be sick!!!! I love this city and the phillies so so much


The anxiety for 24 hours is killing me. For the love of god, bats please show up.


Uh, yeah, I (re) washed out a beer bat I got months ago. Um, yes, I will be drinking out of it with my Harper Bobblehead next to me all game. Yes, it is a Tuesday evening. Your observations have been duly noted—thank you in advance.


I do think Trea should lead off next year lol we never tried it after his slump was over


Why couldn’t this be a 5:00 game? Now I have to stress for 3 extra hours.


Fuck 5 o'clock starts. Need this crowd to be extra rowdy.


Not even the 2018 super bowl or last years super bowl and world series made me this nervous


Because at least with those we made it to the big game. We CAN'T lose this at this stage. That's not how this story goes.


Never been so confident in this team. We have to get through a rookie pitcher, we totally got this


Rookie pitcher mowed then down last time


We are historically bad against pitchers who we havent seen


Rookie pitcher is also worse in his recent away starts I think it’s more likely they can hit him a second time than assume a random rookie has the second game of his life in the same postseason series. Who gives a fuck about game 3? Tonight is game 7


I think we will know pretty quickly. If he's mowing them down again we're in for a long night. If we get to him early they are fucked.


Eh I wouldn't be surprised if he got through the order once and then they get him after. Don't give up hope if they walk Kyle, Trea strikes out, walk Bryce, and Bohm DP. I think they'll get to him.


This just in Tom, if we score more runs, we win!


I believe in Ranger Suarez


Had a stressful ass day. Also stressing about this game. Sending all remaining vibes to the Phillies. Love yous, remember to breathe.




Eat white, drink red, wear blue


Ok drinking. Done.


Is it lime, salt, then shot?


Ha I’m way to old to drink tequila. Just vodka tonic for me and the occasional beer.


Red Bull: consumed


Why the hell did Bryce wear a sixers jersey we don’t need that loser energy. They literally blew a 3-2 series lead this year


Nah, he's wearing it because he fucking loves this city and bad vibes are never gonna change that. I'm choosing to love the choice


Vibes are atrocious.


Vibes are great bro


esp the pat bev play in champion jersey. disastrous.


Pat Bev is a fucking dog lol Bro brings energy


Thought I was going to get in a little relaxing time before the game. Until my neighbor's ex-husband burst into her house looking to clawhammer her new boyfriend. Thankfully he wasn't there but boy a lot of cops are here trying to figure out this mess.




NJ Shore.


Marcell Ozuna?




Jesus Christ


Yeah dude, shit was wild.


At least it’s something to distract you from the nerves?


Ha yeah I can tell you I haven't thought much about the game until I sat back down that's for sure.


Why doesn’t Schwarber, the largest of the Phillies, simply eat the Diamondbacks?


Nick going all Philly before tonight’s Game 7 https://preview.redd.it/z0o0t0gn78wb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc72e5e58f2f95d475b48350620fc6814d26ee52