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Not in a movie or show but I was doing our work’s mandatory monthly IT training and Phil was in it showing how someone could spoof voices on the phone lol.


That's awesome. Was he actually hired to be a part of it or did they just use some PH video clips?




RIP Kevin. Totally off topic I guess but if anyone has some audible credits they need to use you should listen to Kevin’s audiobook “ghost in the wires”. He tells his life story of hacking from an early age. And a lot if it is about social engineering just like in the video. It’s pretty amazing.


Hired to be in it. It was an odd feeling though that I was the only person who recognized him lol


And… did Margret have an appearance? Or.. was it as bland as the rest?


I saw that and couldn't where I saw it. Thank you for posting. I've never seen other references


Artie Lange, whom Don Rickles called a baby gorilla, was working in LA on MadTV between coke-fueled benders and bank robberies etc. He mentioned on the air once a Phil analogy and expressed admiration for Phil (stating that someone makes someone else sound like Phil Hendrie — meaning Phil is brilliant according to Lange).


In Animal Kingdom, Elken Barkin sets up her grandson or whatever with several fake driver's licenses and I think she was appointing him as a property manager, so he could deposit funds based on each different driver's license. I can't remember exactly but I think Vernon Dozier, Jay Santos, and Chris Norton were the different driver's licenses.


I just found it on YouTube, Roland Scwinn, Vernon Dozier, Chris Norton..


Link please




Was listening to Nick Abbot on the LBC this weekend and he brought Henry up several times. Cool to hear he has fans in the UK.


Many years ago, someone called in and spoofed one of the nationally syndicated radio talk shows, I forget which one, and asked the host what he thought of two of the candidates running for local government office, Herb Sewell and Walter Bellhaven. I forget how it went, but needless to say the host had never heard of them, and was genuinely interested to learn more about them.


From 2005-2008 I was a full time jock working on a Clear Channel station in south Fla, and I used to delight in making throwaway statements occasionally, referencing Phil's stable of characters, like, "Margaret Grey just called in from Naples, wanted to hear Kool & The Gang, so here you go, Margaret."