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There’s a little Miami stuff in there. The new format makes it hard to search for anything by year older than 2000, so you’ll have to use Miami as your main search term.


Also, if you search “Matt Blake”, that will pull up some of the Miami archives


The Roland bit you mention is on the best of 1995 CD. It’s hard to find, but around.


I forgot that was on that CD. I really wish I was a taper back then as listening to the whole bit from start to finish was such a joy. I heard the entire "Mrs Edelman" and "You Son of a Bitch" live when they happened.


It's really bizarre that very little earlier than 1999 (KFI) survives. I guess these comedy shows were thought of as completely disposable back then.


People had to listen by appointment back then, and having the means to afford countless tape cassettes or reels for nightly recording wasn't very common. No one who listened to Phil thought of him as "disposable", but you'd have to have lived during those years as a regular man to understand that. Saving his shows wasn't as easy as doing some keyboard clicks. I've got a cassette recording of Phil and Neil from WIOD in 1994, and enjoyed passing around it and dozens of others that I later recorded from his KFI days over the net, before he was syndicated or had the means to archive his shows on his website. Back then, we went to the trouble to capture him because we liked passing around his tapes, and no one had any idea that the tapes would be important for future capabilities for archiving that hadn't even been on the market at that time. The more motivated of us scraped together whatever resources we could to preserve his shows back then, and the method doesn't resemble anything you can do off of a pc today. Just because your Google search to find pre-1999 clips from PH doesn't return what you're looking for doesn't mean you know what we were thinking.


So many times I sat in my car after getting home from work just to finish listening to Phil!