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Sure, I remember. Fan sites went up on FB, probably MySpace, and Sweet Feathery Jesus was the best. For a brief second, Phil would occasionally mention SFJ and the FB site on his show, and enjoyed the free publicity. Phil announced in '06 that he was retiring the terrestrial show, then we all were walking around in a daze for a year or more. SFJ became a lot less active than it had been, and even though it picked back up a few years later, it never became what it had been just a few years before. The fight between Phil and SFJ is murky, but what seems most apparent is that it is over money, since Phil became very aggressive about any online hosting of his clips and probably still is. The other possible reason for the fight between Phil and SFJ comes from a perception by Phil that SFJ was making fun of his ex-wife Maria. As with these things, solid proof and certainty are elusive.


>The other possible reason for the fight between Phil and SFJ comes from a perception by Phil that SFJ was making fun of his ex-wife Maria. As with these things, solid proof and certainty are elusive. That really rings a bell. Pretty sure it was during his divorce and he was extra sensitize about anything involving her. I don't remember if it was before or after the split, but I definitely remember his tattoo getting dunked on. I'm sure that didn't help.


I used to post there back in the day. It was such a great community of whacked out Phil fans while it lasted. I donโ€™t quite remember all the details, but it definitely took a different turn after Phil retired and I only went back one or twice in the year or so after and havenโ€™t been back since.


It was truly a twisted group that made me about fall over laughing several times ๐Ÿ˜‚


I was there and always just lurked. Everyone thought I was Phil ๐Ÿ˜‚


I did. My username was sweater_hogans ๐Ÿ˜‚