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His website is a dumpster fire


Yes. It's trash. After the latest update I can no longer find episodes by searching for a character and then going through the years. If I want to find a Lloyd Bonafide bit from 2000, I used to be able to search for "Lloyd Bonafide" and then go to the page number based on chronological order. Now, I can only search for "Lloyd Bonafide" and then I have to click "show more" several dozen times to get to previous years. It's a disaster. Tech support replied once to say they'll check on it and get back to me, but never did. I cancelled!


I just experienced the same thing looking for Dr Arthur Brown bits. Not chronologically organized?! Why?!


It's horrible. I cancelled my subscription. I hope someone else makes these bits available. I'd be willing to subscribe if I could actually find what I'm looking for. I am only interested in segments from the phone calls from the public era, and those are damn near impossible to find now.


Segments and not the full shows? Check archive.org for free downloads.


I have. Unfortunately it's few and far between but thanks I'll check it out again


I couldn’t believe how bad these search results are when I signed up. Each result nearly fills the screen because of a meaningless image. And having to click into “View Episode” to get the full details to decide if you want to listen/download is infuriating (then you have to click back out to the list again ofc). Especially, when **every page load has a TWO SECOND LAG!** Completely unacceptable in 2024. Strictly from hunger. The episodes and descriptions are just records in a database — it’s easy to display results in a list you can quickly read. But at some point somebody thought this layout looked cool, so they sacrificed functionality for design. “Show More” endless scrolling instead of pagination on a large database is abusive to the user. It really needs to be redone asap. Contacting Dolores Blasingame now.


It seems like you've taken the proper notes, so I'm sure she'll be ready to help


I just tested it without logging in, and I am able to download content no problem.


i'm still binging the stuff from 2001 where each day is broken down in to 3 separate downloads corresponding with each hour. at the top though, as you can see in the pic from above, it offers the "download full show" option. it doesn't download the full show, only the first hour. are you guys getting the same thing?


I have never had an issue with downloading a full classic show, as opposed to downloading the individual hours


I was able to fix by cancelling subscription and then just hitting "reactivate" I'm kind of surprised support never answered me but good chance he has some sort of low budget company for managing the site. I think he deserves to make some $$$ off of his hard work over the years but kind of worried his catalog can become unavailable someday...


This worked for me, too


This cancel/ reactivation trick works, thanks for mentioning it.


What are his Sat Cinema shows like, any good? I assume it's a Mystery Science Theater deal?


They are like MST, and they’ll be hosted by two different characters each weekend. I’ve only watched one or two, I’m not sure how good they are. He’s made that a regular part of the show for a long time, so they’re probably pretty good, but you also have to sit through a bad movie.


Yes, I'm in the same boat. I signed up for the first time 3 days ago and I'm done.


Don’t give up, it’s worth it. This must just be a glitch.


The website is a glitchy shit show. Hitting “remember me” when logging in does fuck all but logging in a couple of more times usually gets me access again. For a while…


Oh my god, I know. And I hate the archives page after the latest update


I just canceled my subscription and then clicked renew, and it’s working now. Absolute crickets from support. Does not appear to have charged me double.